Music Banter

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MORESOAD4ME 07-23-2005 09:14 PM

the casualties
anti flag
the ramones
bad religon
slick shoes
tsunami bomb

tdoc210 07-24-2005 10:38 AM

i have some more

shattered faith
symbol six

Simple_Plan_Punk 07-28-2005 11:57 PM

fave bands
Simple Plan
Green Day
Good Charlotte
Blink 182
Fall Out Boy
The Killers
The Used
My Chemical Romance
..........and YellowCard is alright:band:
:hphones: I LUV PUNK ROCK MUSIC!!!

jesus 07-28-2005 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Simple_Plan_Punk
Simple Plan
Green Day
Good Charlotte
Blink 182
Fall Out Boy
The Killers
The Used
My Chemical Romance
..........and YellowCard is alright:band:
:hphones: I LUV PUNK ROCK MUSIC!!!


sleepy jack 07-28-2005 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Simple_Plan_Punk
Simple Plan
Green Day
Good Charlotte
Blink 182
Fall Out Boy
The Killers
The Used
My Chemical Romance
..........and YellowCard is alright:band:
:hphones: I LUV PUNK ROCK MUSIC!!!

Your and idiot those arent punk go to the pop forum and cry like a little emo baby.

cnt cheat karma 07-29-2005 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Simple_Plan_Punk
Simple Plan
Green Day
Good Charlotte
Blink 182
Fall Out Boy
The Killers
The Used
My Chemical Romance
..........and YellowCard is alright:band:
:hphones: I LUV PUNK ROCK MUSIC!!!

hey dont make fun of him hes so hardcore look at those crazy punk bands :-p :sarcasm:

gabbagabba_hey 07-29-2005 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Simple_Plan_Punk
Simple Plan
Green Day
Good Charlotte
Blink 182
Fall Out Boy
The Killers
The Used
My Chemical Romance
..........and YellowCard is alright:band:
:hphones: I LUV PUNK ROCK MUSIC!!!

you dont know how bad i want to smack you

right-track 07-29-2005 02:20 PM

Punk favourites are;
The Clash
The Stranglers
Stiff Little Fingers
Slaughter & The Dogs
Angelic Upstarts
Sham 69
UK Subs
Souxie & The Banshees
The Skids
The Members
And 4 Manchester bands...The Buzz****s/The Fall/Warsaw and had they not split up in the 70s, had the potential to be better than most on this list...V2.

tdoc210 07-29-2005 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Your and idiot those arent punk go to the pop forum and cry like a little emo baby.

true misfits i cant stand those stupid pop bands who want to be punk

tdoc210 07-29-2005 04:30 PM

the jam

boomtown rats

lars freiedrickson and the bastards

us roughneck

malignus youth


mArk 07-29-2005 05:36 PM

why is it that punk is so pretentious, well sorry, not punk, this isnt punk

Fenixpunk 07-29-2005 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by the death of capitilism
the jam

boomtown rats

lars freiedrickson and the bastards

us roughneck

malignus youth


^^see how im warping their minds???!!!hehehe...first music banter...then the WORLD!!! *evil laugh*

Trauma 07-29-2005 09:53 PM

I just had to edit my list.

A Global Threat
Leftover Crack
Aus Rotten
Behind Enemy Lines
The Dead Kennedys
The Vandals
Inner Conflict
Millions of Dead Cops
The Restarts
Minor Threat
Malignus Youth, just because of Fenixpunk.

hookers with machineguns 07-29-2005 10:02 PM

^ Damn good list. lot of good ones here.

jesus 07-29-2005 10:21 PM

^this is true

Trauma 07-29-2005 10:27 PM

my list is popular!
And...I forgot to add..
Black Flag
The Circle Jerks
Citizen Fish
Sea of Deprivation
The Subhumans

That's the majority.

cnt cheat karma 07-30-2005 12:00 AM

Subhumans(Citizen Fish too)
Icons of Filth
Rudimentary Peni(kinda death metal but still good)
Lost Cherrees
Flux of Pink Indians
Thatcher On Acid
Omega Tribe
Posion Girls
Malignus Youth

yep thanks to fenix punk i had to change my list too

mArk 07-30-2005 07:52 AM

rudi peni - punk!

