Music Banter

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-   -   is there anything worse than hipster mosh rules? (

half_baked87 11-07-2005 09:31 PM

is there anything worse than hipster mosh rules?
hipsters, we all know who they are. you know those kids with the greasy black hair slicked down the side of their face, wearing girls jeans and shirts that show their... ugggh... mid-riffs. but anyways, what the **** do they think their trying to prove by jumping into the pit, flailing their twiggy arms then running out, and if they get taken out they bitch! am i just having a bad experience? or is there entirely too many rules for moshing nowadays and im just out of touch?

sleepy jack 11-08-2005 12:26 PM

Wrong forum.
You twat ignore the fashion and quit staring at their crotch.
Maybe they're just trying to have fun.


All_Nite_Dinah 11-08-2005 12:42 PM

I agree it's annoying as hell. I'm sick of kids flailing around in pits like crazy. But you have to accept that these trends come and go and hopefully will be gone soon enough. Its funny how these bands have become the new boy bands. Their is no longer backstreet boys its fall out boy instead. But its just something youkind of have to deal with. People are fickle, they will do what others are doing, they will follow trends, they will do what MTV says to do and if consume wha they market. Especially if its marketing capatalist rebellion to 13 year olds.

riseagainstrocks 11-08-2005 01:43 PM

Dancing at emo shows is ridiculous. and in order to purify the gene pool all who do so should be rounded up and sent off to death cam--Happy Land.

anticipation 11-08-2005 02:40 PM

moshing is ***.

FYI, no one gives a **** about hipsters, seeing how they'll die of embarresment when they realize they're socks dont match. so please, stop upping their rep.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 11-08-2005 04:30 PM

dancers piss me off. i went and saw lower definition recently and a bunch of them started ganging up on our group of friends because we were trying to so they broke this guys nose and he had to go have it put back into place at the hospital.

we decided we'd try to force 'em out of the pit, and one of them ended up kicking me in the face and knocking me out.

yeh..i hate 'em..

boo boo 11-08-2005 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
hipsters, we all know who they are. you know those kids with the greasy black hair slicked down the side of their face, wearing girls jeans and shirts that show their... ugggh... mid-riffs. but anyways, what the **** do they think their trying to prove by jumping into the pit, flailing their twiggy arms then running out, and if they get taken out they bitch! am i just having a bad experience? or is there entirely too many rules for moshing nowadays and im just out of touch?

This is a forum about music, not subcultures.

All_Nite_Dinah 11-08-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny
moshing is ***.

So is homophobia

boo boo 11-08-2005 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
So is homophobia

.angie. 11-08-2005 09:26 PM

K. *has to stop* I've been watching that penguin thing for about ten minutes.. and laughing histerically. Very true, though.

i am not emo 11-09-2005 06:32 AM

I agree, that clip is hilarious.

boo boo 11-09-2005 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by i am not emo
I agree, that clip is hilarious.

Photobucket really comes in handy. :thumb:

phoenixflames 11-09-2005 03:35 PM

The whole ninja dancing thing is kinda annoying, especially when you are trying to just watch the band and you get flailed on by some jerk. I do respect their right to do as they wish, but keep it away from me, or someone is gonna get pummeled. To me, it seems like most of the time, these people do it simply for attention and not out of support or enjoyment of the music. Since its something you mostly do on your own (as opposed to moshing), it distracts from the bands performance and doesn't add much to the show. But maybe thats just the cynicism talking :wave: .

deadkennediespunk 11-11-2005 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
hipsters, we all know who they are. you know those kids with the greasy black hair slicked down the side of their face, wearing girls jeans and shirts that show their... ugggh... mid-riffs. but anyways, what the **** do they think their trying to prove by jumping into the pit, flailing their twiggy arms then running out, and if they get taken out they bitch! am i just having a bad experience? or is there entirely too many rules for moshing nowadays and im just out of touch?

there something worse poser mosh rules kids like what you discribed plus have one hundred dollars in spikes from hot topic that are wearing a good charolette shirt ( ^ they dont take them )

SiDwasGod 11-14-2005 02:14 AM

back in the day it was pits up front all round and the show gawkers were in the back watching..shame u cant go to a show and just be a nut for fear of u might hrt someone and be sued cause u messed up the perfect bridge on there noses,,

Sneer 11-14-2005 02:44 AM

this thread hits a nerve with me. i despise those twiggy, uber-poseur consumer whores who are refered to in this thread as "hipsters". i have a better four letter word for them which begins in C and ends in T. one day they'll release they are absolutely ridiculous and move onto the latest media trend. until then, i shall gnaw at my fist.

