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hip hop bunny hop 01-21-2010 01:11 PM

right wing punk?
Recently I got a good split CD by the bands "Warfare 88" & "Forward Area". The

I also really dig Special Duties...

Any other fans of these bands?

TumorAttitude 01-21-2010 02:13 PM

I'm not trying to be a dick but most of us are super liberal. So, here.

Sgt Pilcher 01-21-2010 02:20 PM

I dont think a bands political affiliation should matter, especially in Punk.

duga 01-21-2010 02:23 PM

i think punk is one of the few where it actually DOES matter. like hell i'm going to listen to right wing thank ya

hip hop bunny hop 01-21-2010 02:34 PM


I dont think a bands political affiliation should matter, especially in Punk.
I mostly agree, however I can tolerate these hippies screeching about animal rights and how oppressed they are.

TheBig3 01-21-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by TumorAttitude (Post 814397)
I'm not trying to be a dick but most of us are super liberal. So, here.

Why does that matter?


Originally Posted by Sgt Pilcher (Post 814407)
I dont think a bands political affiliation should matter, especially in Punk.


Originally Posted by duga (Post 814411)
i think punk is one of the few where it actually DOES matter. like hell i'm going to listen to right wing thank ya

Why not?


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 814420)
I mostly agree, however I can tolerate these hippies screeching about animal rights and how oppressed they are.

I'm not sure thats what lefty punk is touting.

Its cool in concept but I don't think Right-wing punk is interesting enough to make me listen to punk. Is it a small government thing?

duga 01-21-2010 02:43 PM


punk gained popularity through its politics. especially left-wing (oh god i hate saying left and right wing) "politics". i just think punk celebrating the government is a paradox...i don't know how else i would describe it other than listening to it would severely upset me.

its like christian death metal...sure you CAN do it...but why?

indietrash3 01-21-2010 02:49 PM

I'm not going to listen to a band whose social politics/religion/moral code/anything isn't the same as mine

I only listen to straight edge vegan non-racist though slightly socialist but not too much18th century bourgeoisie neo-classicist music made by white people with a bmi between 21 and 21.4 and...........

duga 01-21-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by indietrash3 (Post 814436)
I'm not going to listen to a band whose social politics/religion/moral code/anything isn't the same as mine

I only listen to straight edge vegan non-racist though slightly socialist but not too much18th century bourgeoisie neo-classicist music made by white people with a bmi between 21 and 21.4 and...........

as sarcastic as that comment is, you know that it is mostly true. we all listen to music we agree with, subconsciously or not.

i'll concede that if conservatives want to listen to conservative punk...go for it. i personally am not interested.

indietrash3 01-21-2010 03:08 PM

I'm not conservative and I listen to conservative music. it's music ffs.

Alfred 01-21-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by indietrash3 (Post 814436)
I'm not going to listen to a band whose social politics/religion/moral code/anything isn't the same as mine

Lol, if I went by this, I'd probably only be a fan of like ten bands.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-21-2010 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 814430)

punk gained popularity through its politics. especially left-wing (oh god i hate saying left and right wing) "politics". i just think punk celebrating the government is a paradox...i don't know how else i would describe it other than listening to it would severely upset me.

its like christian death metal...sure you CAN do it...but why?

The whole punk era actually started protesting against the policies of a left wing government.

Johnny_Rotter 01-22-2010 01:12 AM

I actually dig the Special Duties song it rocks, too bad their career got ruined by taking a stand against a BS band like Crass.

TheBig3 01-22-2010 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 814430)

punk gained popularity through its politics. especially left-wing (oh god i hate saying left and right wing) "politics". i just think punk celebrating the government is a paradox...i don't know how else i would describe it other than listening to it would severely upset me.

its like christian death metal...sure you CAN do it...but why?


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 814458)
The whole punk era actually started protesting against the policies of a left wing government.

heeeeeere's the thread.

Should Punk have an ideological starting point that it works from? Is minimalism that base? is the DIY ethic that so permeates the genre the political equivelent of independance, freedom, or non-intervensionist governemnt? Is the ragged every-man image a stance on the struggle between the filth at the bottom and the rot at the top?

I think this is one of the more interesting threads on the boards in awhile, even as I'd hope that politic and policy remain largely outside of the discussion.

