Faith and spiritual hip-hop (lyrics, title, cover, songs, Kora) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 04-03-2009, 03:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
Saaaad Panda
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Default Faith and spiritual hip-hop

I find it interesting that I am sometimes drawn to songs discussing God, faith, heaven, and spirituality...

I do not believe in God, afterlife, creation. I have never once been to church. There's quite a few songs in my repertoire that discuss these topics, and sometimes I think they are the most interesting lyrics.

Blu - Below the Heavens... I think what I like most is that while he's been on this path of discovery for his own God, along the way he realizes that each individual creates their own heaven. It doesn't have to be the Christian pearly gates, a lot of it is simply what we perceive it to be and what we do on this Earth regardless of beliefs.

GZA - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (B.I.B.L.E.)... title alone seems cool

Common - Gaining One's Definition (G.O.D.)...
"As a child, given religion with no answer to why
Just told believe in Jesus cuz for me he did die
Curiosity killed the catechism
Understanding and wisdom became the rhythm that I played to
And became a slave to master self
A rich man is one with knowledge, happiness and his health
My mind had dealt with the books of Zen, Tao the lessons
Koran and the Bible, to me they all vital
And got truth within 'em, gotta read them boys
You just can't skim 'em, different branches of belief
But one root that stem 'em, but people of the venom try to trim 'em
And use religion as an emblem
When it should be a natural way of life
Who am I or they to say to whom you pray ain't right
That's who got you doin right and got you this far
Whether you say "in Jesus name" or Hum do Allah"


I like that even if you don't believe in God, there's ways to relate to the messages these guys put out there....
Life is just blah, blah, blah
You hope for blah
And sometimes you find it, but mostly it's blah
And waiting for blah
And hoping you were right about the blahs you made
And then, just when you think you've got the whole blah'd damn thing figured out
And you're surrounded by the ones you blah
Death shows up... anddd blah, blah, blah.
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