Regale us with a prog joke - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 04-19-2011, 03:53 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Regale us with a prog joke

(That is, besides YOUR being a living prog joke)

Here's one Baggs steals from another forum:

A bloke (no. 2) is having a drink in a bar when another bloke (no. 1) strolls in with two 12-inch square boxes.
Bloke no. 1 opens box 1 to reveal a tiny Jon Anderson sitting in front of a tiny Casio.
He opens box two and to the other bloke's jaw-dropping amazement, there sits a tiny 6 inch Phil Collins before his wee drum kit.

The bloke - no. 1 - blows on a tiny whistle (an inaudible note) and immediately the tiny Anderson & Collins spring into action - do a wee version of YES' "Awaken". Whilst bloke no. 1 accompanies on kazoo.

Finally, when the song is over the little Casioist and drummer get up, pull themselves out of each individual box, walk over to the (no. 2) bloke's pint , piss in it and return to their boxes, giggling mischeviously.

"Oi," says the man whose brew has just been pissed in, "Do you know your wee men have just pissed in my pint?"

"No", says the other bloke (no. 1), "But if you hum a few bars we'll probably pick it up."
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Old 04-19-2011, 03:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
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