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TheBig3 01-22-2010 11:23 AM

To inherit the Beatles throne.
So i'm listening to office radio right now and, let me tell ya folks, you're missing out!

But Weezer was on. That "I ain't got all night" song and I thought to myself, I hate Weezer, the production always makes me want to kill. But they do write some great pop songs. If they took away some "slick" and put in a little more "honest" in it would be a pretty great song.

I recognize there were two Beatles era's but I'm only concerning myself (with this question) with the pop era.

What band makeing music today could carry that pop mantle. Not 100% gems, but at least a consistent turn out of well composed pop tunes.

Musicbanter...your thoughts?

Janszoon 01-22-2010 11:28 AM

The Jonas Brothers for sure.

gogojessicat 01-22-2010 07:34 PM

no one. the music world has changed too much. i don't think its possible for any band to have such an incredible impact as the Beatles did.

TheBig3 01-22-2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by gogojessicat (Post 815066)
no one. the music world has changed too much. i don't think its possible for any band to have such an incredible impact as the Beatles did.

fair point.

but I'm tlaking consistency. Who kicks out the most enduring, good pop tunes.

gunnels 01-22-2010 07:45 PM

Honestly, Panic at the Disco if they didn't split. I enjoy Pretty. Odd more than any Beatles record I've heard.

storymilo 01-22-2010 11:13 PM

lol no one can be better then the beatles they are the bestt!!!11

loveissucide 01-23-2010 08:04 AM

In terms of consistently good pop songs with a bonus point for innovation and uniqueness?
Super Furry Animals.Radiator is better than any Beatles album.

That said I consider Big Star's #1 Record a Beatles rip-off better than anything early Beatles put out.

TheBig3 01-23-2010 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 815135)
lol no one can be better then the beatles they are the bestt!!!11

I hope to god you're kidding.

LoathsomePete 01-23-2010 12:06 PM

I think in terms of consistency the Barenaked Ladies have been together since like 1988 and have been putting out albums every few years and touring relentlessly. Now that Steven Page has left to pursue a solo career it's difficult to say where the band is going to go, but I think they've all got enough talent to push forward and make enjoyable music. It's unfortunate that most people judge them solely by their few popular singles when the rest of their albums are just as good. They've got an awesome sense of humor and put on some of the best live shows, at least from what people have told me. Not only that but here's a quote from Paul McCarney himself, "the Barenaked Ladies have to be my favorite. Their harmonies are right on. They could outsing us any day of the week. I don’t think John and myself ever had the sort of range they do.” McCartney added he wouldn’t mind cutting an album with the band.'

Citiation for quote

I rest my case.

jackhammer 01-23-2010 12:15 PM

Why would you need to 'inherit' a throne. Bands like this put down markers (unwittingly) for popular music and now that it's established and with the much more fickle markets of the last ten/twenty years most bands will not remain successful within the mainstream for so long and survive under such scrutiny. It's like saying who will inherit Pink Floyds throne etc

The only other person in popular music over the last 20 odd years who has created their own throne if you will is Michael Jackson who is generally regarded as the epitome of the successful solo Pop career.

loveissucide 01-23-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 815135)
lol no one can be better then the beatles they are the bestt!!!11

Troll fail.

And I do agree with Jackhammer's point, The Beatles being very much a product of their time.

Shake 01-23-2010 12:37 PM

IMO, there are two reasons the Beatles will never be topped.
First is the level of controversy they raised. In modern times, the only bands to create any sort of controversy are shock rockers like Marilyn Manson, and even then it's usually by the overly religious right-wing groups who's opinions don't really count for much. The controversial music of today doesn't have the broad appeal of the Beatles who were loved by everyone from 12 year old girls, to middle aged men. Someone like Manson certainly won't have that broad an audience.

Secondly, they were truly revolutionary. Today, all that would mean is that as soon as a band comes out with an original sound, there are 3 million other bands who sound exactly the same signed and water down the experience. It took quite a while for the Beatles sound to be watered down by the likes of The Monkees, where today, an original band would have a million copy cats before the end of their first tour.

All that being said, I do like the nomination for the Barenaked Ladies. While they aren't 100% original, they really have stuck to their guns and made incredibly catchy pop songs that don't suck. They're also quite adept at writing songs that have depth, such as Light Up My Room, from the album Stunt.

gogojessicat 01-23-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 815070)
fair point.

but I'm tlaking consistency. Who kicks out the most enduring, good pop tunes.

okay in terms of consistent pop hits Weezer is def in the running. probably greenday as well. I would say foo fighters too. they've had a lot of hits over the years.

storymilo 01-23-2010 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 815227)
I hope to god you're kidding.

