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Rjinn 09-20-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jester (Post 1232992)

riff raff sounds like he's from the east coast? LOL? WHAT

also lol at you guys trying to troll me.. you spend too much energy hating on people with different tastes

It seems like we can't give negative criticism about an artist without it being taken personally. Happens.

And yes, I find it similar sounding rap styles from the east coast. Mostly the beats. Old or not.

Jester 09-20-2012 01:47 PM

> "sounds like he's from the east coast"

> style is closest to old school Houston rap

> has Texan accent

makes sense

"similar rap styles... mostly the beats"

makes sense


It seems like we can't give negative criticism about an artist without it being taken personally. Happens.
yeah, those guys were being real critical when they were trying to mock me to get a reaction out of me.. or when i was being called a dick rider.. yep.. as you can see on page 1, i took it real personal when Phantom Limb said he didn't like riff

Rjinn 09-20-2012 02:03 PM

I'm really not going to argue with you in a passive-aggressive manner. It's just the beats that dominate the style of rap I find a resemblance with, that's what I meant.

Really now you're just pointing out the complication you find in my statements to prove your point.

14232949 09-20-2012 02:09 PM

screw riff raff. dude's wack.

this is where it's at.

Jester 09-20-2012 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rjinnx (Post 1233008)
I'm really not going to argue with you in a passive-aggressive manner. It's just the beats that dominate the style of rap I find a resemblance with, that's what I meant.

Really now you're just pointing out the complication you find in my statements to prove your point.

you're just not making sense, dude

you said he sounds like an "east coast wankster" when he has a Texan accent.. and then you said it's because the beats he raps over sound like East Coast rap.. which isn't true in itself, maybe Larry Bird and a couple others, but that's nottt typically what he raps over.. but how would him rapping over East Coast sounding beats make him sound like he's from the East Coast if he just.. doesn't

put it this way.. if he sounds like a generic east coast rapper.. give me some examples

Rjinn 09-20-2012 02:32 PM

Didn't say it was true, just commented on what I heard.

Wankster = wannabe gangster.

Honestly? I heard a resemblance of St. Lunatics in there, and some watered down track Puff Daddy would produce. I don't know how much detail you want me to give, I kept it short for a reason. It reminded me a lot of east coast rap, that's all.

RTSullivan 09-21-2012 04:44 AM

That f*cking 'Time' song was in my dream last night.

RTSullivan 09-21-2012 12:40 PM

I have to confess he might be a commodity but I am hooked, his songs are fun and he is character (might not be a character) < referencing the Wolf. Plus is flow is top notch. He is a douche bag but so am I, a guilty pleasure or a dirty wank whatever you want to call it I like it for no.

Sarcastic 09-21-2012 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by RTSullivan (Post 1233327)
I have to confess he might be a commodity but I am hooked, his songs are fun and he is character (might not be a character) < referencing the Wolf. Plus is flow is top notch. He is a douche bag but so am I, a guilty pleasure or a dirty wank whatever you want to call it I like it for no.


Sparky 09-22-2012 12:56 PM

If you take away his video/editing and production teams, what do you have?

If you just listen to the music, it's so obviously awful. But you guys idolize his style and mannerisms.

It has nothing to do with the music.

Jester 09-22-2012 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by A$AP Sparky (Post 1233682)
If you take away his video/editing and production teams, what do you have?

a dope rapper, pretty good singer, and a creative, funny dude.. he's like a caricature come to life


If you just listen to the music, it's so obviously awful. But you guys idolize his style and mannerisms.

It has nothing to do with the music.
everyone in this thread who likes him have explained that they like his character but they also explained what they liked about his music..

> implying style and character don't show up in music

Goofle 09-22-2012 01:18 PM

He is crappy dude.

Jester 09-22-2012 01:23 PM

lol at just trying to go in circles about this without saying anything other than "no dude he sucks" or "you're brainwashed".. it's one thing to disagree, it's another to literally say nothing but U R WRONG over and over again

plus.. i've turned on a lot of you people to dope shit and haven't found any good hip hop i haven't heard from you guys.. check my inbox for all the thank yous and praise i've gotten for dropping knowledge..

goofle.. make yourself some oatmeal with hot sauce my son.. 'cause right now you're wasting valuable time dearest

Goofle 09-22-2012 01:26 PM

But he sucks though. I'm quite content with what I listen to, and I have no doubt you feel the same.

