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hookers with machineguns 03-16-2005 11:53 AM

Meaningful lyrics
Post your favorite lyrics/verses from a punk, crust, or hardcore song. Dont just post it, but also try to talk about what it means and why you like it. I hope this is interesting to you, because the focal point of punk music (IMO) is essentially the songwriting.

Also, there's a lot of musicians that have lyrics that are difficult to "decode" and can take on many interpretations. Post those for discussion.

Anarchy doll 03-16-2005 12:23 PM

you guys are all gonna sigh, but there are lots of lyrics that mean something to me....since you said,punk, hardcore or crust I am limited, I like every type of music....
so, I will say *get ready for criticism* my way by Sid Vicious.....they just remind me of a time when I was an unsavory character that care noting about anyone else and it is more something that I would sing to my X. "there were times...I'm sure you knew....when there was ****, **** all else to do......."
AND "today, I killed a cat, and my eyes sighed...I did not die by...and that, much more than this...I did it my way...."

I would be able to list more, but Hookers said he wanted punk, hardcore crust....there are more but I gotta give it a think...I guess Anarchy For Sale dedicated to my X as well, he is such a poser sometimes, but knows WAY too much!

Jonah 03-16-2005 01:08 PM

"Refusal" by Strike Anywhere

These lyrics speak for itself...however if anyone needs an explanation;
The first time I saw them, Tom said this is for all those women who are still struggling in this world. WOMENS RIGHTS! Amen.

I won't let you go
I won't let them take you
into the silence of a past divided
keep teaching the power
we only move together
away from the past that made us fall apart

I refuse to run and I will die
before I kneel in this life

of profits we punish
with love as our weapon
and unity
unity rebirth in fire

I refuse to run and I will die
before I kneel in this life

are we crucified
we defend our birthright
equality betrayed
and every hour a voice is lost
but every rage defies the cost
embrace the whole world as your kin
truth to truth and skin to skin

searching for an end to the bulls h i t reactions
another way to separate us
and end to the bulls h i t of separation
another way to keep us from truth

Fenixpunk 03-16-2005 01:30 PM

For the longest time the lyrics to "My Life" from Exploited was like an anthem to me, every line in the song was so powerful, and it reminds me exactly of how i was back in the day.

Let me live my life my way
Living it from day to day
I'll do the things that I want to do
It's up to me not up to you


Don't try to tell me what to wear
How to dress or have my hair
I'll never listen to what you say
I'll never sell out there is no way
You say it's only a passing phase
The craze for teenage nowadays
It may only be a fashion to some
But we'll be here for years to come
Sex and drinks and lots of drugs
Passes the time when you're on the dole
There's nowt to do so you start your own band
And tour this god forsaken land..

All_Nite_Dinah 03-16-2005 03:32 PM

The Broadways "upton"

i'm not angry i'm a no good piece of ****
i hear that eeryday, it just rolls off my back
left out frustrated no one to talk to
alone with the thoughts in my head
the people i respect knock me down,
so i sit like a piece of garbage washed up on the curb
and it's funny in a place where one in ten have no money
i hear only one in ten encouraging words
"yeah the wisemen don't know ****,
it's a poor **** like me on the streets i got it all figured out"
said an old man piss drunk on a wednesday
a smile from his dirty toothless mouth made me smile
and he asked me for a smoke and some change
a cigarette was all i had to give
i sat around watching cars thinking stupid ****ing thoughts about
my friends and my girl and my school and myself
and i wished i could go drinking
where noone knew my name and i didn't know anyone else
i sat alone bored accomplishing nothing
another summer day, more thrown away sunshine
"now don't be offended and don't curse me out,
but i'm starving and i sure could use your dimes"
i looked up at a young man not much older than me
gave him a dollar and a smoke and some time
he said "i fought for uncle sam and now he won't fight for me
he threw me out when i was done serving time
i said i wouldn't go into special forces and kill
he said 'then stay out on the streets and ****ing die'"
yeah there's two kinds of prisons
some say one where you're locked up and everythings outside
and another where you're outside and everything is locked away

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-16-2005 03:43 PM

Wanna know what the music industry is really like?

They said release ’remote control’
But we didn’t want it on the label
They said, fly to amsterdam
The people laughed but the press went mad

Ooh ooh ooh someone’s really smart
Ooh ooh ooh complete control, that’s a laugh

On the last tour my mates couldn’t get in
I’d open up the back door but they’d get run out again
At every hotel we was met by the law
Come for the party - come to make sure!

Ooh ooh ooh have we done something wrong?
Ooh ooh ooh complete control, even over this song

They said we’d be artistically free
When we signed that bit of paper
They meant let’s make a lotsa mon-ee
An’ worry about it later

Ooh ooh ooh I’ll never understand
Ooh ooh ooh complete control - lemme see your other hand!