BJ.T.M 08-01-2005 11:02 PM

Im sick of this
you people that say green day and stuff like that aint punk well im sorry buddy but they are.

it doesnt matter if they arent the punk you like because they are punk.

their are variations of punk green is southern cailifornia punk
like blink and sum41

ok their punk

theirs also power punk, punk rock, modern punk and pop punk theirs many more so dont try say their not punk reason being green day have big punk legand since 1994 and hit all the bands idoling green day.

so stick that if you think you know all about punk challenge me

sleepy jack 08-01-2005 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
you people that say green day and stuff like that aint punk well im sorry buddy but they are.

it doesnt matter if they arent the punk you like because they are punk.

their are variations of punk green is southern cailifornia punk
like blink and sum41

ok their punk

theirs also power punk, punk rock, modern punk and pop punk theirs many more so dont try say their not punk reason being green day have big punk legand since 1994 and hit all the bands idoling green day.

so stick that if you think you know all about punk challenge me

I shall MTV isnt punk green day blink and all that shyte is on MTV.They dont play anything punk early green day has some ramones influences and thats about it.

Buzzc0cks guitarist said it himself

BJ.T.M 08-01-2005 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
I shall MTV isnt punk green day blink and all that shyte is on MTV.They dont play anything punk early green day has some ramones influences and thats about it.

Buzzc0cks guitarist said it himself

sorry mate but its punk and theirs nothing you can do punk has changed over the years and now days thats it

blink and sum 41 greenday is called southern california punk rock

simple plan is pop punk.

BJ.T.M 08-01-2005 11:39 PM

you cant challenge me
before you challenge me boy get your self a general understanding of the word punk rock music.

then find out catergores of punk

find out what type of music the band you think isnt punk e.g. in this case green day

then challenge me

it dosent matter who influenced who punk rock music started as 4 chord bet

now days its about what they sing and what they look like and the common 4 chord bet chorus

BJ.T.M 08-01-2005 11:54 PM

the problem with that green day article is it dosent matter what he say's is punk its what the music industries say are punk and green day my freind are punk.

BJ.T.M 08-01-2005 11:57 PM

one more thing boy who challenged me
read all of this :

jesus 08-01-2005 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
it dosent matter what he say's is punk its what the music industries say are punk


p.s. you really couldn't keep all that to one post?

BJ.T.M 08-02-2005 12:00 AM

matter of fact any band you think aint punk that website say's they are:

sum 41
simple plan
its skate punk besides simple plan


jesus 08-02-2005 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by jesus

Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
it dosent matter what he say's is punk its what the music industries say are punk


p.s. you really couldn't keep all that to one post?

BJ.T.M 08-02-2005 12:07 AM

lol well im working at the same time

SATCHMO 08-02-2005 12:10 AM

So basicly what you're saying is that You are, punk, you know punk, yet you trust what the industry tries to sell you an image over someone like Misfitspunk who actually KNOWS what he's talking about? That doesn't mean you're punk it just means your very naive.

BJ.T.M 08-02-2005 12:30 AM

no what im saying is im a music producer, and im producer rock music.
i have had to have learn the types of music to catergories the albums,
so i know more than misfitspunk.
thats what im saying

cnt cheat karma 08-02-2005 01:09 AM

I find it funny that your trying to tell us that punk is something that the music industry sells to us, that its an image; not anythign else, if the media says its punk then oh god dont think for yourself you have to listen to them. wow i jsut personaly think thats the farthest you can get from punk. Oh and sorry i forgot you know more then everyone on this forum you publish music. Now if any one see's the posts i post I dont like bashing ppl but i couldnt resist.

