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Old 03-25-2010, 12:26 PM   #171 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fairborn420 View Post
Also Engine, You said racists can be educated as well and then you mentioned my name. This proves the point I was making. I have said nothing that would constitute racism yet you call me a racist?
I don't know if you're a racist or not and (for the last time) I. don't. give a fuck. The thing about you being educated was just a joke - I don't really think that.

Why? Because I have no guilt over slavery? Because I point out that most black victims of crimes are victims of other blacks? These are facts. You may not like them because you have been told to feel guilty over past wrong doings but they, nonetheless, are facts.
Yes - it's pretty much the way that you juxtapose, dwell on, and express those facts that make you seem like a racist. As for myself - I love facts, and I don't feel guilty about the past at all. Why would think that I feel guilty?

RE Agnostic Front. Now we're getting somewhere. Good band, and the song posted is certainly 'right wing' enough. It's kind of tired rhetoric though (even if it is based on FACTS). It's interesting - that type of scapegoating was pretty common in the Reagen years when everybody was in bad financial shape and getting angry about things like welfare. Now the same thing is happening, will the right wing punk rock change any? Or will it express the same weak (albeit FACTUAL) complaints as 25 years ago?
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Old 03-25-2010, 09:04 PM   #172 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post

Exactly how I thought it would be. Complete ignorance. I hope I don't have to explain myself further.
Well I think you have to look at the context it was written in, Agnostic Front has always been oppossed to nazism and national socialism, but they have always held conservative values. Here is snipit from an interview with them


KENT: What about on "Public Assistance?" You guys took a lot of abuse for that song.

STEVE: I know. I did personally, and I didn't even write it, when I got in that spat with Jello Biafra. He was saying that we wrote a song saying that black people shouldn't be allowed to have babies. I was like, "What are you talking about?" What that song is about, if you live in New York you see it, people will scam however they can to get more money from welfare so that they will have more money for their drug habits or whatever, or maybe so they will just have more money to begin with. And what you have is more and more people having kids to up their checks. People putting their kids up as collateral for crack buys. They will just scam to get more welfare. I work hard. I work in the band and I work for In-Effect. I pay my taxes. I'm pretty much a straight lace kind of guy. Roger has a wife and a kid. Everyone in the band pretty much works, and these are the people living off of our tax money, and pulling all of these scams so they can get more welfare. They work less or go for longer periods of time not working at all. I think that is wrong and it is too bad that Jello Biafra doesn't see that happening in San Francisco.

KENT: The biggest problem is the fact that it was singled out at minorities. It has that line, "How come it's minorities who cry, 'Things are too tough.'" So that overbeared it.

STEVE: I guess that was it.

KENT: Personally, I take offense to it. I feel like it singles out minorities as doing this and I don't really think that is true. A lot of people can take that out of context and use it to support their racist attitudes. That bothers me. People can and have seen it as racist.

STEVE: Yea, that's true. Anything can be taken out of context, but if you take it within the context of the rest of the song... I mean I feel stupid saying all of this stuff because I didn't even write it. But I guess if you lived where Roger was living at the time on Avenue C and you saw kids smoking crack on the stairs at 14 and 10 years old when you go out to work in the morning you would get fed up. And again, when you say that you get offended by that, you have to remember that it is coming out of the mouth of someone who is a minority. Someone who is Cuban. It just so happens, I don't know if there is a direct connection, but that is the way it is.

KENT: What about the whole idea of a welfare state? Is that something that the band resists against?

STEVE: Well, I'm personally against it. Like I said, I'm in the city making a living, and they are making a really good living and not paying taxes. They can collect welfare and meanwhile at night they are out in the Bronx trying to polish your windowshield at every light. These people are probably making more money than I am. That's a mild example that I am trying to use without sounding prejudiced. When it gets down to it you got the people who can take their welfare money, buy some coke or crack, cut it up and dilute it to make some more. They can just start multiplying the money they are getting by not working and not paying taxes. So I'm personally opposed to it. I'm opposed to all sorts of things like that. Where things are being cut out of my income that I work hard for night and day and given to someone who is scaming. Especially when it comes down to drug dealers, and welfare scamers, and on a larger scale people in jails. That's one of the reasons I'm totally for the death penalty. I wish it would come back because in effect I'm paying rent for a lot of murderers and rapists.

