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Old 05-03-2010, 09:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by My Mind Sedate View Post
I was a real metalhead back in the day and so as with a lot of metalheads, I despised Punk because they were "such useless musicians".
hahah i was the opposite. i listened to mostly hardcore punk and thought black metal was just morons in facepaint, death metal was just bull**** about killing. now i listen to bands in both of those genres as well as a lot of other metal.
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Old 05-04-2010, 02:37 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN View Post
hahah i was the opposite. i listened to mostly hardcore punk and thought black metal was just morons in facepaint, death metal was just bull**** about killing. now i listen to bands in both of those genres as well as a lot of other metal.
Yeah the corpsepaint seems ridiculous to me. It's unfortunate because I think it is actually my digust at your stereotypical metalhead that is turning me right off metal. Save for Opeth, Mastodon and Meshuggah (I've always loved these bands), I can't listen to much else.
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Old 05-03-2010, 03:25 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Yeah if I can remember correctly Pay To *** by Bad Brains was the first legit punk song I'd heard. I can remember being at a friends house and him talking to me about the whole hardcore scene the whole day and when we finally got back to his house I took a listen. I wasn't to fond of it but thought it was cool considering I knew that the guys from Nirvana liked that kind of stuff and I was at the time obsessed with them.
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:16 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns View Post
So what was the first punk band/cd that got you interested in punk? Describe the situation as well as you can- how old were you, where were you, how did you get introduced to them? Also, how did your punk taste change as you got older? Be frank and honest, no one is gonna criticize you for what you listened to in the past.

My story: About ten years ago, I was in Borders bookstore when I lived in Ohio. I was with the entire fam, and I ran across... Rancid "Let's Go." Gimme a break, cause I was ten. I heard about them from a few guys in an older grade. When I grabbed the CD, I remember thinking, "Woah these guys look tough. That guy with the mohawk is flippin me off." From there, things get blurry. But, I remember grabbbing the self titled the next time around, then "Energy"- the Op Ivy CD. I kinda moved backwards in terms of punk music, it wasn't until my early high school years that I cared more about the newer punk. At some point I briefly got bored with punk, and gave away all my cds to friends and family and started listening to gangsta rap. That was brief, and eventually i got back on track. Currently I listen to a bit of everything from most genres.
Wicked topic.

Nobody on here has heard of them but they are AWESOME. Can't even get any one to try them out..lol..

I was about 15/16 not huge into puck but the Forgotten Rebels were a local band in Hamilton who I fell in love with...still to this day...

Album was ..In Love With The System (1980)

The face is familiar but I can't quite remember my name.
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Old 05-05-2010, 04:00 AM   #5 (permalink)
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The Offspring was the band that got me interested in punk, good times :P
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Old 05-23-2010, 09:54 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bubu View Post
The Offspring was the band that got me interested in punk, good times :P
In a way, the Offspring was one of the bands that got me interested in all music. My dad and I use to listen to the Offspring when I was little around six or seven (lol) so once I was a little older I got into Green Day (eh.). After listening to American Idiot a thousand times and realizing "Man, there has to be much better music out there." I was around twelve at this time and I searched for more and more bands, thus starting my musical addiction. I got into Metal first, but once I found Metal I started getting into bands like Black Flag because Hardcore was what everyone suggested I listened to being a Metal fan.

So, I guess, The Offspring, Green Day, and Black Flag. haha.

*Green Day being Punk is subjective, yes, but they did have strong influence on my listening to Punk so I added them anyway.

My tastes have changed since I first got into Punk, yeah. I now listen to literally a little of everything in the Punk genre, and by many many more bands obviously. Its most Hardcore and Crust for me now, but still.
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Old 05-22-2010, 09:00 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Man.. probably with Pop Punk like Blink 182, Sum 41, Green Day.. I was like 9 or 10 .. and then I started with real old school punk .. I was exposed to lots of great music from my family, particularily my dad and older cousin.
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Old 05-23-2010, 07:21 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Mine started with a classic story of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. I remember hearing Amoeba from the Adolescents. A year later or so I finally got around to buying their self-titled album. Then Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 introduced I Against I from Bad Brains, and on the spot I bought their self-titled and I Against I on only hearing 1 song. Then Black Flag's Damaged came into play somehow. I think heard them and thought, feckin Henry Rollins kicks arse. The last is The Distillers self-titled, I think my brother showed me some of them, then realized that I already knew like 5 of their songs, go Bordy Dalle. I think I started getting turned away a bit when my old bandmates listened to newer generic punk crap that kinda all sung about politics and the same politics and how they're pissed but don't want to do anything about it accompanyed by the same guitar riffs. Even the tones of voice/instruments and style was the same. So I went on a large death metal kick and now I'ma gonna listen to the Distillers. Maybe thats just me hating almost all modern music.
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Old 05-23-2010, 07:49 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rnrloser_IX View Post
So I went on a large death metal kick and now I'ma gonna listen to the Distillers. Maybe thats just me hating almost all modern music.
I'd consider the Distillers "modern".
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Old 05-23-2010, 09:23 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I'd consider the Distillers "modern".
Are you ready for the rebuttal? Their self-titled is 10 years old. I wouldn't consider it modern as of this day and age. That being said i do agree it is very late especially for their style, it sounds more old, maybe because thats because she was married to Tim Armstrong. Besides, there was still some good bands playing at beginning of them millennium, most spilling over from the early years. I guess what i'm trying to say in a wordy way that would make Mary Shelley seem short, sweet, and to the point is that it doesn't matter when the band came out, its what style they cling too.
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