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TazTheBassSpaz 11-15-2011 07:12 PM

The Worst Punk band out there

Alright so I went to a show to see OFF! and RETOX and there was a band playing with them called Autumn Eclipse.

First off they don't have a sound that is remotely close to what you would call Punk They ran around on stage like a group of lunatics and then they have what you could call a token punker in the band on bass with what had to be a foot and a half mohawk running round the club wirelessly with people pouring beers down his throat while playing ok so that could be considered pretty punk rock but the music itself is more on the rock/pop stylings so if you take my Advice when Autumn Eclipse hits your town sit in the bar till they are done.

-Taz Mandrell-

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 11-16-2011 01:09 AM

The Ramones... *runs and hides*

Goofle 11-16-2011 08:02 AM

Yeah, The Ramones were pretty average (being quite nice there).

bob. 11-16-2011 10:37 AM

Anti-Flag comes to mind for me.....and Tim Armstrong.....although i love Op Ivy.....i just cannot stand him as a performer and or person

Janszoon 11-16-2011 10:54 AM

I can't think of any specific names but the worst punk band surely must be one of the dozens of awful local punk bands I saw play in high school and college.

LoathsomePete 11-16-2011 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1120552)
Anti-Flag comes to mind for me.....and Tim Armstrong.....although i love Op Ivy.....i just cannot stand him as a performer and or person

I'm glad that we see eye-to-eye on Anti-Flag and Tim Armstrong. I think my vote has to go to Simple Plan though, the result of years of genetic tinkering and research to create men in their mid 20's with the mindset of a 13-year old girl.

bob. 11-16-2011 11:06 AM

ironically i was watching a documentary/show on the Ramones and the death of Johny....basically i guess right before he died a bunch of people got together and did a tribute concert.....including Eddie Veder of all people.....anyways....Armstrong comes out on stage and just ruins the entire thing with his stupid act....uggghhh he just drives me crazy

another band that kind of gets on my nerves is Fall Out all fairness i've not heard to much from them.....but they are on the Jawbreaker tribute album and just raped into submission the song "Save You Generation".....for that alone i hate :)

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 11-16-2011 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1120480)
Yeah, The Ramones were pretty average (being quite nice there).

It's not so much they were bad, even, to be honest. Cause, there are even worse punk bands. It's the fact they become the icons of the genre, and kind of wave the flag for all the worst aspects of it, creating a limited understanding to the genre's actual potential.

Goofle 11-16-2011 02:29 PM

Yeah, you are right. That's why I said average. Nowhere near the worst at all, just held in so high regard.

Sneer 11-16-2011 02:32 PM

Flipper are the worst punk band. They're also one of my favourites.

hip hop bunny hop 11-16-2011 04:08 PM

Oh, that's easy: Crass.

Even Penny admitted they were a bunch of ****ing hippies. Horrible music, horrible politics, and horrible record label.

Zer0 11-16-2011 04:16 PM

I'd say Skrewdriver. Not only were they a bunch of neo-nazi shitheads but they just generally sounded terrible.

graveyardgirl 11-16-2011 07:23 PM

i third anti-flag. there's nothing special about their music, and fat mike is one of the douchiest frontmen in punk rock, second only to ben weasel.

also, the exploited.

Alfred 11-16-2011 08:27 PM

The Anti-Flag and Rancid mentions are spot on. Simple Plan shouldn't even be in a punk thread. I find Crass to be excruciatingly boring and grating, and the mixing on Feeding is absolutely dreadful, but their artsiness and influence is enough to make me not consider them among the worst ever.

Sneer 11-17-2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1120656)
Oh, that's easy: Crass.

Even Penny admitted they were a bunch of ****ing hippies. Horrible music, horrible politics, and horrible record label.

A band that releases an album like Penis Envy cannot be labelled as 'the worst punk band'.

hip hop bunny hop 11-17-2011 09:31 PM


I'd say Skrewdriver. Not only were they a bunch of neo-nazi ****heads but they just generally sounded terrible.
Eh, really? I've always figured a band is talented when people like a band despite being horrified of their politics. If you look at my old Skrewdriver thread, there's no shortage of people who (a) claim to only like the first album or (b) claim to like the music but not the message.

Contrast this to Crass... who really seem to be the ultimate example of aesthetics trumping substance.

rollins 11-23-2011 02:20 PM

Tim's best act is taking Brody Dale to U.S. with him. He is no frontman. All his project is to get wasted.

lucifer_sam 11-23-2011 10:29 PM

Let's get real. If G.G. Allin never shat on stage or broke bottles over his face there wouldn't be a soul alive who seriously gave a shit about his music.

Add to that Sex Pistols, who I think were not just overrated but downright terrible. Of course, this is anathema to theological music puritans -- it's construed as the equivalent to denigrating the Beatles. Get rid of the awful clothes, the vomitus, the cancerous tumor of a band manager and you've got one shitty band without a real bassist, an awful singer and some of the most deliberately contentious lyrics.

