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Skid Mark 10-15-2007 12:12 AM

Amazing Band, amazing lyricist/vocalist.
Fav songs:
The Noose, Pet, Judith and Orestes

can_i_say 10-15-2007 01:25 AM

Mer de Noms is a masterpiece.

cardboard adolescent 10-16-2007 08:39 PM

I wouldn't get carried away...

DearJenny 10-16-2007 10:25 PM

"The Noose" is awesome. Its very powerful.

Merkaba 10-16-2007 10:41 PM

The Package will probably always be my favourite APC song. They started out not bad, infact they were really good, but then eMotive was released and it sucked very hard, I went right off them.

white_powered_zombie 10-25-2007 06:04 AM

'Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rythm of the War Drums' is my fav APC track... I love it, it's just so... i dunno, it grabs my attention.

And not my fav, but a song to stir things up a little by Tool, would have to be LAMC which is the joint last song on Salival, gets everyone asking what the hell it is.

Exodizer 10-29-2007 08:50 PM

I think Judith sounds just like Tool but for the most part A perfect Circle is way, way different. And IMO tool is alot better.

Dr_Rez 10-29-2007 08:57 PM

Thats Tools award for the most overrated band ever.

Wayfarer 10-30-2007 08:28 AM

You misspelled "Led Zeppelin's"

Exodizer 10-30-2007 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 410707)
Thats Tools award for the most overrated band ever.

You like Cake, Arctic Monkeys and sliver chair and your saying Tool is the most overrated band ever. Don't talk about prog when you don't understand it. It would be like a flutist talking about playing clarinet they have nothing to do with each other. Seriously it's ok if you like Indie but don't group Tool into your bands and then call them bad, because you kinda have to listen to prog to get Tool.

Wayfarer 10-30-2007 12:42 PM

Take a few grams of psilocybin mushrooms and listen to Lateralus and then try to tell me that Tool's overrated. ;)

Dr_Rez 10-30-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 410849)
You like Cake, Arctic Monkeys and sliver chair and your saying Tool is the most overrated band ever. Don't talk about prog when you don't understand it. It would be like a flutist talking about playing clarinet they have nothing to do with each other. Seriously it's ok if you like Indie but don't group Tool into your bands and then call them bad, because you kinda have to listen to prog to get Tool.

What you said might possibly be the dumbest comment ever.

1. I did not say there bad, read the damn post I said they are overrated. I love Tool and think there good/talented. If you would have taken the time to read what i said you would have realized that means they are given way more credit than is due to them.

2. Your judging what your saying about my music taste on about 2 weeks of last fm charts. Either your just a very dumb bloke, or think that has something to do with my overall music tastes.

3. Im not at all big on indie, and have listen to a damn good amount of prog in my 30 or so years of being very into music and playing 3 instruments.

So ill sum this up for you since you obviously are not the smartest poster in the world. Tool is an amazingly talented and skillful band which i listen to all the time, but is extremely overrated and many times considered one of the best bands in history. ( yes iv heard that many times)

And you make a very uneducated argument with the metaphor of the flute and clarinet, which is completely wrong. I met Danny Carey (i think thats how its spelled) about 10 or so years ago. I say that not at all in a bragging sense but in that i fully know what im talking about when it comes to tool and that type of music.

Necromancer 10-30-2007 02:05 PM

I am with RezZ, I think that we may have a 'Poser' instead of the real deal. Knowing a few facts concerning classical music, and to quote shakespear will not cut it with me. One has to realize, if you post on any certain thread (subject). You had better know what you are talking about before you speak. Because you will be challenged if you are not correct, and most times. Even if you are right. Personal opinions are a different matter. But to insult someone, you will find that it will not be tolerated by most people.

Dr_Rez 10-30-2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 410851)
Take a few grams of psilocybin mushrooms and listen to Lateralus and then try to tell me that Tool's overrated. ;)

Haha if that aint the truth...

Take a few grams of that and nothings overated:)

Exodizer 11-01-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 410862)
What you said might possibly be the dumbest comment ever.

1. I did not say there bad, read the damn post I said they are overrated. I love Tool and think there good/talented. If you would have taken the time to read what i said you would have realized that means they are given way more credit than is due to them.

2. Your judging what your saying about my music taste on about 2 weeks of last fm charts. Either your just a very dumb bloke, or think that has something to do with my overall music tastes.

