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The Official Misfits Thread
Does anyone like the Misfits? I think they are awsome. I just got another one of their cd's and it rocks....!
Na, I actually don't like them. Not really my thing in them, though I have seen them play and just don't really think they are worth all the hype. Some people like them a little too much.
Some people like THRICE a little to much also ..ha ha just kidding, you can't like a band too much.... If someone REALLY likes a band you don't it doesnt meen they like them too much does it?? thats just my opinion..
Don't take the thrice joke seriously lol |
I've heard of them, but never heard them. What I've heard is all good stuff. :D
Im not totally sure on them...arent they the band that you cant really understand because its all yelling slurred jibberish? ;)
They don't really yell, I don't think.. They sing songs like Die Die My Darling and Where Eagles Dare......... But they don't really yell, the recording doesnt sound incredibly great, they just sound pretty cool to me.... Sometimes I like bands that sound like they didnt spend a year just editing their songs to make it perfect (i.e. studio bands)
Agreed, I guess I'm not just into what they are singing about. But I think I'm gonna check them out a little more. I'm trying to get away from all the music that's just complaining about something going wrong or the country sucking or all that stuff.
Mobilize Terror: they are so ______ amazing! I love the misfits all the way from the first to the latest. I really really like famous monsters though. Some great punk from those guys. and you can't go wrong with the devil locks for hair!
what are devil locks? anything like dread locks?
1 Attachment(s)
This is a devil lock ..and yes that is a guy from the Misfits
yeh i love the fits, one of my fave bands
Yeah I think they are pretty cool. I actually have a CD of theirs where they do covers of 50's songs. Very cool.
Do any of you think that there will be a new Misfits album in the future? THe Misfits 1950 cover album was supposted to be a side project, maybe there is a BIGGER thing going on behind the scenes. I hope there is becasue the Misfits are the best band in the world!!!
ummm...isn't Danzig dead? I don't like Graves as a singer at all. They suck live too no offense. But a new album would be neat
Danzing is still alive. I liked Graves and they were good live, when I saw them.
I don't know if I'll be into them as much, since Graves isn't in the band. :( |
there probably will be more msifits to come due to jerry only squeezing as much out of the misfits name as he can... and the stuff hes probably going to come up with is going to be crap like the rest of it.... the misfits were only good when Danzig was with them
Glenn Danzig rocked, the new singer isn't as good. They don't sound like the misftis now.
yea glenn danzig was awesome..a bit of a prik but he kiked ass all the same :)
Last I heard, Graves isn't in the band anymore and really...who cares anyway? Last I heard, it was Dez Cadena, Jerry Only and one old Ramone. So, they can choose which band they wanna be for the night and swith between Black Flag, Ramones and Misfits... Well seriously, wonder why they only abuse the Misfits name? I hope they won't release anything more to disgrace the name further..
I dont know to much about Misfits, I just know their older stuff is pretty good, havent really heard much of their new stuff...
Yes the Misfits were greatest when Danzig was in the band, but you have to admit, Graves was an OK singer. Most of the songs 'he' wrote were all pretty lame like Fiend Club, which I was a member of hehe. Although some of his songs were awesome, like Scream. The one thing that Graves did to really piss me off was to take the band to court over the name. How sad is that? Now the band lineup is Jerry Only-bass, vocals;Dez Cadena-guitar,vocals;Marky Ramone-drums. Truly, this lineup sucks. I have nothing against these musicians because they are all greats in this genre, but putting them together to try and replase the old Misfits, nah, bad idea. I'm still a hardcore Misfits fan and all, but if things keep going like this then, who knows what could happen to everyone else. O yeah, Dr.Chud is even coming out with a new album, you can pick it up on Interpunk.com when it comes out! Thats the closest thing to a new album anytime soon...o well.
yes Danzig is deffinalty the god of punk, hands down, amazing song writer AMAZING.
and i sure hope the Misfits make new stuff, i will get it for sure just beacuse the Misfits rule. i keep trying to steal my friends Misfits CD beacuse i cant find them at any local record stores *sigh* |
only glen
today is a great loss to the misfits. to see their alternate singer michale graves on the daily show just lets everyone know a little more that the misfits are dead.
I wouldn't buy anything new from the Misfits, they were great when they had Danzig, but not now.
the misfits were way better when they had danzig(in my opinion the best), but all bands break up eventually, and if they do come out w/ anything else odds r it won't be that good.but hey, long live the misfits.
hell yeah
the mis fits rok out loud [the old ones with glenn] not the *** ass new ones
any one who don't like the misfits suck ass
and will burn in Green hell |
Wow, someone has their head up their @ss. |
The Misfits
Greatest band ever? Favorite songs: Last Caress, Teenagers from Mars, Saturday Night, Halloween, Lost in Space, Some Kinda Hate, and of course Die, Die My Darling.
^ i like teenagers from mars, some kinda hate, american psycho, skulls, all hell breaks loose.
erm .. noob from punk since sex pistols .... is the misfits a band made from other bands ... i'm sure that drummer is from a band my daughter likes ..... erm .... cant member the name ... but yep ... liked 1 or 2 of them .... the singer looks like my cousin ... poor sod lol
I Like all the Danzig era Misfits songs new stuf ouch but they try
^ i think most misfits fans agree- post danzig misfits sucks
The newest incantation of the misfits was a combination Marky formerly of the Ramones Dez formerly of Black Flag and misfits veteram Jerry Only. I belive thats what you were asking. But the misfits have been around sense like 78 and started with Glen Danzig Jerry only and Doyle, as the core of the band. They've baisically exitisted in one form or another sense then |
skulls, halloween, dig up her bones are my favorites. i think their post-danzig stuff is barely ok but project 1950 sucked.
I liked post danzig as much as the danzig stuff. I still think the whole danzig band wagon is dumb. Graves was an incredible vocalists but no one even cares because there to stuck on danzig. But I will agre the newest misfits is terrible.
^Graves was 2nd to Danzig.
A kid I know is obsessed with them. I got a pair of new shoes and he's all "Have you seen The Misfits converse?"
My 3 favs are Horror Business, Halloween, and Last Caress. |
It's a complicated thing, Misfits music. And it really doesnt have to be. Everyone says that the post Danzig materia sucks, and that is true to some degree. A good analogy is to use the Simpsons. It's like at teh start of the misfits career, they had crappy music quality, but the stuff Danzig sang about was the best. Now, the music quality has greatly improved, but some of the stuff they sing about is awful. It's like with the Simpsons. The old episodes were horribly animated. But the epsiodes themselves were hysterical. And now, that the animation ahs increased, teh humor has decreased. However, as with all things, including the Misfits and the Simpsons, there are exceptions. But to get back to the reason I came here, my favorite Misfits songs are: Last Caress, Saturday Night, and a tie between Astro Zombies and Horror Bussiness.
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