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Alfred 12-03-2012 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1257207)
124. ****ed Up Genre (Retro Hardcore/punk rock), Ontario Canada, era: Modern

Not so big on retro hardcore (The Casualties,ect) as my belief is that every generation has to put their own stamp on music, but hey, ****ed up are good at what they do, though they sound like they've gotten a little arty since I was last into them, which isn't a bad thing.

The best band in this whole thread so far, and probably for the foreseeable future. I love Fucked Up, and the three songs you chose are some of their best.

William_the_Bloody 12-04-2012 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1257235)
The best band in this whole thread so far, and probably for the foreseeable future. I love Fucked Up, and the three songs you chose are some of their best.

Thanks, the song "The Police" is what got me into the band years back, I sort of loss track of what there up to lately, but there a good band.

William_the_Bloody 12-04-2012 07:08 PM

123. New Bomb Turks Genre (Punk rock) Ohio USA, era 90's/00's and

Vegan Reich Genre (Hardcore) Tennessee USA, era 90's

Ohio punk rock band that had a good singer with a distinctive southern twang to his vocals, I always thought their music sounded a little under produced, but they put out some decent tunes.

Tail Crush

Born Toulouse-Lautrec

Eyes Of Satan

Vegan Reich - No One is Innocent

Adding Vegan Reich to the list, a popular Hari Krishna, vegan, straight edge band from the 90's, defiantly going out of my sphere of hardcore here, but from what I've heard, they're pretty good.

The Way It Is

William_the_Bloody 12-06-2012 10:15 AM

122. The Viletones Genre (Punk rock), Ontario Canada, era 70's

The Subhumans Genre (Punk Rock), Briitish Columbia Canada, era, 70's, 80's

When the Sex Pistols broke out in the late 70's, you got a lot of punk rock bands with violent musicians aspiring to be the next Sid Vicious or Johnny Rotten. The lead singer of the Viletones was one of them. I saw a punk documentary where he apparently spliced himself open by running a broken beer bottle down his arm. Hmmmmm, I miss the days when you could actually by a bottle of beer at a club, instead of having to drink out of a plastic cup.

Danger Boy

Screaming Fist

Dog Style


Yes there are two punk bands with the same name, but for Canadians this is the one that mattered.

Slave to my Dick

William_the_Bloody 12-06-2012 08:03 PM

121. Madball Genre (NY Hardcore/Beat Down Hardcore), New York USA, era: 90's to present and

Pro Pain Genre (NYHC/Metallic Hardcore), New York USA, era 90's

Well now were getting into some serious NYHC, the younger brother of Agnostic Front's lead singer; Freddy Cricien spearheaded Madball throughout the 90's helping to modernize the sound of NYHC, which for better or worse, would be a precursor to the beat down hardcore we hear today. (ie; Homies, Hoodies & baseball caps)

The next set starts hitting some of those classic punk bands from the 80's & 90's, some more grindcore, as well as some other hard stuff, back in a week and a bit.

Stand Up NY (hmmm, I hear some Exploited influence here.)

Pride (times are changing)


Pro Pain

Popular metallic hardcore band consisting of ex members of the Crumbsuckers. I could never really get into them, but they helped pioneer those gutteral vocals you hear in beatdown hardcore today.

William_the_Bloody 12-12-2012 07:42 PM

120. AFI Genre (Melodic Hardcore) California, USA, era 90's/present and

Poison Idea Genre (Hardcore) Oregon USA, 80's/90's

A big named 90's outfit that was heavily influenced by the Misfits. Not to offend, but I always thought they were a bit of a kiddie punk band, they were popular though, even more so now that they've moved onto playing a different style of music.

No Poetic Device


Malleus Maleficarum

Poison Idea

When I think of all the bands that got mentioned or posted when I originally did this list, Poison Idea was the name that seemed to keep popping up. Strange thing, for the life of me I have never been able to get into these guys, but when I listen to them I can recognize that they have a good degree of musical talent, just missing the hooks for me I guess.

Plastic Bomb

The Badge

bob. 12-12-2012 07:48 PM

their first EP "Fly In The Ointment" is damn near perfect 90s punk rock....these fuckers played Reno back then weekly....then got big and never came back

still have my copy on green marble vinyl....and its still a damn good record

four songs at five minutes :)

William_the_Bloody 12-13-2012 08:42 PM

Allright noted. They do have some good songs and that's why I put them on the list.

William_the_Bloody 12-13-2012 08:48 PM

119. Stormcrow Genre (crust punk/stenchcore) Oakland USA, era, modern and

Dresden Genre (Crust Punk) Wisconsin USA, era, modern


So a slip up here, this band probably shouldn't have most likely been at the end of the list, but sometimes you go through an initial state of euphoria with a newer band before the dust settles, and you realize well...not as stellar as I thought.

