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William_the_Bloody 04-22-2013 06:18 PM

All right, all right I hear ya, I never claimed my musical taste was perfecto, if the list get revamped to everyone's input (I hope it does so I can add new bands) they'll be moved much further down, cheers.

William_the_Bloody 04-22-2013 06:27 PM

15. D.O.A. ,Genre (Hardcore) British Columbia Canada era, 80's

The kings of Canadian punk, and my hometown heroes, D.O.A. The band of course is fondly remembered for coining the term hardcore with their release Hardcore 81. I've always personally thought of them as the AC/DC of punk though, speedy 3 chord riffs with a political edge.

**** you!


Lumberjack City

Janszoon 04-22-2013 06:38 PM

I never got too much into D.O.A. but when I was younger I dug the album they did with Jello Biafra quite a bit.

BastardofYoung 04-22-2013 07:48 PM

D.O.A. had 3 essentials for me "Disco Sucks" EP, "Something Better Change" and "Hardcore 81", those 3 are classics to me. Everything else, hit or miss. A few great singles there, but nothing on the level of those albums.

BastardofYoung 04-22-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1310119)
15. D.O.A. ,Genre (Hardcore) British Columbia Canada era, 80's

The kings of Canadian punk, and my hometown heroes, D.O.A. The band of course is fondly remembered for coining the term hardcore with their release Hardcore 81. I've always personally thought of them as the AC/DC of punk though, speedy 3 chord riffs with a political edge.

**** you!

Man, this song is so covered, I think people forget who actually wrote it:

William_the_Bloody 04-22-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1310143)
D.O.A. had 3 essentials for me "Disco Sucks" EP, "Something Better Change" and "Hardcore 81", those 3 are classics to me. Everything else, hit or miss. A few great singles there, but nothing on the level of those albums.

Truth be told, I'm personally a far greater fan of both Slow & Death Sentence, but for me, I like everything in their first incarnation up to Murder with the exception of Lets Wreck the Party, but...

the War on 45 ep, the Right to be Wild split & the Don't Turn Yer Back ep is where it's at for me, as well as the one's you mentioned.

The Batlord 04-23-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1310103)
I will just say that I couldn't disagree more. The album itself is not a single for the song Cop Killer, Ice T eventually removed the track from the CD because he felt the controversy surrounding it was taking away from the whole record.

I thought it was the record company that pulled the song. Either way, that was the most entertaining song on the album and taking it off was a terrible idea.


There were three singles put out for the album as a whole, but only one became highly controversial, which was not Ice T's original intent, he was simply expressing his frusturation at the police brutality & harassment that plagued the Ghetto. I remember the fallout from the Rodney King episode and things were pretty tense
Wasn't meant to be highly controversial? Songs about banging a Grand Dragon's daughter at a KKK rally, shooting cops "in their motherfucking face," and killing your mother aren't meant to be controversial? The album was delivered to record stores in body bags for god's sake.

William_the_Bloody 04-23-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1310299)
I thought it was the record company that pulled the song. Either way, that was the most entertaining song on the album and taking it off was a terrible idea.

Wasn't meant to be highly controversial? Songs about banging a Grand Dragon's daughter at a KKK rally, shooting cops "in their motherfucking face," and killing your mother aren't meant to be controversial? The album was delivered to record stores in body bags for god's sake.

Ice T was under pressure to pull the song, but ultimately he decided to pull it out because the controversy was eclipsing the rest of the album, I believe Cop Killer was then released as a seperate single.

I didn't see the album as controversial at the time, KKK Bitch and Mamma's Gotta die tonight, just struck me as obnoxious hardcore punk lyrics being brought forth into the mainstream. If memory serves me correct, Ice T and his crew use to go to LA punk gigs when he was younger. Cop Killer just became unexpectedly "hugely" controversial.

Anyways, time to bury the Body Count and move on.

William_the_Bloody 04-23-2013 10:16 PM

14. Blood for Blood ,Genre (Hardcore) Massachusettes USA era, 90's/00's

I mentioned somewhere way back that there was a Victory Records band topping the list, and here they are. To quote the band "If you've been locked out, held down or kicked around" than this band is for you, the perfect music to accompany you through those dark times in your life. There is a reason why this band has a huge cult following, not sure if Bob is stilling following this, but if he is, this one if for him, cheers.

Hanging on the Corner

City Boy

Love Song

Janszoon 04-23-2013 10:31 PM

Wow, a hardcore band from my city during my time and I can't say I know them. Not sure how I missed that.

