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BigSackOfNothing 03-04-2004 12:51 PM

A Fire Inside
What are your thoughts on AFI? Do you like them better live or do you like on cd? I think there a very talented, that started from scratch and made it big. I like them better live then cd, they sound a whole lot better! Post your thoughts, THANKS!


Rockafella Skank 03-04-2004 02:12 PM

I think they're a pretty good young band. I have nothing against AFI.

IamAlejo 03-04-2004 02:49 PM

AFI has actually been around for a while, playing local shows in Florida since early 90's. If you have ever seen them life, it gives you a greater appreciation for their music and makes their cd's sound even better when you give them a closer listen. Both are great, a good band indeed.

Edit: I will say their new music has left me quite a bit more puzzled then some older stuff. :confused: But if you are talkin about their older CD's, I love them. Not so crazy about the new stuff.

banonbush 03-04-2004 04:29 PM

I think AFI is mighty fine. They have been around for a good long while, putting out great music the entire time. I am very fond of their album "Black Sails in the Sunset" as I find it to be there best. Even their new stuff is really good. Who cares if they are mainstream or whatever now. That doesn't take away from the music at all. Two thumbs up.

JackJeckel 03-04-2004 06:45 PM

They're terrible, before Davey Havok turned into a massive pussy they were alright but now they suck ass

marked_as_infernal 03-05-2004 10:24 PM

I think that they're ****ing awesome...Davey Havok is really talented, as is the rest of the band.
Yeah I prefer their older stuff, but their new album isn't that bad...
As to seeing them live, I wish I had, but here in New Zealand, I hardly ever get the chance to see the bands I'm into....but I've heard from many fans that thy're great live.

HIM_Dark_Heart 03-06-2004 12:40 AM

I love afi including their new stuff. People rag on Davey calling him a pussy for his new more EMO style cd, but it shows his diverseness as an artist

brokenheartsandfallenhero 03-06-2004 10:11 AM

not that I am a huge fan of AFI in fact i dont like them too much but I think its awesome that Davey went emo and anybody who calls somebody a pussy for singing with true emotions is just too stupid to realize their own emotions, or too afraid to admit them, so they make fun of people who aren't because they are jealous so more power to afi

riseagainstrocks 03-06-2004 12:54 PM

Jeckel you really don't appreciate music do you...

Davey Havok isn't a "big pussy" he is a very depressed man since the death of his fiance' a few days before their wedding. That is why there is such a big rift in their older and newer albums. Also Davey is one of the most talented vocalist in music today. I actually like Sing The Sorrow, but Black Sails is much better. I am a big fan of AFI and have seen them live. They put on a great show.

HIM_Dark_Heart 03-06-2004 12:56 PM

I heard that davey was ***?

riseagainstrocks 03-06-2004 01:04 PM

No Jade is openly *** but Davey has said he's not. I mean and the lyrics sorta say that too...

Thrice 03-06-2004 09:10 PM

I saw them two days ago live in FL...they were awesome.

MobilizeTerror 03-09-2004 05:48 PM

I like their older stuff, but not their new stuff. They ARE extremely talented and great musicians, but their newer stuff is not my type. But that one song "I want a mohawk, but mom wont let me get one" is awesome. I got their new cd for free at Wet n Wild in Florida and listened to it, and I didnt like it.

Beor Uaine 03-13-2004 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by MobilizeTerror
I like their older stuff, but not their new stuff. They ARE extremely talented and great musicians, but their newer stuff is not my type. But that one song "I want a mohawk, but mom wont let me get one" is awesome. I got their new cd for free at Wet n Wild in Florida and listened to it, and I didnt like it.

Areed, "I Want a mohawk", is one of my favorite AFI songs. I also like their newer stuff. I hope they do some faster stuff in the future, but I still like them regardless. I love their video for "Total Imortal".

Thrice 03-13-2004 10:49 PM

They are really fruity though... at the concert, he had on alotta make-up and junk... Oh well

riseagainstrocks 03-20-2004 03:31 PM

Even if he is ***, the guy can sing, really really well

Eltiraaz 03-21-2004 09:55 AM

Sing the sorrow is so depressing

its good but i cant listen to it too much i get all moody lol

gregb 03-25-2004 10:06 AM

I was really into AFI last year, the new cd is pretty good, but their roots and older material are great. I fear they are moving in a pop direction.

IamAlejo 03-25-2004 02:15 PM

Davey Havok is bisexual...i don't know if they bleep that out so I'll say that he is bi in case the other one is bleeped. I'm not crazy about the new cd. But they've made great music and I'm sure they've got more great music still in there.

banonbush 03-29-2004 04:54 PM

Yeah, alejo is right. He is bi. Also, I don't think they are moving itno the pop direction at all. I think their latest cd is simply more accessable than the older, harder ones. I don't really care anyway, they've kicked ass since the begining.

Erucolindo 03-29-2004 05:18 PM

I love AFI. I like how they have their own style of music. I also like how they use awesome back-vocals and unique lead guitar to bring out that original AFI sound.