Anyhow not to detour anyone, there a good band that has been labelled as stench core?!? Why? Well perhaps their unbathed crusty punks that smell like piss stains? your guess is as good as mind, but we have yet another new genre label.

Enslaved in Darkness

Path to Defeat

Dresden An up and coming promising crust band.

God has no mercy

William_the_Bloody 12-13-2012 08:51 PM

118. Screeching Weasel Genre (Punk Rock), Illinois, USA, era 90's &

Goldfinger Genre (melodic hardcore/pop punk) California, USA, era 90's

Bordering on pop punk here, but they were pretty rocking and I always digged their 1950's early 60's bee bob sound that made me feel like I was on the Happy Days. Plus I've always wanted to wear their "I want to be a homosexual" t shirt to a Hatebreed concert, just to make a firm point!

Cool Kids

I want to be a homosexual

Its all in my head


I could never really get into this band. to poppy for me, but they did have one song I really liked.

Open Your Eyes

William_the_Bloody 12-14-2012 04:15 PM

117. The Plasmatics Genre (Punk rock/Heavy Metal), New York USA, era, 70's 80's &

X Genre (Punk Rock) California, USA, era, 70's, 80's

While the Ramones have obtained legendary status, it is often forgotten that the Plasmatics were at one time the biggest underground act in New York City during the late 70's. The popularity of the band led them to getting signed by the majors where they eventually took a metal turn before getting dropped. Known for their outrageous on stage antics the band would disband soon after; with lead singer Wendy Williams committing suicide in the late 90's. I actually prefer their early 80's metal sound to their Ramones stuff, so hence the latter two videos.


Mistress of taboo

Rock n Roll


Adding X to the list, I never really got into them, but I never really got into the Plasmatics either, so...

Hungry Wolf


Urban Hat€monger ? 12-14-2012 04:28 PM

The Plasmatics were terrible but that's why I liked them.

Engine 12-15-2012 03:46 AM

I remember the day Wendy O. Williams died. I was at work in some bakery/deli and an older punk rock co-worker broke the news and I was sad even though I hardly cared about her band. I wondered why I cared, and I still wonder. Good body? Interesting music? Straight teeth? I really don't know but I miss her being alive.

Janszoon 12-15-2012 06:32 AM

I have to say, I like the stuff Wendy O. Williams did with Motorhead a hell of a lot more than I like the Plasmatics.

Zer0 12-15-2012 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1262337)
120. AFI Genre (Melodic Hardcore) California, USA, era 90's/present

A big named 90's outfit that was heavily influenced by the Misfits. Not to offend, but I always thought they were a bit of a kiddie punk band, they were popular though, even more so now that they've moved onto playing a different style of music.

Ah AFI, I still get a bit nostalgic whenever someone mentions them. I got into them around the time of Sing The Sorrow, which isn't a bad album, but the whole Black Sails In The Sunset/All Hallows EP/The Art Of Drowning era was my favourite. Their first three albums where a bit hardcore-punk-by-numbers but on Black Sails and TAOD they had found their sound somewhat. I was obsessed with them for a few years before they released Decemberunderground and I lost interest in them then.

bob. 12-15-2012 07:25 AM

i feel the exact same way about AFI.....seriously they and Swinging Utters (both from east Bay) played Reno at least three times a month back ion the early to mid 90s and were practically locals.....i never really got much into their recorded stuff past a couple of comps and that first EP....but members of both bands were real stand up guys and the music was i can say that i've seen AFI several times with less than 15 people in the audience :)

Zer0 12-15-2012 07:54 AM

That is awesome, would have loved to have seen them in a small club when they still not very well known. They started out really young as well, Davey Havok was only about 14 or so when they formed. They have never played here to my knowledge but a friend and I were almost going to go see them in Bristol few years back but it didn't happen.

William_the_Bloody 12-15-2012 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1263724)
I have to say, I like the stuff Wendy O. Williams did with Motorhead a hell of a lot more than I like the Plasmatics.

I wasn't aware of that, I will have to check it out, though I'm not overly big on the Plasmatics either.

William_the_Bloody 12-15-2012 10:47 AM

116. Youth Brigade Genre (Hardcore/melodic hardcore), California USA, era, 80's &

Descendents Genre (Melodic Hardcore/Punk Rock), California, USA, era 80's

Youth Brigade:

Time to knock off one of those classic California skateboarding bands from the 80's, Youth Brigade.


I hate my life

Men in blue


I've never been a fan of this band, but I finally came across a song that they recently did that I like, so...

