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TumorAttitude 08-28-2010 10:43 PM

lol I liked Ke$ha when she was just Kesha u guize

Freebase Dali 08-28-2010 10:52 PM

I don't even know who Ke$ha is.

I have a serious question that I hope someone can answer seriously...
Firstly, I don't listen to standard radio stations what with the advent of finding and obtaining music online when I became able to do so, which was a long while back. I also don't have cable television. I get my television shows on demand online.
My question is: Is that the reason why I don't know of all these pop artists, and the reason why I have never even heard a Justin Bieber song to even be annoyed by him, much less know who he is or what he sounds like?
I'm pretty much in the dark regarding all this kind of stuff, but I hear people ranting and raving about how much they hate certain pop stars and I somehow can't help but think it's self-inflicted.

Is there something I'm missing?

TheBig3 08-28-2010 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by TumorAttitude (Post 924108)
lol I liked Ke$ha when she was just Kesha u guize



Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 924111)
Is there something I'm missing?

The people who bitch about pop stars are emotionally damaged and intellectually stunted. Don't waste your time.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-28-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 924095)
You're referring to the Beach Boys album, correct? I haven't listened to the album, so I'm not sure what you're getting at. Could you explain?

Pet Sounds, regardless of my own opinion of it is considered in general to be pop masterpiece.
You said that people should hear an album by an artist before they decide their opinion of that artist. So if someone were to think that the songs that have already been released as singles (which are basically used as advertisements for an album) are total trash why on earth would you want to listen to the rest of it.
Hence my comment to you that it would need to be something pretty special (e.g. something as highly regarded as the album I mentioned) to make me want to listen to the rest of it.
If not, then why bother?


My point was that I'm sure you all have artists who may have released a single, and you ask yourself, "Why the hell did they release that particular song? Why didn't they release this song, or that song?" To me, that's the case with Ke$ha. I'm not fond of Tik-Tok or Take It Off, and wish she would have released, say, Hungover, or maybe the title track of her album, Animal. If I had completely written her off and ignored her at the initial release of Tik-Tok, I would have missed out on some of her other songs that I like.
Like I said, why should anyone bother?
There are millions of bands & artists out they all bidding for my attention.
Why should she get any special attention just because she has a record contract?
If she's not releasing her best songs then someone at the record company needs firing. It's their job to sell the artist to me, not the other way around.

I guess I expected more of fellow music lovers, some of the previous comments remind me of pretentious people from my high school who are anti-anything remotely mainstream, even if they hadn't heard it.
You pretty much said yourself it's throwaway pop, there's tons of that kind of stuff around on TV & Radio & in the media. What's wrong with wanting to listen to something of more substance in the privacy of your own record collection?
I don't have the resources or the time to listen to every single album around. So why shouldn't I disregard something I've only heard bad things about and which I know isn't likely to appeal to me?

Why would you want to be like that? Why not listen to the stuff you like that's mainstream AND whatever indie/underground/obscure stuff you like.
I would say everybody on this forum I've encountered does do that. You've been here all of 5 minutes. I'd be interested to know how you've suddenly become an expert on everybody's taste in music here in that short space of time. I've been here around 5 years and I wouldn't pretend to know all of that.


If it doesn't appeal to you, just say, "It doesn't really appeal to me." Simple as that.
They were


Also, is the generalizing against adolescents really necessary? You're being no better than morons who blindly worship the radio and shun anything obscure. Your stance is the complete opposite of theirs. If you think that you're somehow better than someone for boycotting the radio, I think you have some underlying confidence issues.
Personally I'd take more notice of someone who went out & discovered music for themselves through checking out albums & going to live shows much more than I would than someone who stays at home and chooses to be force fed whatever some radio station wants to play to attract the most advertising revenue. If that to say everything on the radio is trash? No it isn't, but at the end of day a radio stations job is to make money, not expand my musical palette. and that's why a lot of people are turned off by radio. Nothing to do with confidence issues at all. If anything you're the one who seems threatened by them.


Also, have you ever seen people that stop liking a band just because they went from being unknown to being popular? That's the vibe I'm getting from your posts, and I hope that I'm wrong.
Bands run out of ideas, bands are forced to compromise to maximise sales. People get tired of hearing the same songs over & over again.
There's lots of reasons why bands lose fans when they become more popular, It happens. I don't see why you're so worried about why other people like or dislike artists.

Consolator 08-28-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 924111)
I don't even know who Ke$ha is.