Edit: After looking at their wikipedia page, I see that they have some kind of overlap with the band Diecast, which a former bandmate of mine is in, as well as a friend of a friend. That makes it even weirder that I don't know anything about them.

bob. 04-24-2013 01:00 AM

:beer:cheers! right back at you william! :)

i actually thought that all kids born in Boston came out of the womb screaming Blood For Blood songs :)

i love this band and i can honestly say that their debut album...Revenge on Society...will always be in my top five punk/hardcore albums lists and by far in the top 20 of all time greatest is by the numbers east coast hardcore....but the lyrics...fucking perfect

william posted love song....

"they never see the side of life i see, they'll never understand what made this hatred inside me BREATHE!"

and in their calling song Wasted Youth

"i swear to you all right now that i'll never live like the ones who make me hate"

i first heard that in late 1998 and that line still runs chills down my spine

FRED HALE SR. 04-24-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1310663)
:beer:cheers! right back at you william! :)

i actually thought that all kids born in Boston came out of the womb screaming Blood For Blood songs :)

i love this band and i can honestly say that their debut album...Revenge on Society...will always be in my top five punk/hardcore albums lists and by far in the top 20 of all time greatest is by the numbers east coast hardcore....but the lyrics...fucking perfect

william posted love song....

"they never see the side of life i see, they'll never understand what made this hatred inside me BREATHE!"

and in their calling song Wasted Youth

"i swear to you all right now that i'll never live like the ones who make me hate"

i first heard that in late 1998 and that line still runs chills down my spine

Great band. I always loved White Trash Anthem myself.

" Your world is mtv, spring breaks and ecstacy
You got your hopes you'll get your dreams.
Well that choice wasn't there for me. "

I love their utterly abrasive music to death.

William_the_Bloody 04-24-2013 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1310663)
:beer:cheers! right back at you william! :)

i actually thought that all kids born in Boston came out of the womb screaming Blood For Blood songs :)

i love this band and i can honestly say that their debut album...Revenge on Society...will always be in my top five punk/hardcore albums lists and by far in the top 20 of all time greatest is by the numbers east coast hardcore....but the lyrics...fucking perfect

william posted love song....

"they never see the side of life i see, they'll never understand what made this hatred inside me BREATHE!"

and in their calling song Wasted Youth

"i swear to you all right now that i'll never live like the ones who make me hate"

i first heard that in late 1998 and that line still runs chills down my spine


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1310804)
Great band. I always loved White Trash Anthem myself.

" Your world is mtv, spring breaks and ecstacy
You got your hopes you'll get your dreams.
Well that choice wasn't there for me. "

I love their utterly abrasive music to death.

Thanks guys, I have much love for the wasted brew crew & Boston hardcore in general. In an ideal world Blood for Blood would be far more popular than a melody band like Anti Flag, the perfect hard knock band, cheers.

William_the_Bloody 04-24-2013 11:23 PM

13. L7, Genre (Grunge/Punk Rock/Riot Grrrl) California USA, era 90's

There are a lot of female punk bands out there, and these days they tend to fall into extreme musical categories like crust & grindcore, but for me the queens of punk will always be the girls from California's sleazy sunset strip. Early British fronted punk bands like siouxsie and the banshees were great, but they are more like alternative rock bands by today's standards. It wasn't really until the Riot Grrrl movement of the 90's that straight up female led punk rock came to the forefront, and in my opinion L7 represented the best of the lot.


Fast and frightening

Pretend We're Dead

The Batlord 04-25-2013 09:32 AM

I keep meaning to listen to this band. I loved hearing "Pretend We're Dead" on San Andreas. I'll probably turn on a couple of those vids in a minute.

bob. 04-25-2013 09:39 AM

L7 is a great band...Bricks Are Heavy has probably not left my immediate attention since i first bought it on cassette

FRED HALE SR. 04-25-2013 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1311298)
L7 is a great band...Bricks Are Heavy has probably not left my immediate attention since i first bought it on cassette

Saw L7 opening for the Beasties at San Diego Sports Arena in 94 right after Hungry For Stink came out. They played almost the entirety of BAH and I immediately fell in love with them. Definitely a great example of females that bring the noise. Mike D even came out and drummed on a few songs, apparently he was really good friends with them.

Newkie 04-25-2013 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1311295)
I keep meaning to listen to this band. I loved hearing "Pretend We're Dead" on San Andreas. I'll probably turn on a couple of those vids in a minute.

Yep...that's where I know them from as well. I don't own anything of theirs, but they're pretty good from what I have heard. Plus, women, yay.

I'm guessing it was a close contest between these girls and Hole?