I am.


Originally Posted by loveissucide (Post 815304)
Troll fail.

I'm just not very good at it:(

NumberNineDream 01-24-2010 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 815615)
I'm just not very good at it:(

It sadly is disappointing :/
You could've just added a "Teh" and a "B3sT" next, plus of course the mixed "11" and "!!!" ... and just end it with a cute "<3" .
Better luck next time.

TheBig3 01-24-2010 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Shake (Post 815316)
IMO, there are two reasons the Beatles will never be topped.

A lot of folks seem to think this is what I asked. It isn't.

This is "read title; post in thread"-itis

Alfred 01-24-2010 09:09 AM

For me, it's definitely Lagwagon more than any other band. They haven't achieved the commercial success of other bands, but since the 90's, they've put out a huge amount of great tunes.

And yes, I realize they aren't a "pop" band in the way these other bands are, but I like them for a lot of the same reasons I like Weezer. They just have more of a punk edge.

nick! 01-24-2010 09:33 AM

I also like the barenaked ladies nomination, but I'd have to say Switchfoot (maybe I'm just biased because I love them). But they're very alike to the Beatles. Here's their discography:
* 1997: The Legend of Chin
* 1999: New Way to Be Human
* 2000: Learning to Breathe
* 2003: The Beautiful Letdown
* 2005: Nothing Is Sound
* 2006: Oh! Gravity.
* 2009: Hello Hurricane
* 2010: Vice Verses - coming december

Very prolific with much to come! They've got 3 albums worth of material right now! So we can expect an album in 2011 and 2012 too! They've got their own "switchfoot sound" (big guitars, catchy riffs, great lyrics) and also have some really good slower stuff too. They're totally original...I wouldn't know who to compare them to. And Jon Foreman, the lead singer/songwriter, writes beautifully. I could compare them to the Beatles in so many ways. I have so much respect for this band.
The only thing they've got against them (which I actually count as a plus) is that they're not necessarily pop enough to inherit the beatles throne. But then again I don't think weezer or barenaked ladies are either. I've gotta agree with Shake, the beatles will never be topped, nor can anyone even come remotely close. It's a completely different world today than it was back then.

If not Switchfoot, I'd say the Red Hot Chili Peppers. They may not have the lyrics, but they've got a great sound, and a crapload of hits. And they're maturing too, like the beatles.

If not

Rickenbacker 01-24-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by nick! (Post 815752)
I also like the barenaked ladies nomination, but I'd have to say Switchfoot (maybe I'm just biased because I love them). But they're very alike to the Beatles.

You're kidding me. The fact that they market themselves as a Christian Rock band is one thing, but their tired and boring post-grunge sound is another. They've got their own sound, huh? Oh, and they do slow songs too? There are hundreds of bands that sound the same, many of which predate Switchfoot. Granted, the Beatles early work wasn't very original either, but they had an excellent track record of making great pop singles. To say the least, Switchfoot doesn't.

storymilo 01-24-2010 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 815697)
It sadly is disappointing :/
You could've just added a "Teh" and a "B3sT" next, plus of course the mixed "11" and "!!!" ... and just end it with a cute "<3" .
Better luck next time.

lolz no1 can b beter then the beatles they r teh bestt!!!11<3


simplephysics 01-24-2010 02:50 PM

misleading thread title, but as far as 'a consistent turn out of well composed pop tunes' goes I'd say The Shins came pretty close to that, even though they only released 3 albums together. :(

nick! 01-24-2010 02:52 PM

Alright. they do NOT market themselves as a Christian Rock band. they started out under a christian label until they got big and went mainstream. they actually do the complete opposite. they don't want to be classified as christian rock. it's too much of a binding label. they want to reach both the christian and secular market.

"We've always been very open and honest about where the songs are coming from. For us, these songs are for everyone. Calling us 'Christian rock' tends to be a box that closes some people out and excludes them. And that's not what we're trying to do. Music has always opened my mind—and that's what we want" - Jon Foreman

in fact after the release of "the beautiful letdown" they boycotted christian shows and festivals. This went on for three years. They also declined to be featured on the cover of CCM Magazine several times. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't sound like Christian marketing to me.

and there are hundreds of bands that sound the SAME???!?! please tell me which bands! enlighten me so i can enjoy their incredible music!

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2010 02:58 PM

Fanboy alert

C'mon we're talking about the Beatles here, the most well known band on the planet. I would have thought the least of the criteria for inheriting their throne is to choose a band that people have actually heard of.

