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Old 03-21-2013, 08:49 PM   #331 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BastardofYoung View Post
note: Slow considered their music "Demolition Rock". They have been called proto-grunge, because they share similarities and even had the look that would be associated with grunge, but they have said they are "Demolition Rock".

This can be seen on the back cover of "I Broke the Circle"

They also never released a 7", both "I Broke the Circle" and "Against the Glass" were released as 12" (as far as I know)

I know a few people via facebook who are on the Vancouver Punk Scene (Doug Donut of Death Sentence, Billy Hopeless of The Black Halos.. and a few others) and seeing people talk about Slow who remember them is great. Bring up Seattle bands, especially Green River (though Mudhoney usually is brought up, but Slow predated them, but were around the same time as Green River) and they will say "Green River was a poor mans Slow" (though some bias is obviously there)

A few famous incidents, The Expo 86 incident was probably the bigger ones. The other one was pre-Slow, when members were in a band called Chuck and the Fucks... and them getting kicked out of a high school they played (how a band called Chuck and the Fucks got booked in the first place is a question for the ages)

Believe the other pre-Slow band was SiSu.

Then you have the post-Slow bands, the most known was Tom's band called Copyright (Christian was also a member). Their first album, referred to as Circle C is a rarity as well that is considered to be pretty great if you can find it. They were on DGC Records, but not for long... think they didn't sell very well and were booted off the label.

this one from the demo:

But their music after that went more mainstream rock. They had a minor hit with this song

the follow up was not as well received, but for the style isn't that bad:
Right I shouldn't have said 7 inch, I meant to say Ep, as their were only 6 songs.

Circle C a rarity? I use to have the tape cassette...but I think I threw it out spring cleaning last year
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Old 03-21-2013, 09:29 PM   #332 (permalink)
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41. Rancid ,Genre (Punk rock/melodic hardcore/ska) California USA era, 90's/present &

Operation Ivy, Genre (Punk rock/melodic hardcore/ska)

From the ashes of Operation Ivy came Rancid, another one of Epitaph Records heavyweights throughout the 90's. Of course Rancid's claim to fame is the incorporation of ska into their music, which they do so well.

Time Bomb

Old Friend

Side Kick

Operation Ivy

Wow! the Clash influence is "really" prominent here.

Take Warning

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-08-2013 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 03-21-2013, 10:12 PM   #333 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
Right I shouldn't have said 7 inch, I meant to say Ep, as their were only 6 songs.

Circle C a rarity? I use to have the tape cassette...but I think I threw it out spring cleaning last year
Well, maybe not rarity, but hard to come by now. I see copies on for a couple bucks on CD.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.
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Old 03-22-2013, 10:29 AM   #334 (permalink)
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40. The Transplants, Genre (Punk rock/rap rock) California USA era, 90's/00's &

Jaya the Cat, Genre (Ska/Rasta punk/Punk rock) Massachusetts, USA, modern

A Rancid sideproject featuring the drummer from Blink 182, mostly fondly remembered for the single Diamonds & Guns that got the crap played out of it in a shampoo commercial, a great mix of rap & rock.

Diamonds & Guns

Gangsters & thugs

What I can't describe

Jaya the Cat

Another band that probably fits more into the post punk alternative section, but I thought I'd find something funky to go with the Transplants. Rastafari!

Here Come The Drums

Good Morning

Closing Time

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-09-2013 at 10:30 PM.
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Old 03-22-2013, 10:38 AM   #335 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
40. The Transplants, Genre (Punk rock/rap rock) era, California USA era, 90's/00's

A Rancid sideproject featuring the drummer from Blink 182, mostly fondly remembered for the single Diamonds & Guns that got the crap played out of it in a shampoo commercial, a great mix of rap & rock.

Diamonds & Guns

Gangsters & thugs

What I can't describe

These guys never get any love. I liked their first album. Some of it was quirky and goofy sounding but there was some decent efforts overall. I really dug One Seventeen, has a real edge to it and I love the barking vocals.,d.cGE
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Old 03-22-2013, 06:34 PM   #336 (permalink)
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I enjoy the Transplants as well, their music always had an almost comic book feel to it, like watching the movie Snatch...if that makes any sense.
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Old 03-22-2013, 06:51 PM   #337 (permalink)
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39. Resistant Culture, Genre (Crust Punk/Blackened Crust) California USA era, modern

& Acidez Genre (Hardcore) Mexico, era Modern

First Nations crust punk band from California, who play a mixture of sludgy blackened crust, in which you can really here their own cultural vibe coming through. My personal favourite crust band in the US right now, they're not as loud or fast as say Hellshock or Tragedy, but I think they have more going for them. Personal opinion of course.

It's Not Too Late




I am hearing a lot of good stuff come out of Mexico these days & I wish that I had heard of this band while I was doing my list, because they are damn good. They play old school hardcore with their own twist. You can tell they've been influenced by the UK82 scene, like any good punk band should be.

Sin Control



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Old 03-23-2013, 02:43 AM   #338 (permalink)
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Blackened Crust, haha.... someone should do a spin-off style and call it Burnt Toast.

But yeah... if you like that style, what you think of Darkthrone's crust era stuff?

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Old 03-23-2013, 10:22 AM   #339 (permalink)
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Darkthrone has always been one of my favourite Black Metal bands, it's been a millennium since I've listened to their early stuff, but I think their has always been a bit of a punk tinge to their sound, if I recall correctly.
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Old 03-23-2013, 11:42 AM   #340 (permalink)
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38. Punch Genre (Powerviolence) California USA, era, modern &
Magrudergrind Genre (Powerviolence) Virginia USA, era, 00's/modern

I originally had this spot reserved for Rammstein, but this thread has started to run counterintuitive to my initial intent, in that it keeps bubbling upstairs.

So I think what I will do, is start replacing the corporate fat cats on the list with bands that represent todays underground. I've really started to warm up to the Power Violence scene, so I will start here, and of course I like my crust/blackened crust. I'll let you know the band that I replaced, (Ie; Rammstein, The Offspring, ect)

The first band is a powerviolence band out of California with a female vocalist. If you like them check out the Canadian band Rape Revenge.

The second band is has been kicking around a while now, and are one of the more notable bands of the PV scene.


Positively God Free

Let Me Forget

How Nothing Lasts


Karma Smacks You In The Face

Emo Holocaust

Grind Jazz Fusion

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