I have a serious question that I hope someone can answer seriously...
Firstly, I don't listen to standard radio stations what with the advent of finding and obtaining music online when I became able to do so, which was a long while back. I also don't have cable television. I get my television shows on demand online.
My question is: Is that the reason why I don't know of all these pop artists, and the reason why I have never even heard a Justin Bieber song to even be annoyed by him, much less know who he is or what he sounds like?
I'm pretty much in the dark regarding all this kind of stuff, but I hear people ranting and raving about how much they hate certain pop stars and I somehow can't help but think it's self-inflicted.

Is there something I'm missing?

It really depends on your music taste. I'm a big fan of dance music as well as electronic music, so I can tolerate most of what the radio plays. Beiber does poppy stuff, I gave his album a listen and Baby was the only song I liked. I loathed Ke$ha and Lady Gaga when I heard their first singles. Ke$ha grew on me after Your Love Is My Drug, and I realized that Gaga isn't a talentless whore aftering looking up her live acoustic performances (well, she is a whore, but a supremely talented whore, I shouldn't be one to judge.) And I fell head over heels in love with Gaga's second album, which is a mix of industrial dance music and pop music that isn't so lyrically shallow like her first album.

I listen to the mainstream pop radios on my lengthy commute to University everyday, though if my car had a CD player, I'd probably never listen to the radio. The lame commercials annoy me much more than the actual music. I generally check out radio artist's CD's when they're released, just to make sure I'm not missing some random gem of a song.

Edit, response to the previous post: Did you not read the previous page at all? You're right, I have not been here for long, but you have to understand from the point of a newcomer, the comments on the previous page were (at the very least) giving off the impression that you all were bitter elitist peeps who were anti-mainstream. "I've evolved past the radio and proud to say that I don't listen to it." What kind of crap is that? That is the EXACT same thing that the snooty little hipsters I knew would say, thinking they're the absolute **** because they're listening to some band that no one knows, and aren't "conforming" to the radio. If that's what gives you an ego boost, fine.

I have absolutely no problem with someone wanting to listen to music with more substance than pop music. I thought I pointed that out in one of my last posts. In fact, it disappoints me that a lot of pop music today revolves around partying/sex/alcohol/whatever. I could give you a long list of the things that I wish were different about pop music. That isn't what this is about though. This is about people generalizing and making blatant assumptions about something they haven't heard. I loathe most food, but am willing to try everything that's handed to me once. I guess it comes down to nothing more than opposing viewpoints. I may not like a lot of pop songs I hear, but there are always a few that I end up really liking. To me, it's worth the time going through and finding my favorites. To you, it may not be, and that's fine -- it's the **** attitude towards popular things I don't like.

Freebase Dali 08-28-2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 924116)
It really depends on your music taste. I'm a big fan of dance music as well as electronic music, so I can tolerate most of what the radio plays. Beiber does poppy stuff, I gave his album a listen and Baby was the only song I liked. I loathed Ke$ha and Lady Gaga when I heard their first singles. Ke$ha grew on me after Your Love Is My Drug, and I realized that Gaga isn't a talentless whore aftering looking up her live acoustic performances (well, she is a whore, but a supremely talented whore, .) And I fell head over heels in love with Gaga's second album, which is a mix of industrial dance music and pop music that isn't so lyrically shallow like her first album.

I listen to the mainstream pop radios on my lengthy commute to University everyday, though if my car had a CD player, I'd probably never listen to the radio. The lame commercials annoy me much more than the actual music. I generally check out radio artist's CD's when they're released, just to make sure I'm not missing some random gem of a song.

I may be misinterpreting your reply, but what I meant was that I'm genuinely at a loss as to how someone can be annoyed by music they aren't being forced to listen to.
Although I hear from a lot of people "Justin Bieber this, that and the other.. can't stand / hate / annoys me", personally he doesn't annoy me at all because I just don't listen to him. I'm sure, given the familiarity with my own tastes and even an ounce of reasoning based on that, I wouldn't like his music if I listened to it.. but to me, he isn't a factor in my life at all.
Same goes for Ke$ha and Lady Gaga and all the rest.

There was a time before I had a CD player in my car(s) that the radio was the only option, but I got more out of listening to talk radio than what was on the music stations, honestly. Now, I just load up a thumb drive full of tunes and plug that into my car's audio deck and listen to what I like.

