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phoenixflames 05-19-2005 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
mmkay. any particular songs off those albums that you like better than the other ones? i dont wanna be wasting my time downloading and come to find out that i dont like the song.

Just buy one of them and listen to the whole thing...

holdyoualways 05-19-2005 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
Just buy one of them and listen to the whole thing...

"i really have no interest in buying their other albums since 1)i just download the songs now instead of paying for the cd (yes im a pirate)"

holdyoualways 05-24-2005 09:20 AM

ok i downloaded all the songs from the albums that aita recommended and out of those i liked these songs:

the lost souls
at a glance
days of phoenix
mallues maleficarum
the last kiss
weathered tome
narrative of soul against soul

other than that i thought they all sucked. they just put me in the mood for sing the sorrow which i am listening to right now.

phoenixflames 05-24-2005 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
i just download the songs now instead of paying for the cd (yes im a pirate)"

Thats pretty stupid...

holdyoualways 05-24-2005 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
Thats pretty stupid...

not if youre poor, it isnt.

phoenixflames 05-24-2005 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
not if youre poor, it isnt.

Actually, yes it is. I'm poor but I don't go pirating music. There are plenty of places to go to download music that is really free that you don't need to be a pirate. I won't even list them because I'm sure you can find them yourself (you probably won't though). When you download music illegitamitly, you won't value it nearly as much as if you purchase it....

holdyoualways 05-24-2005 09:41 AM

i have limewire and that works pretty well for me. its free and good quality. thats good enough for me. trust me, if i had the money, id go out and buy the cd myself.

SlayeReyalS 05-25-2005 12:38 AM

i have All Hallows EP and BSITS. best things they've made. ever. but the rest their stuff, no thanks.

anyone heard Son of Sam? its kick-ass.

el_bandido 05-30-2005 07:49 PM

I bought Sing the Sorrow and I thought it was quite awesome but I haven't listened to any of their older stuff which I hear is lot more punk.

Babygoth 05-31-2005 11:17 AM

hey private message me im new here it would be cool to know some of the people here look at my profile thanx.

holdyoualways 05-31-2005 11:19 AM

would you just shut the hell up already? nobodys gonna wanna talk to you if you keep posting all these replies.

ladyluckrules 05-31-2005 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Babygoth
hey private message me im new here it would be cool to know some of the people here look at my profile thanx.

If you want us to introduce ourselves make a thread in introductions or look back at the threads there, kay?

ladyluckrules 05-31-2005 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
Actually, yes it is. I'm poor but I don't go pirating music. There are plenty of places to go to download music that is really free that you don't need to be a pirate. I won't even list them because I'm sure you can find them yourself (you probably won't though). When you download music illegitamitly, you won't value it nearly as much as if you purchase it....

If you're poor you should sell your computer.

holdyoualways 05-31-2005 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by ladyluckrules
If you want us to introduce ourselves make a thread in introductions or look back at the threads there, kay?

she put it niceley.

ladyluckrules 05-31-2005 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
would you just shut the hell up already?.. nobodys gonna wanna talk to you.


phoenixflames 05-31-2005 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by ladyluckrules
If you're poor you should sell your computer.

Well I didn't say I was that poor! :) I'm just saying that people shouldn't go around ripping off other peoples music. The artists worked hard to make it and deserve to make money off of it. The fact that its so good you want to listen to it should show that its good enough to buy. While people say CDs are so expensive, they sure waste alot of money on other things that they could do without. But I'm going to get off my soapbox, this subject gets me fired up...

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 05-31-2005 12:27 PM

afi is by far one of my favorite bands of all time. my favorite album is the all hallows ep. totalimmortal just rocks the f*ck out. black sails in the sunset was also a great one. sing the sorrow was the first of thier albums that i bought and when i got the ep and black sails i was amazed at what i had been missing. sing the sorrow was a decent album but compared to their older ones, it wasnt that good.

sleepy jack 06-21-2005 12:10 AM

I love them everything they've done my current favorite song "I Wanna Get A Mohawk (But Mom Won't Let Me Get One)"

I heard Daveys having vocal problems :(

dead_ringer 06-22-2005 04:15 AM

afi are well good i've got two of there albums

Jedrus 06-24-2005 05:27 AM

Yeah they're awsome, i heard that davey cant singing for one year now,goddamit he has the most orginaly voc i ever heard, black sails on the sunset, the art of drowing, and sing the sorrow rocks!

