Originally Posted by The Batlord
Maybe not bring down the government, but I'm sure they think they can accomplish something. Unfortunately most of these groups are only gonna inspire people who are either disenfranchised (either because they live in communist Czechoslovakia or because they're just naturally disposed to be contrary to society in general) or that small minority of people who are serious music fans. Like you. The vast majority of people couldn't give a ****, so unless your only goal is to express your discontent and you don't particularly care about what happens after it goes into the ether, then it's rather pointless.
Edit: And since we were talking about the Clash, I think this very much applies. I'm not a Clash expert, but I've certainly seen quotes where they talk a whole lot about revolution and young people taking back power and other assorted communist revolutionary drivel.

Please...is this a joke? The aim of punk bands talking politics is to get people to ****ing open their eyes to the world around them. That's the whole entire point, how...absolutely plebeian to see it as a communist propaganda.
As for Crass, I think they were entirely trolls, but in the good way of being trolls, they constantly contradicted themselves in songs even.....
I mean, in Big A Little A it even says "you'll never beat the system", so obviously they know it's pointless to expect a ****ing song to change the government. Do you realise how ignorant you sound? I mean at least read/listen up to what you're talking about before you start spewing this bollocks.