Erucolindo 03-29-2004 05:19 PM

Yeah, I've heard alot of rumors about Davey being *** or bisexual. I also heard their drummer was ***. hmmm...

Eltiraaz 03-29-2004 05:23 PM

I think thats really insignificant to the music they make. Does the sexual preferance of the band members really influence their music that much?? I dont think so, *** or not their an awesome band, go A Fire Inside.

pompom 10-14-2004 04:30 AM

i think they are wicked i love their song girls not grey and the video is pretty wicked too!!!! :D

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-02-2005 07:32 AM

Ok, wasnt quite sure whether to put this in here or not, but never mind, if anyone has a problem with it then you can ask a mod to move it for you.

Ive recently got into AFI again, which is great because theyre one of my favourite bands. I just bought Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes, which is great so far, even though I havent had the chance to properly get into it yet. Ive also heard loads of people complaining about how poor Sing The Sorrow was, but they're just comparing it to the others. I still think its a great album on its own...

So, your views on A Fire Inside then?

Hardcore_Guy 05-02-2005 10:50 PM

AFI rock, best album is Black Sails in the Sunset. i hate the idiots who dont like AFI because Davey looks like a girl. they're closed-minded losers who need to die by tomorrow.

SYMAOYE is great. my friends are trying to put together a band that sounds like the old AFI. im in on it.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-03-2005 02:49 AM

I dont know anyone who doesnt like AFI because of Davey... I know people that dont like Davey because he's g*y, but they suck... AFI are amazing, I thought more people woulda replied to this by now...

phoenixflames 05-03-2005 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
I dont know anyone who doesnt like AFI because of Davey... I know people that dont like Davey because he's g*y, but they suck... AFI are amazing, I thought more people woulda replied to this by now...

Davey is g*y? I didn't know that. AFI is a pretty good band. I love Sing The Sorrow. Their style seemed to change a bit from thier earlier albums, but I still think its great. I love the mood of it.

sleepy jack 05-05-2005 01:51 PM

AFI rules! Only good thing ive seen in this forum lately...

Sneer 05-05-2005 02:23 PM

girls not grey was good for a week. but must say, on the whole i dont like AFI at all. regardles of havoks sexuality.

Soundgardener 05-05-2005 04:23 PM

The only AFI cd I have is their most recent one. It probably isn't a very good first impression of them because I've sampled some of their older stuff, and I thought it was a lot better.

.angie. 05-05-2005 06:33 PM

afi is really good. i like them alot. i agree with the old stuff being better.

holdyoualways 05-19-2005 08:53 AM

well this is gonna make me really sound like a "groupie" but i only have their sing the sorrow album and i absolutely love it. i really have no interest in buying their other albums since 1)i just download the songs now instead of paying for the cd (yes im a pirate) and 2)i dont know any of the songs on their old cds. so based on their sts cd, i love them. i think theyre awesome. call me a poser if you wish, i dont care.

AprilMay 05-19-2005 09:30 AM

Woo! I love A.F.I. That is all I have to say.

walkin' dude 05-19-2005 09:41 AM

I've haven't got any of their old stuff. I've got black sails in the sunset, sing the sorrow and the art of drowning. I think AFI rock though, and when I get round to it I'm gonna get their back catalogue.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-19-2005 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
well this is gonna make me really sound like a "groupie" but i only have their sing the sorrow album and i absolutely love it. i really have no interest in buying their other albums since 1)i just download the songs now instead of paying for the cd (yes im a pirate) and 2)i dont know any of the songs on their old cds. so based on their sts cd, i love them. i think theyre awesome. call me a poser if you wish, i dont care.

Not knowing everything a band has done doesnt make you a poser. Sing The Sorrow was one of their weakest albums (in my opinion), so you should definatley check out some of their other stuff, I reckon you'd like...

jesus 05-19-2005 11:23 AM

sing the sorrow was poo in my opinion. i love some of their older stuff though.

holdyoualways 05-19-2005 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Not knowing everything a band has done doesnt make you a poser. Sing The Sorrow was one of their weakest albums (in my opinion), so you should definatley check out some of their other stuff, I reckon you'd like...

well usually when i would tell people that i liked a certain band and i either only liked a few songs or just had one particular album that they didnt like, they would say i wasnt a true fan. so i just watch what i saw now. which older afi album in particular do you recommend?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-19-2005 11:56 AM

Black Sails In The Sunset
The Art Of Drowning
Shut Your Mouth And Open Your Eyes is also great.. Tis very different, especially to Sing The Sorrow

And there's the All Hallows E.P aswel, which is good...

holdyoualways 05-19-2005 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Black Sails In The Sunset
The Art Of Drowning
Shut Your Mouth And Open Your Eyes is also great.. Tis very different, especially to Sing The Sorrow

And there's the All Hallows E.P aswel, which is good...

mmkay. any particular songs off those albums that you like better than the other ones? i dont wanna be wasting my time downloading and come to find out that i dont like the song.

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