Spike*Spiegel 06-25-2005 01:06 AM

In my humble opinion, the song God Called In Sick Today is their finest work to date. i cant believe nobody has said anything about it. its my faaaaaavorite.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 06-25-2005 01:08 AM

great song....

the first song of thiers that i learned on guitar

Spike*Spiegel 06-25-2005 01:11 AM

i love the lyrics

riseagainstrocks 12-10-2005 08:09 PM

New AFI Record
Does anyone have any info on the new album? I know it's due out sometime in Spring 06' but does anyone have anymore information?

I am a huge AFI fan (I know that comes as a shock to alot of you) and am stoked to hear the new record.

sleepy jack 12-10-2005 08:11 PM

I can't wait either.Just to warn you, it might be delayed i heard a few months ago davey havok was having vocal problems.

That's all i have :(

thedude01 12-10-2005 08:53 PM

They Kick Major ASS:band:
I didnt even know they were coming out with a new album.
Ill have to go listen to The Celuloid Dream

adidasss 12-10-2005 09:01 PM

i have no idea who AFI are....

sleepy jack 12-10-2005 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i have no idea who AFI are....

check them out they're good.

*sorry i had too*

Music Is Pwnage 04-06-2006 09:59 PM

The ONLY AFI Thread
Since this is my 337th post, I decided to make a thread for AFI. Only true AFI fans would understand why. So, who likes AFI? I have grown into them way too much, and I have an addiction to them. Davey Havok is amazing! To all you not-AFI-fans, give them a second listen, open your mind! They're geniuses!!! Fucking great band and one of the best ever. Can't wait for their new album, which, not surprisingly, is coming out on June 6th (6/6/06). Go AFI!!

sleepy jack 04-06-2006 10:25 PM

I LOVE THEM & DAVEY. Everything they've done has been great and havok has such a pretty voice.

MURDER JUNKIE 04-06-2006 11:03 PM

Great band before they sold out

sleepy jack 04-06-2006 11:04 PM

I like sing the sorrow just as much as answer that and stay fashionable, I mean its way different but its still decent stuff.

I JUST READ THAT and had to post it.

MURDER JUNKIE 04-06-2006 11:09 PM

I just have a keen dislike for any band that signs to a major and then changes their sound

Music Is Pwnage 04-07-2006 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I like sing the sorrow just as much as answer that and stay fashionable, I mean its way different but its still decent stuff.

I JUST READ THAT and had to post it.

Every AFI song is just as good as the next AFI song, they've never written a bad song. I doubt the new album will have any dissapointment. And if it does, well f*ck, I'll just let it grow on me and it wont matter.

tdoc210 04-08-2006 03:33 PM

mmm i have a compilation of old afi realeases i want sing the sorrow though

Chicken And Waffuls 04-08-2006 09:31 PM

i only have black sails in the sunnset and its mediocre.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 04-09-2006 12:42 AM

sing the sorrow was too different. i like EVERYTHING else theyve put out thought. my favorite would be a tie between "all hallows" and "black sails in the sunset".

tons of people think havok is homosexual. ive never been able to find out if thats true or not. is it?

hiu 04-09-2006 02:04 AM

I really don't see why it would matter.

jibber 04-09-2006 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I like sing the sorrow just as much as answer that and stay fashionable, I mean its way different but its still decent stuff.

I JUST READ THAT and had to post it.

I love it.

Music Is Pwnage 04-09-2006 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
sing the sorrow was too different. i like EVERYTHING else theyve put out thought. my favorite would be a tie between "all hallows" and "black sails in the sunset".

tons of people think havok is homosexual. ive never been able to find out if thats true or not. is it?

No, he isn't. He's a metrosexual who just happends to like make-up.

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