Originally Posted by Shoe
I agree with this. People try so hard to fit genres and labels ect but Punk is more about the sound to me than the attitude. At least in most cases. Of course, I'm not the biggest expert on punk so I'm sure I couldn't back up much that I say about it.
Just love my Clash.
It can be about the attitude. It depends on the individual. For some people, they like their punk with a certain attitude. Some like the style, ect.
Or in duga's case, racism or bigotry in music ruins it
for him. That's why it's subjective.
Originally Posted by duga
I find myself feeling like a bit of a hypocrite posting the things I have in this thread...and I struggle to find the right argument to get my point across.
Music should be an honest and free expression of the artist, but I can't support racist music. I can't seem to put it into words just the way I want to, but I find singing about mystical "evil" and devil worshiping to be completely different from singing about beating someone of a different ethnicity. The difference being, if someone went out to worship the devil...whatever. If you believe in hell, fine. They are still not hurting anyone else.
Someone could leave a show by the Angry Aryans and actually go and try to find someone to beat the **** out of, which has been known to happen after shows with music like that. This is not what music should be.
Regarding violent attitudes and lyrical content, it really depends on how it's being expressed.
For example, a lot of metal bands have violent or disturbing lyrics. I know that many of them aren't actually going to go out and do those things, they are just expressing a human emotion we can all relate to: anger.
Although there are exceptions. I'm sure a band that calls themselves "right wing punk" actually agrees with the right wing themes expressed in their lyrics.