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William_the_Bloody 12-22-2012 12:30 PM

109. Alice Donut Genre: (Post hardcore/Psychedelic punk/alternative) New York, era 80's /90's

Quicksand Genre: (Post Hardcore) New York, era 90's/00's

Alice Donut:

I'm not sure what genre label these guys are stuck under now, back in the day I just saw them as an alternative punkish band. They were defiantly unique, and will always be remembered for the somewhat brilliant but yet disturbing song Lisa's Father. (I always liked their jazzy instrumental of Black Sabbath's War Pigs)

Lisa's Father

Bombing Sarajevo

War Pigs


Quicksand was originally slated for the list, but as I am not a fan of post hardcore, I ended pulling them for Dr. Know. Anyways I thought I'd slate them in with another NY band.


Thorn In My Side

William_the_Bloody 12-22-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1266740)
Interesting. I wonder if it's a difference in age or a difference in location that's responsible for our different perceptions.

Sorry about that. I misinterpreted your THE as sarcasm, I wasn't trying to be smug. The problem with the internet.

When I was a teenager their were a lot of too cool people in my neighbourhood with shaved heads who saw the Cro Mags as the ultimate hardcore band, but by putting down other bands who didn't fit thier mold.

So I like the Cro Mags, no CM hate here, cheers.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-22-2012 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1266882)

If enough people take interest in the thread than I can re arrange it to everybody's liking, or mod can do so if they so desire. People want the Cro Mags at the top of the list, they'll be there.

Nobody is suggesting you re-arrange anything.
This is your thread, you list it how you like. I'm just unsure as to why you think people discussing it is a bad thing.

Please don't get precious over your own list, you'll ruin what is so far a great thread.

Janszoon 12-22-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1266882)
If enough people take interest in the thread than I can re arrange it to everybody's liking, or mod can do so if they so desire. People want the Cro Mags at the top of the list, they'll be there.

It's your thread, I think we're all enjoying reading your particular take on these bands (I know I am at least). No need to change it fit the opinions of others. :)


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1266962)
Sorry about that. I misinterpreted your THE as sarcasm, I wasn't trying to be smug. The problem with the internet.

When I was a teenager their were a lot of too cool people in my neighbourhood with shaved heads who saw the Cro Mags as the ultimate hardcore band, but by putting down other bands who didn't fit thier mold.

So I like the Cro Mags, no CM hate here, cheers.

Heh. No worries. I misunderstood you as well. That's the internet for you! :laughing:

William_the_Bloody 12-23-2012 11:09 AM

No worries I mentioned rearranging, because I originally had the idea of the thread being interactive but I'll just keep plugging along.

William_the_Bloody 12-23-2012 11:15 AM

108. Comeback Kid Genre (Hardcore), Manitoba Canada era, Modern &

Cancer Bats Genre (Hardcore) Ontario, Canada era, Modern

My opinion of this band has greatly changed since the release of their last album Symptoms & Cures which had some real killer tracks on it, to the point that I know think they're one of the better bands in North American hardcore at the moment.

Do Yourself a Favour

G.M. Vincent & I

Crooked Floors

Cancer Bats

When I was originally doing this list I got the impression that a few people were waiting for me to add this band, I can't get into them myself, but they are quite popular so...



bob. 12-23-2012 12:21 PM

i agree with everyone else man....your thread, your list, your order :)

otherwise i would have flipped out when you said Quicksand would not be on it and you put dr Know so low in the list :)

as to end the discussion about Cro-Mags...John Joseph returned after their second album and has been the driving force since....i think for some strange reason there is an allure around them with bonehead tough guy bull****....probably due to their own interests in fighting and martial the music was a bit ahead of its time.....but i also think that they have always had a very positive message which often gets lost in the somewhat misrepresentation of the band

the thread is great....don't change a thing...just remember you're talking about hardcore and punk rock....and we fans tend to be quite emotional about our favorite bands :) judging by your taste and knowledge....i am sure you know

so on that....i saw Comeback Kid when they opened for the reunion show of Gorilla Biscuits back in 2003 or 4....i have to say i was not impressed with them....but as i listen to the first two tracks you posted i think i'll give them another may have beeen just the anticipation of finally seeing Gorilla Biscuits :)

William_the_Bloody 12-23-2012 11:00 PM

107. The Diesel Queens Genre (Punk Rock), California USA era, 90's &

The Autonomads Genre (Rasta Punk/dub) Manchester UK era, modern


A guilty pleasure. (No one has added Assman, that is their best song no buts about it)

Drink N ****

Man/Boy Love


The Autonomads

Rasta punk band from Britain

Dubbin Up The Downfall

Alfred 12-23-2012 11:03 PM

Spot on appraisal of Comeback Kid, man. I liked them a lot before Symptoms & Cures, but that album took my love for them to a whole different level.

