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Old 04-10-2010, 02:36 PM   #181 (permalink)
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Hate to necro a topic within a thread but, aren't the Angry Aryans a hate band? Rather than a right wing punk band, (I think the kids today call it, "Hatecore") and honestly I don't remember any punk band calling themselves right or left, rather their fans.

But I guess a right wing punk rocker would be, Dave Smalley maybe?

I see no lack of awesomeness in Down By Law, DYS, Or Dag Nasty....
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Old 04-10-2010, 09:28 PM   #182 (permalink)
Goes back & does it again
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I find it hilarious that everyone thinks that since punk isn't usually conservative, it's left-wing. And that we also have to classify everything and everyone as something, branding them like cattle and placing their beliefs firmly on one side of the political spectrum.

I also find it horrifying that people say they don't care about the ideas and the lyrics of their favorite bands. I have some news for you folks: you're missing out on 95% of what music is.

There was also some trashing of the United States' cultural awareness early on due to an American poster putting politics in the context of the U.S.'s system. What the **** do you want him to do? Are you saying that as soon as you hear something relating to politics, you immediately look at it from an omnipotent perspective and not in your own country's system? Humans work with what they know.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Why are white kids screaming about racism? Why are human beings talking about the plight of animals some farm out in the country? Why are some straight guys complaining about sexism and "heteronormism"? Why not, instead, sing about issues which directly affect them?
Because they care and want to make a difference in some way, shape or form. By that logic, why are people helping out at soup kitchens? Why do people donate to charity?

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Liberalism today is dominated by leftist progressives that desire to control every aspect of human behavior until we're all locked up in cages, or attached to something like the Matrix.
And this statement is nothing more than outlandish, paranoid accusations.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Conservatives are fearless believers of individual freedom, which is a radical thought to these progressives who fear human nature. Conservatives are the ones saying "**** Off" and are trying to prevent this government take over of our lives, and if need be, inject a little anarchy in the democratic process to halt this big government agenda in it's tracks.
Nice propaganda. "Fearless believers of individual freedom" is awesome, man. So's the assumption that your traditional Republican wants a dash of anarchy in his government.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
It reinforces a belief that poor people can't accomplish anything without a handout.
When the people at the top got there through connections, lying, cheating and stealing? The kind of thinking you display here reinforces the belief that poor people don't need help, when they most certainly do.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Furthermore, once the government creates a program to dispense aid to the poor, the poor became their customers, therefore big government wants them to remain poor, because if the don't, they cease being customers, and big government is out of business. The Progressive's net effect is to create a class of people that are dependant and poor. Vertical class movement has never been accomplished by such socialist government intervention and redistribution of weath.
You just don't stop with the paranoid ranting, do you? Leftist governments are coming to get you, Barbara! Run!

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
The laissez-faire regime, which you seem to be at odds with, is what destroys these social barriers and rewards people for their hard work, innovation and ideas, not the color of their skin, their sociological and religious beliefs, or the size of their bank account.
Because the U.S. economy has just flourished recently, hasn't it? And it didn't see it's hugest boom under a Democrat in the White House, did it? The fact that anyone can still get to the top of the social pyramid through hard work and dedication alone is stupid. Times have changed and if you want to get somewhere, you need to know people in high places and be able to spin doctor your way to the top. I'd respond to the rest of these posts but they just get even more ridiuclous and closed-minded.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
I have never said anything approaching racist. If you're referring to the wetback comment, wetback's (illegal Latin Americans) are not a race. Latin American's of almost entirely of European or Indigenous descent, as well as the Mestizos, can all be wetbacks. It's a status one can opt to have, not one a person is born with, and it crosses Latin America's ethnic divisions.
Wetback is a slur, don't use it.

Originally Posted by The Abracadaver View Post
The fact that there's a "punk" band called the Angry Aryans pisses me off to no end.
I like this guy.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Why? The music is good, they're obviously talented. The lyrics are better than anything offered up by Crass or the various carriers of the emo plague. Further, not listening to the music & being offended by it accomplishes nothing.
And what does listening to the music and ENJOYING it accomplish? The illogical hatred of millions of people? I don't care what kind of music they play or how talented they might be - if I don't agree with the lyrics I'm not going to listen to it.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Well, to clarify, I don't think anybody who is White has a legitimate reason to get upset over a band being racist.
And it's that kind of ignorant viewpoint that leads to nothing ever improving in terms of racial tension.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
It's more like a really talented cellist calling someone else's mother a whore. It's not my mom, it's not my friends mom, so I don't care.
You should care about what happens with issues like race because you live on this planet. Give a **** about what happens on it.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
That's horse****. No African-American has any right to bitch about "historical inequality" - their ancestors plight has benefitted them a thousand fold. Because of slavery they were born in a first world country; not some 3rd world hellhole. Add in all the other structural inequalities put into place from a Federal to a local Government level, and African Americans have a plethora of advantages over whites.
They were born in a first-world country that treated them as beings less than house rats for 200 years, then treated them as beings less than human for the next few decades. As far as we know they were pretty goddamn happy in that "3rd world hellhole". Don't even try and argue that they have social advantages, either.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Further, "whites" weren't responsible for slavery. Slavery was practiced by a minority of Whites (and Indians, for that matter); of that minority, roughly 50% of slaves were owned by individuals who had over 40 slaves. So any notion of collective racial guilt on the part of whites is asinine.
No one today should feel guilty about slavery because they never practiced it. But a sense of remorse and disgust? Yes.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
The notion that we should ignore Black racists but crucify white racists is idiotic. Not only is racism more prevalent in the african american community, but african americans are far more violent as well. Meaning, blacks commit more hate crimes on whites than the other way around.
I know it's fun to make unproven, ridiculous, sweeping statements about things, but it makes you look like a moron.