SiDwasGod 11-14-2005 03:23 AM

If they are that afraid of being hurt or getting bumped around,,,well god damn there at the wrong concert,,,sounds like a backdoor boys oopss mean backstreet boys or NSTINK...opps again nsync show might be a lil more up to there speed


SiDwasGod 11-14-2005 03:37 AM

metal and punk shows are about agression and releasing it.thats how its always been and should always be...i know unless its a cute betty im hittin whoever gets in my way in the circle...see however being old school thats how we did it..that way those who wanted to could join and those who didnt could stay away..ill admit i havent been to a really good show in awhile since CBGB`s whent to **** with all the hair band ****,,but damn we used to have some killer shows back then people got busted up & bled ,,it meant it was a good one whined about it just whent with it .. :-( god i miss the OLD bowery ballroom - manhattan ..guess the death at the life of agony show in brooklyn NY changed alot of stuff at shows


Spikey 11-14-2005 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
this thread hits a nerve with me. i despise those twiggy, uber-poseur consumer whores who are refered to in this thread as "hipsters". i have a better four letter word for them which begins in C and ends in T. one day they'll release they are absolutely ridiculous and move onto the latest media trend. until then, i shall gnaw at my fist.

You have a nice way of putting things.. I would like to say that you MB's are the best people I have had pleasure of meeting. Truely! You all have character..And I love it.

SiDwasGod 11-14-2005 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Spikey
You have a nice way of putting things.. I would like to say that you MB's are the best people I have had pleasure of meeting. Truely! You all have character..And I love it.

lol..good to know ur NOT a conformist and open minded



DevotchkaDream 11-15-2005 03:11 AM

lol, This is a good thread, penguins, emo bashing...

I hate it when Gangstas get in the pit even more though, its annoying... But damn emos, with their girls arm waving... I always try to get my ONE emo friend in the pit, but hes scared... lol... I do better in the pit than them, and Im drunk when I go in, mostly...

Electric Eye 11-18-2005 11:26 PM

Most pits are pretty stupid. I don't see the point in going to metal shows to be in pain. I'm also scrawny and am smart enough to know i would die. Ok maby not die but end up in alot of pain. I know i'm a pussy get over it.

bungalow 11-22-2005 10:19 AM

whoa.....I had a bad experience w/ hipsters once

there is this local venue in marietta where everyone hangs out on Friday nights. So I went one night and everything was cool, there was some lame, local metal band playing first, and even though they sucked.....they really got things going as far as moshing was concerned. So I'm hanging out and there is this kid....and he looks really pissed, he told me he was angry cause he got punched in the face by the lead singer of one of the bands.....natuarally, I laughed....this pissed him off more and he started fighting with me.....He gets up onto one of the tables and is about to jump on me and I was like....hell no, so I trew him off the table and he smacked his head into the stair/bleacher things behind and got kinda dazed....then everyone stepped on his head and I got kicked out and he had to go to the hospital

Funny Story....i hate hipsters too

DontRunMeOver 11-24-2005 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
whoa.....I had a bad experience w/ hipsters once

there is this local venue in marietta where everyone hangs out on Friday nights. So I went one night and everything was cool, there was some lame, local metal band playing first, and even though they sucked.....they really got things going as far as moshing was concerned. So I'm hanging out and there is this kid....and he looks really pissed, he told me he was angry cause he got punched in the face by the lead singer of one of the bands.....natuarally, I laughed....this pissed him off more and he started fighting with me.....He gets up onto one of the tables and is about to jump on me and I was like....hell no, so I trew him off the table and he smacked his head into the stair/bleacher things behind and got kinda dazed....then everyone stepped on his head and I got kicked out and he had to go to the hospital

Funny Story....i hate hipsters too

Nice story, violence and music combined always makes a tale for me...

This isn't really a story, its just more of a report. There's a pub next to The Carling Academy in Birmingham - The pub is called Scruffy Murphy's and the guy who does sound engineering downstairs for gigs is in a category best described as "So-Scene-He-Could-Join-The-Circus". He was about 19, about average height, skinny build with floppy, probably straightened hair, was wearing a stripey t-shirt which probably had the label "Ages 13-14" on the collar and jeans which must have been 26 inch waist on somebody who needed a 30 inch. Literally the jeans were barely above his knees, which meant he had to do this desperate-for-a-pee chicken walk at all times and his dodgy faded grey boxers were on permanent display.