All over the news spread fast
They’re dirty, they’re filthy
They ain’t gonna last!

This is joe public speaking
I’m controlled in the body, controlled in the mind

C-o-n control - that means you!

sleepy jack 03-16-2005 05:01 PM

"Fiends CLub" Its almost exatly how everyoen at school treats me and my friends.I mean we never turn our backs on eachother but everyone else would tell every secret bout their friend to be cool.

We won't pretend that this is the end
We're not losers all of the time
We march and we fall
We're one and for all
It's just evil all of the time...
All the time...

We are the fiend club
We are the fiend club
We are the fiend club
Not you! Not you!

You dress so messed up
Your hair is too long
But I'm changing all of the time
We march and we fall
We're one and for all
It's just evil all of the time
All of the time
Evil all the time

We are the fiend club
We are the fiend club
We are the fiend club
Not you! Not you!

We are the fiend club

hookers with machineguns 03-18-2005 02:40 PM

Subhumans "Where's The Freedom"

We're going backwards
Into the sin of self-neglect
What do we stand for?
It's very easy to forget
The protest marches
Is it the done thing to object?
So where's the freedom?
Your conscience hangs around your neck
Where's the freedom?
We're going crazy
With paranoia, fear, and greed
Accepting standards
Believing what we hear and read
And when we think we've sussed out a new reality
But is this freedom just another hand from which we feed?
Where's the freedom?
We're going nowhere
In vicious circles we gyrate
The new sub-culture
With cliches painted on their face
We cannot see past
The elitest barriers we create
We reject the system
But put another in it's place
Where's the freedom?

hookers with machineguns 03-18-2005 02:44 PM

A Global Threat "We're All Equal in The End"

voice of televangelist to moms and dads at home
who will your kids listen to and who will they ignore?
tell them lies and feed them sh*t, don't those h*mos make you sick?
but are you gonna follow, or are you gonna lead?
we're all equal in the end
voice of white supremacist to moms and dads at home
who will your kids listen to and who will they ignore?
tell them lies and feed them ****, don't those n*ggers make you sick?
but are you gonna follow, or are you gonna lead?
we're all equal in the end
no voice of televangelist
we're all equal in the end
no voice of white supremacist
we're all equal in the end
this is our voice, this is it
we're all equal in the end

PsychobillyGirl 03-27-2005 03:27 AM

"wrapped in pink and dotted with hearts" - horropops.

thats me dude

Trauma 03-27-2005 04:39 PM

"Dumb"- Nirvana, very meaningful in a not Dashboard Confessional way.

Anarchy doll 03-27-2005 06:23 PM

let's see...the song that would best discribe me....probably Miss Worldor Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne.....

All_Nite_Dinah 03-28-2005 06:51 PM

It feels like I relate to lots of social D/Mike Ness stuff too. LOTS

punk-4-life 04-25-2005 08:19 AM


"The Dying And The Dead"

Thiry thousand auto workers have gone to work to find
That they've been downsized form the assembly to the unemployment line
The employed seeking job security content with what employers give
Thinning out the job market keeps the workers competitive
The upper one percent receive the tax breaks, social program cut's commence
Educational funds take a back seat to America's defense
These education cuts are an investment in the prison industry
An occupational restructuring towards a slave labor economy
The chance of survival on death row disappears,theirright to appeal is deprived
Worker strength and solidarity depletes with union officials bribed
Raising taxes to build sports stadiums while the homeless are ignored
Refusing to supply the health care benefits most people can't afford
The newly founded citizen review boards' members are all police
The gap widens between the cost of living and the inflation increase
Those in power own the media machine it's the vehicle to their views
They bury all of their corruption under fluff reported news
They bombard us with statistics to influence public opinion
The more ridiculous the lie the more people seem to listen
It's the people with no money that are responsible for the rest of us being poor
We'll just eliminate the welfare system to even up the score
Our conditions never imporve no matter how many programs we stop
The money always seems to circulate back to the people at the top
The occasionl whining criticisms keep the public satisfied
The rest are busy escaping reality with drugs the CIA supplied
It's always the most oppressed who easily fall victim to ignorance
Even with all that they've been through they still pledge allegiance
To their country and flag that has caused all of their grievous pain
Patriotism leads to natonalism which in turn proceeds to fascism
Poor and working class people are the tools of sick corporate perseverance
**** on little puppets exploited in the trials of human dominance
But still the pride goes on blindly and in so-called freedom they gloat
Waving the flag but cursing the politicians they think they elect when they vote
Behind the trails of our peacekeepers lie the dying and the dead
There are millions of starving chilren that are waiting to be fed
Because executive orders demand that economic sanctions are applied
If they'd have bowed down to our pressure, relief may have just arrived
As the worlds only super power we rule without regret
We don't let these children survive and grow up to be a threat
Love of this country is based on nothing but the fear of living somewhere worse
And gratitude shouldn't be the reaction to someone else being slaughtered first

