Originally Posted by Abearmauledme
I recently had an argument with a friend about what constitutes "Pop Music". He said that pop music must be simple, repetitive, easy to digest and very popular.
-Wikipedia (Pop Music)
I have heard a lot of music that fits these characteristics and is not popular, but I don't have any solid examples of non-complicated, non-popular pop music. Anybody wanna help me out? That or tear apart my argument?
I disagreed. I believe that pop music is a style, but is not necessarily popular or simple. I dissagree with you. Pop is music for the masses and targets that young demographic. Britany Spears sold more albums that Bob Dylan. It is a brainwashed industry controlled by the media corporations. They push the trite and mondane material down your throat. Song structure is easy and most of the lyrics. Pop has a high turnover rate of artists. What should that tell you?