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poloboy23 05-07-2007 09:38 AM

Place where you can list your top 20 punk songs
My top 20 are as follows:
1. Jimmy Eat World Pain Futures 2004
2. Green Day
Brain Stew Insomniac 1995
3. The Offspring Hit That Splinter 2003
4. Blink 182 I Miss You Blink 182 2003
5. Blink 182 Always Blink 182 2003
6. Harvey Danger Flagpole Sitta Where have all the Merrymakers gone 1998
7. Blink 182 All the Small Things Enema of the State 1999
8. Jimmy Eat World The Middle Jimmy Eat World 2001
9. Sum 41 Over my Head Does this look Infected? 2002
10. The Offspring Americana Americana 1994
11. The Offspring Self Estem Smash 1994
12. American Hi-Fi Teenage Alien Nation The Art of Losing 2003
13. Sum 41 Pieces Chuck 2004
14. Good Charlotte The Anthem The Young and the Hopeless 2002
15. Good Charlotte Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous The Young and the Hopeless 2002
16. Sum 41 Still Waiting Does this Look Infected 2002
17. Green Day Holiday American Idiot 2004
18. Open Hand Tough Girl You and Me 2005
19. What's My Age Again? Blink 182 Enema of the State 1999
20. Green Day Misery Warning 2000

Not the most comprehensive list but it'll do.
I need more to add on to this list for my music collection.
Check out my site it has more of my charts

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Taylor 05-07-2007 04:45 PM

Ahh, top 20 punk songs? Hmm, does this include ska with it?
And does it include emo?

poloboy23 05-07-2007 05:02 PM

Ska would be acceptable,
Emo in my opinion doesn't fall under the "punk" category.

mushie 05-07-2007 06:00 PM

In the original list there is not Punk song from below 1994 which astonishes me. Most of those bands are not considered punk in England-and although I do like the odd OFFSPRING track, I feel that it's a young persons list with plenty of gems to seek out! Punk is an attitude as well as a musical style. Highly polished productions diminish the whole ethos of punk. I am not knocking you at all-it's better than 49 cent and snoop catty cat but there are a shedload of bands you need to hear:

AGNOSTIC FRONT-CAUSE FOR ALARM (elements of hardcore though)

there are tons more!

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 05-07-2007 08:22 PM


14. Good Charlotte The Anthem The Young and the Hopeless 2002
15. Good Charlotte Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous The Young and the Hopeless 2002

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-07-2007 08:33 PM

Pretty simple really. These 3 new posters are our replacements for:

1) "old" Loser
2) TheUsedToolGuy
3) oojay

Let us enjoy their company.

Sparky 05-07-2007 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet (Post 365160)
Pretty simple really. These 3 new posters are our replacements for:

1) "old" Loser
2) TheUsedToolGuy
3) oojay

Let us enjoy their company.

that one has already been filled by someone else

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-07-2007 09:35 PM


acratertocoffin 05-08-2007 12:08 AM

pop music, lol

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-08-2007 11:50 AM

Shouldn't actually listening to some punk music be some sort of criteria before attempting to make a list of the best songs?

mushie 05-08-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet (Post 365160)
Pretty simple really. These 3 new posters are our replacements for:

1) "old" Loser
2) TheUsedToolGuy
3) oojay

Let us enjoy their company.

and this means....?

Taylor 05-08-2007 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet (Post 365160)
Pretty simple really. These 3 new posters are our replacements for:

1) "old" Loser
2) TheUsedToolGuy
3) oojay

Let us enjoy their company.


Does the top 20 thing have to be in order?

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-08-2007 05:32 PM

The beautiful thing is - everyone else knows what I'm talking about. Though I think we just lost new-oojay.

poloboy23 05-08-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet (Post 365432)
The beautiful thing is - everyone else knows what I'm talking about. Though I think we just lost new-oojay.

The beautiful thing is that no one cares, and all we wanna do is discuss music. Going onto forums and making fun of other people isn't cool we are all here to learn and not to mock others

A_Perfect_Sonnet 05-08-2007 05:54 PM

If you want to learn, you should probably read the education threads. A lot of users put in a lot of work to write them so we didn't have to deal with musically oblivious people bitching about how the other users are making fun of them.

