Jester |
09-22-2012 05:56 PM |
Originally Posted by A$AP Sparky
(Post 1233727)
Jester, we are all in awe of your hip hop erudition.
i should bow and take my leave here.. but i will keep feeding you sparky
All riff raff's "creativity" is dependent on him shilling out cash to fulfill a character he isn't, and never was.
no it's not.. he just says some of the funniest and most off the wall **** a lot of the times. he has a bunch of his own slang / inside jokes that are a bunch of fun
"character he isn't and never was"
who gives a damn.. stop looking at it so seriously..
All the other rap artists in his videos go un-credited, mostly because they aren't real rappers, either. "Porsche-cayenne", "tiger woods" etc are all just videos of equally privileged suburban children having fun pretending their "thugs"/rappers.
i agree sometimes he collabs with some seriously whack people.. but i just peeped his youtube channel and pretty much everything that's a collaboration, he has RiFF RaFF & (insert name here) in the title.. so what are you talking about? the only video where he didn't do that in the title was for Tiger Woods.. but even Porsche Cayenne it says right there RiFF RaFF & Bars Murre
Riff Raff panders to an audience of impressionable kids who are in awe of a white guy acting stereotypically black.
It's the opposite of creative, it's mild exploitation. You are (perplexedly enough) enamoured with it.
see.. i'd say it's you who's getting caught up in his image.. you keep talking about it.. and saying he's all about "acting black"? where the hell is his "acting black" in Timmy O'Toole or Jody Highroller or Clarence Clementine or Bill Brasky? where is he acting black in songs like Break Away, Playing With My Heart, Bird on a Wire, Neon Freedom, Lil Mama I'm Sorry.. and so many more.. oh maybe because he wears cornrows in some of his videos.. yeah, ok.. but what about those songs like Big Drank or Larry Bird or ICU? he's trying to sound and act black! why.. because he has that southern accent? he sounds influenced by southern rappers.. oh he's from Texas, go figure
But jester, i hate this dude to no end. I can't help it. You will forever dick-ride and I'm gonna forever be a hater, so maybe we should put this shit on hiatus until riff raff fizzles out. :)
you spend too much energy on hating him.. say your piece and keep it moving.. i'm not d ick riding.. why's it when someone likes something that another person doesn't it turns into "you're riding their d ick"? you know how weird it would be to have sex with riff raff? ****ing weird.. can you imagine the weird **** he'd say? or what if he didn't say anything at all.. might be even more weird..