Fenixpunk 04-25-2005 08:45 AM

"Ex-Teenage Rebel"
- This song has always made me think.-

When I asked you to lend me a fiver
You said you were already broke
And when I explained you were living in chains
You assumed it was some sort of joke
You wanted a job and then got one
And learned jokes about sex, Jews, and blacks
Got married to help pay the mortgage
Got wound up when you had to pay tax

What happened to you with your ideas?
What happened to all your hopes and fears?
Ex-Teenage rebel- same old story

When I asked you what you thought of the arms race
Asking you whos gonna win?
You remembered a man on the telly and said
I agree with him
You say everythings alright really
You say that Im just paranoid
You tell me its always been the same
And theres some things I cannot avoid

So what happened to your old opinions?
The thoughts that you had for so long?
That inspired a thousand rebellions
Against what was and still is so wrong
You tell me you used to be crazy
And paranoid like I am now
You soon realized There was no reason why
So you gave up and soon settled down

And I tell you that you are the problem
Which is why you cant see it no more
The strength of us all could demolish the wall
But you chose to walk through the door
Living a life of compromise
What you re supporting is what you despised
Was all that you said just a useful disguise?
Or was it all just little white lies?
Little white lies
To help you survive
Is there no guilt in your mind?
Is there no guilt in your eyes?

Abigail 04-25-2005 10:55 AM

If you want meaningful lyrics, try listening to a choir. Lol.

Anarchy doll 04-25-2005 07:50 PM

"by the time you get home I'm already stoned! you turn off the TV and you scream at me!
not matter how hard I try!
your never satisfied! This is not my home I think I'm better off alone..."-3 Days Grace

reminds me of how much $hit my x husband had to put up with when I was trying to get clean and withdrawling and he was still doing drugs

punk-4-life 04-26-2005 07:40 AM



Restricitng immigration won't solve this country's problems
The refugees are only our leaders scapegoats
Bigoted politicians claim that immigration is unemployment's source
So the INS are given unending power to enforce
The restrictions regulated by immigrants descendants
Who project open border policies as national resentments
Unwilling to provide the same opportunities they've been given
To desperate refugees whose passage has been forbidden
By a government who's often reponsible for their countries situation
But they just intensify the suffering by restricting immigration
Denying immigrants from crossing a line
They're closing the borders like they've closed their minds
Regardless of citizenship we're all the same
No human is illegal like governments claim
Exploiting foreign markets with capitalisms principles
NAFTA was created to benefit the multinationals
Big business cuts their expenses with their sweatshop wage
Keeping foreign labor in an economical cage
They've created the incentive to ship the jobs out of this country
Making Americans more receptive to minimum wage and bigotry
The government maintains approval when their fault remains concealed
They'll just find another scapegoat after they pass the anti-immigration bill
Denying immigrants from crossing a line
They're closing the borders like they've closed their minds
Regardless of citizenship we're all the same
No human is illegal like the governments claim
Creating xenophobia is another tactic in which our leaders have managed
To redirect blame to someone other than themselves or big business
The media lap up the reports of increasing poverty, unemployment, welfare and
Government aid supposedly caused by refugees while largely ignoring the
Countless reports of rapes, beating, and general harassment by the
INS and US border patrols Not to mention American servicemen
Actually crossing the Mexican border to rape women or New York police
Officers gang raping a Haitian immigrant with a plunger These atrocities
Occur because xenophobia has instilled the thinking that refugees are
Problems and not people...Xenophobia kills
Patriotism plants the seeds of ignorance and hate
Destroying the people and all compassion to protect the state
Every person is entitled to live, no human should be banned
It only benefits the wealthy to own a piece of land
It only divides the people by the borders, by the countries
It's only another obstacle blocking any chance of equality
We've got to smash their walls our efforts must persist
We've got to wake the people up to see what they've dismissed
People are not expendable, government is
People are not expendable, government is
People are not expendable, government is
People are not expendable, government is

punk-4-life 04-28-2005 08:59 AM


"gaay Rude Boys Unite"

Unity! HA! yer such a saint today
you may be anti racist but then you're anti gaay
you may be ignorant from a lack of education
but if it's sympathy you see you seek
you better turn to another station

Intolerant society rears it's ugly face
you're turning your native music into a homophobic disgrace
the gaay ones, the straight ones, the white tan yellow and black
gaay rude boys and girls, we're gonna take that dancehall back
we'll take it back!
because without respect there's gonna be nothing left