3. Im not at all big on indie, and have listen to a damn good amount of prog in my 30 or so years of being very into music and playing 3 instruments.

So ill sum this up for you since you obviously are not the smartest poster in the world. Tool is an amazingly talented and skillful band which i listen to all the time, but is extremely overrated and many times considered one of the best bands in history. ( yes iv heard that many times)

And you make a very uneducated argument with the metaphor of the flute and clarinet, which is completely wrong. I met Danny Carey (i think thats how its spelled) about 10 or so years ago. I say that not at all in a bragging sense but in that i fully know what im talking about when it comes to tool and that type of music.

Overrated as one of the best bands ever? I have never heard that in my life. Yeah I'm younger and mabey they were popular a decade ago but no one listens to them anymore. I hear kids my age talking about how Muse is the best progressive band ever. Yeah if someone called them the best band ever I would absolutely agree with you, but I rarely meet anyone who has ever heard of them. Adam Jones writes the melodies for one which is BY FAR the best part of Tool. Even if they were called that there are bands that are so much more ridiculously overrated its stupid. Like Kiss or U2. I don't look at music charts, and when someone has a band in their sig I assume they like them. I think thats a pretty rational assumption. "Poster" is spelled Poser by the way. I'm in Music school if that makes any damn difference. If you had been listening to prog for 30 years you should god damn know that there are tons and tons of Indie Wankers who make fun of Prog. That's what I took you as.

Dr_Rez 11-01-2007 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 411181)
Overrated as one of the best bands ever? I have never heard that in my life. Yeah I'm younger and mabey they were popular a decade ago but no one listens to them anymore. I hear kids my age talking about how Muse is the best progressive band ever. Yeah if someone called them the best band ever I would absolutely agree with you, but I rarely meet anyone who has ever heard of them. Adam Jones writes the melodies for one which is BY FAR the best part of Tool. Even if they were called that there are bands that are so much more ridiculously overrated its stupid. Like Kiss or U2. I don't look at music charts, and when someone has a band in their sig I assume they like them. I think thats a pretty rational assumption. "Poster" is spelled Poser by the way. I'm in Music school if that makes any damn difference. If you had been listening to prog for 30 years you should god damn know that there are tons and tons of Indie Wankers who make fun of Prog. That's what I took you as.

Apology Accepted.

Exodizer 11-01-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 411188)
Apology Accepted.

I guess you are right I keep reading about Tool and Volta fans. Hey where I am from me and a couple of my friends are the only people who have ever heard of Tool. Volta is popular but that's not even worth mentioning. I guess Tool is alot more famous in other places and I just never knew. If there really are that many fans then yeah they are WAY overrater, but I just thought they never really got famous for various reasons such as their music not being on Itunes. Guess I was wrong. As for the flute reference (i forgot to mention this in my last quote). A flute and a clarinet while both woodwinds are nothing like each other when it comes to playing. Indie (what I orginally thought you listened too) and Prog are both alternative to mainstream genres but are nothing alike.

joyboyo53 11-06-2007 09:41 AM

Wait, you guys are saying that Tool is less heard of them Mars Volta? Where the hell are you from? Mars Volta is way LESS mainstream than Tool. I mean ****, I would say A Perfect Circle is more mainstream than Mars Volta. Personally I think that Mars Volta is better than the couple, but I do think both Tool and A Perfect Circle are great bands.

Dr_Rez 11-06-2007 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 412064)
Wait, you guys are saying that Tool is less heard of them Mars Volta? Where the hell are you from? Mars Volta is way LESS mainstream than Tool. I mean ****, I would say A Perfect Circle is more mainstream than Mars Volta. Personally I think that Mars Volta is better than the couple, but I do think both Tool and A Perfect Circle are great bands.

Yea, def agree.

Rainard Jalen 01-27-2008 01:37 PM

APC ain't vereh good, are theh

O'Bannion 01-27-2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 436279)
APC ain't vereh good, are theh


They're ****ing great.

Skid Mark 01-27-2008 03:47 PM

I used to idolise them... looking back now they weren't really all that. Some songs still get me though, such as The Outsider

O'Bannion 01-28-2008 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Skid Mark (Post 436345)
Some songs still get me though, such as The Outsider

That has to be one of the greatest climaxes to a song ever. Seriously, the last minute is so intense.