William_the_Bloody 12-24-2012 11:14 PM

106. SNFU Genre (hardcore/melodic hardcore) Alberta Canada era, 80's, 90's &

MDC Genre (Hardcore) California USA, era 80's


A classic Canadian hardcore band well known south of the border that I think is better than a lot of the second tier US hardcore bands like MDC, Naked Raygun ect, so I put them on the list.

I forget

Victims of the Womanizer

She's not on the menu


Speaking of second tier bands, jk. Actually there was nothing second tier about MDC, they were a great band, it's just that their not as infamously famous as bands like The Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, ect. I remember being about 13 or 14 and looking at the alternative tentacles mail order list and wondering what MDC stood for, lol.

I remember

William_the_Bloody 12-25-2012 03:31 PM

105. 7 Seconds Genre (Hardcore/Melodic Hardcore), xxCa-lifxor-niax (Correction)Nevada USA era, 80's &

JFA Genre (Hardcore/Skate Punk) California USA, 80's

Time to knock off another classic California punk band, 7 seconds & skateboarding, yep.

I hate sports

Were Gonna Fight

Walk together rock together


Another popular California hardcore act from the 80's.

Skateboard Anarchy

Janszoon 12-25-2012 04:38 PM

7 Seconds are from Nevada, not California. Good call though, I love those guys! :)

jackhammer 12-25-2012 06:14 PM

More U.K bands please ;) unless they are in the top 20 as they should be :)

bob. 12-26-2012 03:01 AM

7 Seconds is the only thing (worth a shit) that we can claim as ours here in Reno....please do not take that from us....

7 Seconds at 105?....i cannot wait to see your top 20

William_the_Bloody 12-26-2012 04:40 PM

Nevada? wow, all these years I just assummed they were from California.

Great band, I'm trying to judge things by my musical ear not sentimental attachment though, otherwise they would be in my top 50.

Yes more, UK on the way.

William_the_Bloody 12-26-2012 05:18 PM

104. The Subhumans Genre (Anarcho punk/hardcore),Wiltshire U.K. era, 80's &

Ad Nauseam Genre (Hardcore/Anarcho punk) Hampshire UK, era, 80's

I've never been a fan of the UK Subhumans, but I think everyone has a band that they don't like for reasons they can't put their finger on (I think its the vocals) . That being said, they undeniably put out some good songs, and so...


Religous Wars

Subvert City

Ad Nauseam

Greatest Show On Earth

Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher,

Janszoon 12-26-2012 05:24 PM

Haha, I love Subhumans! Their album From the Cradle to the Grave is easily one of my favorite punk albums. I met Dick in a bar once a few years ago and caught some horrible flu from the bastard.

bob. 12-26-2012 07:32 PM
you got the flu from a dick! :)

i did an interview for a friends zine with Citizen Fish....and yeah very approachable and nice lads :)

Subhumans have been and probably will always be one of my favorite bands....but i could see your point about Dick's voice...actually ironically....i was chatting with my friend Ryan and he told me something similar....basically that although he digs the music he just can't get past the strong english accents from most of the "anarco" punk bands

Janszoon 12-26-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1268268)

Heh. I knew somebody was going to say that.


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1268268)
i did an interview for a friends zine with Citizen Fish....and yeah very approachable and nice lads :)

Hey look, that means you and I have one degree of separation in the real world!