Can punk ever agree with something? or does it work anathma to any going trend. Assuming of course that whatever politicans are doing is screwing the little guy.

The Monkey 01-22-2010 11:22 AM

I think a central ingredient in punk is anti-establishment sentiments. I suppose one could have a conservative perspective of this by saying that the government is the establishment and advocating less government intervention in the market. However, that fails to take into account that the Laissez-faire approach that most conservatives advocates produces another for of establishment, that of big businesses, which may help to further advance economic and social inequalities. That is why I have hard to respect conservative punk.

TheBig3 01-22-2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 814794)
I think a central ingredient in punk is anti-establishment sentiments. I suppose one could have a conservative perspective of this by saying that the government is the establishment and advocating less government intervention in the market. However, that fails to take into account that the Laissez-faire approach that most conservatives advocates produces another for of establishment, that of big businesses, which may help to further advance economic and social inequalities. That is why I have hard to respect conservative punk.

Was that supposed to be a "hard time"

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-22-2010 11:33 AM

I didn't understand any of that apart from the unintentional knob gag. :(

Violent & Funky 01-22-2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 814794)
I think a central ingredient in punk is anti-establishment sentiments. I suppose one could have a conservative perspective of this by saying that the government is the establishment and advocating less government intervention in the market. However, that fails to take into account that the Laissez-faire approach that most conservatives advocates produces another for of establishment, that of big businesses, which may help to further advance economic and social inequalities. That is why I have hard to respect conservative punk.

Why does A have to lead to B?

million dollar basher 01-22-2010 12:21 PM

I've seen quite a few posts suggesting that punk artists tend to lean left, at least for the most part, and I disagree with some confidence. Some may claim that they endorse and embrace leftist ideology, but isn't one of the most prominent themes in punk the incompetent and sinister nature of government and the forces that try to stifle creativity and individualism? Though right-wingers tend to sympathize with this view, it's an issue that really crosses party lines, isn't it? I think that punk music, by and large, is a medium that, theoretically, allows artists to demonstrate social ills and injustice wherever they may find it. It(punk) does not, or should not rather, adhere to a set of strict political views. At that point it ceases to be punk, which is in all rights a very individualist movement. In fact, at that point it ceases to be music, or an abstract expression of anything other than some sad brand of politics. Personally, I think this thread is self-defeating.

hip hop bunny hop 01-22-2010 12:36 PM

Let me clarify something,

One of the biggest problems I see with overly politically leftist punk is that the performers aren't singing about issues that directly affect them. Why are white kids screaming about racism? Why are human beings talking about the plight of animals some farm out in the country? Why are some straight guys complaining about sexism and "heteronormism"? Why not, instead, sing about issues which directly affect them?

...add to that the _vast_ majority of the performers were white, born in an advanced Western nation, and I have hard time believing their proclaimed politics is just a gimmick.

asshat 01-22-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 814826)
Let me clarify something,

One of the biggest problems I see with overly politically leftist punk is that the performers aren't singing about issues that directly affect them. Why are white kids screaming about racism? Why are human beings talking about the plight of animals some farm out in the country? Why are some straight guys complaining about sexism and "heteronormism"? Why not, instead, sing about issues which directly affect them?

...add to that the _vast_ majority of the performers were white, born in an advanced Western nation, and I have hard time believing their proclaimed politics is just a gimmick.

There's *** guys singing about sexism and heteronormism(the ****s, big boys)
Theres black guys singing about racism(bad brains)
Theres girl bands or bands with girls singing about sexism(x-ray spex, crass)

Maybe some of the white dudes are flakey in their politics but it's preferable to overtly right wing bs anyday.

duga 01-22-2010 03:04 PM

ok it seems like we have some discussable issues here now.

just the fact that i was corrected about punk going against a leftist government and the fact that others are obviously squabbling over the semantics of the issue proves to me that it is just stupid to divide politics up into two extremes. left and right, liberal and conservative...people on both sides of the issue with no gray area are both equally ignorant in my opinion.

but that is neither here nor keep it in line with the music i feel the point most of us are trying to make is that the very name PUNK implies rebelling against the status quo. i'm not saying right wing punk can't be good but what calling it that implies to me is that they support the establishment as (at least in the US) right wing conservatives are big on doing.

everyone surely wants music they can relate to. if right wingers want some punk music, by all means make some punk music. i just don't really want to listen to it, personally. it wouldn't be PUNK to me.

