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Old 01-12-2013, 06:10 AM   #121 (permalink)
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It's funny to see Lard on here. I had "Forkboy" stuck in my head a couple days ago for no apparent reason.

Originally Posted by bob. View Post
....for me at least in the early 90s pretty much everybody who listened to punk music liked Ministry....except for maybe the "punker than thou" scene elitist
I have to say this definitely wasn't how it was where I grew up. Maybe it's because of the rigid hardcore scene in my area (Boston), but out of all the punk and hardcore kids I hung out with, hardly any liked Ministry and even less liked anything else Wax Trax related. A lot of it seemed to stem from some weird hardcore Luddite anti anything remotely "electronic" attitude.
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Old 01-12-2013, 12:26 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
I like Lard a lot but I still think Tumor Circus was Biafra's best post DK band.
Tumour Circus now that's a name I haven't heard in years.

Originally Posted by bob. View Post
Lard still gets quite a bit of play for me.....i always thought that Jello and Ministry worked out quite well....also i can see your point about almost adding Ministry....for me at least in the early 90s pretty much everybody who listened to punk music liked Ministry....except for maybe the "punker than thou" scene elitist
It was the same in my neighbourhood as well, Vancouver had a big industrial goth scene primarily because industrial powerhouses skinny Puppy & Front Line Assembly originated from the area, but there were divisions as well. Punk rock was more street, rough & tumble kids on skateboards, while the industrial music was considered more straight laced & reserved, ie, goth art kids. Boston is a very working class town so I can see the division there.
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Old 01-12-2013, 12:42 PM   #123 (permalink)
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97. Conflict Genre (Anarcho punk/Hardcore) London UK , era 80's and

Antiproduct Genre (Anarcho punk/hardcore/crust) New York, USA, era 90's


I have to say I'm not a huge fan of Anarcho punk, primarily because I don't like having radical politics preached to me, and in general, I find most anarcho punks to be narrow minded self righteous zealots who think they have the world figured out. That being said, I separate the music from the politics and I have always had a soft spot for Conflict.

Mighty and Superior

The Ungovernable Force (I've thrown the whole album up because each song flows into the next so it's hard to separate.)

Just Defy


Antiproduct were a short lived, anarcho punk band from the 90's that featured dual male and female vocals that comes off sounding rather good together.

The Power of Medusa

The modern day F Word

It festers in their hearts

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 06-29-2013 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 01-12-2013, 11:33 PM   #124 (permalink)
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96. Nomeansno Genre (Post Hardcore) British Columbia Canada, era 80's 90's &

Alexisonfire Genre (Post Hardcore) Ontario, Canada, era, modern

For many people, most notably Dave Groll, this band would probably be in the top 10, but not for me. I've already mentioned I am not a fan of post hardcore, as I'm not fan of arty or avente guarde musical compisitions in hard music, though I should note there a few notable mathcore bands topping this list.

Nomeansno is considered one of the pioneers of post hardcore, their a local band for me to, I've throw up some of their more conventional songs, but if you are into the non conventional check them out.

It's Catching Up


Stop it


Adding now defunct Alexisonfire to the list. A nice straight laced band that made songs that got a lot of top 40 radio play.

The Northern

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Old 01-13-2013, 12:48 PM   #125 (permalink)
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95. Catharsis Genre (Crust Punk) North Carolina USA, era 90's &

108 Genre (Hardcore/Post Hardcore) New York, USA, era 90's

Catharsis's work is considered groundbreaking and held in high esteem by many hardcore fans & critics. You can defiantly see how they laid some of the groundwork for blackened crust before disbanding into the abyss.


Choose Your Heaven

Every man for himself... and God against them all


Out of my sphere here, so I hope I pick some good tunes from the band. 108 were a popular vegan straight edge band from the 90's, who were also Hari Krishna. A good & heavy sound, but a bit of a post hardcore construct to their musical compositions, which was typical for the 90's. (Speed gave away to a slower more introspective sound)

Not to offend, I will be polite here, as I dig the straight edge, understand the vegan, but I never got the Hari Krishna? I'll just say... oi!?!



we walk through walls

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-24-2013 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 01-13-2013, 02:37 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
Tumour Circus now that's a name I haven't heard in years.