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Lastly, the reason whites tolerate black racism is because Liberals lack a spine. The ****ing President is a black man, and yet most hold the notion that White racism is a problem. Morons.
White racism isn't a problem? Seriously?

All-in-all, if someone wants to make music, they can make it. Doesn't mean I or anyone else has to enjoy it or agree with the statements it makes. Some music I like, some I don't, some I am unaware of. And that's fine.

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Old 04-11-2010, 08:30 AM   #183 (permalink)
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This is just some healthy arguing, K?

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
Because they care and want to make a difference in some way, shape or form. By that logic, why are people helping out at soup kitchens? Why do people donate to charity?
Then they should go help them....and stop writing songs over and over again about how "traditional" republicans are all Black-hating, ***-hating, inbred rednecks. Trust me, I know that the average conservative is an idiot, and it makes it hard for the people who are actually intelligent and want to WORK with the other side. But that's society, stupid people hold down those who want to make a change.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
And this statement is nothing more than outlandish, paranoid accusations.
I'll agree with that, but this description could fit alot of what I hear in your average punk song.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
Nice propaganda. "Fearless believers of individual freedom" is awesome, man. So's the assumption that your traditional Republican wants a dash of anarchy in his government.
So this dude got a little romantic with conservativism in his quote? I didn't take it seriously, but what, we aren't allowed to get a little romantic with our political ideologies? Then hell, you might as well call "The Angry Aryans" propaganda. Rather than a bunch of racist white dudes. And coincidently, I admire their enthusiastic hate, it's inspiring, in terms of aesthetics (of course).

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
When the people at the top got there through connections, lying, cheating and stealing? The kind of thinking you display here reinforces the belief that poor people don't need help, when they most certainly do.
Lying, cheating and stealing? Lmao. If that's not stereotyping I don't know what is. Sure human beings work off what they know, but hey, that doesn't mean we should be oblivious. (I'm not calling you oblivious Octane)
*cough* *cough*
Not that I'm saying poor people don't need help, they do, and it's a good cause when someone wants to help them.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
You just don't stop with the paranoid ranting, do you? Leftist governments are coming to get you, Barbara! Run!
Granted almauro is ranting,() but he has some points underneath his ranting, at least until he said "Progressives". No need to put him down. And nice Night of the Living Dead reference.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
Because the U.S. economy has just flourished recently, hasn't it? And it didn't see it's hugest boom under a Democrat in the White House, did it? The fact that anyone can still get to the top of the social pyramid through hard work and dedication alone is stupid. Times have changed and if you want to get somewhere, you need to know people in high places and be able to spin doctor your way to the top. I'd respond to the rest of these posts but they just get even more ridiuclous and closed-minded.
Lmao. "Know people in high places"? That's just as bad as almauro's ranting! You hate people with money don't you? What are you, some sort of "Poor man's lawyer"?

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
Wetback is a slur, don't use it.
.....Unless bunny is using it to clarify what he meant by it.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
I like this guy.
Why, because he's selfish enough to think punk should be exactly what he wants it to be?

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
And what does listening to the music and ENJOYING it accomplish? The illogical hatred of millions of people? I don't care what kind of music they play or how talented they might be - if I don't agree with the lyrics I'm not going to listen to it.
If you listen to music purely to agree with the lyrics then YOU sir are close-minded. I listen to music I don't agree with ALL the time. As long as you can relate to the way the MUSIC, not WORDS, makes you feel, than that should be enough. I listened to the "The Angry Aryans" just to figure what all this anger towards them is about, and their cover of "White Minority" was awesome. I don't care if they were being racist *******s, it was catchy when he started singing "WHHHHHHHITEE PRIDE, YOUR AN AMERICAN, WHITE PRIDE! YOUR AN ARYAN!". ****! Art doesn't always have to be about something!

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
And it's that kind of ignorant viewpoint that leads to nothing ever improving in terms of racial tension.
I don't agree with bunny this time, honestly, but there is racism towards white's too. Stereotypes such as the "White Pride *******" or the "Inbred Redneck". I'm Lebanese and I know this, damn, I get called a terrorist alot by friends, especially one Hispanic friend of mine. He asks me if I have a bomb in my jacket (whenever I wear one) and I just ask him if he can give me some fence-hopping lessons. We don't take racism SERIOUSLY, we think its FUNNY actually. People who get all upset about other people's "racial tension" are the ones making things worse.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
You should care about what happens with issues like race because you live on this planet. Give a **** about what happens on it.

