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LauraBT40 06-07-2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Landon (Post 877748)
Did anyone hear his new single "Not Afraid"? I think its quite good myself, looking forward to Recovery now. I thought Relapse was very disappointing so hopefully he is coming good now, been a huge fan since he started out.

Yeah I love this song! Have you seen the video? It's great, really simple but with a powerful ending. It's doing really well at the moment in the UK. I can't wait for Recovery, I think it'll put Em back on top, reminiscent of the Marshall Mathers LP/Eminem Show days. And with Pink and Rihanna collabs, this should be one of the albums of the year.


IamAlejo 06-09-2010 11:14 AM

Well...Em's album leaked.

Dr.Seussicide 06-09-2010 05:49 PM

Recovery sounds promising so far though, way better than Relapse is for sure

Landon 06-10-2010 03:54 PM

So tempted to download it...I have already preodered the CD but I don't think I can wait that long.

Hank The Drifter 06-10-2010 04:45 PM

I've heard songs off the new one and I'm gonna be honest, its not that good. Its another Shady record if you're into all his other new[er] albums you will probably like it, but I personally don't understand the hype.

Dr.Seussicide 06-10-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Hank The Drifter (Post 880450)
I've heard songs off the new one and I'm gonna be honest, its not that good. Its another Shady record if you're into all his other new[er] albums you will probably like it, but I personally don't understand the hype.

It's good stuff man

Nadia 06-17-2010 04:13 PM

I like Eminem, but I've never actually bought a whole album - which would you recommend? Although I will probably end up buying all of them...

Hank The Drifter 06-17-2010 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nadia (Post 884940)
I like Eminem, but I've never actually bought a whole album - which would you recommend? Although I will probably end up buying all of them...

I suggest starting at the beginning of his discography and work your way up to the new stuff, if you insist on owning all of it. Its entirely up to you if you buy them all, I personally don't have any desire to own a lot of his stuff, but if you want it all go ahead and start with the first album and work to the newest.

LoathsomePete 06-17-2010 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Nadia (Post 884940)
I like Eminem, but I've never actually bought a whole album - which would you recommend? Although I will probably end up buying all of them...

It really depends on what you're after from him. His early stuff contained a lot of shock lyrics that jumped between offensive and hilarious. His 2000 release The Marshall Mathers LP was a good album for balancing out his more serious stuff with the funny stuff. I honestly hold his 2002 follow up The Eminem Show as his finest piece of work, both from a production and content viewpoint. I found that his most heartfelt lyrics were present on that album and it was his most "mature". Most people will disagree with me, but I think The Eminem Show is the best place to start for beginners, especially if they're not really into the shock value present on his earlier (and unfortunately) later albums.

Nadia 06-17-2010 05:04 PM

Ok, thanks a lot :)

TheCunningStunt 06-17-2010 05:05 PM

Marshall Mathers LP is epic. Best he's ever done.

Hank The Drifter 06-17-2010 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 884968)
It really depends on what you're after from him. His early stuff contained a lot of shock lyrics that jumped between offensive and hilarious. His 2000 release The Marshall Mathers LP was a good album for balancing out his more serious stuff with the funny stuff. I honestly hold his 2002 follow up The Eminem Show as his finest piece of work, both from a production and content viewpoint. I found that his most heartfelt lyrics were present on that album and it was his most "mature". Most people will disagree with me, but I think The Eminem Show is the best place to start for beginners, especially if they're not really into the shock value present on his earlier (and unfortunately) later albums.

Yeah I should have been a little more descriptive with my post. I agree with LoathsomePete on some things. I will be honest with you, Eminem's lyrics are 'immature' and can become annoying and at times really aren't funny anymore. I enjoy the first two SS and MM LP's the most out of his word, Eminem Show is a good release also. Other than those two albums he is really hit or miss in my opinion and sadly..a lot more miss than hit. He has songs strung out amounts his entire career that are good songs, but albums wise he is a really inconsistent artist.

Lemme clear this up because it isn't very clear. His first two are immature, as Pete said, then towards the middle of his career some of his lyrics took a more mature route. I do remember a few songs on Encore being kinda immature, 'A** Like That' is the one that stands out the most, but for the most part his lyrics were much better on The Eminem Show and Encore both.

Either way, I feel like The first four are all albums you should listen to. Really all just depends on what you're looking for.

zeedudes 07-06-2010 12:49 AM

I actually enjoy his new song. Not afraid and Hate the way you lie ft. Rihanna.

Kirby 07-06-2010 01:29 AM

His new album is pretty good, in my honest opinion.
I like it better than Relapse, and I was a pretty big fan of that album, as well.

FETCHER. 07-06-2010 11:44 AM

He's headlining at T in the Park this weekend. Sadness. I really wanted to see him as I grew up on eminem albums :(

million dollar basher 07-06-2010 01:37 PM

Not many agree with me, and that's OK, but Eminem was and is the best the genre has ever seen.

Rap was a music form built on rage;originally, it was blacks raging against police brutality and racism and poverty--Eminem's anger was unmatched in its fury and its forcefulness. We were all FORCED to acknowlege him because of how frightening and dangerous he seemed to everybody. Not many have been able to pull that off, either before or since. I remember my grandma hiding "the Marshall Mathers L.P." from me when I was 10 years old because she was afraid that I'd turn into a nihilistic *******. She was right, but I remember the general sense of fear he instilled in parents around the country.

