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Eltiraaz 06-02-2004 08:02 PM

Dead Kennedys
Dead Kennedy's???

Jello Biafra?? what does everyone think about that bull**** thats hitting the courts right now about all that crap the band went through?

oidevotchkadroogoi 06-04-2004 07:38 AM

i love them.. theyre GREAT

MobilizeTerror 06-04-2004 10:52 AM

I love them also, and I heard about the crap in court, but I forget exactly what is going on...

My favorite song is probably Holiday in Cambodia or Too Drunk To ****

Eltiraaz 06-04-2004 01:30 PM

Something like.. the band fired jello, and now they've sued him half to death, bankrupted his record label, destroyed his life, and still want him to go sing with them on retro-reunion tours.

sounds like a bunch of bull if i ever heard it. apparently most of the true facts on this are very stifled, the only reason i heard about this was an interview Jello did with Punk Planet.

punks-in-my-blood 06-14-2004 08:17 PM

yeh i would agree with eltiraaz, probally because i heard it from him on the way to school but still. How stupid are they, messing up his life and asking him to play with them on the reunion tour. still a sick band tho

Dead Kennedys are an amazing punk band... To Drunk to F**k is a sweet song.

Sickofitall 06-18-2004 05:50 PM

I read that interview he did with Punk Plant and he had very good points. The rest of the band was saying something about his label giving him money and not them. I am sure the label gave him money but it wasn't like he was filthy rich and the rest of the band was on the streets. I would really love to see The dead kennedys play though.

Eltiraaz 06-18-2004 09:41 PM

Me too, I dont think that the original Dead Kennedys line up will be getting together anytime soon though.

covle 06-20-2004 05:26 AM

they're a top band. among the best of the eighties punk rock genre, they started so many underground movements. amazing band. though i understand a new cd is being released from this court debacle. a live album called mutiny on the bay. Jello Biafra didnt want to release this stuff, but he lost the case so its being released

bitethebullet 10-05-2004 07:04 PM

the stuff about jello is f***in bull
they kick ass and holiday in cambodia is one of my fav songs

wacky 10-05-2004 11:19 PM

I love the band and all but I hadnt heard about the news.. thats so *** :/

jesus 10-27-2004 05:29 PM

what would they sue him for? I heard something about it before but I know absolutley nothing about what this whole thing is...about.

Dead Kennedys = Great

All_Nite_Dinah 10-27-2004 07:07 PM

The lawsuit has been going on between Jello and the band for over 5 years now. It has to do with the band complaining about unfair royalties that need to be paid. It was rebuted by Biafra with several other charges about copywrite infringment and the such. But just recently Jello dropped the last of the charges against the band, and the band did the same. His label, Alternative Tentacles, was never bankrupted and is still up and running. And his carreer is anything but destroyed as I beilive he is scheduled to release another spoken word album sometime soon. I think some of you might be confusing this with his PMRC debacle, but thats completely different.

Anyway, Dead Kennedys are awsome. They baisically introduced me to hardcore. One of my favorite 80's HC bands. Crazy fast, crazy smart, and just all around crazy good. I love them.

riseagainstrocks 10-29-2004 07:07 PM

Don't know about the court stuff but even though I don't agree with Biafra's views, Holiday In Cambodia is an awesome song.

Fenixpunk 11-03-2004 12:16 PM

Dead Kennedys tried to have a tour with another singer, I didnt go since I didnt agree with a DK tour without Jello. All of the other members have done projects and toured, Ive seen Peligro, and East Bay Rays bands, dont know if Klaus was doing anything, but they need to let it go, and let Jello do his thing and they can do theirs. If a live DK album is out then its only fair that they all get a little piece of that pie, but I think the band members may be a little jelouse of Jellos success in the music industry, while they continued to play small bills and get paid very little, Jello started his label and did a damn good job of it, Alternative Tentacles has alot of good bands on it and Jello still gets to collaberate with the bands he signed.

Slackjawed Presidents 11-14-2004 11:41 PM

i'm just glad to see there are people in this "punk" forum who like DK. thank you!

