Music Banter

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hookers with machineguns 07-13-2005 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jonah
Rilo Kiley
PJ Harvey

:love: :love: :love: :love:

anticipation 07-13-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by madguru
strung out
frenzal rhomb
against me!
rise against
strike anywhere
the descendants

just to name a few sucka...most of you have horrible taste punk

oh, so i have bad taste in punk huh? well all i can say is **** you and your ***-ass 3rd wave crap.

sleepy jack 07-13-2005 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by FunkyFish
System Of A Down
The Clash
Sex Pistols
The Explosion
Still Remains
Iggy And The Stooges
Cradle Of Filth
The Damned
The buzz****s
Social D

Alot of those bands arent even punk...its the punk forum people jeez.

All_Nite_Dinah 07-13-2005 07:35 PM

Alot of those bands are punk. I think all you guys need to lighten up. Just because one person posts a band that you dont like dosnt mean you got to get all elitest and put em down. I mean this is a "favorite bands" thread. Its what the other person likes, so why dosnt everyone just accept the fact that people listen to different music.

Trauma 07-13-2005 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
Alot of those bands are punk. I think all you guys need to lighten up. Just because one person posts a band that you dont like dosnt mean you got to get all elitest and put em down. I mean this is a "favorite bands" thread. Its what the other person likes, so why dosnt everyone just accept the fact that people listen to different music.

I thought about that for a moment...
I concur...I suppose.

gabbagabba_hey 07-13-2005 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny
oh, so i have bad taste in punk huh? well all i can say is **** you and your ***-ass 3rd wave crap.

FIGHT!!..... FIGHT!!!..... FIGHT!!!!!! *starts banging on table*

sleepy jack 07-13-2005 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
Alot of those bands are punk. I think all you guys need to lighten up. Just because one person posts a band that you dont like dosnt mean you got to get all elitest and put em down. I mean this is a "favorite bands" thread. Its what the other person likes, so why dosnt everyone just accept the fact that people listen to different music.

Yeah but this is in the punk forum not general music.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 07-13-2005 11:12 PM

i thought you were done with MB misfits...

sleepy jack 07-13-2005 11:15 PM

The green day thread closed but if you wanting me to leave....

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 07-14-2005 12:03 AM

no i never said that....i dont want you to leave by any means.....i just thought that was was you said..

deadkennedysmeetstheclash 07-14-2005 05:13 AM

I like proper punk, not this **** they clal punk these days, not all this punk revival bands or pop/punk crap..

Dead Kenneddys
The cramps
The Clash
Sonic Youth
New York Dolls
The damned
The Germs
The Ramones
sex pistols

those are TRUE punk bands none of this ****ing ranncid or nofx..

new punk/ska bands I like:

The dead 60's
Reel Big Fish..
dropkick murphys

All_Nite_Dinah 07-14-2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Yeah but this is in the punk forum not general music.

Yea, but who really gives a damn about what other people like, especially if they dont like the same thing as you. I was under the impression this threrad was to serve purpose as a way to see if other people like d the same bands as you. Not to tell every other person that posts theyre a poser and they dont listen to real punk, and that your the king of punk and you only listen to real punk. You guys wonder why no one ever posts on these boards, maybe its because the second they even try to voice an opinion other than whats accepted by the cliques on this board there ridiculed. Its like grade school all over again. Everyone just needs to chill out. Damn, its not like the punk world is falling apart or something, maybe people should concentrate on themselves and what they like more than what everyone else is listening too.

All_Nite_Dinah 07-14-2005 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by deadkennedysmeetstheclash
I like proper punk, not this **** they clal punk these days, not all this punk revival bands or pop/punk crap..

Dead Kenneddys
The cramps
The Clash
Sonic Youth
New York Dolls
The damned
The Germs
The Ramones
sex pistols

those are TRUE punk bands none of this ****ing ranncid or nofx..

You are soooo right, those are the oly ten bands Im EVER going to listen to again. This post makes me laugh, ha ha. Those are all great bands, but you have to reralize that there all at least 20 years old and peple are going to be listening to different music.

anticipation 07-14-2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by gabbagabba_hey
FIGHT!!..... FIGHT!!!..... FIGHT!!!!!! *starts banging on table*


deadkennedysmeetstheclash 07-15-2005 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
You are soooo right, those are the oly ten bands Im EVER going to listen to again. This post makes me laugh, ha ha. Those are all great bands, but you have to reralize that there all at least 20 years old and peple are going to be listening to different music.