Never mind the establishment, here's some tepid music you can freak your parents out by listening to! ANARCHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

hip hop bunny hop 11-24-2011 01:33 AM


Let's get real. If G.G. Allin never shat on stage or broke bottles over his face there wouldn't be a soul alive who seriously gave a **** about his music.
I disagree. His on stage antics aren't unique (see Throbbing Gristle); however, as far as showmen go he was prolific and his work spanned several genres. He went from pop punk ("You Hate Me I Hate You") to outlaw country ("Guns, Bitches, Brawls & Bottles") to extreme music ("Castration Crucifixion").... and he often hit on genres between these.

He certainly is not the most talented in any of these, and his lyrical themes were (more or less) limited to getting ****ed up, ****ing, & ****ing others up - which is to say drinking music - but truly, if you are drinking with friends for a night, GG's discography alone can cover a surprisingly diverse variety of emotions and sensations that will pop up.

Howard the Duck 11-24-2011 05:37 AM

Green Day

i don't even think they have anything to do with "punk" but yet if you ask anybody in the street about punk bands, GD's bound to crop up

not to say I hate them, i do enjoy their singles

bob. 11-24-2011 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1123412)

Add to that Sex Pistols, who I think were not just overrated but downright terrible. Of course, this is anathema to theological music puritans -- it's construed as the equivalent to denigrating the Beatles. Get rid of the awful clothes, the vomitus, the cancerous tumor of a band manager and you've got one shitty band without a real bassist, an awful singer and some of the most deliberately contentious lyrics.

Never mind the establishment, here's some tepid music you can freak your parents out by listening to! ANARCHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

i personally would not say the sex pistols are horrible....i love Pretty Vacant and Bodies was a great song....but for the most part i agree with you


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1123432)
I disagree. His on stage antics aren't unique (see Throbbing Gristle); however, as far as showmen go he was prolific and his work spanned several genres. He went from pop punk ("You Hate Me I Hate You") to outlaw country ("Guns, Bitches, Brawls & Bottles") to extreme music ("Castration Crucifixion").... and he often hit on genres between these.

He certainly is not the most talented in any of these, and his lyrical themes were (more or less) limited to getting ****ed up, ****ing, & ****ing others up - which is to say drinking music - but truly, if you are drinking with friends for a night, GG's discography alone can cover a surprisingly diverse variety of emotions and sensations that will pop up.

actually Throbbing Gristle never really had stage was Coum Transmissions that had "disgusting" performance art....given that 3/4 of Throbbing Gristle were Coum....its understandable to confuse the two....basically TG started off as an experiment to create soundtrack to Coum performances and then morphed into a "band"....i've seen TG twice andf have watched every old performance i could get my hands on....and for the most part they are just 4 people "playing" instruments...SPK on the other hand would show videos of autopsies and abortions while performing....and Skinny Puppy would have "toys" and blood and vomit in their live shows

i have to agree with hip hop on this one....although i'm not a huge fan of GG....some of songs are just damn good

killcreek 11-26-2011 11:50 AM

sex pistols worst? wtf?

jmdelepas 11-27-2011 09:52 AM

It's a sad day when Bad Religion opens for Rise Against. So I'm going to have to go with Rise Against.

hip hop bunny hop 11-29-2011 08:48 PM


actually Throbbing Gristle never really had stage was Coum Transmissions that had "disgusting" performance art....given that 3/4 of Throbbing Gristle were Coum....its understandable to confuse the two....basically TG started off as an experiment to create soundtrack to Coum performances and then morphed into a "band"....i've seen TG twice andf have watched every old performance i could get my hands on....and for the most part they are just 4 people "playing" instruments
Oops, sorry. But the stuff I read about involving Coum was on a level that surpassed GG Allin. Really made him look tame by comparison.

AcidMaxima 11-30-2011 02:58 AM

I'm saddened by the inclusion of The Ramones as they pretty much invented punk. My vote goes to The Sex Pistols, ironically for their stature, they didn't embody punk what so ever and were more about fashion over substance.

Howard the Duck 11-30-2011 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by AcidMaxima (Post 1125987)
I'm saddened by the inclusion of The Ramones as they pretty much invented punk. My vote goes to The Sex Pistols, ironically for their stature, they didn't embody punk what so ever and were more about fashion over substance.

the Ramones had only two songs - the Joey written midtempo 60s-style ballad and the Dee Dee written fast dissonant angry rant

and they made over ten albums with those two songs

i still love 'em, though

Unknown Soldier 11-30-2011 05:49 AM

I`ve been listening to a lot of 1970s punk and post-punk recently and I can`t believe that people are even considering the Sex Pistols and even the Ramones as the worst punk bands ever, those two more or less invented the genre in 1976 and 1977!

bob. 11-30-2011 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1125893)
Oops, sorry. But the stuff I read about involving Coum was on a level that surpassed GG Allin. Really made him look tame by comparison.

i have to agree with you on that....having enjoyed both at some point in my life....interesting that in many ways the two were reaching the same goal...the idea of destroying self and creating "self" as art....but one is regarded as important era of performance art.....the other junkie shock.....go figure

Alexthe4th 11-30-2011 09:28 AM

Gosh, it's so hard to say...sometimes the appeal of certain punk bands is that they are crap. Or I mean, it's fun because of the bad production and somewhat ineptitude of the musicianship gives it a certain quality that's cool when you're young. I don't know!

hip hop bunny hop 11-30-2011 06:23 PM


i have to agree with you on that....having enjoyed both at some point in my life....interesting that in many ways the two were reaching the same goal...the idea of destroying self and creating "self" as art....but one is regarded as important era of performance art.....the other junkie shock.....go figure
My knowledge of both is limited to what I've read, although I've a few punk friends who will share apocryphal stories about GG Allin.