It just somehow feels like there isn't any logic behind not liking a certain music and having to complain about it more than once.

Consolator 08-29-2010 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 924127)
I may be misinterpreting your reply, but what I meant was that I'm genuinely at a loss as to how someone can be annoyed by music they aren't being forced to listen to.
Although I hear from a lot of people "Justin Bieber this, that and the other.. can't stand / hate / annoys me", personally he doesn't annoy me at all because I just don't listen to him. I'm sure, given the familiarity with my own tastes and even an ounce of reasoning based on that, I wouldn't like his music if I listened to it.. but to me, he isn't a factor in my life at all.
Same goes for Ke$ha and Lady Gaga and all the rest.

There was a time before I had a CD player in my car(s) that the radio was the only option, but I got more out of listening to talk radio than what was on the music stations, honestly. Now, I just load up a thumb drive full of tunes and plug that into my car's audio deck and listen to what I like.

It just somehow feels like there isn't any logic behind not liking a certain music and having to complain about it more than once.

I've been looking for an adapter to buy for my car so I can hook up my ipod and listen while driving. Not completely sure what I need, been putting it off for a while..

A friend of mine really likes a politics talk show station thing that we have here. I would listen to that, but politics frustrates me, and I'd rather not constantly be in a crappy mood every time I drive to and from Uni. However, this is getting waaaay off topic.

Oh, and sorry about the mix-up with your other post. :x You can ignore what I said then.

Insane Guest 08-29-2010 12:39 AM

@ Consolator, why the **** do you care what people think about pop music, this rant about "people hating on pop music" has happened way to many times. Chill.

Consolator 08-29-2010 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by xEMGx (Post 924135)
@ Consolator, why the **** do you care what people think about pop music, this rant about "people hating on pop music" has happened way to many times. Chill.

I wanted to be done with this on the previous page, but a bunch of people replied and felt the need to add again. No one is forcing you to read this thread, you know. :tramp: And since you don't like Ke$ha, and have already stated that you don't like her, makes me wonder why you bother replying to me. If there has really been lots of these debates, you should know that they all end in a big mess of nothing.

And in regards to your question, Tumor actually summed it up quite eloquently on a few posts ago. So maybe it's time for a subject change, since I don't think any of us are going to change our mind about the whole thing.

Ke$ha said she wants to make a country album in the future, as it's the genre she grew up around the most. Thoughts?

TumorAttitude 08-29-2010 01:32 AM

I hate country. I prefer half-assed mainstream pop music about meaningless sex. If she makes a country album, I'll probably "unlike" her on facebook and try to delete every post I've made in this thread.

Insane Guest 08-29-2010 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 924140)
I wanted to be done with this on the previous page, but a bunch of people replied and felt the need to add again. No one is forcing you to read this thread, you know. :tramp: And since you don't like Ke$ha, and have already stated that you don't like her, makes me wonder why you bother replying to me. If there has really been lots of these debates, you should know that they all end in a big mess of nothing.

And in regards to your question, Tumor actually summed it up quite eloquently on a few posts ago. So maybe it's time for a subject change, since I don't think any of us are going to change our mind about the whole thing.

Ke$ha said she wants to make a country album in the future, as it's the genre she grew up around the most. Thoughts?

Oh, i'm sorry that I replied somewhere I don't belong...
I still have a right post here, you don't get locked from a thread because you dislike the topic...

I think that Ke$ha making a country album will suck, I doubt she could leave her pop crap and go on to something lke Country, someone who as already released a number pop albums will not be see much as a country.

TheBig3 08-29-2010 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 924127)
I may be misinterpreting your reply, but what I meant was that I'm genuinely at a loss as to how someone can be annoyed by music they aren't being forced to listen to.

Should they be annoyed even if they have to listen to it?

Freebase Dali 08-29-2010 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 924195)
Should they be annoyed even if they have to listen to it?

I could understand if they were being forced to listen to it, but I doubt that's the case most of the time.

TheBig3 08-29-2010 01:14 PM

Whats forced though? If its on at work? Tons of terrible songs, that many of the posters here masturbate to, both the **** out of me. If anything, the hardcore music fans are far more irritating than your average pop fan. A pop fan who likely doesn't have nearly the same infatuation with the music they just want to sing along to or dance to.