No, there not..Huge amount of people still listen to theses bands because punk is DEAD..Admit it, true punk is dead..Billy Idol perhaps is the only one still going, and he was mor epop oreintated anyway. The new bands arn't punk there punk/revival or pop/punk, and the title was 'what punk abnds do you like' not what punk revival bands..And i do lisetn to new stuff as well FYI, it's just it will never be as good as the original stuff..NOFX, Rancid etc are all very well and good, but there just not as good as Clash or Ramones..That s the truth. People can listen to other music, in fact people should listen to oteh rmusic but they can't say they listen to punk and mention any of those bands, because there lying in they do..If this was a punk revival thread, I would talk about punk revival bands, if it was apop/punk thread I would talk of pop/punk bands but it's not it's a PUNK band and punk died 20 years except for a slect few bands like Pennywise and Idol..

sleepy jack 07-15-2005 01:55 PM

I dont consider blink,green day to be pop punk more pop rock.Punks not dead either.

AprilMay 07-15-2005 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
I dont consider blink,green day to be pop punk more pop rock.Punks not dead either.

I'm not saying that Blink and and Green Day are punk but it is pretty hard to say that they are not punk influenced, so surely that would make them a pop-punk band. That is just my opinion, if you think otherwise that is fine.

Fenixpunk 07-15-2005 02:56 PM

Both bands are pop-punk. I think pop-punk in general gets alot of slack mostly because it is more pop than punk, thats pretty obvious. If anyone remembers Blink before they added the 182 to their name, or remember Green Day when they played little hole in the wall clubs for 5 bucks a head then you would have to agree that they were punk influenced bands and not pop bands with the punk look. Nowdays its a little differant ill agree. They have strayed far from their roots, to each their own as far as that goes. Pop-punk is called that for a reason. They are pop bands with punk influences, i dont think there is really an argument there. Are they punk? no. Pop? no. A little influenced by both, yes. Reminds me of the argument where some kid was saying Beastie Boys were not ever punk, or that Metallica was not ever metal based on the style they play now.

anticipation 07-15-2005 03:01 PM

im sick of people calling music pop-punk. just call it pop.

sleepy jack 07-15-2005 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
Both bands are pop-punk. I think pop-punk in general gets alot of slack mostly because it is more pop than punk, thats pretty obvious. If anyone remembers Blink before they added the 182 to their name, or remember Green Day when they played little hole in the wall clubs for 5 bucks a head then you would have to agree that they were punk influenced bands and not pop bands with the punk look. Nowdays its a little differant ill agree. They have strayed far from their roots, to each their own as far as that goes. Pop-punk is called that for a reason. They are pop bands with punk influences, i dont think there is really an argument there. Are they punk? no. Pop? no. A little influenced by both, yes. Reminds me of the argument where some kid was saying Beastie Boys were not ever punk, or that Metallica was not ever metal based on the style they play now.

Green day werent allowed to play at that whole in the wall for along time cause they were to poppy they were only aloud to cause they got a drummer with some punk cred.

All_Nite_Dinah 07-15-2005 05:14 PM

Green day played the same joints as loads of other lookout bands that sounded just as poppy as they did in the early days. The gilman street scene was pretty big for pop punk.

All_Nite_Dinah 07-15-2005 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by deadkennedysmeetstheclash
No, there not..Huge amount of people still listen to theses bands because punk is DEAD..Admit it, true punk is dead..Billy Idol perhaps is the only one still going, and he was mor epop oreintated anyway. The new bands arn't punk there punk/revival or pop/punk, and the title was 'what punk abnds do you like' not what punk revival bands..And i do lisetn to new stuff as well FYI, it's just it will never be as good as the original stuff..NOFX, Rancid etc are all very well and good, but there just not as good as Clash or Ramones..That s the truth. People can listen to other music, in fact people should listen to oteh rmusic but they can't say they listen to punk and mention any of those bands, because there lying in they do..If this was a punk revival thread, I would talk about punk revival bands, if it was apop/punk thread I would talk of pop/punk bands but it's not it's a PUNK band and punk died 20 years except for a slect few bands like Pennywise and Idol..

Your my new favorite member of Music banter. Pennywise is punx!

sleepy jack 07-15-2005 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
Your my new favorite member of Music banter. Pennywise is punx!


deadkennedysmeetstheclash 07-16-2005 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
Your my new favorite member of Music banter. Pennywise is punx!

alright, alright, there more punk revival mixed wit a little bit of indie..Is that better??