KENT: What about the situation where people are really down and out, and they really need that money?

STEVE: That's a totally different situation. I'm talking about people who are able to get jobs, but the welfare state makes it easier to not work. I'd like to make that clear. I'm not talking about people who have no arms and legs. I'm not saying, "Well they should be licking stamps somewhere." I'm just saying if you're not disabled and you don't have a cronic disease that keeps you off of your feet or something like that. If you're able to work and you're not then you're just scaming, and that's the final line. Ever since I was able to work I've been working.

KFTH - Agnostic Front Interview from No Answers #?

New York City in the early 80's was a cesspool governed by consecutive democrat administrations and liberal policies. It took a Republican mayor (Rudy Giuliani) to turn it around both socially and economically. You might not like the tough love policies he brought forth, but he turned the city around nonetheless, and as a result the new york hardcore scene is not that hard anymore.
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:04 AM   #173 (permalink)
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It was hard enough reading that interview.... I doubt i could listen to music by such a band...
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:33 PM   #174 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by scottsy View Post
It was hard enough reading that interview.... I doubt i could listen to music by such a band...
Fair enough, your entitled to your opinion, no one is telling you to like it.

I am playing devils advocate here, as I myself tend to be somewhat more or less politically ambivelant, as there are just as many problems with the European welfare state as there is with the USA.

I joined this conversation because I have always found there has been a double standard in punk rock amongst those on the far left.

Bands like the Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks and Anti Flag get away with murder with some of the accusations in thier lyrics, but as soon as someone with conservative values writes a song or makes a gaff, the left makes it thier mission to try in crucify these bands whether it be Agnostic Front, The Exploited or whoever.

Since those of you south of the border just went through 8 years of Bush and the notion of a pre- emptive strike, here is another bone to chew on by another punk band from the 80 s

Lee Ving the leader of the band Fear another unabashadly Republican punk.

bomb the russians
then they'll never get to you
bomb the russians
then we'll see who buries who
strike while the iron is hot
strike they won't get off a shot
strike so our bombs from space protect the all american race
strike end this menace red
strike they'd be better off dead
strike when their last blood is shed
then we won't worry who's ahead
bomb the russians
we don't have to take their ****
bomb the russians we'll be better of for it
strike while they're all asleep
strike kill the common creep
strike they messed with the best now they die like the rest
strike give 'em one more for me
strike put it on t.v.
strike cause the "duke" would do it
he would make the russkies chew it
bomb the russians
bomb the russians
bomb the russians
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:53 PM   #175 (permalink)
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Meh. Lee Ving isn't that great an example of what you're talking about since Fear weren't a particularly political band. They came off as basically extremely sarcastic and anti-everything as opposed to having a particular ideology.
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Old 03-26-2010, 08:09 PM   #176 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Meh. Lee Ving isn't that great an example of what you're talking about since Fear weren't a particularly political band. They came off as basically extremely sarcastic and anti-everything as opposed to having a particular ideology.
No you're totally wrong.

Fear were serious ideologists of .. MORE BEER
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Old 03-26-2010, 08:12 PM   #177 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
No you're totally wrong.

Fear were serious ideologists of .. MORE BEER
Now that's an ideology I can get behind!
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Old 03-26-2010, 08:22 PM   #178 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Now that's an ideology I can get behind!
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:03 PM   #179 (permalink)
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Count me in! Beer drinking advocating punk is met with all 'round approval!
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Old 04-06-2010, 06:09 AM   #180 (permalink)
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I'm with you all on this one..... mines a pint, cheers.
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