LoathsomePete |
06-17-2010 04:54 PM |
Originally Posted by Nadia
(Post 884940)
I like Eminem, but I've never actually bought a whole album - which would you recommend? Although I will probably end up buying all of them...
It really depends on what you're after from him. His early stuff contained a lot of shock lyrics that jumped between offensive and hilarious. His 2000 release The Marshall Mathers LP was a good album for balancing out his more serious stuff with the funny stuff. I honestly hold his 2002 follow up The Eminem Show as his finest piece of work, both from a production and content viewpoint. I found that his most heartfelt lyrics were present on that album and it was his most "mature". Most people will disagree with me, but I think The Eminem Show is the best place to start for beginners, especially if they're not really into the shock value present on his earlier (and unfortunately) later albums.