Jester 09-22-2012 01:27 PM

how many times have you repeatedly exactly that same thing in this thread.. you said your piece home girl.. now keep it moving

Goofle 09-22-2012 01:29 PM

I think three times. You can go back and count if you want. I'll leave you to it.

Jester 09-22-2012 01:54 PM

goofle, you're banished from my thread.. be gone

Sparky 09-22-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jester (Post 1233691)

plus.. i've turned on a lot of you people to dope shit and haven't found any good hip hop i haven't heard from you guys.. check my inbox for all the thank yous and praise i've gotten for dropping knowledge..

goofle.. make yourself some oatmeal with hot sauce my son.. 'cause right now you're wasting valuable time dearest

Jester, we are all in awe of your hip hop erudition.

All riff raff's "creativity" is dependent on him shilling out cash to fulfill a character he isn't, and never was.

All the other rap artists in his videos go un-credited, mostly because they aren't real rappers, either. "Porsche-cayenne", "tiger woods" etc are all just videos of equally privileged suburban children having fun pretending their "thugs"/rappers.

Riff Raff panders to an audience of impressionable kids who are in awe of a white guy acting stereotypically black.

It's the opposite of creative, it's mild exploitation. You are (perplexedly enough) enamoured with it.

But jester, i hate this dude to no end. I can't help it. You will forever dick-ride and I'm gonna forever be a hater, so maybe we should put this shit on hiatus until riff raff fizzles out. :)

Burning Down 09-22-2012 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jester (Post 1233700)
goofle, you're banished from my thread.. be gone

No. You started this thread, and now you need to expect all kinds of opinions.

Jester 09-22-2012 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1233738)
No. You started this thread, and now you need to expect all kinds of opinions.

i don't care if he doesn't like my boy riff.. but repeatedly saying "He sucks" and then responding to any other opinion with "No, he's crap" is dumb.. it's one thing to express your opinion and another to post the same, boring thing over and over again.. say your piece and keep it moving.. but i have dug a mote too wide for him to spam my thread again..

Jester 09-22-2012 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by A$AP Sparky (Post 1233727)
Jester, we are all in awe of your hip hop erudition.

i should bow and take my leave here.. but i will keep feeding you sparky


All riff raff's "creativity" is dependent on him shilling out cash to fulfill a character he isn't, and never was.
no it's not.. he just says some of the funniest and most off the wall **** a lot of the times. he has a bunch of his own slang / inside jokes that are a bunch of fun

"character he isn't and never was"

who gives a damn.. stop looking at it so seriously..


All the other rap artists in his videos go un-credited, mostly because they aren't real rappers, either. "Porsche-cayenne", "tiger woods" etc are all just videos of equally privileged suburban children having fun pretending their "thugs"/rappers.
i agree sometimes he collabs with some seriously whack people.. but i just peeped his youtube channel and pretty much everything that's a collaboration, he has RiFF RaFF & (insert name here) in the title.. so what are you talking about? the only video where he didn't do that in the title was for Tiger Woods.. but even Porsche Cayenne it says right there RiFF RaFF & Bars Murre


Riff Raff panders to an audience of impressionable kids who are in awe of a white guy acting stereotypically black.

It's the opposite of creative, it's mild exploitation. You are (perplexedly enough) enamoured with it.
see.. i'd say it's you who's getting caught up in his image.. you keep talking about it.. and saying he's all about "acting black"? where the hell is his "acting black" in Timmy O'Toole or Jody Highroller or Clarence Clementine or Bill Brasky? where is he acting black in songs like Break Away, Playing With My Heart, Bird on a Wire, Neon Freedom, Lil Mama I'm Sorry.. and so many more.. oh maybe because he wears cornrows in some of his videos.. yeah, ok.. but what about those songs like Big Drank or Larry Bird or ICU? he's trying to sound and act black! why.. because he has that southern accent? he sounds influenced by southern rappers.. oh he's from Texas, go figure


But jester, i hate this dude to no end. I can't help it. You will forever dick-ride and I'm gonna forever be a hater, so maybe we should put this shit on hiatus until riff raff fizzles out. :)
you spend too much energy on hating him.. say your piece and keep it moving.. i'm not dick riding.. why's it when someone likes something that another person doesn't it turns into "you're riding their dick"? you know how weird it would be to have sex with riff raff? ****ing weird.. can you imagine the weird **** he'd say? or what if he didn't say anything at all.. might be even more weird..