What most complain about is tweens/teens who are looking for some cultural movement to cling onto so they have a direction to take their life in. Even if these false idols are simply attractive. But when you boil it down like this, you realize these one-post wonder with all their teen angst (which is equally infantile) are simply pissy that teenagers are trying to figure out who they are and they do so through music. Music that arguably has little merit, but has high value in creating social networks for people.

I have almost no respect for these people as they refuse to admit that this music has value for other people. Its both an ignorant and short-sighted world view. As you've said, no ones forced to listen to this music, so whats the problem? I think they won't admit it, but hating this music with the volume they do is their own cultural grip-bar; something to hang onto to bond them to other people.

I'm fine with both, but go post somewhere else.

Freebase Dali 08-29-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 924253)
Whats forced though? If its on at work? Tons of terrible songs, that many of the posters here masturbate to, both the **** out of me. If anything, the hardcore music fans are far more irritating than your average pop fan. A pop fan who likely doesn't have nearly the same infatuation with the music they just want to sing along to or dance to.

What most complain about is tweens/teens who are looking for some cultural movement to cling onto so they have a direction to take their life in. Even if these false idols are simply attractive. But when you boil it down like this, you realize these one-post wonder with all their teen angst (which is equally infantile) are simply pissy that teenagers are trying to figure out who they are and they do so through music. Music that arguably has little merit, but has high value in creating social networks for people.

I have almost no respect for these people as they refuse to admit that this music has value for other people. Its both an ignorant and short-sighted world view. As you've said, no ones forced to listen to this music, so whats the problem? I think they won't admit it, but hating this music with the volume they do is their own cultural grip-bar; something to hang onto to bond them to other people.

I'm fine with both, but go post somewhere else.

Excellent point about the cultural grip-bar. I guess there might be some functionality in it, but I don't even see the ultimate need for it. I guess it's because I've grown up and no longer care about fitting into a group, much less a particular anti-music ideal.
I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just ignore things they don't like. I could venture to say that I wouldn't like most of what plays on MTV, and I'm fine with that... but I'm not going to go and watch MTV 24 hours a day and endlessly complain that there's nothing but crap on it. It's like the kid who puts his hand on a hot stove, burns it, and keeps doing it because he likes to cry and enjoys the attention.

Also, I couldn't give less of a damn about what values pop fans or any others may or may not have regarding their music taste. Why should I be concerned about that? People that complain about the state of a demographic regarding music taste and tendencies, that they don't even care for to begin with, are what's annoying. There is no off button or tuner dial on people's mouths.

TheBig3 08-29-2010 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 924258)
Excellent point about the cultural grip-bar. I guess there might be some functionality in it, but I don't even see the need for it. I guess it's because I've grown up and no longer care about fitting into a group, much less a particular anti-music ideal.
I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just ignore things they don't like. I could venture to say that I wouldn't like most of what plays on MTV, and I'm fine with that... but I'm not going to go and watch MTV 24 hours a day then endlessly complain that there's nothing but crap on it. It's like the kid who puts his hand on a hot stove, burns it, and keeps doing it because he likes to cry and enjoys the attention.

Also, I couldn't give less of a damn about what values pop fans may or may not have regarding their music taste. Why should I be concerned about that? People that complain about the state of a demographic regarding music taste and tendencies, that they don't even care for to begin with, are what's annoying. There is no off button or tuner dial on people's mouths.

I don't claim to know, but my assumption is that it goes beyond the music. Its sort of an arrogance thing. "who could be so stupid as to make music like Ke$ha's, let alone like it."

Its less of them voicing their opinion and more of a verbal jihad against what they decry as sub-par music and low-class taste.

lieasleep 08-29-2010 05:59 PM

i like ke$ha. I am sure that I have made this argument before on here but I am going to make it again.

I am doing the college thing right now at a state school in new york. I go into a party and hear ke$ha. I am singing along with everyone else. Decent beats, simple melodies. It needs to be accepted for what it is.

I never go out of my way to listen to it but I like it. I would not call it good music but I would not call it bad. Bad music, for me, is pretention, insincerity, or really improper execution. Ke$ha's music set out to do something and did.

That being said. I agree that there are some ke$ha songs that fit exactly into the afformentioned category of "bad music." and that needs to be acknowledged as well.

But (before my point totally escapes me) ke$ha's music is, ultimately, effective. It is meant for dancing with a really watered down beer in one hand and a girl (that you met 15 minutes ago while she asked you for a cigarette after yakking everywhere) in the other. It is not timeless, nor will it be remembered to any really extent by anyone but the people that it was made for but that is ok. You don't have to like it or agree with the lifestyle but it is not some social plague or ultimate evil. It is what it is.