Thrice 11-14-2004 11:55 PM

glad to see there are *******s here too...cant get enough of the over anal classifier.

sleepy jack 11-24-2004 01:34 PM

Holiday in Cambodia<3

bert 11-24-2004 02:56 PM

kkk stole my baby and buzzbomb oyeh DK rule

Oi_To_The_World 11-24-2004 04:15 PM

california uber alles, kill yer landlord also goood

PuNk 4 LiFe 12-01-2004 12:38 PM

They are one of the best punk bands ever and i hate the law system everything is so crooked i hate the way evryone things if your a punk your a rascist trouble maker

sleepy jack 01-27-2005 05:29 PM

Dead Kennedys
We need a Dead Kennedy's thread that doesn't blow.

MP3's (thanks to Waynegrow, jesus and fenixpunk.)

Too Drunk to Fu*k
Holiday in cambodia
MTV Get off the Air
Goons of Hazzard
Great Wall
Dead Nazi punks fu*k off
Kill The Poor (live video 1979)

hookers with machineguns 01-27-2005 05:38 PM

i thought there was already a dk thread. meh, maybe not

you should check out jello and the melvins. or No WTO combo. or even Jello and Mojo Nixon- when youre on your tractor. im personally really tired of dk, but the new jello/melvins CD is definitely worth your while.

jesus 01-27-2005 06:21 PM

you spelled butt wrong

DK was one of my first punk bands. I like them a lot.

bmxpunkr 01-27-2005 09:55 PM

MTV Get Off The Air is a great song. All the MTV poser punk kids should be tied to a chair and forced to listen to it lol.

All_Nite_Dinah 01-28-2005 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
i thought there was already a dk thread. meh, maybe not

you should check out jello and the melvins. or No WTO combo. or even Jello and Mojo Nixon- when youre on your tractor. im personally really tired of dk, but the new jello/melvins CD is definitely worth your while.

I feel like Im slacking because I dont have the jello and the melvins cd yet. Is it any good. I've heard many good things but some not so good.

But anyway I love dead kennedys(im wearing there shirt right now) I like a child and his lawnmower, funcoland at the beach, everything off of plastic surgery disasters. But my favorite line is still probobly "Crushed Little Kids Adorn the boardwalk"

Fenixpunk 01-28-2005 08:22 AM

Chicken$hit Confrormist is and probably always will be my favorite DK song. Jellos lyrics were right on about what the punk scene was becoming. "punks not dead it just deserves to die, when it becomes another stale cartoon" - so true...

some of my other favs from Jello and Co.=
Where do you draw the line?
Dear Abby
Cesspools in Eden
Will the fetus be aborted - w/mojo nixon
the power of Lard - Lard (jello and ministry)
Chemical Warfare
Kinky Sex makes the world go 'round
Dog Bite

so many more good stuff especially when jello and nomeansno hook up.

Anarchy doll 01-28-2005 12:56 PM

really like this thread and thanks for finally giving me a place to list en to Kennedys online without having high tech junk or paying for it

Anarchy doll 01-28-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by bmxpunkr
MTV Get Off The Air is a great song. All the MTV poser punk kids should be tied to a chair and forced to listen to it lol.

poser kids should be ties to a chair and forced to listen to Britney Spears and, they have to be forced back into their own....sometimes you lie so much that you begin to belive them :usehead:

Oi_To_The_World 01-28-2005 02:56 PM

"poser kids"? haha, what is this, the high school cafeteria?
DK is just as popular as the pop-punk bands in circulation on MTV, I'm sure most of these so-called posers you refer to are listening to them.

hookers with machineguns 01-28-2005 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
"poser kids"? haha, what is this, the high school cafeteria?
DK is just as popular as the pop-punk bands in circulation on MTV, I'm sure most of these so-called posers you refer to are listening to them.


rise_above 01-28-2005 09:40 PM

there was a dk thread but i thought it was about the dispute over jello. Holiday in Cambodia is a classic.

sleepy jack 01-28-2005 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
"poser kids"? haha, what is this, the high school cafeteria?
DK is just as popular as the pop-punk bands in circulation on MTV, I'm sure most of these so-called posers you refer to are listening to them.

