Originally Posted by cas
Do you even make sense to yourself?
Listen... I could go on but its obvious that the glue has eroded your brain to the point which you can no longer process rational thought. If you insist on continuing to embarrass yourself in front of the entire world, so be it. I tried to help you but now I must wash my hands of the entire situation. Let me know how those special ed classes are working out for ya.

Damn, your pathological mentality is too much. Is that a whole freudian slip yall got going on, some vapor huffing teens in denial making farfetched attempts to sound like they know something n engaging elementary pshycology to defend it?

"Help", ROFL, wow, I dont know where you come from where everbodys on glue as much as theyre a condescending azzhole, but I'm sure its safe to say all your fabricated juvenile generalizations prove yourself to be quite the empassioned ignoramous. Just make it easy on yourself n ask for permission to speak next time.