655321 05-08-2007 05:55 PM

1.500 channels-choking victim
2.crack city rockers- leftover crack
3.bad brains-river city rebels
4. triology- shatterred faith
5. were gonna fight- 7 seconds choking victim
7. nervous break down- black flag
8. **** hunt- black flag
9. unknown soldier- casulties
10. ****ed reality- choking victim
11. born to die- leftover crack
12. will swap- citzen fish
13. get over it- the criminals
14. terminal preppy- the dead kennedys
15. i hate you and you hate me- gg allin
16. opperation M.O.V.E- leftover crack
17. crack rock steady- choking victim
18.dont drag me down- social distortion
19.suspect dievice- stiff little fingers
20.groovy mother****er- the jabbers

can_i_say 05-08-2007 06:17 PM

I'll list some of my favorites that spring to my mind

Fugazi - Turnover
Hot Water Music - Manual
Dag Nasty - What Now
CIV - Do Something
Sick Of It All - Good Looking Out
Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today
Youth Of Today - Youth Crew
Carry On - Off My Chest
Black Flag - Nervous Breakdown
Bad Brains - Banned In DC
Minor Threat - In My Eyes
No Warning - A Day In The Life
Articles Of Faith - Bad Attitude
Sham 69 - Hurry Up Harry
Crime In Stereo - Long Song Titles Aren't Cool Anymore Because the Rest of You ****ers are No Good at It
Descendents - I'm Not A Loser
NoFX - The Brews
Paint It Black - Less Deicide, More Minor Threat
Refused - The Shape Of Punk To Come

poloboy23 05-08-2007 06:25 PM

sweet list, i definitely love fugazi and NoFX, 2 of my favorites

egglap 05-08-2007 06:41 PM

where are the English bands?

PaperHurricanesAndPlanes 05-08-2007 06:47 PM

Straight Edge - Minor Threat
Bad Religion - Bad Religion
Terminal Preppie - Dead Kennedys
Holiday In Cambodia - Dead Kennedys
Suffer - Bad Religion
White Riot - The Clash
1977 - The Clash
Borstal Breakout - Sham 69
The ****ney Kids Are Innocent - Sham 69
Slip It In - Black Flag
Rise Above - Black Flag
California Uber Alles - Dead Kennedys
The Empire Strikes First Album - Bad Religion

Asswipe 05-10-2007 01:05 PM

Adolescents - Kids Of The Black Hole
AmreV II - Bermuda
Bad Brains - Banned In D.C
Black Flag - Nervous Breakdown
Choking Victim - 500 Channels
The Clash - Stay Free
Dag Nasty - Can I Say
Descendents - Kabuki Girl
Fear - Love Living In The City
Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today
Gray Matter - Burn No Bridges
Guttermouth - Perfect World
Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards - To Have And To Have Not
Minor Threat - Guilty of Being White
Operation Ivy - Room Without A Window
The Queers - Debra Jean
Ramones - Baby, I Love You
Social Distortion - The Creeps
Sublime - Badfish
TSOL - Code Blue

Taylor 05-10-2007 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by poloboy23 (Post 365436)
The beautiful thing is that no one cares, and all we wanna do is discuss music. Going onto forums and making fun of other people isn't cool we are all here to learn and not to mock others

I agree, Thanks for posting that, and now I'm dropping that subject.

I am still working on my list still.

Ahh, I love Leftover Crack and Choking Victim, As I love The Clash as well and a few others that were named. I just remmember those in particular.

It's sad that Leftover Crack and Choking Victim have to have such anti-christian songs, it saddens me.

655321 05-10-2007 06:59 PM

why should it make you sad even if you are religous they have there opinoins just like you and i i believe that organized religion has alot wrong with it cause its basically someting used by goverments and individuals for power and sway over peoples beliefs i mean really whats the chances of an intangable figure that controls and made everything, in my oinoin organized religion on a pesonal level is something for people to cling to taht are to emotionally/mentally weak to uphold there own values but religions soemtimes does the right thing"organized religion the wrong reason to do the right thing"-joe carson one of the smartes people i know

sleepy jack 05-10-2007 07:09 PM

Joe Carson is a terrible speller.

tdoc210 05-10-2007 08:19 PM

1blank generation - richard hell
2he shape of punk to come- refused
3new noise-refused
4fast cars-buzz****s
5the guns of brixton- the clash
6go nowhere-reagan youth
7blissful myth - rudimentary peni
8easy way out - the adicts
9 what love is - dead boys
10 - beat on the brat - ramones
11 machine gun etiquette - the damned
12 tsol- walk alone

dashdanw 05-10-2007 09:17 PM

haha the poster of the thread needs to learn what punk is, dont be a poser! learn ur genres, just because a company labels their band punk for the image doesnt mean their punk!

dashdanw 05-10-2007 09:19 PM


Buzz****s - Boredom
Generation X - Ready, Steady, Go
Stiff Little Fingers - Alternative Ulster
Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
New York Dolls - Two Tub Man

not necessarily in that order

Taylor 05-11-2007 06:01 PM

I like you alot 655321, but I completley disagree with that post.
I beleilve in Christianity, and I am neither weak in either of the categories you listed.
I beleive in God, The Bible, Jesus, all of it because that's what happened. The government uses lots of things to get power, but religion is just the truth, government may try to **** us over with it...But that doesnt change the fact that its the truth.

