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Old 01-02-2011, 08:00 PM   #101 (permalink)
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That might be the way it's going. in 2011 music banter will die and it's new name will be "Justin Bieber? Artist of the Year?"
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Old 01-02-2011, 08:09 PM   #102 (permalink)
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The Grammys has never been a reputable award show, so something like this does not shock me.

Last edited by rammetal7; 01-03-2011 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 01-02-2011, 10:40 PM   #103 (permalink)
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I thought it wasn't a Grammy that he won.
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I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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Old 01-03-2011, 03:26 AM   #104 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rammetal7 View Post
The Grammys has never been a reputable award show, so something like does not shock me.
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Old 01-03-2011, 10:09 AM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
If the grammies ever had any credibility, its gone now
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Old 01-03-2011, 11:24 AM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Grammy Award - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ignore the Bono part.

EDIT: Oh yeah, why are we talking about Grammys? He won an AMA.
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Old 01-03-2011, 11:46 AM   #107 (permalink)
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Oh, I was confused! Justin Bieber was only nominated for a Grammy but he did win a AMA.

I did not bother to read the 11 pages of this thread since I thought all the replies to it would just be Justin Bieber bashing or Grammy bashing.
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Old 01-03-2011, 12:21 PM   #108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JackPat View Post
Well, I might as well join in on the fun. I'll start off by saying this... he's a pop star with mediocre talent.
Nieh, if that.

Originally Posted by JackPat View Post
Also, give the kid a break. He's what? 16? Also, he donates a TON of the money he makes to help others because he knew what it was like in poverty.
"under the poverty line", I think he needs to learn the meaning of poverty, possibly for his next spelling test! (that's me being an arse!). He was a depender in that situation, all sympathies to his Mother and that is what he (has been told) to try and emulate. I'm not gonna buy it so easily as most people have. Perhaps i'm just being a twat but hey, i'm entitled to be.

Originally Posted by JackPat View Post
It's not Bieber's fault he's famous, it's the public. If anything, you should be pissed at the public for loving him and all those other ****ty musicians
I agree. But I'll be damned if he hasn't had doubts about his own music, and if he knows and continues, he is a shame to the already nearly-down-the-toilet music industry of today.

Its easy, its very easy to hate Justin Bieber but, like most things, the reason why we 'hate' is lost in the general outrage as well as who is to blame. The fact is he gets huge recognition and appraisal from, possibly the, and please don't call me out too much on this, dumbest target market on the planet; and that is 11-14 year old girls. They hold, generally, little to no resonance in the musical world, on their own, and its not really their fault either, they're young, hormonal and can't really be expected to know good music since they haven't had a chance to, yet. Its the corporate machine behind Justin Bieber that preys on this natural lack of musical knowledge so they produced the 'perfect' idol for that target market. An innocent, precious and, (it pains me to say this) 'cute' little boy singing his heart out about false 'pre-teen - early teen' crap which they gobble right up. If anything, its an insult to the smart teenage girls who will, unfairly, fall into that horrifying trend. The power of the basturds and producers behind Justin Bieber actually scares me. The fact they could put him on a platter and sell him to the world scares the **** out of me. So, if anything, we should pity him for forever being the face of an immature and tasteless musical 'genre' if you will. And entertaining the idea of giving him any attention, like I have, and 'hating' him only adds to his franchise; if you really want him to stop, stop hating him, but if you need to hate someone, then go on and keep hating, no one will stop you but you can.

If someone went out and shot Justin Bieber's manager the musical world would be a better place and the minds of teenage girls left (for a while) to roam music free of magazines and tv telling them what they should be listening to, they could revert to using their ears and brain to tell them what they like. But that won't be how it goes.. they'll wait for a musical talent and political activist to cross over the pond, and shoot him instead.

Bagism forever!

In fact thats true for a lot of music.. bloody Take That, Coldplay, U2 and Oasis, Cheryl Cole etc. Music is turning into the same trends over and over because of this new ridiculous conformist attitude I hate to my very soul. Who's gonna be the next boyband, girl band, beautiful female singer. Everything recognized by MTV and the like is just a copy of what came before, and a badly executed copy at that. There will be a musical revolution coming, sooner than you may think, with the global recession; times getting harder and the world getting sick at this mainstream generic 'manyana'. And it won't be some **** like Simon Cowell behind it.

That is why bands like The Clash, The Jam and The Ramones were so brilliant, they were different, completely revolutionary and broke off from music at the time. Got an equivalent for the next decade?, I effing hope so and God speed whoever that may be.
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Old 01-05-2011, 05:48 PM   #109 (permalink)
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Wait, what?! Justin Beaver won Artist of the Year?! Jesus effin christ, shoot me now!!!
Originally Posted by Janszoon
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I am just curious to see some statistics on the sexual orientation of the forum's members. I do believe the forum is run mostly of male heterosexual men, and I wonder if the statistics are represented here.
Male men? Are there other kinds of men?
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Old 01-15-2011, 05:17 PM   #110 (permalink)
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justin bieber and sean kingston in Eenie Meenie

YouTube - Eenie Meenie
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