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1268268)
Subhumans have been and probably will always be one of my favorite bands....but i could see your point about Dick's voice...actually ironically....i was chatting with my friend Ryan and he told me something similar....basically that although he digs the music he just can't get past the strong english accents from most of the "anarco" punk bands

I can also see why someone wouldn't like Dick's voice—I mean, let's face it, he sounds like Eric Idle—but it suits the sarcastic tone of the lyrics for me.

bob. 12-26-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1268279)
Heh. I knew somebody was going to say that.

i've been watching and listening to way too much Kevin Smith :)


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1268279)
Hey look, that means you and I have one degree of separation in the real world!

i would honestly be willing to bet that this is one of many


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1268279)
I can also see why someone wouldn't like Dick's voice—I mean, let's face it, he sounds like Eric Idle—but it suits the sarcastic tone of the lyrics for me.

i would have never thought of that!....and you are 100% correct :)

Janszoon 12-26-2012 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1268283)
i would honestly be willing to bet that this is one of many

You're probably right. I'm always amazed by what a small world it is.

bob. 12-26-2012 08:17 PM

nah....its a fucking huge world with only a few great people :)

Alfred 12-26-2012 08:36 PM

I hated the Subhumans' debut album when I listen to it, but I'm pretty sure it was the vocals that threw me off.

Janszoon 12-26-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1268288)
I hated the Subhumans' debut album when I listen to it, but I'm pretty sure it was the vocals that threw me off.

I'd recommend checking out From the Cradle to the Grave or Time Flies + Rats if you feel like giving them a second chance. The former is quality through and through. The latter is hit-or-miss but has some of their best songs on it.

bob. 12-26-2012 08:49 PM

skimming over reviews of their albums on RYM....i notice that his voice really bugs people

William_the_Bloody 12-27-2012 10:05 PM

103. 4 Skins Genre (oi! Punk Rock), London U.K. era, 80's and adding

Maraboots Genre (oi! Punk Rock), France, era modern

My first oi! band on the list, a musical genre that was starting to take off until it got mired in controversy as a result of the skinhead fiasco. There has been a resurgence in oi! music by non racist skinheads of late, so I don't begrudge them of that, but despite the above band claiming they're not racist, they have said or done things that I find particularly suspect. In short, I've been calling things by music, but on this occasion, I don't want them in my top 100, despite great songs.

One law for them

Seems to me

Plastic Gangster


Another good modern day oi! band from France


La soupe aux choubs

William_the_Bloody 12-28-2012 05:44 PM

102. Lost Cherrees Genre (Anarcho punk/ punk rock), Sutton U.K. era, 80's and

Icon A.D. Genre (Anarcho punk/ Punk rock) Leeds, UK, era 80's

Probably my favourite female fronted Brit band since I consider Siouxie & the Banshees, Raincoats, Elastica ect to be more alternative in nature.

(I have to draw the line in the sand somewhere with this thread, otherwise I'd be adding The Cure, Bauhaus ect & all the hard stuff would get pushed out.)

Anyway one more band to go and then I'm taking a break.

All the room in the world

Living in a coffin

Why does it have to be a dream

Icon A.D.

A short lived all girl punk band that put out a few notable seven inches. My favourite track.

Fight for Peace

William_the_Bloody 12-29-2012 03:26 AM

101. Snuff/Guns & Wankers Genre (Melodic hardcore), London UK, era 90's and

Leatherface Genre (Melodic hardcore) Sunderland UK, era 90's


It occurs to me that I made a grave mistake with Pig Destroyer, I thought I had thier integral album...but apprently not, I just got blown away, so they may show up again.

Anyhow I leave you with Snuff to round of the final band before 100, virtually one of the only notable punk bands to come out of the UK during the 90's. (Guns & Wankers if pretty much the same band.

Back in three weeks, Happy New Year!

I know what you want

Skin Deep



As I'm in the process of revamping things, I thought I would add the other big melodic hardcore act from the UK during the 90's. Funny thing, I got into the Mush album back in the day, but overall I could never get into them.

Message in a bottle

fck 12-29-2012 11:30 AM

I love subhumans. They were one of the first ''punk'' bands that I got into. Cradle to the Grave was my soundtrack for years.

Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1268247)
Haha, I love Subhumans! Their album From the Cradle to the Grave is easily one of my favorite punk albums. I met Dick in a bar once a few years ago and caught some horrible flu from the bastard.

The Batlord 01-02-2013 10:52 AM

I gotta say, I thought that this thread was sort of lazy looking and was gonna get abandoned in a week, but it's actually an interesting thread that keeps me interested. Even if hardcore isn't really my thing. And it's good to see a fellow Buffy geek. Even if Angelus was a better villain. :p:

Sansa Stark 01-03-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1268605)
103. 4 Skins Genre (oi! Punk Rock), London U.K. era, 80's

My first oi! band on the list, a musical genre that was starting to take off until it got mired in controversy as a result of the skinhead fiasco. There has been a resurgence in oi! music by non racist skinheads of late, so I don't begrudge them of that, but despite the above band claiming they're not racist, they have said or done things that I find particularly suspect. In short, I've been calling things by music, but on this occasion, I don't want them in my top 100, despite great songs.