This double standard just won't sit that well with me
I come to say this and it's just the way it has to be
you know i'm not PC i'll shoot your kid at school
'cuz he's gonna grow up to be a fuucking assshole just like you
you can celebrate your unity till every gaay is dead
but why don't you stop your fronting with real unity instead
and on a better dime on this $hitty little globe
we would crucify the racists and be bashing all the homophobes

Intolerant society rears it's ugly face
you're turning your hardcore music into a homophobic disgrace
the gaay ones, the straight ones, the white tan yellow and black
gaay rude boys and girls, we're gonna take that dancehall back
we'll take it back, we'll take it back
because without respect there's gonna be nothing left

2000 triple zero stand up and take a look around
this ignorant fuucking $hit shouldn't happen in any town
so come on leave the closet and on your way out grab a bat
cuz there's a battle to be fought and the prize is fuucking phat
autonomy from ignorance there's got to be a better way
but the racist, sexist homophobes and piggies gotta pay
but right now you got to get out of your fuucking seat
and jam down to the faagot rythm's of that crack rock steady beat

holdyoualways 05-19-2005 08:57 AM

well, im not sure if i know of any real meaningful lyrics but theres this one song that i love dearly and kind of reminds me of my life in regards to the role music plays in it. i rock out to it everytime i hear it:

Sum 41-What We're All About
Nevertheless am I dressed for the occasion
It's number 32 now here's the situation
If the beat moves your feet then don't change the station
Pack your bags cause we're leaving on a permanent vacation
Well, I'm a disaster
A microphone master
Put on your tape and rock your ghetto blaster
It's not about the money, cars, hotels, or resorts
About sweating all the bitches in the biker shorts
I'm Dave Brown Sound and you see me running late
Cause I'm always making time to make your girlie feel great
And I'm Bizzy D from way down town
I'm known to rock a mic like a king was a crown
When I'm on top I'm gonna borrow that bootie
Hustling deals like Mickey Macooty
When I wake up I like a pound of bacon
Start off the day with my arteries shaking

Rock! It's what we're all about
It's what we live for
C'mon shout it out

Well I bring down the house in every city we play
Just from pickin' up the mic' in a usual way
We rock guitars with a bass that's farty
We could even tear it up at a grade school party
Well I can keep the beat but I can't break dance
It's hard to look cool in crazy pants
But I wear 'em anyway even when they look whack
It's my personal way to bring the 80's back
Gave up the life of servin' burger and fries
High cholesterol gettin' grease in my eyes
I was drinkin' underage I belong on stage
Hello rock 'n' roll goodbye minimum wage
I'm teachin' you a lesson in mic' control
Makin' rhymes with my letters in my cereal bowl
Lucky number seven every dice I roll
Sum 41 to the power as the poon patrol


Well let's avoid confusion by makin' one thing clear
The rock we're bringin' is gonna instill fear
And the power we control should be revered
We sold our souls to Satan two times last year
Take a look to the point, to the point I'm makin'
We rock the oven while we're stone cold bakin'
And we get outta hand and bust up the room
JD is to blame for the Legion of Doom
'Cause I'm the B-I double Z-Y
You ain't better than me, I ain't your average guy
I like to watch girls shake with a kung fu grip
While the goon platoon is on the flavor trip
We beat down London, we slayed LA
Got an APB on the jams we play
So when you're on the stage cold grabbin' your ****
We release something the new kings of rock

Chorus twice

hiu 05-25-2005 10:14 PM

"Razors In The Night"

Running away, something better ahead
But you gotta think fast before it's too late
Just one cut around your head
Just one minute and you'll call me dead

You better watch out for the razors in the night
You better leave out the razors in the night

Backstreet boys wear boots and braces
Razor blades and angry faces
Too much tension, too much fear
What the hell are we doing here

Murder is the biggest prize in sport
Cause violence is the only game you've been taught
A pool of warm blood is your prize
Or a cold blade across your eyes

Babygoth 05-31-2005 09:42 AM

I think some meaningul lyricas um well even the heaviest bands have meaningful lyrics like korns thoughtless thats a cool song "I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me and i pull the trigger and your down down down" very meaningful and depresseing I like it! :) :hphones:

Static-Fear-Shot 05-31-2005 08:35 PM

Mad World - Gary Jules

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places
Worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going no where
Going no where
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression
No expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow
No tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very very
Mad world
Mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen
Sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me
No one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
Look right through me
Look right through me
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very very
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world

hookers with machineguns 06-03-2005 09:33 PM

Reagan Youth- Degenerated

What's Johnny doin' out on Tuesday night?
When Johnny can't read and Johnny can't write
Johnny just don't understand
Johnny don't care about this world
As long as he can **** a girl
And prove that he's a man

Johnny wastes his days eatin' ludes
He's a teenage vegetable
Getting high proves that he's cool
Johnny hates to think, he's ignorant
He's a blind and brainwashed pig
Ring a bell, he starts to drool

Degenerated! Degenerated! And you minds have vegetated!
Degenerated! Degenerated! And your thoughts are constipated!