SATCHMO 08-02-2005 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
no what im saying is im a music producer, and im producer rock music.
i have had to have learn the types of music to catergories the albums,
so i know more than misfitspunk.
thats what im saying

Oh, cuz' that's what a music producer does, of course, Categorizes music.

sleepy jack 08-02-2005 02:45 AM

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH total bullshyte judging by your grammar your 12ish and your a music producer? Wow simple plan punk one of the poppiest punk bands out of the 70s saying green day was far from punk is wrong? Sorry man i trust the guitarist from the buzzc0cks over someone from MTV anyday.Really green day doesnt have the right attitude even its not punk to bitch about goverment on an album then do nothing about it and just say "wow i got money off that" its punk to bitch about the goverment then ride around town in a cape with anarchy on the back of it screaming "its a bird its a plane its ANARCHY MAN" jeez thinking blink 182 is punk haha then simple plan CHECK IT WERE REBELS WERE GONNA TELL OUR PARENTS TO SHUT UP IN A SONG! Nah thats just pussing punk is a message followed by action not just whining then doing it.Aside from the fact they dont have the right attitude the music is way to poppy and MTV friendly.Which is totally rock ya dont sell your rebellion to MTV ya start up a record label and hand it out for 2 bucks on the street corner it aint punk to be on MTV it aint punk at all to be selling out daily for money.Its punk to sell the album that you glued together and sit on the street corner and sold as you live in your car.Real punx dont have jobs DIY not EMI.biatch.

BJ.T.M 08-02-2005 03:50 AM

To Whom it may Concern,
Well if you would like me to use my grammar, more correctly I can. And yes, I do need to categories the music so when I produce the band to the public you can pull that look into the eye of the public.
By the way, punk is a type of music some one in the above said it was much more than that, well yes it is, it stands for the lowest you can get, thats why punk is just about being proud for who you are, or standing up for what you believe in.
And according to magazines and companies Greenday fits the punk stand with an outbreak of 3 chord beats, I.N. Breaks and stand for what they believe in.
Yes i would have to agree with you anti-Greenday folk the latest Instalment from Greenday isn't 'Punk' as a such it does kind of get to me how all the new Greenday think American Idiot is 'Punk.'
It has 'Punk' in the anti-Bush statements but it's has set a whole new look i.e. with the clothing they wear, but they do have a 'Punk' Attitude.

sorry if i have insulted any one with my comments i was just trying to set that the new bands coming through, yes maybe wannabe 'Punk' but no they slot in under the new catergory Southern California Punk or Skateboard Rock

BJ.T.M 08-02-2005 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH total bullshyte judging by your grammar your 12ish and your a music producer? Wow simple plan punk one of the poppiest punk bands out of the 70s saying green day was far from punk is wrong? Sorry man i trust the guitarist from the buzzc0cks over someone from MTV anyday.Really green day doesnt have the right attitude even its not punk to bitch about goverment on an album then do nothing about it and just say "wow i got money off that" its punk to bitch about the goverment then ride around town in a cape with anarchy on the back of it screaming "its a bird its a plane its ANARCHY MAN" jeez thinking blink 182 is punk haha then simple plan CHECK IT WERE REBELS WERE GONNA TELL OUR PARENTS TO SHUT UP IN A SONG! Nah thats just pussing punk is a message followed by action not just whining then doing it.Aside from the fact they dont have the right attitude the music is way to poppy and MTV friendly.Which is totally rock ya dont sell your rebellion to MTV ya start up a record label and hand it out for 2 bucks on the street corner it aint punk to be on MTV it aint punk at all to be selling out daily for money.Its punk to sell the album that you glued together and sit on the street corner and sold as you live in your car.Real punx dont have jobs DIY not EMI.biatch.

Man I just read your article quite nice, haha you are very true.
Green Day, Blink arent punk punk, like BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH im PUNK!!!!
they are punk "rockers" its kinda like eminem tries to be a gangsta.

And they are making a stand against bush for your informantion. But their is nothing any one can do he is in his last term as the Prezzy.
By the way i HATE simple plan they are wingy little SH!TS and they just need a freinds shoulder and a tissue. they fit under the Pop-Punk catergory. because they are little boys im sorry i just get annoyed when people say greenday arent punk fullstop because they might not be Punks, but they are punk rockers. and they are a laugh greenday. they are not in the music industry for the money either Billie Joe the lead his brother went to Iraq and stuff like that. Billie Joe forces away and makes an album. Thats why they went anti-bush.

for your info im not a "punk" either i just produce rock albums the only punk album i have done was a few green day ones i mostly do alt. rock

All_Nite_Dinah 08-02-2005 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
Well if you would like me to use my grammar, more correctly I can.