Name me ONE song by this Switchfoot band that has entered the public conciousness on a wider scale.

simplephysics 01-24-2010 02:58 PM

switchfoot sucks

FaSho 01-24-2010 03:02 PM

switchfoot sucks [2]

nick! 01-24-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815839)
Fanboy alert

C'mon we're talking about the Beatles here, the most well known band on the planet. I would have thought the least of the criteria for inheriting their throne is to choose a band that people have actually heard of.

Name me ONE song by this Switchfoot band that has entered the public conciousness on a wider scale.

meant to live. have u been living in a box for the past decade? and yeah i kinda included that whole fanboy disclaimer in my original post. Do i really think they WILL inherit the beatles throne? no. Do I think that they deserve to and that they could? yes. they've got the talent and determination to do so. yeah im a big switchfoot fan (sorry but they deserve it) but im an even bigger beatles fan. just saying i see the similarities and the potential. I personally dont want them to inherit the throne (cuz i love the beatles so much and cuz i dont want to see switchfoot go totally mainstream and sell out).

i meant wat I said abt the chili peppers too. they're one of the biggest bands on the planet. but all in all i dont think anyone could match up to the beatles. the industry the way it is today wouldnt allow it.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2010 03:34 PM

No I've not been living in a box.

I've never heard them on the radio , never heard them on tv, never heard them in the pub , never heard them in a club, not anywhere.

Just because they might sell in the United States doesn't mean they're popular everywhere.
The fact is they don't have a single song that is remembered by your average man in the street anywhere in the world. The fact this forum has been going for over 6 years and you can count the number of people who like this band that have been here in that time wouldn't even amount to double figures suggests to me you're way out.

nick! 01-24-2010 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815854)
I've never heard them on the radio , never heard them on tv, never heard them in the pub , never heard them in a club, not anywhere.

well then you've been missing out, dr. seuss. u should check them out. i could make some recommendations if u want. or u could continue to live in the dark.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2010 03:41 PM

Missing out? On a Christian post grunge band?

No thanks

nick! 01-24-2010 03:45 PM

k they're not even post-grunge.

alright suit urself. dont see how u can enjoy music at all being so closed minded.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2010 03:47 PM

Yeah i'm so closed minded choosing not to listen to ONE run of the mill stadium rock band.

It doesn't matter than I listen to loads of different genres from the 1940s up to the present day. If I don't want to listen to ONE band i'm automatically close minded. :laughing:

duga 01-24-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 815854)
No I've not been living in a box.

I've never heard them on the radio , never heard them on tv, never heard them in the pub , never heard them in a club, not anywhere.

Just because they might sell in the United States doesn't mean they're popular everywhere.
The fact is they don't have a single song that is remembered by your average man in the street anywhere in the world. The fact this forum has been going for over 6 years and you can count the number of people who like this band that have been here in that time wouldn't even amount to double figures suggests to me you're way out.

don't worry man...people in america could care less about them, too.

i could probably name countless other bands that to me are more deserving of said title than switchfoot.

if i had to pick a band based on both originality and pop sensibility i think the band mew deserves to be as popular as the beatles once were.

nick! 01-24-2010 03:50 PM

and u dont listen to them...why? because theyre christian rock. so yeah id say closed minded.

so im gonna take a wild guess and say u dont listen to any christian rock.

duga 01-24-2010 03:52 PM

i thought jars of clay was pretty solid.


Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2010 03:52 PM

No I don't listen to them because boring radio friendly stadium rock doesn't interest me.

They could sing about rabid killer toasters for all I care, wouldn't make the music any more interesting.

nick! 01-24-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 815878)
i thought jars of clay was pretty solid.


yeah jars of clays pretty alright. saw them a couple years ago and they wore short shorts. skipped mxpx to see short shorts...

jackhammer 01-24-2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by nick! (Post 815867)
k they're not even post-grunge.

alright suit urself. dont see how u can enjoy music at all being so closed minded.

I know what you mean. That urbs character is so close minded I don't know how he has survived so long in a forum like this with such a bad attitude to music.

Urban you really should try to listen to more music!

nick! 01-24-2010 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 815939)
Urban you really should try to listen to more music!

I agree. I think that to deny an artist a listen just because of their genre is closed minded. And I don't see how "surviving" on a forum has anything to do with one's musical expertise (or taste, or collection, or whatever).

FaSho 01-24-2010 06:13 PM

Seriously though, I would probably say Red Hot Chili Peppers, they've put out consitently good material, and have one of the biggest fanbases in all modern music.

jackhammer 01-24-2010 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by nick! (Post 815953)
I agree. I think that to deny an artist a listen just because of their genre is closed minded. And I don't see how "surviving" on a forum has anything to do with one's musical expertise (or taste, or collection, or whatever).

LOL. Irony.

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