He's got P.C.P. in his veins
He's got a void in his brain
He's addicted to the T.V.
And when he's old, he's gonna have a son
They'll both grow old deaf and dumb
What's to become of young Johnny?

nooky 10-26-2009 04:13 AM

how bout this?

How can we achieve anarchy if we don't know what it means?
Do we even want anarchy that illusionistic dream?
They say they see no reason for discontent
In this period of free enterprise, is evolution spent?
Say their progress is insallable, presented indisguised
Decisions made for all is their responsibility?
They forecast better ways to better days; onwards they seek progress no matter what it takes

From left to right to all the prats in the middle
From the judge to the preacher to the sinners and the cynical
From the Godley to the gullible to the vicious and viable
The globe turns slowly while the governed and ungovernable
Slay it out in the never ending search for righteousness, immaculate success
Their space to possess seems to be what makes their clock tick, but to us it ****ing stinks
When met with resistance, they stamp on it until it breaks
Their society remains secret and although we know their name
We are the pawns on the world's chessboard in one big multi-national game
There's still no end in sight but still we know we're right
We must somehow struggle on up while they go racing to the top
Then Whitehouse "V" the squat, a challenge I think not
Resist every move they make by fulfilling our own hearts
Not by backing off and dropping out, get in there for a start
If you're looking for some proof of this how much more proof do you need
When constantly and hopelessly we fail and they succeed

There's no compassion in here
My fingers keep curling into fists these days
No one smiles on the streets these days
And there's no compassion
Hit the wall a substitute for a face
You can look but you can't touch
You can see but you can't have
Keep crawling to the end of the week
And there's no compassion

Breath heavy to pretend it's fun
Raise the cover to protect your pride
Ignore the failure that you see in the glass
Paint the flesh to hide the scar
And there's no compassion

A million people died in the middle of your breakfast
A million people died in the middle of your favorite love song
A million people died in the middle of your racist joke
A million people died in the middle of your favorite TV programme
A million people died in the middle of your lovemaking
A million people died in the middle of your pop stars interview
A million people died in the middle of your video game
A million people died in the middle of your sexist
A million people died in the middle of your mass debating
A million people died in the middle of your politicians lying
A million people died in the middle of your silence
A million people died in the middle of your stocks and shares
A million people died in the middle of your royal variety performance
A million people died in the middle of your debutante's ball
A million people died in the middle of your day out at Ascot
A million people died in the middle of a Conflict gig!

Separation is complete. A mind to domesticate, condition, compete
Clinical birth control, the sterlised setting
Syringed into being, life is just beginning
Mask of the surgeon, eyes of the blind, rubber band caressing, welcome to mankind
The brain perceives the fear, tender beats the heart
Slapped into life programming starts
Wanted and needed
Wanted from birth to fit in the jigsaw puzzle
Trained don't strain against the muzzle
Force-fed, prostituted, brainwashed that's called learning
Blindfolded, prejudiced, an outcome predetermined
Needed to die and not question why
Follow in ignorance, a comfortable prison
Kept in the dark so they can be free. Spit in the eyes so you will never see

The kid aims the cap gun, points it at my cranium
I am supposed to put my hands up, but I don't want to die that way
Mentally or physically, para-psychologically, whose responsibility?

Is it to feed their profiteering tolerated as long as your mind is fearing?
Right where they want you beaten back into submission
Right where they want you in a missionary position
Needed to promote their glory of possession
To accept and be grateful yet ask no questions
To believe in love and their guiding hand
To obey in humility and never understand

I was feeling alright, yeah just me and the night; I was walking through a white tiled subway
I heard the sound of voices around the corner shouting
The sound of broken glass, no one was there
I looked at my reflection in the puddles in the street
It looked so messed up I just kept moving my feet
To the beat and rhythm of my heart, not much I know but I see it as a start
Because I'm counting the heads to see how many are left, the fingers of one hand stretching
And this feeling of apathy keeps coming quite suddenly - well if something's gonna come, when's it coming?