James 07-06-2010 01:39 PM

Eminem to me, is a fairly good rap artist. There are artists that I much prefer but as far as rappers in the mainstream go, he is one of the best. If not the best.

Landon 07-06-2010 03:02 PM

Well i finally got Relapse, and cant help but feeling a little disappointed. He seems to have lost the ability to right the funny/violent lyrics as well as he did on the his first few albums.
Not Afraid, Going through Changes and Love the Way you lie are the only tracks that have any replay value for me of the album.

Public Enemy 07-06-2010 05:05 PM

I think Eminem hits curtain emotions with a lot of people regardless of what album

crash_override 07-06-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Landon (Post 895640)
Well i finally got Relapse, and cant help but feeling a little disappointed. He seems to have lost the ability to right the funny/violent lyrics as well as he did on the his first few albums.
Not Afraid, Going through Changes and Love the Way you lie are the only tracks that have any replay value for me of the album.

That's retarded. On Fire, Almost Famous, WTP, 25 To Life, and So Bad are all dope as **** yo.

Janszoon 07-06-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by million dollar basher (Post 895590)
Rap was a music form built on rage;originally, it was blacks raging against police brutality and racism and poverty...

I disagree. The earliest rap was more party music than anything else, basically the opposite of rage.

Kirby 07-06-2010 08:48 PM

^ truth.
I don't believe Rapper's Delight was very angry.

Landon 07-08-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 895810)
That's retarded. On Fire, Almost Famous, WTP, 25 To Life, and So Bad are all dope as **** yo.

Your right, I'm too mentally slow to understand how good them songs are. Thank God you came along and showed me with your superior intelligence.

Dr.Seussicide 07-08-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Landon (Post 896832)
Your right, I'm too mentally slow to understand how good them songs are. Thank God you came along and showed me with your superior intelligence.

Almost Famous has no replay value for you? Then crash_override is of a superior intelligence.

Landon 07-09-2010 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 896956)
Almost Famous has no replay value for you? Then crash_override is of a superior intelligence.

Everyone seems to like this song but I just don't get whats so good about it. Maybe its a grower...

Kirby 07-10-2010 03:27 AM

As soon as I heard

"I stuck my **** up in this game like a rapist,
They me Slim Roethlisberger."

I loved it.

Alex/ 07-10-2010 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Landon (Post 896832)
Your right, I'm too mentally slow to understand how good them songs are. Thank God you came along and showed me with your superior intelligence.

You might want to check your grammar before you start acting like a condescending prick.

nolvorite 07-12-2010 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Alex/ (Post 898077)
You might want to check your grammar before you start acting like a condescending prick.


I think Relapse was a stupid album, although Recovery is proving to be something epic or a little more than mediocre to most people

dark shadow 07-12-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by nolvorite (Post 898747)

I think Relapse was a stupid album, although Recovery is proving to be something epic or a little more than mediocre to most people

Recovery is one of the few rap albums I've picked up lately that I can listen to from start to finish. That being said, the chorus in "You're Never Over" comes damn close to ruining the great verses he turned in and the sentimental value the song holds as his tribute to Proof. Personally, I think TI's tribute to Philant, "Dead and Gone," was a better overall song, albeit completely overplayed.

crash_override 07-12-2010 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by dark shadow (Post 898865)
Recovery is one of the few rap albums I've picked up lately that I can listen to from start to finish. That being said, the chorus in "You're Never Over" comes damn close to ruining the great verses he turned in and the sentimental value the song holds as his tribute to Proof. Personally, I think TI's tribute to Philant, "Dead and Gone," was a better overall song, albeit completely overplayed.

'You're Never Over' makes William Hung look like Frank Sinatra.

Jester 07-13-2010 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by J Money (Post 899074)
Eminem is in his own lane, & I think his new works are just as appealing & great as his old works. I don't get why people are trying to say he fell off because he's rapping in the same style as before, he's just older & more mature now, plus he's off drugs. In any case, I laugh at the people who say Eminem sucks as an artist in general. You don't sell $80 million records worldwide for being an untalented rapper, folks.

But, I digress...the haters will hate regardless.

Marketing has nothing to do with rap skill.

nolvorite 07-13-2010 12:07 PM

Soulja Boy sells more than Canibus that has something to do with it right?

Jester 07-13-2010 05:33 PM

Well, Canibus is pretty terrible.

Dr.Seussicide 07-13-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jester (Post 899425)
Well, Canibus is pretty terrible.


He chokes on those multi-syllabic words like he does dicks

Kirby 07-13-2010 07:27 PM

I must agree with both of the fellows above me.

nolvorite 07-13-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jester (Post 899425)
Well, Canibus is pretty terrible.

lol just because Canibus isn't mainstream doesn't mean you get to say he's terrible

Kirby 07-13-2010 10:16 PM

It's not because he's not mainstream.
It's because he's terrible.
His voice, and his monotone delivery, are two of the most irritating things that I've ever heard in Hip-Hop.

Darkest Hour 07-13-2010 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Landon (Post 897192)
Everyone seems to like this song but I just don't get whats so good about it. Maybe its a grower...

It's got a sick beat, and em kills every verse. One of the best songs, along with Cinderella Man, 25 to life and Seduction.

Jester 07-14-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by nolvorite (Post 899499)
lol just because Canibus isn't mainstream doesn't mean you get to say he's terrible

What are you, retarded?

nolvorite 07-14-2010 12:45 PM

Canibus has better rhymes than Eminem
sorry to say

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