It was the same in my neighbourhood as well, Vancouver had a big industrial goth scene primarily because industrial powerhouses skinny Puppy & Front Line Assembly originated from the area, but there were divisions as well. Punk rock was more street, rough & tumble kids on skateboards, while the industrial music was considered more straight laced & reserved, ie, goth art kids. Boston is a very working class town so I can see the division there.
i think that growing up in reno Nevada back in the late 80s early 90s and being "different" as in not a jock and or redneck...we basically all stuck together...but i do remember in 95 living with a group of punk kids and trying to make them listen to Skinny Puppy and just hearing whines about how un punk they were....stupid

i'm with you on most anarco punk kids and how ironically fascist they often are....and like you i have a huge soft spot for Conflict....esp. The Ungovernable Force and Employing All Means Necessary

it's funny i have never thought of NoMeansNo as post hardcore band....and after a little looking around i'm apparently in a major minority in this ....still personally i love them

seriously nice to Catharsis on your list man....such a great and seemingly forgotten band....i had the chance to see them years ago but the show was actually cancelled after the lead sing of Gehenna stabbed an audience member....still a very memorable night!

also just want to say props to Wolfbrigade....another great example of Swedish chance have you heard the band Misantropic?
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:09 AM   #127 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
i think that growing up in reno Nevada back in the late 80s early 90s and being "different" as in not a jock and or redneck...we basically all stuck together...but i do remember in 95 living with a group of punk kids and trying to make them listen to Skinny Puppy and just hearing whines about how un punk they were....stupid

i'm with you on most anarco punk kids and how ironically fascist they often are....and like you i have a huge soft spot for Conflict....esp. The Ungovernable Force and Employing All Means Necessary

it's funny i have never thought of NoMeansNo as post hardcore band....and after a little looking around i'm apparently in a major minority in this ....still personally i love them

seriously nice to Catharsis on your list man....such a great and seemingly forgotten band....i had the chance to see them years ago but the show was actually cancelled after the lead sing of Gehenna stabbed an audience member....still a very memorable night!

also just want to say props to Wolfbrigade....another great example of Swedish chance have you heard the band Misantropic?
Sounds like we pretty much grew up in the same era, where I lived goth and punk were pretty much tied together as well, despite some divisions. Bands like Skinny Puppy & Ministry do come from a very different place than the Sex Pistols though, so I haven't included any industrial bands, save maby Rammstein.

On the anarcho punk thing, I think if someone wants to practice peaceful communal anarchism that is fine, but I have a problem with radical political ideologies that offer the hope of utopia, as they often operate on the same principles as a religous cult, drawing in the vunerable and turning them into politcal zealots. For me hardcore was about being an independent thinker and strong in the face of adversity, not a brainwashed lackey. The day it becomes cannon fodder for a political ideology, is the day I disown it.

The lead singer of Catharsis stabbed an audience member!?!! I heard their shows were pretty intense, but that takes the cake. Thanks for the props on Wolfbrigade, geat band I had to stick them in. I haven't heard of Misantropic but i will be sure to check the out , cheers.

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 01-14-2013 at 12:29 AM.
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:14 AM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
Sounds like we pretty much grew up in the same era, where I lived goth and punk were pretty much tied together as well, despite some divisions. Bands like Skinny Puppy & Ministry do come from a very different place than the Sex Pistols though, so I haven't included any industrial bands, save maby Rammstein.
Ouch, Rammstein isn't even industrial.
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:28 AM   #129 (permalink)
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94.Corporate Rock Genre (Metalcore/screamo) No Escape Planet Earth, era Modern

When I originally did this thread their was some concern that I added Killswitch Engage to the list, and while I still stand by adding Parkway Drive to the top 10, I must concer with the general consesus that these genres are suck!

Basically they're just watered down versions of punk & metal that are made safe for the mainstream, and while it didn't so much bother me when emocore was getting labelled as metal, my head almost exploded in a furry of rage the other day, when I saw that the record labels were trying to pass off Asking Alexandra as post hardcore!!!

That being said, record companies aren't stupid, their A&R guys are pretty good at out scouting at the talent, so here is some of my candy coated favs.

Bullet for My Valentine Genre (Metalcore) Wales, Uk, era Modern

Waking The Demon

All These Things I Hate

Black Veil Brides Genre (Screamo/Glam metal) California UK, era Modern

I had previously posted this song by the Towers of London, it's a shake n bake of Billy Idol, Motley Crue & Bon Jovi, and a huge commercial success. Sorry but I this song is absolutely brilliant & were due for a glam metal revival!

In the End

We Came As Romans Genre (Screamo) Michigan USA, era Modern

I don't pay much attention to top 40 music, so I don't know how popular these guys are, but I can see this song being played on a show like Vampire Diaries.


94. Killswitch Engage Genre (Metalcore) Massachusetts USA, era Modern

Probably the most successful metalcore band on the market, largely thanks to Howard Jones, one of the best vocalist on the hardcore scene, so I'm glad he's returned to his roots, just hope he uses that voice of his. Again a band that many would put in the top of their list, but for me, they are way too much of corporate metal band, so let's move onto something cooler.

The end of heartache

Hoy Diver

Rose Of Sharyn

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Old 01-14-2013, 12:32 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Ouch, Rammstein isn't even industrial.
I know, but they often get labelled as industrial metal, so just going with the flow. I am one of those people who think they are a hardcore band.
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