Mass Nerder

Newkie 12-15-2012 10:54 AM

Ah yeah, I forgot how decent AFI were once upon a time, before they became some sort of Lostprophets clone.

Janszoon 12-15-2012 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1263792)
I wasn't aware of that, I will have to check it out, though I'm not overly big on the Plasmatics either.

Check it out. I wish her vocals were always this raw:


William_the_Bloody 12-15-2012 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1263878)
Check it out. I wish her vocals were always this raw:


Hmmm not bad I guess, For some reason I can see Lemmy & Wendy being a really good couple, but it would probably be a struggle for ole Lem to be a top with the mistress of taboo!

So we had the Plasmatics, Youth Brigade and now...

William_the_Bloody 12-15-2012 11:54 PM

115. UK Subs Genre (Punk rock),London UK, Era, 70's 80's. &

Infa Riot Genre (oi!/Punk Rock), London UK, era 80's

The legendary UK Subs!!! I suppose for many people this band would be in their top 20 list, most notably for those who lived punks early era, but while I like the UK Subs, I think I concur with John Lydon's comments on the band, if I recall correctly I believe he once stated that they had too much of a one dimensional charge ahead guitar sound, something I would agree with for the breadth of material they put out, there should be a lot more there when you compare them to shorter lived bands like the Pistols, Sham 69, The Damned, The Ruts ect.

Well that's it for melodic stuff for now, time to take a harder turn to end the set



Emotional Blackmail

Infa Riot:

Popular British oi! band remembered for having one their songs covered by Motorhead.

William_the_Bloody 12-16-2012 10:38 PM

114. Black September Genre (Blackened Crust) Illinois USA, era modern and

Ecocide Genre (Blackened Crust) Texas USA, era modern

Another fledging blackened crust band that put out a really good album that I'm big on at the moment. They are probably more of a metal band, but they have a heavy crust punk sound to them, so I threw them in. Defiantly looking foward to their next release

I'll also throw in Ecocide from Texas, a band that throws a violin into the mix, pretty cool.

Creation of chaos


Blood for Oceans

Ecocide- Proverb

Janszoon 12-16-2012 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1264425)
114. Black September Genre (Blackened Crust) Illinois USA, era modern

Another fledging blackened crust band that put out a really good album that I'm big on at the moment. They are probably more of a metal band, but they have a heavy crust punk sound to them, so I threw them in. Defiantly looking foward to their next release

Never heard of these guys before but holy shit do they sound good! Definitely going to try and track them down.

William_the_Bloody 12-16-2012 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1264426)
Never heard of these guys before but holy shit do they sound good! Definitely going to try and track them down.

Thanks for the comment it's appreciated, I was kind of blown away by them as well, I think they released their second album just a few months back.

I find that black metal and crust punk are a really good mix.

Janszoon 12-16-2012 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1264432)
Thanks for the comment it's appreciated, I was kind of blown away by them as well, I think they released their second album just a few months back.

I find that black metal and crust punk are a really good mix.

Just got The Forbidden Gates Beyond. I'm really looking forward to giving this a listen tomorrow.

William_the_Bloody 12-17-2012 07:16 PM

113. I Killed the Prom Queen Genre (metalcore) Australia, era, 00/modern and

Full Blown Chaos (Metalcore/NYHC) New York, era, modern

Metalcore, the poor genre that keeps getting punted back between punk & metal because no one wants it.

What started out as mostly hardcore kids playing metal has turned into a big commercial genre attracting all sorts of douches and posers who have no connection to the underground, thus you get bands like Asking Alexandria ect, so I really have to cherry pick through the bands here.

I Killed the Prom Queen is a band that has a lot of potential, but has been plagued with line up changes that had resulted in hiatuses. Their set to release another album, but sadly I think they're going to find that metalcore has already set sail.

Sharks in your mouth

Say Goodbye

Never Never Land

Full Blown Chaos

I originally put this band under my interlude which I revamped. Not a fan myself, but I respect that they're not running around doing wimpy sell out metalcore vocals...but then again, they're not pretty enough to get them to pay off, lol.

William_the_Bloody 12-18-2012 11:28 PM

112. Brutal Truth Genre (grindcore) New York, USA era, 90's and

Insect Warfare Genre (grindcore) Texas, USA, era modern

(Originally had Pig Destroyer on the list, but moved them up)

This the second time that I've wrapped two grind bands together to make way for a band I fogot, so I won't do it again, and there is a good handful of grindcore bands yet to come.

Anyhow, both of these acts have been flag ship bands for American grindcore during their respected era, Brutal Truth for the 90's and the now defunct Insect Warfare for the modern era.