The strangest things was, all of his clothes were obviously new (apart from the pants) and lovingly ironed - just like his hair. How can somebody spend SO long preparing to make themselves look SO BAD!

If, of the many Brummies reading this, you happen to be that sound engineer BUY YOURSELF SOME ADULT SIZED CLOTHES and for god's sake, stand up straight.

Eire 85 11-24-2005 12:16 PM

I think its sad day for any form of real music, especially punk, when you people are talking about clothes and the way other people act at music concerts. "Back in the day" it used to be all about the music, i didnt really concentrate too hard on what way I was jumping around, or the person next to me.
You silly children should either get back to talking music or start writing into some woman's magazine and poor your little hearts out.

Saor Eire.

sleepy jack 11-24-2005 12:17 PM

You should like go to hell and learn only scene kids and hipsters do that.
This thread needs to be locked its ghey.

franscar 11-24-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
Nice story, violence and music combined always makes a tale for me...

This isn't really a story, its just more of a report. There's a pub next to The Carling Academy in Birmingham - The pub is called Scruffy Murphy's and the guy who does sound engineering downstairs for gigs is in a category best described as "So-Scene-He-Could-Join-The-Circus". He was about 19, about average height, skinny build with floppy, probably straightened hair, was wearing a stripey t-shirt which probably had the label "Ages 13-14" on the collar and jeans which must have been 26 inch waist on somebody who needed a 30 inch. Literally the jeans were barely above his knees, which meant he had to do this desperate-for-a-pee chicken walk at all times and his dodgy faded grey boxers were on permanent display.

The strangest things was, all of his clothes were obviously new (apart from the pants) and lovingly ironed - just like his hair. How can somebody spend SO long preparing to make themselves look SO BAD!

If, of the many Brummies reading this, you happen to be that sound engineer BUY YOURSELF SOME ADULT SIZED CLOTHES and for god's sake, stand up straight.

I wonder if that's the same guy that I tripped over by accident the one week and he started hurling obscenities at me, such as "cretin" and "imbecile". My mate's band is playing there on December 1st, I'll say hello to him I think.

Trauma 11-26-2005 10:45 AM

I changed my view of hardcore dancing yesterday.
It's a pain.
There was this fat Asian man at the Four Seasons Internet Cafe yesterday for the Monarch Parka, The Same Fate, Knock Your Door, and A Fatal Denial show.
Holy crap, he was sooo "scene", lip ring, sweater three sizes too tight, and girls jeans.
I started a moshpit with him near where A Fatal Denial was playing and he punched me in the jaw so I tackled him into a table.
Five minutes later he's punching the ground like Donkey Kong and jumping like a skippy little dog with a fist in the air. one wanted to mosh anymore.
What a pain.

riseagainstrocks 11-26-2005 02:11 PM

Dancing is fun if it's done right. Too many times the "scene" kids run in and try and do it. And make the people who actually enjoy it really mad. Needless to say things usually turn out bad for the "scene" kid.

Facedown Fest is a prime example. Jesus Wept is play their song Sick City. People are two-stepping and stuff and it's just a fun time (I only dance at shows where I have friends there. It's more fun that anything) anyway this kid with his size 2 pants and his youth-small Fall Out Boy shirt runs in and starts hitting people (I'm assuming he thought thats what he should do). All in all he had a bad night.

pmorr 11-30-2005 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
hipsters, we all know who they are. you know those kids with the greasy black hair slicked down the side of their face, wearing girls jeans and shirts that show their... ugggh... mid-riffs. but anyways, what the **** do they think their trying to prove by jumping into the pit, flailing their twiggy arms then running out, and if they get taken out they bitch! am i just having a bad experience? or is there entirely too many rules for moshing nowadays and im just out of touch?

Wait wait wait, there's rules?

Get in my way and i'll boot your face is my only rule.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 11-30-2005 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by pmorr
Wait wait wait, there's rules?

Get in my way and i'll boot your face is my only rule.

if you were to boot my face, i would beat the hell out of you.

moshing shouldnt be about hurting people. it should just be about having fun. people who take it as seriously as that tend to be the ones getting in the way.

Mr Sensitive 12-01-2005 03:28 AM

Mosh pits aren't really my thing, I'm far to weak for them and I also fear pain.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 12-01-2005 09:53 AM

hence your name i suppose?

