Non-rap choppers?
I'm a big fan of the "chopper" rap subgenre, like Twista, Tech9ne, BTNH, VBL, No Clue, Crucified, Evil PIMP, Twisted Insane, Dallima, etc. (I'm sure hip hop heads could name a lot more). The thing is I also have an ever-expanding list of genres and subgenres that I like. But I've never really noticed any artists outside of hip hop putting emphasis on lyrical speed the way choppers do. I've heard REM sings fast a lot and I've heard of speed metal bands that place emphasis on fast INSTRUMENTATION (which I also like) but not really any for fast singing. I know BTNH can sing about as well as they can rap and I know Ceza and some of the other hip hop choppers also sing, but I'm talking about fast singers who are for unaffiliated with hip hop accept for maybe being influenced by the chopper style or occasionally doing collabs with hip hop artists. Can anyone suggests any actual SINGERS who regularly sing like 25 syllables a measure (doesn't have to be quite that fast, but you get the point). Any genre is acceptable except hip hop.