But so many people already DO care, father octane!

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
They were born in a first-world country that treated them as beings less than house rats for 200 years, then treated them as beings less than human for the next few decades. As far as we know they were pretty goddamn happy in that "3rd world hellhole". Don't even try and argue that they have social advantages, either.
White people were enslaved by their own race once too. For a much longer time. Think "Serfdom".

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
No one today should feel guilty about slavery because they never practiced it. But a sense of remorse and disgust? Yes.
My great great grandfather probably married a 15 year old girl when he was 40. I don't give a ****. And why should I? Don't give me this crap about how i'm stupid for not caring and all of my generation is the same and blah blah blah. If it tain't my fault, jethro, it tain't my fault!

And I have NO reason to feel disgusted just because someone else thinks I should.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
I know it's fun to make unproven, ridiculous, sweeping statements about things, but it makes you look like a moron.
Jesus ****ing christ I have NEVER seen a white hate crime! If I tried walking through south central LA I would probably get shot just because I LOOK WHITE. Just as a black man would if he rolled through west virginian back country in a giant SUV blasting "The Predator" (Ice Cube). Racism is EVERYWHERE. White, black, hispanic, middle eastern. You wanna end it? End it on all fronts.

Originally Posted by OctaneHugo View Post
White racism isn't a problem? Seriously?
No. It's not. Your making it a problem.

KK, i iz chill now, bai

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Old 04-11-2010, 10:42 AM   #184 (permalink)
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I don't care whether it has a right to exist or not, I reject music that is full of hate in the same way I reject artwork from Nazi Germany that promotes hate, such as propaganda, etc... I don't wanna hear it or acknowledge it's legitimacy, because as a whole it is of no cultural benefit than to fragment society and support ages old problems that the human race should be mature enough to be over by now.
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Old 04-11-2010, 10:45 AM   #185 (permalink)
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And if that is what hatecore is, than it is the least desireable 'core' subgenre heading that exists... I'd rather listen to speedthrashrhythymmetalmelodyemohardcore... I think that jumbles all the cores quite nicely, except maybe for vikingcore metal...
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Old 04-11-2010, 11:04 AM   #186 (permalink)
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I think the whole argument that you should just focus on the "sounds" is idiotic. Yes, the music does speak for itself. The Angry Aryans let you know the source of their inspiration:the aggression in their music is inspired by their "n--ger" hatred. Why would I want to play along with that?

It's the same way the same joke can be funny in some contexts and deeply offensive in other contexts.
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Old 04-11-2010, 12:06 PM   #187 (permalink)
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I didn't say I agreed with The Angry Aryans, my point was, isn't that what Freedom of Speech is about?

You have intelligent people.
And you have *******s.
And the *******s make the intelligent people look even more intelligent. (well for the most part)

But that's america.

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Old 04-12-2010, 03:08 PM   #188 (permalink)
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They were born in a first-world country that treated them as beings less than house rats for 200 years, then treated them as beings less than human for the next few decades. As far as we know they were pretty goddamn happy in that "3rd world hellhole". Don't even try and argue that they have social advantages, either.
We've already discussed this; 50% of slaves were owned by people who owned 40 or more slaves. The other half were owned by people whom, to roughly quote the Penguin Encyclopedia of American History, worked side by side with the slaves, who ate with the slaves, and joined together in the daily tasks only to end up in different housing at night.

Regarding the "As far as we know they were pretty goddamn happy in that "3rd world hellhole". Yes, because Africa is a wonderful place. Let's look at, say, the 1950s to the 1970s in Africa and the USA. Why, when the black American was suffering here with the availability of Welfare, SSI, Food Stamps, electricty, running water and a proper sewer system, the Africans were having a ball. Let's use Equatorial Guinea as an example. Equatorial Guinea became known as the Dachau of Africa as it's dictator policies were so insane a fourth of the citizenry fled the nation, resulting in the dictator banning boats. He executed 100 people in the national stadium to the tune of then pop hit "Those Were the Days" on Christmas Eve.

Yes, the poor African Americans. Suffering the legacy of slavery, they earn less than White Americans for doing the same job. Some of them are even degraded to working minimum wage jobs at McDonalds wherein one earns more in a day than the typical resident of the Central African Republic earns in a month. They are forced to drink tap water which has been purified, forced to walk to the bus station, where the bus takes them along the roads where sewage waste doesn't flow openly along the side.

Now, look at the wonderful life Africans have. HIV rates often in the double digits. Religious terrorist groups, both Christian and Muslim. Having to walk miles for drinking water. Sewage running in gutters along the roads. Widespread illiteracy. Ooo, and we should discuss womens rights in Africa? Here's three words for a fun african hobby: female genital mutilation!

Yes, clearly, African Americans suffering the the legacy of slavery are much worse off than those that remained in Africa.
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Old 04-14-2010, 09:35 PM   #189 (permalink)
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This thread is running out of steam.... please, mods...
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Old 04-19-2010, 04:05 PM   #190 (permalink)
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Amazing song.
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