although this thread was a very long time, I fear some of you may be voting without using your brains.. [im talking to the same people who flamed that other kid for not using his brain]
let me get this straight so I dont get your bull**** about how I am voting for bush blah blah blah, because I am not. I am not voting for kerry either, thats besides the point.
"How old are you anyway? I dislike Bush becuase I am not a fan of war...I am afraid of the reinstitution of the draft...You must not be old enough, or very couragous to not share the same feelings, or just retarded so you would not be able to be drafted."
Funny because the legislation to reinstitute the draft was started by democrats in both the house and the senate. In fact, the only people who got on and endorsed these bills were democrats, no republicans whatsoever. This does not even matter though because its been in committee for like 18 months now, won't do anything. The political significance of these drafts were VERY important though, if you want to know more ask me.
no, i said kerry will do a worse job than bush. bush is not a war monger, with the intelligence he had, he made the best decision. think about it, if saddam had attacked, whose ass would have gotten in trouble? bush. he had intelligence telling him saddam was capable, and knowing the extreme views he has, bush decided to take action. i am 16 years old, and i pay attention to current events all the time. and ya, war is not a pretty thing, obviously. but, what u wont hear from the media is the fact that more lives have statistically been saved by this war so far, then would have been killed had saddam still been in power.
The exagerrated intelligence he received never actually said Sadaam was able to attack. The report, in length, was about 10% Iraq, 30% Iran, 60% Saudi. However, when the reports were "cut to the meat of" it wound up being 90% Iraq. Heh. Bush lied man, can you not see that?
1. bush is an IDIOT. he cant even eat pretzles without having a near death expierience. 2. yes he is a war monger. pretty much every conservative is. 3. he didnt go after saddam because "intelligence" told him so! he failed miserably to do anything about osama. and even as he is "liberating" the country, the ENTIRE world hates us. exceot england because they act like theyre bush's prison b!tch or something. even though tony blair got a paint balloon throw at him. hahaha. 4. if you actually would "pay attention to current events" more (that means reading time; not just watching the today show) you would know that bush has screwed the US (why am i capitalizing that?) over. like stated, everyone hates us. like every republican hates everyone else. everyone has disoriented views about america. like every repubilcan had disoriented views about every where else! 5. he hasnt even paid any attention to Colin Powell! 6. the economy is in the toilet. 7. There is absolutely no plan to do anything about the environment. (except for selling more suv's and taking over small countries with hard-to-pronounce names for oil.) so for those 7 reasons, you are wrong. even if kerry got into office, there is no way he could do worse. except go on a killing spree. oh wait the current president has done that too! wow. nice try.
Ok point by point. I agree Bush is less intelligent than most US Presidents. He is a war monger, as a few presidents in our history from both parties mind you. Do you really think Osama should be left alone? Because if you do thats absurd. Does time really enlighten ones mind, I ask? Does reading liberal news really help widen ones perspective? Maybe watching an hour of fox news and then an hour of ABC and taking the median would be better. Or going to news sites based and run locally in other countries. Colin Powell, lol. Bush's ecomic advisor, Manquiew, who is PHD in economic theory has advised Bush on things to do that will make us better off in the future. Unfortunately we take a hit now. The tax break is another story.. just stupid. And the environment, show me a president that REALLY cares for the government.. there is not one who has a chance. And speaking of taking over oil fields, thats obvious since gas prices are so low since we invaded Iraq. Oh wait, they aren't? Damn, I guess we have not "taken them over." We could always drill in Alaska, right? But then there goes the environment.. Double sided sword, try being a President for the day, I am sure it is fun. And speaking of killing sprees...
JFK (D) - Vietnam and authorized the use of Agent Orange there - 5 million vietnamese soldiers/civilians killed, 60 thousand americans killed. Talk about killing spree. Another 9000 US vets killed themselves a year because of the PTS.
Clinton (D) - Bombing of Kosovo, I do not recall the amount of people, but he killed more civilians than we have in Iraq. He also did Somalia without telling the UN, and then needed the UN to help. The Battle of Mogadishu (the one the movie is written after) claimed 18 US lives and 1,000-3,000 Somalians, it is unclear.
So for every republican who slaughters there is a democrat. Like I said, if someone had brought up those arguments for the other side, I would argue against them. Look at everythnig from both angles, most politicians are the same... but know the facts.
Nice Try