Expletive Deleted 12-01-2005 04:41 PM

The people you guys are describing are scenesters/scene kids, hipsters hang out in coffee shops reading Kerouac and listening to whatever Pitchfork tells them to. Hipsters don't mosh at shows, they stand there tapping their feet, bobbing their heads, and staring at the band without any emotion whatsoever (unless it's a Dance-Punk band, in which case they just freak the **** out). Believe me, I've been to enough hipster shows to know this. These are hipsters:
"You know that feeling that birdwatchers get when they spot their first Red-flanked Bluetail? Of course you don’t. But try to imagine that surge, that rush. Now multiply it by four, because this mind**** of a photograph is a one-time meeting of all the breeds of the male hipster flocks. From left to right, you’ve got the hip-hop savvy coolkid who does things like wear Doors T-shirts. Then he spend the entire night trying to convince people that he’s doing it unironically while explaining how “important” the band was. Then you’ve got the Britrock buzz band enthusiast who’s always drunk and doesn’t give a **** about New York hipster style but yet somehow always looks understated and impeccable. He always leaves with someone. Then you’ve got the guy whose parents are paying for his Bedford Avenue sublet and drinks for all his friends (when he’s not at an open Sparks, Red Stripe and Svedka bar, ‘natch). And finally, the poor schmuck who is always trying a bit too hard who nobody really likes. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but this one might be worth an entire DFA compilation. Seriously, we just sent the link to the Library of Congress and we got an instant response that just said, “Whaaaaaaaaaa???”" (Thanks Blue States Lose!)

These are scene kids:

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 12-01-2005 04:44 PM

thats gross..

mosesandtherubberducky 12-01-2005 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Sensitive
Mosh pits aren't really my thing, I'm far to weak for them and I also fear pain.

Yeah I'm allergic to violence directed to me...I bruise or bleed

Zezima 12-01-2005 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Expletive Deleted
The people you guys are describing are scenesters/scene kids, hipsters hang out in coffee shops reading Kerouac and listening to whatever Pitchfork tells them to. Hipsters don't mosh at shows, they stand there tapping their feet, bobbing their heads, and staring at the band without any emotion whatsoever (unless it's a Dance-Punk band, in which case they just freak the **** out). Believe me, I've been to enough hipster shows to know this. These are hipsters:
"You know that feeling that birdwatchers get when they spot their first Red-flanked Bluetail? Of course you don’t. But try to imagine that surge, that rush. Now multiply it by four, because this mind**** of a photograph is a one-time meeting of all the breeds of the male hipster flocks. From left to right, you’ve got the hip-hop savvy coolkid who does things like wear Doors T-shirts. Then he spend the entire night trying to convince people that he’s doing it unironically while explaining how “important” the band was. Then you’ve got the Britrock buzz band enthusiast who’s always drunk and doesn’t give a **** about New York hipster style but yet somehow always looks understated and impeccable. He always leaves with someone. Then you’ve got the guy whose parents are paying for his Bedford Avenue sublet and drinks for all his friends (when he’s not at an open Sparks, Red Stripe and Svedka bar, ‘natch). And finally, the poor schmuck who is always trying a bit too hard who nobody really likes. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but this one might be worth an entire DFA compilation. Seriously, we just sent the link to the Library of Congress and we got an instant response that just said, “Whaaaaaaaaaa???”" (Thanks Blue States Lose!)

These are scene kids:

*throw up noises*

EDGE 12-01-2005 07:19 PM

I actually like watching the pit; It's.. interesting. It gets me pumped up. But not when the typical asshole, without warning, starts to flare his arms out of no where. I've fractured/sprained so many things just from being somewhat near the pit. This one guy, right in front of me, music starts, he holds for a few seconds, on random, starts his ninja shit on me. Without backing anyone up. Right in my face..I love fractured noses. I really do!

sleepy jack 12-01-2005 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by EDGE
I actually like watching the pit; It's.. interesting. It gets me pumped up. But not when the typical asshole, without warning, starts to flare his arms out of no where. I've fractured/sprained so many things just from being somewhat near the pit. This one guy, right in front of me, music starts, he holds for a few seconds, on random, starts spinning. Without backing anyone up. Right in my face..I love fractured noses. I really do!

:eek: thats horrible!
I had that happen to me awhilez ago.
Cept it was my chin.

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