Engine 01-22-2010 05:47 PM

It's actually kind of an embarrassing question for me to answer. The answer is no, I don't like "right-wing" punk bands. I assume you mean the neo-Nazi, National Socialist, white power type of right wing and I just can't (won't) listen to that - even if I like the band musically. Same thing for a lot of Death Metal - I like the music but I just don't like listening to songs about violent rape and such.

On the other hand, I don't insist that the only music I listen to is made by people who agree with me politically or otherwise - that would be ridiculous. It's embarrassing because I hate the idea of limiting oneself to one's own outlook, opinion, etc. But I guess certain subject matter is just too much for me to tolerate. No, fuck Right Wing Punk.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-22-2010 08:43 PM

I'm trying to think what right wing punk would sound like if it wasn't too racist or anything like that

'Yeah ...... let's privatise the utilities & fuck public spending .... you bastards!!!!!!!!!'

Nope, it's not working for me i'm afraid.

The Monkey 01-24-2010 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 814810)
Why does A have to lead to B?

Well, it has always done so so far. Or can you come up with an example where an unrestricted market didn't lead to a the creation of large, powerful businesses?

Violent & Funky 01-24-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 815695)
Well, it has always done so so far. Or can you come up with an example where an unrestricted market didn't lead to a the creation of large, powerful businesses?

We've never had an unrestricted market. Thanks to lobbying, big corporations actually thrive with a moderately large government...

Violent & Funky 01-24-2010 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815092)
I'm trying to think what right wing punk would sound like if it wasn't too racist or anything like that

'Yeah ...... let's privatise the utilities & fuck public spending .... you bastards!!!!!!!!!'

Nope, it's not working for me i'm afraid.

I imagine these "right wing" punks have a lot more in common with libertarians than they do with republicans. If their cause is to limit governmental control--the primary focus of libertarianism--then I don't think it would sound much different from traditional punk music at all...

duga 01-24-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 815813)
I imagine these "right wing" punks have a lot more in common with libertarians than they do with republicans. If their cause is to limit governmental control--the primary focus of libertarianism--then I don't think it would sound much different from traditional punk music at all...

then call it libertarian punk...calling it right wing punk implies something else to me.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 815813)
I imagine these "right wing" punks have a lot more in common with libertarians than they do with republicans. If their cause is to limit governmental control--the primary focus of libertarianism--then I don't think it would sound much different from traditional punk music at all...

Why do people always assume you're talking about America all the time?

duga 01-24-2010 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815862)
Why do people always assume you're talking about America all the time?

it is best not to worry about's just gonna happen.

SATCHMO 01-24-2010 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815862)
Why do people always assume you're talking about America all the time?

Americans are just more culturally ignorant and have a harder time translating the same broad political theory into a different country's political structure.

However, as it regards America's political system, I do agree completely with violent & funky.

Violent & Funky 01-25-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815862)
Why do people always assume you're talking about America all the time?


Violent & Funky 01-25-2010 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 815874)
Americans are just more culturally ignorant and have a harder time translating the same broad political theory into a different country's political structure.

I think Americans' propensity to be viewed as "culturally ignorant" is directly a byproduct of our isolation by two large oceans and belief that we are the best and will never need blend to our culture with anyone else's. Yeah, this country was founded by immigration, but if you move here you better be living the American Dream...

Violent & Funky 01-25-2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 815859)
then call it libertarian punk...calling it right wing punk implies something else to me.

Left and Right refer to liberal and conservative, not Democrat and Republican...

TheBig3 01-25-2010 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815862)
Why do people always assume you're talking about America all the time?

He is always talking about America.

Violent & Funky 01-25-2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 816394)
He is always talking about America.


duga 01-25-2010 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 816343)
Left and Right refer to liberal and conservative, not Democrat and Republican...

and democrat and republican refer to liberal and conservative respectively.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 01-25-2010 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 816338)

Sad Tuba

SATCHMO 01-25-2010 04:16 PM

The sad tuba has spoken.

Second window, please drive through.

Violent & Funky 01-25-2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 816502)
and democrat and republican refer to liberal and conservative respectively.

Haha that's simply not true anymore...

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