While you're jumping on the spot, all the freshness starts to rot
And another inspiration fades away. And still you sell your dignity
Still you sell your dignity time after time
And I wonder where lies your pride, does it wait in there inside?
Is it waiting for the moment when you let your heart speak?
Is it waiting for the moment when you act out your own beliefs?
Is it waiting for the moment when you drop your false act?
Is it waiting for the moment when you face the facts?
That you're pumping your life for someone else's ideas
That you're living your life under someone else's fear
That it's time to shift your vision, time to move your head
Get up out of submission. I'm counting heads, how many are left?

The fingers of one hand keep stretching. The fingers of both hands keep stretching
And all I see is "Rock 'n' Roll". All I hear is "Rock 'n' Roll"

I turn the pages of the book, and force my weary eyes to look
At the product of our modern world, at the product of our civilised world
And a child's face looks out at me, questioning why does this have to be?
And I can't find any answer, not that dead ears can hear - do I make myself clear?
It's been said that we must progress for humanity, but looking at the truth of that mockery
I wonder if our minds have progressed anywhere, and I wonder if there's any humanity there
The sightless eyes looking at me, questioning why does this have to be
And I can't find any answers not that dead ears can hear - do I make myself clear?

If you're an activist not while getting pissed,
if you're gonna do something make sure you don't miss
That's a dangerous game to play what use are you if you're banged up?
You can't beat them on the streets, so duck and dive a little, hide the fiddles
Play them at their own game, stay with them all the way
Know what and why they are doing things and create alternatives
Police are still snooping, awaiting the big nick
Like fishermen baiting the fish, tempting us to take the risk

This time, this time they've made the impossible.
The new aids infection from EMI the treatment to replace the old spermicide

Lost_At_22 11-01-2009 03:48 AM


I'm fed up, I've had it up to here
Tell me what is good for me and my career
**** you and your selfish advice
You've never been loyal to the same things twice
In your sheltered little lives, you don't know the scene
Doing as you're told, puppets of the big machine
Changing faces, revolving door hypocrisy
Who do you work for now, yeah, I see

[Chorus I:]

Music's for you and me
Not the ****ing industry
You ****ing tell us what is cool
You see we came from different schools

You got no crowd but you got a big push
Kissing asses till your pride turns into mush
You might change your style for the record company
Fingers down your throat, you heave your integrity

You're weak, give it up, throw the towel and the flag in
And get your pussy ass off the mother****in' bandwagon
Never for a minute were you real in the first place
So far up someone's ass you got **** on your face

[Chorus II:]

Music's for you and me
Not the ****ing industry
You ****ing tell us what is cool
You see we came from different schools
To us it matters what you say
Not the ****ing games you play
You're full of ****, it's plain to see
The whole damn ****ing industry

If you think for a minute this song's about you
Step the **** back, cuz it's probably true
The message in the music is the reason that we're in this
Music is for you and me, not the ****ing industry
Try to tell us what is cool, we came from different schools
It only matters what you say, not the ****in' games you play
Full of ****, it's plain to see, the whole damn ****in' industry

[Chorus II]

ElephantSack 11-04-2009 05:26 PM

A throwback from my childhood is Offspring's "Smash". I know that I wouldn't even consider them a punk band anymore. But Smash was definitely their seminal album, and basically, it was all downhill from there. Particularly the course from the title track of the album:

I'm not a trendy as$hole.
Do what I want.
Do what I feel like.
I'm not a trendy as$hole.
Don't give a f@ck
if it's good enough for you,
'cuz I'm alive.

Basically the basic sentiment behind punk rock to begin with. The initial "**** this!" mentality that spawned the whole generation. Although it came from an album and a band that had nothing to do with the initial punk rock movement, it captured it in words that nobody else really did. I guess the Offspring really used up their credibility and fury in a couple of large shots, but to me, it was definitely worth it. You get a few of my buddies and me in a living room and put that record on after we've had a few, it's not long before were huddled in the middle of the floor, screaming the lyrics.

Another song from that album that captures the same "Do or die" attitude is the first track, "Nitro: Youth Energy".

We are the ones who are living under the gun everyday.
You might be gone before you know.

So live like there's tomorrow.
(Ain't gonna waste this life)
There's no tomorrow.
(You ain't gonna live it for me)
There's no tomorrow.
(Ain't gonna waste this life)
There's no tomorrow.
(You ain't gonna live it for me)
There's no tomorrow.

Waldo Jeffers 11-13-2009 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 48919)
Wanna know what the music industry is really like?

They said release ’remote control’
But we didn’t want it on the label
They said, fly to amsterdam
The people laughed but the press went mad

Ooh ooh ooh someone’s really smart
Ooh ooh ooh complete control, that’s a laugh

On the last tour my mates couldn’t get in
I’d open up the back door but they’d get run out again
At every hotel we was met by the law
Come for the party - come to make sure!

