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CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 04-13-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 849954)
can't let the bin be all you all the time now can i?

i was agreeing with you, i meant this thread

mr dave 04-14-2010 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by zevokes (Post 849949)
ok. i don't want to get into this debate, but would honestly just like to know what you think.

not really sure if you were referring to me with this comment but since the OP is apparently banned / deleted i'll just keep blabbing haha

first to Captain Caveman - my bad, i misunderstood you're original comment. :beer:

back to business. i most definitely stand behind my initial comment of 'if you have to ask, you'll never know'. Punk isn't something you learn, like any other aspect of relating to music (aside from technical specifics and theory) you either get it or you don't.

to say that Punk was all about the money at the start and to leave it at that is being incredibly ignorant. yes they wanted money, but not because they wanted to be rich, but because they wanted the rich to know what it was like to be poor.

punk is necessity.

it wasn't always called punk but the attitude that drove punk rock has always existed in those who saw it necessary to rock the boat and shake the system. with classic UK punk rock from the late 70s it was about shaking the system to reflect the social issues facing the working class at that time. all the social problems and the reforms that painted a bleak future for the working class, the disconnection between the ruling class and the plebs.

having the Sex Pistols following the Queen's path on a barge down the Thames while performing wasn't 'punk' so much as it was necessity. the modern world needed to step up and not just pay attention to the plight of the working class but needed to acknowledge that change was necessary, that the status quo was not good enough and that people would not willfully toe the line into that good night.

at the same time across the pond it was necessary for bands like the Ramones to stick it in the side of bloated arena rock. it was a necessary shake up for the music business to stop pandering to their now middle aged peers and start paying attention to another generation's needs.

to consider punk to be a fashion or a musical style isn't entirely wrong but it's like thinking that masturbation is the same as making love because you still end up having an orgasm. the saddest thing is that the punks who seem to get it are still trying to use the same methods as 30+ years ago to shake the system while those who don't are actually getting into the position where their shaking could make a substantial difference.

Zach de la Rocha is not a 'punk' per se but he most definitely embodies the attitude, RATM was a necessary band in the 90s to prompt a generation to take a more critical look at the society they lived in. that's what we're missing in the mainstream now, the attitude of not giving a crap either way about what you do and just doing it because it needs to be done.

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-14-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by zevokes (Post 849949)
i don't think punk should be dead though. i think it's in dire need of a resurrection. at least the dissident mindset anyway. now it's fashion. now it's a certain drumbeat.

God I hope not, the last thing the world needs another punk revival.

I agree with you about the dissident mindset aspect of it. I think that last thing that ever had that was the acid house movement in the late 80s.

And most of the people involved in that were old punks anyway

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 04-14-2010 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by zevokes (Post 849949)
i don't think punk should be dead though. i think it's in dire need of a resurrection. at least the dissident mindset anyway. now it's fashion. now it's a certain drumbeat.

its not dead; and doesn't need to be revived. the reason you think this is because you haven't actually seen it.

mr dave 04-15-2010 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 850674)
its not dead; and doesn't need to be revived. the reason you think this is because you haven't actually seen it.

i think the original style has long served its purpose. no one reacts with shock and awe at the sight of a mohawk and spiked leather anymore, they think 'oh look at that angry teenager looking for attention' regardless of age.

we most definitely need another shake to the system though, but to call it punk or to simply attach the 'post' prefix completely obliterates any sort of worth to the movement though.

Mojo 04-15-2010 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 849965)
i was agreeing with you, i meant this thread

I second. Ths is the worst thread ive seen in recent times.

P A N 04-15-2010 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 850787)
we most definitely need another shake to the system though, but to call it punk or to simply attach the 'post' prefix completely obliterates any sort of worth to the movement though.

i agree, and thank you for reiterating my point so as it comes off less "punk". to call it punk would be a mistake.

GreyFox72 04-16-2010 03:48 PM

punk is still alive, its just underground and unsigned bands as others have already mentioned. I saw a punk band in Germany last summer, and in this small as bar the crowd of appx 150 was going insane. It was nuts, and after they stayed and got f@$^%&g drunk with us, how cool is that s*#t?

mr dave 04-16-2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by GreyFox72 (Post 851667)
punk is still alive, its just underground and unsigned bands as others have already mentioned. I saw a punk band in Germany last summer, and in this small as bar the crowd of appx 150 was going insane. It was nuts, and after they stayed and got f@$^%&g drunk with us, how cool is that s*#t?

how is that different from a strum along country rock cover band playing for 400 at the local tavern before sitting down for a pitcher with all their 'friends' during breaks?

(just wondering :pimp:)

Odyshape 04-18-2010 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 850811)
i second. Ths is the worst thread ive seen in recent times.


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