Dr.Seussicide 08-30-2010 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 924116)
It really depends on your music taste. I'm a big fan of dance music as well as electronic music, so I can tolerate most of what the radio plays. Beiber does poppy stuff, I gave his album a listen and Baby was the only song I liked. I loathed Ke$ha and Lady Gaga when I heard their first singles. Ke$ha grew on me after Your Love Is My Drug, and I realized that Gaga isn't a talentless whore aftering looking up her live acoustic performances (well, she is a whore, but a supremely talented whore, I shouldn't be one to judge.) And I fell head over heels in love with Gaga's second album, which is a mix of industrial dance music and pop music that isn't so lyrically shallow like her first album.

I listen to the mainstream pop radios on my lengthy commute to University everyday, though if my car had a CD player, I'd probably never listen to the radio. The lame commercials annoy me much more than the actual music. I generally check out radio artist's CD's when they're released, just to make sure I'm not missing some random gem of a song.

Edit, response to the previous post: Did you not read the previous page at all? You're right, I have not been here for long, but you have to understand from the point of a newcomer, the comments on the previous page were (at the very least) giving off the impression that you all were bitter elitist peeps who were anti-mainstream. "I've evolved past the radio and proud to say that I don't listen to it." What kind of crap is that? That is the EXACT same thing that the snooty little hipsters I knew would say, thinking they're the absolute **** because they're listening to some band that no one knows, and aren't "conforming" to the radio. If that's what gives you an ego boost, fine.

I have absolutely no problem with someone wanting to listen to music with more substance than pop music. I thought I pointed that out in one of my last posts. In fact, it disappoints me that a lot of pop music today revolves around partying/sex/alcohol/whatever. I could give you a long list of the things that I wish were different about pop music. That isn't what this is about though. This is about people generalizing and making blatant assumptions about something they haven't heard. I loathe most food, but am willing to try everything that's handed to me once. I guess it comes down to nothing more than opposing viewpoints. I may not like a lot of pop songs I hear, but there are always a few that I end up really liking. To me, it's worth the time going through and finding my favorites. To you, it may not be, and that's fine -- it's the **** attitude towards popular things I don't like.

Honestly, it quite sounds like you're the narrow minded with respect to music. And as has been said before, why listen to an album where the singles off of it are complete and utter rubbish, but catchy if at all anything. It's nonsensical and counter-productive to engage in that type of behaviour. And what's this about evolving past the radio? Stupid statement to make at any rate. Finding music you love on your own makes listening to it all the more worth it in my opinion, instead of just droning out and listening to whatever you're hearing at the moment and taking it with a smile on your face, then think..."Wait, this song... it isn't good. Maybe I should give the rest of that person's album a listen." Besides, why waste time on music like that when I can listen to something beautiful like this?

And give Pet Sounds a listen, seeing as your such a pop music enthusiast.

Consolator 08-30-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 924461)
Honestly, it quite sounds like you're the narrow minded with respect to music. And as has been said before, why listen to an album where the singles off of it are complete and utter rubbish, but catchy if at all anything. It's nonsensical and counter-productive to engage in that type of behaviour. And what's this about evolving past the radio? Stupid statement to make at any rate. Finding music you love on your own makes listening to it all the more worth it in my opinion, instead of just droning out and listening to whatever you're hearing at the moment and taking it with a smile on your face, then think..."Wait, this song... it isn't good. Maybe I should give the rest of that person's album a listen." Besides, why waste time on music like that when I can listen to something beautiful like this?

And give Pet Sounds a listen, seeing as your such a pop music enthusiast.

I didn't say I evolved past the radio, another person did a page ago. I thought it was an egotistical statement to make, and I was criticizing them for it.

I don't post much outside of the pop music forum, though it's probably worth mentioning that I've found a number of recommendations from other users here that I think are fantastic. If you think I don't do any searching for music on my own, you are sadly mistaken. :/ I enjoyed the Elbow track, thank you. I would offer you a song as well, but I feel that I'd be better off not doing so as this is a Ke$ha thread.

LoathsomePete 08-30-2010 07:54 AM

Well I think the lesson we can take from all this is that only Urban can be a prick just for the hell of it without the thread descending into a bunch of monkeys throwing their poo. It must be a seniority thing.