Ooh ooh ooh have we done something wrong?
Ooh ooh ooh complete control, even over this song

They said we’d be artistically free
When we signed that bit of paper
They meant let’s make a lotsa mon-ee
An’ worry about it later

Ooh ooh ooh I’ll never understand
Ooh ooh ooh complete control - lemme see your other hand!

All over the news spread fast
They’re dirty, they’re filthy
They ain’t gonna last!

This is joe public speaking
I’m controlled in the body, controlled in the mind

C-o-n control - that means you!

I saw the thread name and hoped The Clash would have some song in here. I'd add something like "Death and Glory" or "Clampdown" too (to be the typical person and go to London Calling). "Straight To Hell" is good too.

Rocknroll_Animal 06-09-2010 04:43 AM

Extract from "Don't Die" by Richard Hell...

The air is cool today
The time is drawing near
My walls are white and so is
My brain afloat in self-made fear
A banal feeling of the sort
I ain't insane but
No fate... worse than
To never leave yourself and
It's as well the most repulsive pain

The air is cool today
That whistles through my ribs
My skull is full of sand that
Dribbles down upon my bib
I call out 'baby' but her
Face looks like a clock and
Tick tock... alive
Triumphant victims so
Surprised we can't recover from the shock

Me... I
Like a joke as much as
Anybody else, but
Some are rough...

Yeah... when the
Joke's on you, though you're the
Joker too, you've had enough

Then... when there is
No-one there, because there's
Nothing there, you call...
Your bluff

Richard Hell was always so much better at describing what I feel than I ever could... it's basically the awareness of yourself being a louse, and being shaped from a bit of a dodgy mould. It's really true - to never leave yourself is well and truly the most repulsive pain.

CaptainAwesome 06-16-2010 11:52 AM

Rise Against - Survive

"Somewhere between happy, and total ****ing wreck
Feet sometimes on solid ground, sometimes at the edge
To spend your waking moments simply killing time
Is to give up on your hopes and dreams and give up on your..

Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are

An obvious disinterest, a barely managed smile
A deep nod in agreement, a status quo exile
I shirk my obligations, I miss all your dead lines
I excel at quitting early, and ****ing up my life

Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are

All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so ****ing great
All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so great

(Life isn't like this)x4
Life isn't like this life x2 (Life isn't like this)x3

Are we verging on an answer, or ****ing up our...

Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are

(Who we are)
It�s what makes us who we are
(Who we are)
Makes us who we are
(Who we are)
It�s what makes us who we are
(Who we are)"

Lyrically it is simpler and more self-explanatory than most of the band's songs, but while going through a period of quite bad depression, this song helped me alot... Like it says, "how we survive is what makes us who we are", not the **** that happens to us, cos **** happens, it happens to everyone, so don't wallow in self pity, just survive! :D

Halpert 06-16-2010 01:45 PM

Straight Edge by Minor Threat

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I've got the straight edge

Well I'm straight edge...and it's Minor Threat one of the bands that got me into punk...Without this I would be dead right now.

just a choking victim 07-19-2011 01:12 PM

this song is like a page out of the story of my life from my drug and alcohol addiction to the way i lost everyone i loved for 2 years of my life due to my problems. a majority of songs by johnny hobo are the most meaningful to me but every time i listen to this one i break down in tears like the first time i heard it.



this car is a war machine that runs on nicotine and gasoline. d-d-d-don’t you ****ing know this is the wrong side of the road? who needs brakes when it’s all down hill from here? and if we ain’t died yet then maybe we never will. but i don’t wanna burn out, so won’t you please set me on fire again? i woke up afraid of losing everything; thank god that i already have. so if you love me then listen: mind your own ****ing business! if you love me enough to stay, then please love me enough to stay…enough to stay away. i swear on my last cigarette that i’d love you my d-d-darling. i’d love you if i could. but since the day i was born, it’s been too late for me to be anything but what i am tonight. and what i am is drunk, and what i am is mean, in your passenger seat. seat belts are for people who have time to die; hell, i don’t even have time to sleep. because i don’t wanna miss a moment of loathing everything that i see. i stay up nights afraid of everything, till all that’s left is the shadows and me. ask me from sunrise to sunset: no, i ain’t left the house yet. i finally love you enough to stay…enough to stay away. aw, ****, i wish i had a job to quit. i wish i had a boss that i could tell to **** off. give me the satisfaction of a dramatic exit, and not just a long car ride and a short goodbye in a parking lot. (ohohoh.)

TakumaReborn 07-28-2011 12:34 AM

Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)
Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)

Woah, woah.

Bang bang go the coffin nails, like a breath exhaled,
Then gone forever.
It seems just like yesterday, how did I miss the red flag's raise?

Think back, the days we left
We braved these bitter storms together.
And brought to his knees he cried,
But on his feet he died.

