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Old 01-04-2011, 11:55 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default "Good" Pop

Is that an oxymoron? Is there truly any good pop out there? By "good," I mean complex/decent instrumentals and well-written lyrics. Artistic value that can be respected by people. I am in no way insulting another genre of music, I try to keep an open mind to music, but it has been very difficult for me to enjoy pop music. I used to doubt that punk had these elements and that all they did was get angry and play two or three chords, but I proved that a lie. So, can anyone help me on this topic? I'd take both old and new pop, but I really want to know about new pop (Cat Stevens and Sparks qualify as "pop," I guess, but I want to know more). - Thanks
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Old 01-04-2011, 11:59 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Janelle Monae is a great current pop artist you may not have heard.
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Old 01-04-2011, 12:29 PM   #3 (permalink)
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But really, that's an impossible question to answer. Something can not be "good" to all people, something that is "bad" to me may be "good" to you and vice versa. 'Pop' is even more difficult a concept to define. There are really two schools of thought, A) that it is what ever is "popular" at the time, so if black metal were on your top 40 station it'd be Pop and B) that it is a musical approach which relies on simplicity, hooks, and catchy melodies.

If we're to use this second approach, then your definition of "good" will be hard to fit - as part of the appeal of Pop music is it's lack of complex instrumentals. I can assure you, however, that focusing 100% a melody that people will remember isn't an easy task. That to me is what separates your run of the mill pop music with the stuff that's lasting (say, The Beatles, perhaps).

There is plenty of pop music, however, that I personally think is great. Here are a few of my favorites, hope you find something you like...

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Old 01-04-2011, 11:03 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Pre-Ambient Brian Eno, Kate Bush... Do Art Bears Count?

It's difficult to tackle. I mean, the traits of pop music are usually:

- Heavy production, and usage of
- Clean crisp vocals recorded louder than instruments. Whether there be instruments or not, vocals dictate the direction.
- Short song structures usually 2-5 minutes

Technically, by those rules, I think you have a basic all encompassing overview. Then again unless you consider the actual popularity value factoring in then no... there isn't much good pop out there.
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Old 01-05-2011, 07:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Pre-Ambient Brian Eno, Kate Bush... Do Art Bears Count?

It's difficult to tackle. I mean, the traits of pop music are usually:

- Heavy production, and usage of
- Clean crisp vocals recorded louder than instruments. Whether there be instruments or not, vocals dictate the direction.
- Short song structures usually 2-5 minutes

Technically, by those rules, I think you have a basic all encompassing overview. Then again unless you consider the actual popularity value factoring in then no... there isn't much good pop out there.
Popularity has never been a factor in my choice of music, but thanks for trying.
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Old 01-05-2011, 07:53 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Lykke Li, Michael Jackson, Brian Wilson, The Monkees, No Doubt... oh, and that Ting Tings album from 08 was pretty infectious LOL
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Old 01-08-2011, 05:35 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RVCA View Post
Brian Wilson, The Monkees
Wilson - Any 60's based Best of the Beach Boys and Pet Sounds will do.
Beach Boys Post-Pet Sounds - 20/20

Monkees - Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Jones, Ltd., Head (soundtrack), and any really good 2-4 CD Box are good starts.

The Best of the Ronettes
The Best of The Shangri-Las (Walking In the Sand is a great choice!)

After the Lights Go Out/the Best of The Walker Brothers 1965-1967

Pulp - Different Class. Although this mostly gets thrown into the Alternative or Indie style discussions, this is my definition of what great Modern Pop SHOULD be like. Best album to start with...and then go into This is Hardcore for a darker version of their music.

Rialto - First album, especially. Again, usually gets thrown into any "Alternative" or Indie thread, but it's my definition of what a Modern Pop should be.

I could also throw in 1960's Bee Gees: First, Horizontal, Idea, and Odessa.

ABC - The Lexicon of Love

Soft Cell - Non Stop Erotic Cabaret, The Art of Falling Apart, and This Last Night in Sodom

Human League - Dare

OMD - Dazzle Ships, Architecture and Morality, the 1980's Best Of comp (Not into the 90's stuff much.)

...and of course, saving the very best for last for this post, The Beatles' With the Beatles, A Hard Day's Night, Beatles for Sale and Past Masters 1. Usually gets thrown in with Rock, but The early Beatles are among the perfect works of Pop music ever in my opinion.

As for the Modern stuff of the last few years, however...I don't know.

Last edited by Screen13; 01-08-2011 at 05:59 PM. Reason: Throwing in a few Synth Pop classics
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Old 01-09-2011, 07:06 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Somewhat off the point, but if the theme of this is "pop for people generally pop hating people".

Personally, I am on the fence of checking out Janelle Monae. Definitely sounds intriguing. I started to listen to The ArchAndroid(Suites II and III) but I couldn't really stand the first song(tightrope) being such a snob I am. I tried the same with Kate Bush, and have been somewhat pleased. Am I being too close minded of a ****?
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Old 01-09-2011, 07:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Foxy Shazam
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Old 01-17-2011, 11:38 PM   #10 (permalink)
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^^ what a bad name for a band, though
My lastfm
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