One law for them

Seems to me

Plastic Gangster

not even

William_the_Bloody 01-05-2013 02:03 AM

Not even Personal opinion, lets not go there.

William_the_Bloody 01-05-2013 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1270276)
I gotta say, I thought that this thread was sort of lazy looking and was gonna get abandoned in a week, but it's actually an interesting thread that keeps me interested. Even if hardcore isn't really my thing. And it's good to see a fellow Buffy geek. Even if Angelus was a better villain.

Its more work than I expected I give you that, but I plan to see it through to the end.

I have a busy career so if it seems abondened at times its just because I'm tied up.

Angel??? a better villian...never. Spike is the Billy Idol of all vamps.... and he will always be number one to Buffy...if u know what I mean. :p:

The Batlord 01-05-2013 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1271222)
Angel??? a better villian...never. Spike is the Billy Idol of all vamps.... and he will always be number one to Buffy...if u know what I mean. :p:

Spike was definitely a better good guy, but he doesn't hold a candle to Angelus as a villain. He made the second season what it was. He was just pure evil and made the whole show revolve around what new heinous act he would commit next.

William_the_Bloody 01-05-2013 12:43 PM

Hmmmm, well then, a review of Buffy is in order.

William_the_Bloody 01-09-2013 09:03 PM

100. Totalt Jävla Mörker Genre (Hardcore/Crust Punk), Sweeden, era, Modern &

Disfear Genre (Hardcore/Crust) Sweeden, era, 90's/00's

Allright so starting 100 to 51.

This is pretty much an anglocentric list in that most of the bands are from English speaking nations. I recognize that hardcore is huge throughout South America, Asia & Europe, but unless you speak the language it's kind of hard to follow along.

Scandinavia of course is the exception to this rule. Much like heavy metal, these countries have been pioneers in the more extreme sounds of this genre, particularly crust, so hence I give you Totalt Jävla Mörker, or translated to English, Total ****ing Darkness.

Kall Värld


Ett Vackert landskap Af Ensamhet


Allright, in the next two edited entries, I will be adding two more popular Sweedish crust bands.

Get if Off

William_the_Bloody 01-10-2013 05:04 PM

99. Wolfbrigade Genre (Crust Punk/D-beat), Sweeden era, 90's to present &

Skitsystem Genre (Crust Punk/D-Beat) Sweeden, era 90's to present


Another Sweedish crust band keeping the bullet brigade image alive and well in hardcore.

In Darkness You Feel No Regret

Barren Dreams



Originally a side project for death metal band At the Gates, as a result of some of its band members having an appreciation for cust punk. The band would continue well on after the departure of ATG members, and I believe has reformed again.

Apokalypsens Svarta Änglar

William_the_Bloody 01-11-2013 09:41 PM

98. Lard Genre (Hardcore/Industrial) California/Illinois? USA, era 90's &

Jello Biafra & D.O.A. (Hardcore/Punk Rock) California/British Columbia, USA/Canada, 80's/90's


A popular musical sideproject during the 90's that featured former Dead Kennedy's frontman Jello Biafra & Ministry's Al Jourgensen. I was tempted to through Ministry on the list.

Hmmmm, obviously not big supporters of drug prohibition.

Drug Raid at 4 AM

I want to be a drug sniffing dog

Mate Spawn & Die

Jello Biafra & D.O.A.

Jello Biafra has worked with a few notable artists since the dissolution of the Dead Kennedys, hometown heroes D.O.A. is one of them.

Full Metal Jackoff

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-11-2013 09:46 PM

I like Lard a lot but I still think Tumor Circus was Biafra's best post DK band.

bob. 01-11-2013 11:02 PM

anything having to do with Steel Pole Bathtub is amazing :)

Lard still gets quite a bit of play for me.....i always thought that Jello and Ministry worked out quite well....also i can see your point about almost adding Ministry....for me at least in the early 90s pretty much everybody who listened to punk music liked Ministry....except for maybe the "punker than thou" scene elitist

also i have to assume that if Lard made your list than Pailhead must be on there somewhere.....i always thought that was one of the strangest side projects.....the father of straightedge with the biggest junkie in rock

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