What God would damn a heart?
And what God drove us apart?
What God could...

Make it stop,
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step,
On the way down singing
Woah, woah.

Bang bang from the closet walls,
The schoolhouse halls,
The shotgun's loaded.
Push me and I'll push back.
I'm done asking, I demand.

From a nation under God,
I feel it's love like a cattle prod.
I'm born free, but still they hate.
I'm born me, no I can't change.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.

Make it stop,
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step,
On the way down singing
Woah, woah.

The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget?
The gathering's hold candles, but not their tongues.

And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood
We're counting for,
Insisting on,
A different beat, yeah.
A brand new song

(Names called)
Tyler Clementi, age 18
Billy Lucas, age 15
Harrison Chase Brown, age 15
Cody J. Barker, age 17
Seth Walsh, age 13

Make it stop.
Make this end,
This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin.
And proud I stand, of who I am,
I plan to go on living;

Make it stop.
Let this end,
All these years pushed to the ledge.
But proud I stand, of who I am,
I plan to go on living.

Actually almost all the rise against songs I love have deep meaning each and every word...that is why I love this freakin band cuz their songs really relate to me deeply :D Rise Against ROCKS! \m/

Howard the Duck 07-28-2011 01:49 AM

Anti-Nowhere League - So What?

So fucking what!

Well I've been to Hastings
And I've been to Brighton
I've been to Eastbourne too
So what, so what

Well I've been here
And I've been there
And I've been every fucking where
So what, so what

So what, so what you boring little cunt
Well who cares, who cares what you do
Who cares, who cares about you
You, you, you

Well I've sucked sweets
And I've sucked rock
And I've even sucked an old man's cock
So what, so what

Well I've fucked a sheep
And I've fucked a goat
I've had my cock right down its throat
So what, so what

So what, so what you boring little cunt
Well who cares, who cares what you do
Who cares, who cares about you
You, you, you, you

Well I've drunk that
And I've drunk this
And I've spewed up on a pint of piss
So what, so what

And I've had scag
I've had speed
I've jacked up until I bleed
So what, so what
So what, so what you boring little cunt

Well who cares, who cares what you do
Who cares, who cares about you
You, you, you, you

Well I've had crabs
And I've had lice
And I've had the pox and that ain't nice
So what, so what

Well I've fucked this
And I've fucked that
And I've even fucked a schoolgirl's crack
So what, so what
So what, so what you boring little cunt

Who cares, who cares about you
Who cares, who cares about you
You, you, you, you....

bob. 08-01-2011 08:37 AM

Conflict - The Serenade Is Dead

She wakes up in the morning; the sun is shining in her face
She turns her head around; she shares the blanket on which the love embraced
She looks out of the window; it's a lovely day outside
She tells herself that things are fine, he pulls the sheets to cover his eyes
The essence of the fresh air, that garden held the love affair
Thinking back their minds are torn in muddle and confusion
So far away another sits, who tries to make the best of it
He don't know quite what's hit him, it's another love illusion
He gazes in his empty room eyes fixed upon her picture
The loneliness, dejectedness, God how the **** he's missed her
His eyes turn turn to the window, the military roar by
He wonders how much hatred could evolve out of the sky
What God had done for peace on earth, what man destroyed from day of birth
They are concerned with feelings; they're just ashamed to cry
And one mans plan to push the button makes other sacrifice
The serenade is dead and now the only question's why?
Why when we are young, we're told it's right to love
Told it's human nature and that comes from God above
As time moves on we realize that we all look from the pit
While a plan hangs above us, to keep us in the ****
Because the minute we are born, we're told what's right and wrong
Raised with certain morals, never mentioned in their songs
As we grow up, we find out that the paths been neatly set
In a world of such destruction, we only can regret
Regret that is the word of it, as we look for our way out of it
Why can't they understand we don't want any part of it?
The pain they create everyday, that just ain't gonna go away
We've got to stick together, but still you're asking why?
The system stands strong, as our movement starts to crumble
The pressure we once held, has just turned into a rumble
They've got us where they want us, and you all just accept that
Well don't you think its time; we started to hit back
They are the enemy; they want a rope around your neck
And if they will go that far, then what the **** is next?
Forget the revolution, we've heard it all before
Heard all of the promises of nineteen-eighty-four
Its an impossible task, "oh yes", it stands before us all
Well maybe you'll believe it when your back's against the wall

defiantly my favorite Conflict song and up there for favorite punk song

Punks!Punks!Punks! 08-29-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Halpert (Post 883925)
Straight Edge by Minor Threat

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I've got the straight edge

Well I'm straight edge...and it's Minor Threat one of the bands that got me into punk...Without this I would be dead right now.

couldn't have said it better myself!

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