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Vancouver 01-29-2010 04:26 PM

a top 100 punk bands list.
came across this are my thoughts

Top 100 Punk Bands as voted by Punk Forum users - Rate Your Music

• Dead Kennedys should not be in the top 3 never mind 1. Clash? Sure.
• Buzzocks should be way higher – top 10/15
• Love the Bad Religion / Minor Threat spots.
• The fact Forgotten Rebels were on there was amazing, but should be
higher. (If they are on Teenage Head and Simply Saucer should be as well)
• Pistols at 12 would shock a few but I agree. Maybe a bit higher.
• LOVE Rancid so I might be bias – but good spot.
• No Distillers? Reason?
• Stiff Little Fingers I might put in the top 15.
• Stooges? Iggy? After Cirlcle Jerks? NOFX? I think Iggy did more for
punk than that.
• Never thought Television was punk. Any non punks who play at CBGB
seems to get Blondie.
• Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards - Punk band formed by Rancid's
guitarist which is only slightly better then Rancid, which isn't saying much.
(OUCH! WTF? How can you not like rancid?)
• Thought Pennywise/Buzz****s got kicked in the nuts with those spots.

Also thought these bands should have been on:
Chelsea...they could have cracked the list from “War across the Nation” alone!
No Means No

+81 01-29-2010 06:32 PM

Could be a lot worse. Don't know why Sonic Youth is on there. I'd a least pick a different album.

Rickenbacker 01-29-2010 06:36 PM

X is far too low.

Alfred 01-29-2010 06:53 PM

Rise Against shouldn't be anywhere near anyone's top 50. But what can ya do.

jackhammer 01-29-2010 07:10 PM

AFI? Flogging Molly? Dropkick Murphys? Choking Victim? Leftover Crack? Streetlight Manifesto? A Global Threat? Anti Flag?

Broken Bones
The Ruts
The Gun Club
The Flesh Eaters
Dead Boys
Radio Birdman
The 4 Skins
The Stupids

More than adequate replacements and much more in the spirit of Punk than the bands mentioned here.

Engine 01-29-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Vancouver (Post 818458)
came across this are my thoughts
• Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards - Punk band formed by Rancid's
guitarist which is only slightly better then Rancid, which isn't saying much.
(OUCH! WTF? How can you not like rancid?)

'cuz Rancid is a despicable parody of Punk that should never have existed because it ushered in a terrible new age of commercial Punk Rawk. Malcom McLaren is probably proud of them - and surely wants a piece of their revenue.

But I dunno the best answer..ask Jesse Michaels for that.

Alfred 01-29-2010 07:55 PM

Also: Mohawks aren't punk.

tgpo 01-29-2010 08:31 PM

I stopped reading when I saw The Damned at 46.

Vancouver 01-31-2010 11:51 AM

there is a ton wrong with the list, good for discussion though. DK at #1 kills me.

Vancouver 01-31-2010 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 818574)
'cuz Rancid is a despicable parody of Punk that should never have existed because it ushered in a terrible new age of commercial Punk Rawk. Malcom McLaren is probably proud of them - and surely wants a piece of their revenue.

But I dunno the best answer..ask Jesse Michaels for that.

I love em. Period. Nothing to back it up, just do can't help it. I don't think I'm alone on that.

tgpo 01-31-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Vancouver (Post 819309)
DK at #1 kills me.

I'm cool with it. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.

+81 01-31-2010 06:26 PM

There's no reason Bad Religion should be above Black Flag, Minor Threat, Ramones, and the Minutemen.

I just realized I used to go on that forum quite a bit.

TheBig3 01-31-2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 818584)
Also: Mohawks aren't punk.

I'm fully aware that I rail against this constantly, but this comment is why I hate punk music.

Alfred 01-31-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 819545)
I'm fully aware that I rail against this constantly, but this comment is why I hate punk music.

I'm not trying to profess an elitist attitude or anything, what I mean is, donning the mohawk does not make you anymore punk than another musician.

It always pisses me off when I see a band like Rancid

or The Casualties

donning this gear as if it somehow destroys all doubt that these guys are the real deal when in reality, a band like Comeback Kid

or Kid Dynamite

can dress like normal people and fit into the genre of music just as well.

TheBig3 01-31-2010 09:02 PM

I don't think I know another genre though that constantly throws people out quite like punk does.

tgpo 02-01-2010 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 819595)
I don't think I know another genre though that constantly throws people out quite like punk does.

Probably isn't one.

The world will never agree on what's punk and what isn't. That's the curse, but also part of the fun of the genre.