Frewen 01-28-2008 08:02 AM

I've been getting into Tool recently; Lateralus being my favourite album, but APC are distinctly average imo.

Rainard Jalen 01-28-2008 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Frewen (Post 436771)
I've been getting into Tool recently; Lateralus being my favourite album

Been there done that. Guarantee there's about a 98% chance you'll be totally bored out your wits in a couple months.

Rainard Jalen 01-28-2008 01:35 PM

Oi! I'll have you know that Bolton has to his credit around 5 times as many studio albums and 17 times more EPs than Tool; he wins that fight merely on grounds of proliferation.

I'll admit that Nickelback suck, but don't you dare go casting aspersions on the phenomenon, the man-beast, the king of swing, the Sinatra-swingin' six-string-slashin' song machine, Michael Bolton.

tkpb938 01-28-2008 09:49 PM


Some songs still get me though, such as The Outsider
I love that song... Not many bands take that lyrical approach.

sleepy jack 01-28-2008 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 436875)
I'll admit that Nickelback suck, but don't you dare go casting aspersions on the phenomenon, the man-beast, the king of swing, the Sinatra-swingin' six-string-slashin' song machine, Michael Bolton.

Michael Bolton's a six-string-slashing song machine? He doesn't even play any instruments and king of swing? Seriously? Is he being dubbed the King because he released a shitty Sinatra cover album?

treping 01-29-2008 09:08 AM

tool is the led zeplin of the 2000

Rainard Jalen 01-29-2008 09:19 AM

One thing that's always irritated me about many Tool fans, is how they are somehow automatically APC fans too simply because of their man-crushes on Maynard. Like, who gives a damn? Does it make you a better fan or something just because you follow each of the individual members in whatever extra-Tool activities they choose to indulge in?

tkpb938 01-29-2008 03:14 PM

lol u just got pwnzered n00b.

Rainard Jalen 01-29-2008 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by tkpb938 (Post 437367)
lol u just pwnzered n00b.

Um... good one?

GKB116 01-31-2008 01:37 PM

APC is much more mainstream than Tool...I like Tool a little more than APC though.

tkpb938 01-31-2008 03:22 PM


One thing that's always irritated me about many Tool fans, is how they are somehow automatically APC fans too simply because of their man-crushes on Maynard. Like, who gives a damn? Does it make you a better fan or something just because you follow each of the individual members in whatever extra-Tool activities they choose to indulge in?
I like both APC and Tool because they're good bands, not because of Maynard. I freakin hate Puscifer for instance... it bores the hell outa me.

littledude 01-31-2008 03:23 PM

they are both really good, but not quite my type of music

Rainard Jalen 01-31-2008 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by tkpb938 (Post 438011)
I like both APC and Tool because they're good bands, not because of Maynard. I freakin hate Puscifer for instance... it bores the hell outa me.

Fair enough.

I listened to Puscifer. I didn't think it was that good, though it seemed to accomplish more musically speaking than Tool or APC.

Rainard Jalen 01-31-2008 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 438022)

Name a band that came before Tool that sounds remotely like Tool. I mean, sure, maybe back in the Opiate days they could've been compared to a few of the "alternative metal" bands around during that period, but I personally have yet to hear anything else that sounds quite like Ænima or Lateralus. Particularly the latter.

they have their own distinct sound. i don't think having your own sound though necessarily involves having achieved much musically, especially when there's such a lack of variation within what they've managed to do with it.

saying that, i think i'm wrong slating tool quite to the extent that i do. Ænima and Lateralus are both, at the end of the day, really good albums.

APC on the other hand really are a total pile of sh1te.

GKB116 01-31-2008 06:44 PM

Okay here's something else, all of my friends favor Lateralus over Aenima...I however am the opposite. Maybe there's something in Lateralus I'm not hearing.

Skid Mark 01-31-2008 06:54 PM

Naaw, I prefer Aenima as well.. Third Eye is so freakin cool

The Unfan 01-31-2008 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by GKB116 (Post 438088)
Okay here's something else, all of my friends favor Lateralus over Aenima...I however am the opposite. Maybe there's something in Lateralus I'm not hearing.

I'm in the opposite camp. All my friends favor Aenima and I think Lateralus is by far the best Tool album.

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