Freebase Dali 08-30-2010 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 924515)
Well I think the lesson we can take from all this is that only Urban can be a prick just for the hell of it without the thread descending into a bunch of monkeys throwing their poo. It must be a seniority thing.

I view it more in the context of people taking you more seriously than they take Urban, as everyone just assumes he's screwing around by default, so there's more proclivity for debate in this scenario.
As for my input in the debate, I was speaking in a general manner, so I hope you don't think I was taking personal stabs or anything. :)

Dr.Seussicide 08-30-2010 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 924515)
Well I think the lesson we can take from all this is that only Urban can be a prick just for the hell of it without the thread descending into a bunch of monkeys throwing their poo. It must be a seniority thing.

Maybe it's just me, but, this post makes no sense.

Freebase Dali 08-30-2010 09:29 AM

You're reading it out of context of the last few pages.

FETCHER. 08-30-2010 02:27 PM

I used to like her. Now I plain hate her...

Davey Moore 08-30-2010 06:18 PM

One of her songs blares constantly in the gym, and it has somehow ingratiated itself to me. The drug one, 'what you've got boy, is hard to find.' I don't know why, but it just stays in my head. Catchy. Other than that, I'm ignorant of her work.

TheBig3 08-30-2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 924602)
I used to like her. Now I plain hate her...

I used to love her (oooooo-ah) but I had to kill her.

Well I tell you what Kayleigh, if she ever wants to hang out with you, I'll do you a favor and just come over and keep her busy.

Dr.Seussicide 08-30-2010 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 924739)
I used to love her (oooooo-ah) but I had to kill her.

Well I tell you what Kayleigh, if she ever wants to hang out with you, I'll do you a favor and just come over and keep her busy.

You'd do her wouldn't you?

Davey Moore 08-30-2010 07:02 PM

I like that she has a grimy aspect of her fashion. Like as if she's an authentic drug-using pop star or something. Sometimes that's missing from mainstream artists. Haha.

TumorAttitude 08-30-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Davey Moore (Post 924747)
I like that she has a grimy aspect of her fashion. Like as if she's an authentic drug-using pop star or something. Sometimes that's missing from mainstream artists. Haha.

This. This is the entire reason why I'm attracted to her.

I don't understand why people who are MAHJAHLAY FER SERIAL SERIOUS about mainstream pop music join this forum but you're sort of hilarious so stick around, y'all trollz......

FETCHER. 09-02-2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 924742)
You'd do her wouldn't you?

Ofcourse he would. I know I would if I were him. ;) If I somehow managed to rid of her voicebox.

TheBig3 09-02-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 924742)
You'd do her wouldn't you?

Do her? I'd violate her so badly they'd quarantine her.


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 925989)
Ofcourse he would. I know I would if I were him. ;) If I somehow managed to rid of her voicebox.

I'd keep it. I bet she'd say things almost as vile as I'd do to her.

I love ****ed up girls so much. And blonds kill me.

FETCHER. 09-02-2010 05:46 PM

Blonde you say... How you doin ;). Joking. But seriously, I definitely don't get the vibe that shes a dirty. She seems like she can talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Like most.

NSW 09-02-2010 06:54 PM

I dunno....she carries a water bottle full of whiskey in her hand bag. That's pretty hard core.

TheBig3 09-02-2010 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 926031)
Blonde you say... How you doin ;). Joking. But seriously, I definitely don't get the vibe that shes a dirty. She seems like she can talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Like most.

No way man, she's legit. You don't leave the house looking like she does, and saying the stuff she does unless you're an honest, nasty, freak.

Also...yes. Blonds. hellllllo.


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 926068)
I dunno....she carries a water bottle full of whiskey in her hand bag. That's pretty hard core.

Yeah exactly. I don't thinks hes faking it.

FETCHER. 09-03-2010 05:15 AM

Most weekends I carry a water bottle full of vodka it's the done thing = cheap night.

Arya Stark 09-07-2010 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 926208)
Most weekends I carry a water bottle full of vodka it's the done thing = cheap night.

Word guuurrrrrlll

FETCHER. 09-07-2010 04:20 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only Jakie. :D

CanwllCorfe 09-07-2010 04:50 PM

She's pretty fuggin disgusting and I hate her music.

Scissorman 09-07-2010 05:55 PM

I don't think she deserves this much attention

TheBig3 09-07-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 928672)
She's pretty fuggin disgusting and I hate her music.

thanks for coming in. excellent comment.

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