TheBig3 02-01-2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by tgpo (Post 819763)
Probably isn't one.

The world will never agree on what's punk and what isn't. That's the curse, but also part of the fun of the genre.

I don't mean to derail this, but the way lists are treated around here the thread might be over anyhow.

Part of the fun, you're saying?

Well heres the thing. There is an on-going purity test in punk and the worst of it is, its not even centralized. Its constantly being readjusted as 2+ people speak. its like religion post-pope.

the problem is the genre never evolves and it isolates would be listeners. Therefore there is no lead in "starter bands" for punk within the genre. It suggests people either are listening to punk, or they aren't. While I can't say the opposite is better - metal with its forever disseminating sub genres to the point of self-parody - but theres progression in other forms for a reason.

i.e. bands can't have touches of "speed" and "lack of talent." So a band that plays fast isn't punk. A band that plays three chords isn't punk. Its like the shire, one day you just stumble upon it and at that point you know what it is. Prior it was just something you'd heard about.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-01-2010 10:19 AM

This list is why I prefer post punk.

I don't have to put up with morons with no taste who think Bad Religion & Operation Ivy are among the 5 best bands in their chosen genre.

loveissucide 02-01-2010 10:20 AM

Husker Du should surely be Top 10.

LoathsomePete 02-01-2010 10:40 AM

Now I don't claim to be an expert on the genre, time and time again I've tried to co-mingle in it only to be expelled (often violently) due to my metal roots. After reading that list I have to say... I don't really see anything wrong with it. Perhaps the order is a little fucked but at least good bands are on that list. Most of my experience with ordered rankings like that horrible to say the very least (see Rolling Stone's list of 100 albums of the decade), but at least this list doesn't just skim the most popular albums. Punk is one of those genres that's so flooded with bands that it's nearly impossible to find everything you like. Good stuff unfortunately gets buried under others and finding a record store with a varied punk library is rare these days.

tgpo 02-01-2010 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 819817)
Well heres the thing. There is an on-going purity test in punk and the worst of it is, its not even centralized. Its constantly being readjusted as 2+ people speak. its like religion post-pope.

Some would probably argue a centralized test would be anti-punk.

I'm of the mind set that people should like whatever they want, and classify it in the most convenient terms. The debate of if a band is punk or not is dumb. Who cares as long as you like their music.

I'll stick my neck out and say those who are most vocal in the punk/not punk argument are those who understand the history of the genre the least. It's a genre made as an all inclusive movement of ideas and rants that grew into a fashion statement of torn shirts and safety pins.

Vancouver 02-01-2010 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 819876)
Now I don't claim to be an expert on the genre, time and time again I've tried to co-mingle in it only to be expelled (often violently) due to my metal roots. After reading that list I have to say... I don't really see anything wrong with it. Perhaps the order is a little fucked but at least good bands are on that list. Most of my experience with ordered rankings like that horrible to say the very least (see Rolling Stone's list of 100 albums of the decade), but at least this list doesn't just skim the most popular albums. Punk is one of those genres that's so flooded with bands that it's nearly impossible to find everything you like. Good stuff unfortunately gets buried under others and finding a record store with a varied punk library is rare these days.

The last time I looked at a Rolling Stone top 100 list they were using "Greatest Hits" records...ugh...

jaheredudes 02-02-2010 05:12 PM

im kinda pissed agent orange wasn't on this list but sonic youth was. Really?

almauro 02-09-2010 04:59 AM

I checked the list and can't find the crust. No Amebix, Nausea or Tragedy? That's wrong.

James 02-14-2010 09:31 AM

Patti Smith and the Buzz****s should be way higher

Vancouver 02-14-2010 12:32 PM

^^ ya I DO NOT get the Buzz****s rating.

storymilo 02-14-2010 01:07 PM

The Adverts probably should have been higher, and Less Than Jake was on there lulz.

The Abracadaver 02-15-2010 01:42 PM

This list is so stupid. Kid Dynamite at 50? **** meeee. My top 20 at least. I mean, some of the list makes sense but some of it is...bleh.

BTown 02-15-2010 03:22 PM

how the **** does Pennywise and Less Than Jake get in front of The Germs?
And having NOFX and The Dropkick Murphys beating Minutemen AND Husker Du is insane.

Are the Descendents actually not on there or did I miss them?

Insane Guest 03-11-2010 03:54 PM

Misfits anyone? I think they deserve #1.

lucifer_sam 03-11-2010 05:18 PM

Misfits deserve to be exonerated of the enormous influence that they somehow cultivated over the years. Really, they're just a worthless punk act who sees more light on the backs of the branded masses than they've ever managed in record players.