All_Nite_Dinah 07-16-2005 09:21 AM

You probobly should have quite while you were ahead.

cnt cheat karma 07-17-2005 01:53 AM

Subhumans(Citizen Fish too)
Icons of Filth
Rudimentary Peni(kinda death metal but still good)
Lost Cherrees
Flux of Pink Indians

And then theres the "pop punk"
Thatcher On Acid
Omega Tribe
Posion Girls

And I agree the stuff most people call pop punk is jsut crap, but then theres the stuff I call pop punk and most people dont even know who they are. But then again what most people call punk now adays I wouldnt even think of calling it kind of punk but ever one is entitled to their own oppinions.

SATCHMO 07-17-2005 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by deadkennedysmeetstheclash
alright, alright, there more punk revival mixed wit a little bit of indie..Is that better??

What is this punk revival B.S.? Wait don't answer that.

sleepy jack 07-17-2005 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by cnt cheat karma
Subhumans(Citizen Fish too)
Icons of Filth
Rudimentary Peni(kinda death metal but still good)
Lost Cherrees
Flux of Pink Indians

And then theres the "pop punk"
Thatcher On Acid
Omega Tribe
Posion Girls

And I agree the stuff most people call pop punk is jsut crap, but then theres the stuff I call pop punk and most people dont even know who they are. But then again what most people call punk now adays I wouldnt even think of calling it kind of punk but ever one is entitled to their own oppinions.

I love you.

gabbagabba_hey 07-17-2005 07:52 AM

^ i was just gonna say that

deadkennedysmeetstheclash 07-17-2005 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
You probobly should have quite while you were ahead.

Well, I couldnt' dteetct whthe ryou were trying to be sracastic or not, it's abit hard trying to pick up sracasm when you can't hear you saying it..

Hain 07-17-2005 10:54 AM

Bad Brains
the Clash
Dead Kennedys
Dead Milkmen
Embrace (the Ian MacKaye emo-core band, not the UK modern-rock band)
the Fall
Guitar Wolf
Husker Du
the Jam
Joy Division
Killing Joke
Minor Threat
Mission of Burma
Nikki Sudden
Redd Kross
Rites Of Spring
Swell Maps
X Ray Spex

- x .R.o.c.k tunezZ 07-17-2005 12:26 PM

I LOVE that ur signature.."Taste of Ink" by The used..there one of my fav bands ever: )!

- x .R.o.c.k tunezZ 07-17-2005 12:29 PM

Fav punk bands : )
My fav punk bands are probably just my all tyme fav bands which are:
Blink-182: )
The used
yea..thas about it probably hehe: )..They are my all tyme favs : )! yay!

Poprocks and Punk 07-21-2005 05:42 AM

Green Day
The Sex Pistols
My chemical romance
White stripes
the Killers
blink 182
The Offspring

- x .R.o.c.k tunezZ 07-21-2005 11:13 AM

My fav bandzZ
Well my fav bandz are even if sum of them or all of them arent punk here they are:
Blink-182 : D
The used <3
Blondie *
Ashlee simpson(even tho like everyone hates her and shes DEF not punk!)
Katy rose : )
And im starting like the matches and the calsh are pretty good too!..and my chemical romance are awsum too!: )

tdoc210 07-22-2005 02:30 PM

the sex pistols

the clash

"early rancid"

the rotaways

the jonee earthquake band


ginger bakers air force

the ramones

bob dylan

minor threat


led zeppelin

jethro tull

the who

the beatles

eric clapton

deep purple

social distortion

the yarbles


black sabbath

blue oyster cult

ozzy osbourne

dead kennedys

talking heads

the doors

jerry lee lewis

chuck berry

guns n roses

jimi hendrix

dropkick murphies


blind faith

the yardbirds

crosby stills and nash

simon and garfunkle

billy idol

alice cooper

pink floyd

river city rebels




James Earl Jones 07-22-2005 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by - x .R.o.c.k tunezZ


I was debating with my friend the other day...

Is Blondie more street punk or classic punk....hmm.... *thinks hard*

sleepy jack 07-23-2005 04:44 PM

*needs to be moved to general music*

All_Nite_Dinah 07-23-2005 08:10 PM

its suppose to be a favorite punk bands thread

And also, blondie is not street punk. They were just a punk band.

Lewiscode 07-23-2005 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
its suppose to be a favorite punk bands thread

And also, blondie is not street punk. They were just a punk band.

They weren't even that they were new wave they just played in punk venues.

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