By the way, Im listening to The Sex Pistols-Never Mind the Bollocks Heres the Sex Pistols so what are the best tracks on the album. So far I like it.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 05-11-2007 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Taylor
religion is just the truth


655321 05-11-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 365977)
Joe Carson is a terrible speller.

accaully technically he isnt considering he some mental problem that makes it so he cant read or write properly(as in hes illitrate(i know i cant spell please dont bother))

Frances 05-11-2007 09:19 PM

Where are:

The Cramps?
The Stooges?

And to say it again, no the first post doesn't seem to have much punk in it.

can_i_say 05-12-2007 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Taylor (Post 366217)
The Bible, Jesus, all of it because that's what happened.


Ian Mackaye did more for me than Jesus ever did.

jackhammer 05-13-2007 06:51 PM

Not a top 20 but here's a few in no order:


will think of more as i go on.

Taylor 05-14-2007 02:26 PM

I don't understand how my post was so funny.

How come alot of punk music talks about unity, and then when Christianity comes along they freak out?
...My friend said that and he has a point.

Jesus gave you everything you have.

Still working on the top 20...

655321 05-15-2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Taylor (Post 366217)
I like you alot 655321, but I completley disagree with that post.
I beleilve in Christianity, and I am neither weak in either of the categories you listed.
I beleive in God, The Bible, Jesus, all of it because that's what happened. The government uses lots of things to get power, but religion is just the truth, government may try to **** us over with it...But that doesnt change the fact that its the truth.

By the way, Im listening to The Sex Pistols-Never Mind the Bollocks Heres the Sex Pistols so what are the best tracks on the album. So far I like it.

ever stop to think why, why is it that the laws that we forced to follow the same laws that religion gives us why would someting all powerful create us so that we can defi him even if someoens a good person they would still burn in hell if they dont believe in him why that the catholic church used to sell "sin passes" as in if you had money you could buy your way out of hell, what came before god, where are dinosoures in the bible we no they existed why did the church say that the world was flat and the sun revolved around it. why would a god alow retarded people to come into the world, and in the bible god says he will not flood the earth again after the great flood(you know with the noahs arc and the animals), so are you disputing that see levels avent resin adn that global warming isnt melting the polar ice caps?

p.s. you come from a religous family im geussing cause you werenot converted thus have simply had it pounded into you or were you tricked

p.s.2 i hold nothign agaisnt religious people and really enjoy debating

tdoc210 05-15-2007 07:36 PM

religious people piss me off
people in general do
their all so pathetic

655321 05-16-2007 04:53 PM

for the most part yes i agree with taht

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 05-16-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Taylor (Post 366759)
I don't understand how my post was so funny.


Originally Posted by Taylor
Jesus gave you everything you have.

Are you ****ing kidding?

You don't get why we are laughing at what you're saying?

Alexander the Grape 05-16-2007 09:34 PM

Christianity is unity through conformity and fear. Religion in general is a poor substitute for morality. A lot of people seem to think that anyone who isn't Christian has no morals and no "family values." If you need a book of mythology to tell you your morals you have weak morals.

Anyways, thats a lot of generalization and I know not all religious people are like that, so onto my list. Actually, the top 20 punk songs is a hard and stupid idea for a list, so I'll just list some punk bands I'm really digging at the moment. Maybe 20, we'll see.

88 Fingers Louie
The Adicts
The Bronx
The Lillingtons
The Misfits
Choking Victim
Leftover Crack
Circle Jerks
Against Me!
Operation Ivy
The Queers
Social Distortion
The Damned

I don't know how many that is, but its good for now.

PS: Jesus hasn't given me **** yet, but when he does I'll start praying to him.... maybe.

And wasn't Archangel by Samhain? Still Danzig, I guess.

Trauma 05-16-2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mamagarmr (Post 366914)
their all so pathetic

Think next time you type.


Originally Posted by 655321 (Post 366888)


No order.

Contravene - "Organize"
Contravene - "In The Name Of Convenience"
The Dead Kennedys - "Stealing Peoples Mail"
CRASS - "Bloody Revolutions"
CRASS - "Banned From The Roxy"
Malignus Youth - "More To It"
Malignus Youth - "The Only Unknown"
Aus-Rotten - "The Second Rape"
Aus-Rotten - "Xenophobia"
Flux Of Pink Indians - "Not So Indian"
Zounds - "Can't Cheat Karma"
Nuke And The Living Dead - "Devil In Disguise"
Minor Threat - "In My Eyes"
The Vandals - "How They Getcha"
Resist And Exist - "Assimilation"
Chumbawamba - "Get Knocked Down (Danny Boy)"
Nausea - "Technologickill"
The Unseen - "So This Is Freedom?"
Against Me! - "Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious"
Against Me! - "Reinventing Axl Rose"
Against Me! - "Baby, I'm An Anarchist"
Common Misconception - "Rock N' Roll Salvation"
The Restarts (?) - "Legacy Of Bigotry"

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