So, there are musicians who've taken performance art to the self-destructive route; what about those who've gone the abusive route? Aside from random acts (chucking chairs or feces are the audience), have any gone the route of systematically abusing the audience?

The only one I can think of is Boyd Rice, who apparently took an exceptionally powerful spotlight to a concert in Italy, wherein he would slowly move it around the crowd, giving people momentary, painful blindness.

TockTockTock 11-30-2011 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1126268)
Aside from random acts (chucking chairs or feces are the audience), have any gone the route of systematically abusing the audience?

Yes, the frontman of a noise group called Hanatarash threw a Molotov cocktail at the audience during one of their concerts. Another band, The Velvet Underground, shined painfully bright strobe lights at the audience while leaving their electric guitars near the amplifiers (resulting in terrible shrieks of feedback). They then proceeded to walked off stage... Of course, they only did this because the people (i.e. hippies) in the audience were booing them.

Albeit, neither of these bands were punk...

Sansa Stark 11-30-2011 08:07 PM

Rancid is the worst punk band

or maybe the Casualties

RVCA 11-30-2011 09:05 PM

Paloma is the worst punk band

Janszoon 11-30-2011 09:42 PM

Boyz II Men are the worst punk band by far.

SATCHMO 12-01-2011 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1120552)
....and Tim Armstrong.....although i love Op Ivy.....i just cannot stand him as a performer and or person



Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 1126311)
Rancid is the worst punk band

...and this.

...But come on guys. Punk is supposed to be lousy and best enjoyed in someone's basement with a keg of terrible beer, which if the show is any good you will undoubtedly be wearing by the end of the performance.

I've probably seen some of the worst punk bands ever, but they've also been some of the funnest most memorable experiences of my life, so it's a perplexing question to me.

But yeah, Tim Armstrong can get ****ed.

bob. 12-01-2011 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 1126417)
...But come on guys. Punk is supposed to be lousy and best enjoyed in someone's basement with a keg of terrible beer, which if the show is any good you will undoubtedly be wearing by the end of the performance.

I've probably seen some of the worst punk bands ever, but they've also been some of the funnest most memorable experiences of my life, so it's a perplexing question to me.

But yeah, Tim Armstrong can get ****ed.

i agree with you 100%....i've seen plenty of horrible bands that at least have fun with it as does the audience...

armstrong is just such an ass


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1126346)
Boyz II Men are the worst punk band by far.

Ha!....i just drove by a billboard stating the boyz II men are a comin to reno


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 1126311)

or maybe the Casualties

i have somehow managed to have never heard the casualties......something i am quite proud of.....never heard the addicts either :)


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1126268)
My knowledge of both is limited to what I've read, although I've a few punk friends who will share apocryphal stories about GG Allin.

So, there are musicians who've taken performance art to the self-destructive route; what about those who've gone the abusive route? Aside from random acts (chucking chairs or feces are the audience), have any gone the route of systematically abusing the audience?

The only one I can think of is Boyd Rice, who apparently took an exceptionally powerful spotlight to a concert in Italy, wherein he would slowly move it around the crowd, giving people momentary, painful blindness.

i've seen boyd and or non twice (outside of folk side projects) and both shows were abusive.....i specifically remember a 30 minute insanely loud and pounding version of total war.....boyd rice seems to be as full of "legend" as he is of hatred.....still love the guy to death

i do hate myself enough to have gone to see Whitehouse.....the was an absolute assault on the audience in every way shape in form....

there was a band called Death Squad who did a performance where everyone in the audience was tied to chairs and gagged while the performer came out to a cloud of harsh noise and pointed a gun at their head while screaming at them....i was not there but i have a few of their recordings and could easily see this happening....i also have a shirt by them...on the front is a an are with a needle hanging out it and the words "death squad" above it....on the back the print "force me to feel"

the front man for G.I.S.M. is known for attacking the audience with a flame thrower....there are numerous recordings of it

mike cheese of American hardcore band Gehenna.....attacked the audience often and did stab a gut at show in reno

Stress-Pass 12-01-2011 02:57 AM

I would have to say the Casualties. Personally I love punk music but I can't tolerate these guys.

Janszoon 12-01-2011 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1126426)
i have somehow managed to have never heard the casualties......something i am quite proud of.....never heard the addicts either :)

The Adicts are pretty good actually. Not the best band in the world or anything but certainly worth a listen. It's good party music. Even though they're kind of associated with Oi music their best songs are their more new wave-ish ones imo:

bob. 12-01-2011 08:49 AM

i must say not bad at all.....i was very surprised by the 2nd one.....thanks :)

Queen Boo 12-01-2011 04:31 PM

The Ramones.

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