William_the_Bloody 04-25-2013 09:10 PM

12. Dropkick Murphy's ,Genre (Celtic punk/punk rock/melodic hardcore) Massachusetts USA era, 90's present and adding

The Rumjacks, Genre (Celtic Punk/Punk rock) Australia, era, Present
The Young Dubliners, Genre (Celtic Punk/Punk Rock) California, 90's/00's

DropKick Murphy's:

Yet another band from Janzoon's hometown. Boston's the Dropkick Murphy's have released bar none some of the best Celtic punk rock songs out there, and in my opinion, they aren't just the best celtic punk band out there, they're the best melodic hardcore band as well, if you can call them that. (Love The Pogues to, but consider them more alternative sounding by today's standards)

Rose Tattoo

The State Of Massachusetts

Loyal to no-one

The Rumjacks- An Irish Pub Song

The Bastard already posted the Real Mckenzies & Flogging Molly, so I thought I'd add some different Celtic punk rock bands

The Young Dubliners - The Foggy Dew

BastardofYoung 04-25-2013 11:26 PM

One band I never cared for. I would personally rank both Flogging Molly and The Real McKenzies over Dropkick Murphys jock jam version of Celtic Punk.

The Batlord 04-26-2013 09:27 AM

I'm still waiting to see if one of my new favorite bands is on here. Namely, Madball.

bob. 04-26-2013 02:48 PM

i'm almost 100% sure that he covered Madball a while back

never been a fan of Dropkick Murphys.....although a good friend lives by them....i will say that they are an absolute blast live

Janszoon 04-26-2013 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1311813)
i'm almost 100% sure that he covered Madball a while back

never been a fan of Dropkick Murphys.....although a good friend lives by them....i will say that they are an absolute blast live

I have their first two albums and like them both quite a bit, but they're the kind of band where I've never felt like I needed any more than that.

William_the_Bloody 04-26-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1311589)
One band I never cared for. I would personally rank both Flogging Molly and The Real McKenzies over Dropkick Murphys jock jam version of Celtic Punk.

The Real McKenzies! now that's a name I haven't heard in long while. I use to go see the RM quite a bit back in the day as some of the members were friends of my best friends older brother. I am however going strictly on musical ear & compositions to an extent, and I just don't think they are musically on the same calibre as the DM's myself...mind you I haven't listened to their recent stuff


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1311818)
I have their first two albums and like them both quite a bit, but they're the kind of band where I've never felt like I needed any more than that.

You should check out their stuff after that J. Once they started to master their musical scales & compositions for Celtic music, they've become rather good. Still one more band from Boston to go!

William_the_Bloody 04-26-2013 08:16 PM

11. Iggy & the Stooges & Iggy Pop ,Genre (Proto punk/punk rock) era, 60's/70's & 80's and beyond for Iggy

The band that influenced both the Ramones & the Pistols with their musical style and attitude, and while I personally prefer the Pistols, neither they nor the Ramones were able to write songs as good as Gimme Danger.

Gimme Danger

Search And Destroy

The Passenger

BastardofYoung 04-26-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1311884)
The Real McKenzies! now that's a name I haven't heard in long while. I use to go see the RM quite a bit back in the day as some of the members were friends of my best friends older brother. I am however going strictly on musical ear & compositions to an extent, and I just don't think they are musically on the same calibre as the DM's myself...mind you I haven't listened to their recent stuff

You should check out their stuff after that J. Once they started to master their musical scales & compositions for Celtic music, they've become rather good. Still one more band from Boston to go!

I am a huge fan of "Off the Leash" by Real McKenzies, one of my favorite albums.

In acoustic form:

William_the_Bloody 04-26-2013 11:14 PM

Hmmm pretty damn good, sometimes I spend to much time listening to stuff abroad that I lose touch with what's going on my own backyard. I did sort of give them a fly by when creating the list, but not in depth....I ended up listening to a gazzilion bands when I made this list...what was suppossed to be light fun started to turn into quite the endeavour.

Your right to point out that I erred on Body Count by the way, though I have probably erred on many things by now. I still think the first album is classic in its own way, but the more I'm listen to it, the quicker it tires. I'm not sure if there is enough interest out there to revive the thread, but if there, load your list and recomendations, cheers.

BastardofYoung 04-27-2013 12:24 AM

Whatever, opinions are just that. I am not making my own list, so who am I to complain. Anything I say is just my curmudgeon opinion.

Newkie 04-27-2013 07:59 AM

The Murphys are class, really entertaining and have wide appeal-they're a bit of a go-to band for people who don't really like punk but I am unashamedly a big fan. Although The Real McKenzies and flogging molly are definitely up there as well. All good fun.