You dont need a comma and more correctly is redundant. I had to do it!

Also you REALLY dont know what your talking about. And if you are a producer, which I doubt you are, I feel sorry for any bands album you work on. Skate punk is an offshoot of 80s' hardcore not Simple Plan, Green Day, and Sum 41. If you want to listen to some skate punk go out and buy some albums by JFA,Agent Orange, Bones Brigade, Deconditioned, Sayonara, US Bombs, The Hunns, or any number of other bands out there.

Theres something you dont understand kid, the music industry is total crap. It is an INDUSTRY nothing more nothing less. Do you think a guy on an assembly line knows what polymers the plastic there putting together are? So what makes you think that that anyone in the music industry knows or cares about the bands they adopt as "the next big thing"? Its as simple as finding a band, giving them lots of money, and slapping a label on them so they sell better. Thats what punk is about music for the people by the people. Its not about having any band on the radio the announcer calls punk crammed down your throat untill you get full up and purge untill the next big trend comes along.

For ****s sake kid, if you like a band just say you like them. Dont hide behind lies to make yourself feel better. Being such an expert you should know thats DEFFINETLY not what punks all about. If you like green day and sum 41 just say so, if not then why the hell did you even start all this. Just so you could paste up a couple internet links and hide behind what they said? Get a life.
When it comes down to it this is what punks about.
Not this

And also if your a producer what albums did you produce?

Fenixpunk 08-02-2005 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
you people that say green day and stuff like that aint punk well im sorry buddy but they are.

it doesnt matter if they arent the punk you like because they are punk.

their are variations of punk green is southern cailifornia punk
like blink and sum41

ok their punk

theirs also power punk, punk rock, modern punk and pop punk theirs many more so dont try say their not punk reason being green day have big punk legand since 1994 and hit all the bands idoling green day.

so stick that if you think you know all about punk challenge me

as someone who has been in the scene for more than 13 years, ill take your challenge.

all of these bands are "industry punk" bands. Bands given the "punk" label to make a buck off of a scene that the real punks created themselves. without any help from the industry. How can a company make some money off of an entire music genre that wants nothing to do with them? easy. You get these pop rock bands with catchy tunes and pretty faces and start force feeding impressionable youths as much of it as you can, then give it a "cool" label and look that will sell. Make them seem as cool as you can, they wont know the differance, they werent around. Truth is, there is still real punk out there and the industry cant get theyre hands in it, because that is exactly what it is against. So you sell a carbon copy rip-off and try to pass it as the real deal, its a billion dollar scam. You might be able to convince one or two young people in here that you know what punk is because you supposedly work in the industry, but then theres those of us that know how the industry works and what the punk culture is really about because weve been a part of it.

cnt cheat karma 08-02-2005 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
as someone who has been in the scene for more than 13 years, ill take your challenge.

all of these bands are "industry punk" bands. Bands given the "punk" label to make a buck off of a scene that the real punks created themselves. without any help from the industry. How can a company make some money off of an entire music genre that wants nothing to do with them? easy. You get these pop rock bands with catchy tunes and pretty faces and start force feeding impressionable youths as much of it as you can, then give it a "cool" label and look that will sell. Make them seem as cool as you can, they wont know the differance, they werent around. Truth is, there is still real punk out there and the industry cant get theyre hands in it, because that is exactly what it is against. So you sell a carbon copy rip-off and try to pass it as the real deal, its a billion dollar scam. You might be able to convince one or two young people in here that you know what punk is because you supposedly work in the industry, but then theres those of us that know how the industry works and what the punk culture is really about because weve been a part of it.

:clap: :clap:
Very nicely said

partisan 08-02-2005 11:32 AM


MyRedHighHeels 08-02-2005 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by BJ.T.M
And they are making a stand against bush for your informantion. But their is nothing any one can do he is in his last term as the Prezzy.

Oh yeah Greenday is anti Bush! Oh man now they're punk...

It's really sad how the trend is, be anti Bush now you're "punk".

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