Swordfishtrombone |
08-14-2014 11:14 AM |
London Calling is my favorite record of all time, and it's not even close. I bought London Calling when I was 14 years old after a store clerk told me that I wasn't old enough to buy New Found Glory's latest album. It fundamentally changed the way I listened to music. It exposed me to a whole new world of music I'd never paid attention to, and got me out of that all punk, all the time phase I spent all of middle school in (I still love punk, for the record, LC just taught me to love a lot more). Listening to that album is like visiting an old friend.
Apart from all the personal connections, it's miles ahead of their other work. Every single track is a unique exercise in excellence. The variety is all over the place, and the lyrics are as sharp as Strummer and company ever wrote. It's a rare feat; a double album without a bad song or an ounce of filler.