I'd like to see far more diamonds-in-the-rough on the list than they decided to recognize. It would have been nice to see some acknowledgment for X-Ray Spex, the Slits, the Ruts, the Gories, etc...

Engine 03-11-2010 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 836001)
Misfits deserve to be exonerated of the enormous influence that they somehow cultivated over the years. Really, they're just a worthless punk act who sees more light on the backs of the branded masses than they've ever managed in record players.

Wha..? Not worthless to myself and thousands upon thousands of others who played Misfits albums religiously for years before the band had become part of mall culture.

Whoa - I just read back through this thread and I must have been kinda drunk when I wrote this..

Originally Posted by Engine (Post 818574)
'cuz Rancid is a despicable parody of Punk that should never have existed because it ushered in a terrible new age of commercial Punk Rawk. Malcom McLaren is probably proud of them - and surely wants a piece of their revenue. But I dunno the best answer..ask Jesse Michaels for that.

Not that I am withdrawing any of my statements and I admit to harboring some hostility over the fact that Rancid got so big while the far better Operation Ivy is an often shit upon footnote. Jesse Michaels was such a good punk vocalist - he should have been the one to get paid. But obviously there are plenty of earnest Rancid fans and they're one of the least terrible punk bands that I dislike.

icastico 03-11-2010 05:49 PM

This is a list of "how many people list this band as their favorite" not a list of "most important punk bands" or "best punk bands."

And it shows.

Where are The Rhythm Pigs? Tupelo Chain Sex? Pop-o-pies?

Insane Guest 03-11-2010 07:08 PM

Whatever, the Misfits in my opinion is a great punk band. But then again I am a fan of classic rock. Don't call them worthless, love em' hate em' you can't help but know that they have some amazing songs.

Sansa Stark 03-13-2010 02:49 AM

The Misfits were pretty good before Danzig left, even though he's a giant bag of diicks. Rancid shouldn't even be on that ****ing list, Rancid is awful:

Almost anything Tim Armstrong related is awful, aside from Operation Ivy. The whole GANGSTA PUNX thing is nauseating.
Lower Class Brats? Seriously? I hated Clockwork Punk, the Adicts at least were a bit listenable. AFI?! AFI is above X?! what the **** is this ****.

SATCHMO 03-13-2010 03:04 AM

DIY or Pllllllllbbhh

Vancouver 03-13-2010 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 836006)
Wha..? Not worthless to myself and thousands upon thousands of others who played Misfits albums religiously for years before the band had become part of mall culture.

Whoa - I just read back through this thread and I must have been kinda drunk when I wrote this..

Not that I am withdrawing any of my statements and I admit to harboring some hostility over the fact that Rancid got so big while the far better Operation Ivy is an often shit upon footnote. Jesse Michaels was such a good punk vocalist - he should have been the one to get paid. But obviously there are plenty of earnest Rancid fans and they're one of the least terrible punk bands that I dislike.

ok I take back everything I was thinking of you.

Vancouver 03-13-2010 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 836460)
The Misfits were pretty good before Danzig left, even though he's a giant bag of diicks. Rancid shouldn't even be on that ****ing list, Rancid is awful:

Almost anything Tim Armstrong related is awful, aside from Operation Ivy. The whole GANGSTA PUNX thing is nauseating.
Lower Class Brats? Seriously? I hated Clockwork Punk, the Adicts at least were a bit listenable. AFI?! AFI is above X?! what the **** is this ****.


Id like to try to understand your opinion but I cant get my head that far up my ****ing ass. And trust me nobody would EVER fake they were British...deny it maybe..ya...fake it? Never.

Sansa Stark 03-14-2010 09:06 AM

Oh wow get personal much? Rancid SUCKS. They have maybe....three good songs? Tim Armstrong is a giant bag of douche who I'm sure in his own little mind thinks he's the next Joe Strummer. Also, I don't know if you know what one of these new confangled things called a joke is, but I think you might want to learn. And if you're trying to suggest that Tim Armstrong is British, then I suggest you get YOUR head out YOUR ass because everyone knows he was born in ****ing California.

Vancouver 03-14-2010 02:18 PM

lol..Never said he was again.

Leave Joe Strummer out of this. Ok you think Rancid sucks. I never said they were the Clash..God forbid.

I love them..a lot. 3 good songs? And Out Come the Wolves has 10 itself. Ugh..nevermind.

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