Sparky 11-17-2012 03:23 PM

his verse on here is pretty tight

Surell 11-18-2012 10:47 PM

Ain't nothin wrong with Riff Raff, is you like Lil B then you a hypocrisy.

Norg 01-13-2013 01:34 AM

Bump dis **** I think RIFF raff is teh hottest rising Rapper going today :P

RiFF RAFF - VERSACE LiES (Official Video) - YouTube

Engine 01-13-2013 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Norg (Post 1273911)
Bump dis **** I think RIFF raff is teh hottest rising Rapper going today :P

Did anybody actually rap in that video?
I do love toy squirt guns made to look like real guns, tho. Those were among the most badass toys for the pre-pubescent set in the 80s. Dude knows his audience.

Norg 01-24-2013 01:57 PM

Rap game Kenny ****stra

RiFF RAFF - THE WHITE GUCCI MANE - (Tatted Like A Biker Boy) - YouTube

Goofle 01-24-2013 02:03 PM

Still never listened to a RiFF RaFF track.

Justthefacts 01-24-2013 02:45 PM

Me neither. It's alright, he's probably ****.

Surell 01-29-2013 10:41 PM

This song was murderous for both the cats on the track, but RaFF got best verse from me. Chief Keef put an ill hook on it though.

If you can find the chopped and screwed version on Spotify, it's ill too. They don't have the right one on Youtoob

Jester 01-30-2013 06:58 PM

that Versace Lies song was cool

i need to catch up on Riff.. haven't been able to listen to much of anything for a while

FrigginParadox 02-02-2013 08:44 PM

lol Riff Raff is so funny haha. A rapper i know named MC Chucklehead opened up for him recently, and he told me Riff Raff is such a hilarious cool dude lol. i heard he used to work for NASA, idk if thats true

Sparky 02-03-2013 03:01 PM

i just checked out this chucklehead dude after your post

he's def on some other shit wow

FrigginParadox 02-04-2013 08:49 PM

haha is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I like him. i actually got to meet him after shooting him an email lol, so we became pretty cool with each other, thats how i found out about the show he did with Riff Raff and stuff haha

Sparky 02-04-2013 11:03 PM

i dont even know man

his voice is very unique i'm just not sure i like it but i'm not trying to actively dislike it either.

i really only listened to a little bit from some old youtube vids so yeah, if he has a release or something ill download it

Norg 02-05-2013 01:14 AM

DIs nigga is crazy LOL

RiFF RAFF - WORLD STAR (Official Video) - YouTube

FrigginParadox 02-05-2013 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1282572)
i dont even know man

his voice is very unique i'm just not sure i like it but i'm not trying to actively dislike it either.

i really only listened to a little bit from some old youtube vids so yeah, if he has a release or something ill download it

ahh i understand. he has stuff on datpiff. good company with stucat is good and his zombies dont have feelings is good. he is very melodic, i like it haha

Adelle49920 03-13-2013 07:55 AM

Riff Raff, Andre Legacy, and Dirt Nasty
What about Andre Legacy, Dirt Nasty and Mickey Avalon??? They are all Badass!

Adelle49920 03-13-2013 07:56 AM

He is awesome in Three Loco!

Norg 03-13-2013 10:50 AM


FLUX PAViLiON & RiFF RAFF - HOLOGRAM BENZ (Cracks Remix Music Video) - YouTube

AlternateEgo 03-14-2013 07:35 PM

I humorously enjoy him I love what Riff Raff comes up with it be so off the wall!

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