Okay so We'll both be updating this doing album reviews and as time progresses maybe a compilation or two. and blah blah blah I'll start this off.
The Weatherman LP
Evidence- I Know
- Weather Report 1
- Mr. Slow Flow
- Letyourselfgo
- Down In New York City
- A Moment In Time
- Look for the Evidence (Interlude)
- All Said And Done
- Weather Report 2
- Perfect Storm
- Chase The Clouds Away
- NC To CA
- Evidence Is Everywhere
- Things You Do
- Biggest Belgium Fan (Interlude)
- Hot and Cold
- Line of Scrimmage
- Believe In Me
- Born In LA
- Weather Report 3
- I Still Love You
I personally love when members of a "just okay" group branch out to create a great solo album. Perfect example: Evidence. He came from the overrated Dilated People and came out with The Weatherman LP, which is aperfect example of what's good about hip-hop nowadays. He finds the perfect combination of Production, lyricism, delivery, and sampling. Starting of with the opener I know, I was glad he didn't use an intro track because they can ruin albums. Really after then that the album moves pretty slowly, with forgetable tracks like Letyourselfgo and All said and Done, but picks back up with Perfect Storm, lyrically the best song on the album. IT just speaks to the listener in a way that Dilated People never could, and the album is a masterpiece from then on. The next track, is my favorite off the album. It depicts sucj a scene that even though the lyrics are somewhat repetitive, it's okay because it has great production to back it up, and a great story to tell. Evidence Is Everywhere is the typical "I'm so cool" rap track, and is a major low point on the album, but Things You do makes up for it with it's great beats and amazing melody. Believe In Me is very good, but wasn't in the right place. IMHO it should have been the ending to the album, because it sums up everything the album is about, getting by. Born In LA has a heavy Eminem influence and it sounds a lot like Sing For the Moment, and White America, but it represents a struggle in it's undertones, while Eminem is more obvious about what he is rapping about. I Still Love You ends the album on a high point, but sounds more like a remix of one of the first few tracks, but it closes the album very well. Overall, though the sampling may get annoying at points, even containing a few almost "mashup" tracks it's stil lgreat, and better then anything Dilated People ever released.