Ois back *breakdances* but dont listen to anarchy doll she thinks sid vicious is better than joey ramone :laughing:

hookers with machineguns 01-28-2005 11:10 PM

Well, what can you say? There are so many of these self proclaimed "punk rockers" who spew out these shrines to typical, overly talked about punk "icons" like Joey and Sid Vicious, and at the same time insult MTV and mainstream fanbase, when they are just as popular (if not moreso) than most of the rock acts on television & radio. Being consistent is one thing, but attacking "popular" bands that are just as popular as your stylings is silly. I'm personally sick of people who think of the Pistols, and think of Vicious before everyone else. I'm sick of hearing about DK, and then people talking about Holiday in Cambodia. Black Flag, then it's Rollins. THe Ramones, then it's blizkrieg bop. I guess I'm missing the point here, but if you ask me, these people are missing the point moreso.

rise_above 01-28-2005 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
Well, what can you say? There are so many of these self proclaimed "punk rockers" who spew out these shrines to typical, overly talked about punk "icons" like Joey and Sid Vicious, and at the same time insult MTV and mainstream fanbase, when they are just as popular (if not moreso) than most of the rock acts on television & radio. Being consistent is one thing, but attacking "popular" bands that are just as popular as your stylings is silly. I'm personally sick of people who think of the Pistols, and think of Vicious before everyone else. I'm sick of hearing about DK, and then people talking about Holiday in Cambodia. Black Flag, then it's Rollins. THe Ramones, then it's blizkrieg bop. I guess I'm missing the point here, but if you ask me, these people are missing the point moreso.

god, dude its all just music. let it go

hookers with machineguns 01-28-2005 11:57 PM

"Just music"? Well I don't know what I was thinking, I was under the impression this was a music forum. Well smack me in the face and call me stupid. But yeah, I'll let it go. Sometimes reading these threads/posts gives me too much stress. I'll let people have their fun.

Anarchy doll 01-29-2005 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
"poser kids"? haha, what is this, the high school cafeteria?
DK is just as popular as the pop-punk bands in circulation on MTV, I'm sure most of these so-called posers you refer to are listening to them.

I wasn't referring to DK as poser kids, you either mis read or mis understood me, I was talking abot poser kids in general, :love:

Anarchy doll 01-29-2005 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Ois back *breakdances* but dont listen to anarchy doll she thinks sid vicious is better than joey ramone :laughing:

Never said anywhere that Sid Vicious was better than Joey Ramone, however he is or was sexier, but that is my opinion... :love:

Anarchy doll 01-29-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
Well, what can you say? There are so many of these self proclaimed "punk rockers" who spew out these shrines to typical, overly talked about punk "icons" like Joey and Sid Vicious, and at the same time insult MTV and mainstream fanbase, when they are just as popular (if not moreso) than most of the rock acts on television & radio. Being consistent is one thing, but attacking "popular" bands that are just as popular as your stylings is silly. I'm personally sick of people who think of the Pistols, and think of Vicious before everyone else. I'm sick of hearing about DK, and then people talking about Holiday in Cambodia. Black Flag, then it's Rollins. THe Ramones, then it's blizkrieg bop. I guess I'm missing the point here, but if you ask me, these people are missing the point moreso.

I really wish that you would not hate all those because of their experience or age, instead of badmouthing ppl who have not had a chance to experience ALL that punk has to offer, why not offer to teach or provide samples of it...? I give everything posted on this site a spin, and I end up buying a new cd almost all the time from bands I found on here... :whythis:

hookers with machineguns 01-29-2005 12:48 PM

^ Huh? When did I mention "age" or "experience"? When did I use the word "hate"? Read closely, I never used those words in that post. In laymen's terms, I was saying that there's more to these bands then minor facts that people probably pick up from Hot Topic. I personally thought it was the best post I've made in this forum. I never post with hostility in mind, but my judgment was that you along with some others just simply don't know what you are talking about. Sorry if I judged wrong, but you and some of your peers have failed yet to prove me wrong. If you are serious about learning about new bands, then maybe you should stop obsessing over the typical ones that everyone talks about over and over again. Im not trying to make enemies here, that's just my opinion. If you don't like it, then don't read/reply to my posts.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-29-2005 04:23 PM

Their first couple of albums were OK , but they lost the plot big time. One of the things I liked about them was they were one of the very few American bands to actually get what punk was, It wasn`t about getting a mohawk & shouting over 3 chords.It was using the music as an escape & to show the world the issues that affect you & the hypocracy of everything & I think the Dead Kennedys did that probably better than anyone.
Which makes it such a shame that by the mid 80s they were having to write songs about MTV & giving posters away with their albums full of male genitalia for shock value.

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