Brutal Truth

Birth of Ignorance

regression progression

Collateral Damage

Insect Warfare

Pestilent Excruciation

Chainsaw Justice

Self Termination

Janszoon 12-18-2012 11:30 PM

Nice! I'm going to see Pig Destroyer next month! (And I love Brutal Truth!)

The Batlord 12-19-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1265279)
Nice! I'm going to see Pig Destroyer next month! (And I love Brutal Truth!)

Sounds like a nice, relaxed evening. Maybe you should take your parents.

William_the_Bloody 12-19-2012 11:13 PM

111. Cro Mags Genre (NY Hardcore/Crossover Thrash) New York USA, era 80's &

Ludichrist Genre (Crossover Thrash/NYHC) New York USA, era 80's

The Cro Mags are one of those band that could have been legendary. I stress the phrase "could have been" because of their infighting they only released one notable album "The Age of Quarrel" which in itself is not a classic album, but rather a good look into a band that had the potential to go far before the lead singer was given the boot.

If you think that Slash & Axl Rose hate each other, you should take a look at the following link that outlines the feud between the Cro Mags. The hatred runs so deep that the bass player spent time in Riker's Island this year for trying to knife current band members backstage, an incident he claims was in self defense to avoid a biker beat down. Cro Mags huh...a suitable name for these apes!

The Cro-Mags’ History Of Quarrel That Led To The Webster Hall Stabbing - Stereogum

We gotta know

Age of Quarrel

Death Camps

Back in a bit, the next set their is some more modern hardcore & crust, some 80's anarcho punk, and a Jello Biafra sideproject.


Throw some Ludachrist into the mix. I always preferred the Crumbsuckers myself, but here they are...

Green Eggs And Ham

Alfred 12-19-2012 11:18 PM

Pig Destroyer are awesome. Terrifyer's nice for a blast of rage.

Janszoon 12-20-2012 04:40 AM

Ah, Cro-Mags. I remember when they were like THE cool band to be into in hardcore circles.

The Batlord 12-20-2012 09:22 AM

Cro-Mags are one of the few hardcore bands that I ever liked. Usually not my thing, but throw a little metal into the mix and it's all good.

William_the_Bloody 12-21-2012 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1265894)
Ah, Cro-Mags. I remember when they were like THE cool band to be into in hardcore circles.

Yes, I always remember the Cro Mags being THE cool band for iron pumping boneheads & who felt they were just too tough to listen to the Dead Kennedys. Nevertheless a good band, just not as legendary as some make them out to be.

William_the_Bloody 12-22-2012 12:00 AM

110. Leper Genre: (Blackened Crust/Ska/hardcore), British Columbia Canada era, Modern

Alehammer Genre: (Crust punk), Illinois USA, era Modern

I wanted to add a little more Crust from North America before I hit the 100 mark, so I've moved a band off the list that I didn't think was too important, to make way for two crust bands. The first band Leper, is a Canadian band from my Province that gained prominence for being the first band to mix blackened crust with ska music, to my knowledge they are the only ones to do so. The second band Alehammer, is a promising band from Chicago that has a traditional aggressive crust sound.


Wild & Free

Creep Anthem

What I be


At war with straight edge


Negative Vibe Merchants

Janszoon 12-22-2012 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1266734)
Yes, I always remember the Cro Mags being THE cool band for iron pumping boneheads & who felt they were just too tough to listen to the Dead Kennedys. Nevertheless a good band, just not as legendary as some make them out to be.

Interesting. I wonder if it's a difference in age or a difference in location that's responsible for our different perceptions.

bob. 12-22-2012 10:04 AM

hmmm no mention that the Cro-Mags were one of the first hardcore bands that practiced Krishna and involved Krishna consciousness in their lyrics....or that they were involved in the infamous Fear show on SNL.....also they were one of the first NY hardcore bands to openly discuss opposition to the torture and death of animals....for me Age Of Quarrel is a very important album and still gets play often

William_the_Bloody 12-22-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1266831)
hmmm no mention that the Cro-Mags were one of the first hardcore bands that practiced Krishna and involved Krishna consciousness in their lyrics....or that they were involved in the infamous Fear show on SNL.....also they were one of the first NY hardcore bands to openly discuss opposition to the torture and death of animals....for me Age Of Quarrel is a very important album and still gets play often

Noted, and perhaps I was being overly critical of band that many are fond of, so I should state that I like the Cro Mags, and only take the music into account.

I just personally feel that the band made a big mistake by kicking their lead singer out of the band, had he stayed, I think the band would have been undisputely legendary.

If enough people take interest in the thread than I can re arrange it to everybody's liking, or mod can do so if they so desire. People want the Cro Mags at the top of the list, they'll be there.

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