I could never really get into Iggy though, although The Passenger is an absolute classic.

William_the_Bloody 04-27-2013 09:48 AM

All right, next weekend I'll be back to wrap up the top 10, it's hard to believe that this has been going since October, and since some of you have been following this from day 1. I thought I would give you an idea of what's in the top 10.

Of the top 10, 3 are modern bands, though one has been around for quite awhile, and the rest are from previous decades. To avoid a barrage of critisim I'll forewarn everyone now that there is a big ass metalcore band in the top 10. I know this has become a much despised genre, but this band has earned their stripes and I stand by them. There is also a classic band on the list that tends to be a bit divisive (people either love them or hate them)

Of the 10 bands, 5 are from the United States, 4 are from the UK and 1 is from Australia.

Of the American bands, 2 are big landmark bands, and the other 3 are classic 80's bands that everyone would expect.

Of the UK bands, 2 are from the 70's, 1 from the 80's and 1 band is modern, so that's it , see you then, cheers.

The Batlord 04-27-2013 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1312141)
Of the 10 bands, 5 are from the United States, 4 are from the UK and 1 is from Australia.

Wouldn't happen to be Radio Birdman would they?

BastardofYoung 05-01-2013 01:45 PM

Did William fall off the earth?

FRED HALE SR. 05-01-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1314007)
Did William fall off the earth?

said he would be back this weekend.

Newkie 05-01-2013 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1314007)
Did William fall off the earth?

Pretty sure he's just a massive tease, fair play it's the only thread I'm really following!

William_the_Bloody 05-03-2013 08:22 PM

10. Parkway Drive, Genre (Metalcore) Australia era, modern

Well I gave ample forewarning that a metalcore band would be in the top 10, though I'm not sure what possessed me to do so. The genre is so rot with bands doing cheesy rock star poses that it has become unbearable, even this band has seemed to succumb in their latest video. Somewhere along the line there was a dissconect between the underground and this genre, because metalcore has the stench of corporate rock all over it!!!

Nervertheless, Parkway Drive is musically the best of what they do in my opinion. Basically they are the quintessential hardcore band for metalcore, a bunch of surfer kids from Australia who grew up listening to punk, with a metal inspired guitarist. Thus they continue to churn out music that has a Scandanavian "At the Gates" streak throughout their sound, which tends to be the primary metal influence for this genre.

Romance Is Dead

Anasasis (Xenophontis)

Dark Days

bob. 05-04-2013 12:59 AM

hmmm i was hoping for Cosmic Psychos :)

i listened to a bit of the first song....and its just not my cup of the album cover though

William_the_Bloody 05-04-2013 02:42 PM

Hmmm, Cosmic Psycho's sound good, I had never heard of them, I'm not really up on my old school Aussie hardcore, before the internet became widespread it was always hard to hear stuff from that neck of the far away down under.

William_the_Bloody 05-04-2013 02:52 PM

9. The Ruts, Genre (Punk Rock) London UK era, 70's

Reggae interlude number 2. Had their singer not met with a tragic suicidal fate, the Ruts could have gone to be bigger and better than The Clash, as their reggae was already out stripping the Clash in many ways, and as a band, they were far too talented to keep chug chugging along in an eighth note punk rock band, RIP Malcolm Owen.

Jah War

Give Youth a Chance

Starring at the Rude Boys

Newkie 05-05-2013 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1315685)
9. The Ruts, Genre (Punk Rock) London UK era, 70's

Reggae interlude number 2. Had their singer not met with a tragic suicidal fate, the Ruts could have gone to be bigger and better than The Clash, as their reggae was already out stripping the Clash in many ways, and as a band, they were far too talented to keep chug chugging along in an eighth note punk rock band, RIP Malcolm Owen.

Starring at the Rude Boys

Love this song, the Gallows cover was pretty poor which was the first I'd heard of it, but the original is top notch. Never checked out much else of theirs though.

As for Parkway Drive...metalcore just doesn't do it for me at all. Nowt against them but I avoid them all pretty much.

William_the_Bloody 05-05-2013 08:31 PM

8. The Circle Jerks, Genre (Hardcore/punk rock) California era, 80's

Spot number 8 goes to Los Angeles punk legends the Circle Jerks. If someone asked me to define American punk rock in the 80's, I'd write down the Circle Jerks. They may have not have had a stand out song of par excellence like the Ruts, but the one thing you could always expect from the Circle Jerks were albums loaded with fun catchy songs. I can't think of one bad album from their heyday, my personal favourite though was always Wonderful.

Mrs. Jones

Coup D'etat

I & I

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