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MobilizeTerror 02-15-2004 08:28 AM

The Exploited
Does anyone like them? I like them a lot, but they are definetly not for everyone.. If your going to listen to them don't get sex and violence they definetly have better songs than saying that 25 times in a row...

Janszoon 06-19-2010 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotter (Post 885937)
The Exploited are great, next to the Gallows Wattie and crew are probably the best British Hardcore band to come out of the UK.

As opposed to British hardcore bands coming out of where else? :p:

Urban Hat€monger ? 06-19-2010 09:27 AM

Terrible band.

If it wasn't for Oi they'd be the lowest rung on the punk ladder.

Engine 06-19-2010 06:25 PM

I could never call them terrible. I think The Exploited were the first punk rock band I ever heard.

This song was played daily on my school bus (by older kids - in a time when kids were allowed to run amok on the school bus) and it's impossible for me to dislike it: Sex and Violence

Uk82 06-28-2010 12:32 AM

I love The Exploited, I have their pins and patches all over my jacket :3
I've heard so much bull**** about them supposedly being nazi-punks but thats just bull****.

Sansa Stark 07-08-2010 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotter (Post 892751)
The Exploited were never a facsist band, they however did get a lot of flack because they attracted a large skinhead following, many who were most likely members of the National Front in England.

This in part is due to the fact that The Exploited probably remain the most violent and rowdy band in the history of punk.

Unlike Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys Wattie Buchan didn't grow up in a middle class suburb and attend University. He's Scottish ghetto trash who ended up joining the military.

In short, he's simply not the most brilliant person on the planet, but his engrained working class attitute as earned the band a consistent populous following.

So it bugs me when some self righteous anarchist preaches that the Exploited were facists because they didn't perscribe to their political values.

Wattie Buchan did however write terrible songs and wore mohawk wigs. That's pretty poseurish if you ask me, which no one really is but whatever. Jello Biafra would have wrote intelligent lyrics despite his "middle class suburb"an upbringing, as he is an intelligent person. Wattie probably couldn't do University because he's too stupid.

Discharge had more of an influence on bands like Slayer and Metallica. Discharge also wrote halfway intelligent songs, rather then oi oi oi letz fuk punx!11!1!1!

jackhammer 07-16-2010 02:42 PM

They WERE a terrible band when they came out and lacked direction writing mindless ditties lick **** a mod etc but Troops Of Tomorrow is a very solid Punk album with genuine focus and with a lot less of the Oi! mentality.

I still much prefer Discharge and G.B.H though. Conflict are probably one of the finest British Hardcore bands but no one really talks about them a great deal unfortunately.

bannister 07-17-2010 05:39 AM

Wattie was/is kind of a ****head. And what I've heard of them, I don't like much.

Seriously? Punk's Not Dead? That's supposed to be a rebuttal?

Sansa Stark 07-19-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotter (Post 901051)

As for Discharge, I've never been able to get into them and do not understand why they were such an inspiration on thrash metal bands. They defiantly lack the lighting speed of G.B.H. and the Exploited. Maby things would have been different had they kept thier original guitarist who went on to form Broken Bones.

They had a perfect crunchy sound, enough so that d-beat exists?

you know....

jackhammer 08-01-2010 05:55 PM

I LIKE Troops Of Tomorrow! There are a few fans around but they have made some duds IMO.

As for not liking Discharge's 'See Nothing...' album :( It's one of my all time fave Punk albums.

Rriot Grrl 08-16-2010 02:30 PM

I think they're great. Not terribly awesome but I really like their album Let's Start a War.

Revolutionarypunk 07-04-2011 10:23 AM

Most racist, ignorant, homophobic, sexist punk band I have heard; Wattie teamed up with nazis to bash Jello Biafra; formily of The Dead Kennedys, because he wrote a song called nazi punks **** off.

ecaron 03-07-2012 09:42 AM


Old punk like Exploited !!!

Eric Caron

Doorbell 03-16-2012 01:58 AM

Not a fan.

Stewartsingscountry 04-09-2012 03:03 AM

Well I like them, Wattie is a Jambo (Hearts FC supporter) so good on um

metalheadmike 04-12-2012 04:30 PM

I got a lot of there albums. But really only listen to them every now and then. Troops Of Tomorrow is a great album

ShamWoww 04-15-2012 02:49 AM

They pretty much give punk a bad name with their antics and are one of the reason people stereotype punk in such a bad way.
And let's not forget every song by them sound the same lol

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