Yukon Cornelius |
03-25-2009 05:19 AM |
Originally Posted by Janszoon
(Post 620615)
I thought you were a big Metallica fan?
No punk ----> no thrash ----> no Metallica
So what, I think that people hop on and off the ban wagon with this so much. This punk crap is so stupid it was just music that appealed to younger people because of its rebelious nature, much like grunge. ( Big fan)
I think the folks that say it is dead are the ones who have grown up and moved on with life. Oh and for the record I dont care if you live it dress like it eat it smell it, If your 15 and you say punk is dead?? To me that means that you want to sound cool. I love how it was quoted that punk is ppl who dress in hot topic?? WTF !! Avril Lavigne is anything but punk. So dont get confused.
No punk no thrash no Metallica?? How about Britney Spears would we still have that? Or additudes? BILLLLYY!!! What ever. It would have eventually happened anyhow. I think that punk rock did and is still doing its justice and I think that people need to stop talking about it as if gone. Punk Rock lives on as the inspiration behind some the most talented rock musicians today. Yes
there are some.
Thanks all.