Music Banter

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DearJenny 06-22-2010 03:30 PM

I don't really get the purpose of spacemen and American flags.

TheBig3 06-24-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Unrelenting (Post 888111)
But let's face it, Kesha is probably one of the worst pop artists out there. And I would rather listen to zep as opposed to kesha any day


Originally Posted by Goblin Tears (Post 888116)
That's not the point he was making. And the people of today are free to listen to Zep over Ke$ha if they wish, nobody is forcing anyone to do otherwise. The Beatles are so iconic at this stage that nobody, young or old, is ignorant of them. Listen to her if you like her music, ignore her if you don't. Simple as.

Yeah I don't even....

Shes far from the worst pop act out there. You just don't like her because shes fairly popular. But there are much worse pop acts out there.

My point was, your kid sister isn't bing exposed to worse music. Nobody knew who the **** Lad Zeppelin was back then. Its not like everyone sat around in coffee shops and debated them.

They were obscure, counter-culture music and if they'd been as popular as you'd like them to have been, they'd be ignore by you today as sellout trash.

Unrelenting 06-24-2010 04:31 PM

I wasn't even the guy that said my little sister. I do like pop acts. Hell, I listen to Lil Wayne a lot, so to say that hate on every popular music act out there is wrong. I think Kesha's music is just bad. Yes, there are worse acts out there, but it doesn't take away from Kesha being bad.

Alex/ 06-25-2010 11:53 AM

Wait, wait, wait. Did that moron up there just say that Led Zeppelin weren't popular back in the day?

Is that a joke? Where's the punchline?

TheBig3 06-25-2010 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Alex/ (Post 889771)
Wait, wait, wait. Did that moron up there just say that Led Zeppelin weren't popular back in the day?

Is that a joke? Where's the punchline?

No, this "moron" here said it. The punchline is your smarmy arrogance when you're heads up your ass becaus its a band you like.


mr dave 06-25-2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Alex/ (Post 889771)
Wait, wait, wait. Did that moron up there just say that Led Zeppelin weren't popular back in the day?

Is that a joke? Where's the punchline?

no, he implied that very few people knew who Led Zeppelin was when The Beatles were still the biggest active band on the planet. it did take a few years before LZ got massive after all. this is not speculative opinion, it's clearly documented fact.

also probably not wise to call someone with over 6000 posts a moron when you fail at comprehension / history.

TheBig3 06-25-2010 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 889778)
no, he implied that very few people knew who Led Zeppelin was when The Beatles were still the biggest active band on the planet. it did take a few years before LZ got massive after all. this is not speculative opinion, it's clearly documented fact.

also probably not wise to call someone with over 6000 posts a moron when you fail at comprehension / history.

Right? And I clealy said the 4th album broke them so I gave credit where it was due.

mr dave 06-25-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 889781)
Right? And I clealy said the 4th album broke them so I gave credit where it was due.

totally. but reading this shocks me in a sense, 4th album before they broke through as HUGE.

most bands nowadays have a hard time getting a 4 album CAREER.

Sparky 06-30-2010 10:52 PM

I give her credit for making it past 1 single ("tick tock"), definitly didn't expect that.

glastonelle 06-30-2010 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 892733)
I give her credit for making it past 1 single ("tick tock"), definitly didn't expect that.

I dont think anybody did :laughing:

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 07-01-2010 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by DearJenny (Post 888198)

I don't really get the purpose of spacemen and American flags.

its obviously a dig at the reds; heard ke$ha's had a grudge ever since she got deported for causing a scene in a moscow nightclub after getting more than a little bit tipsssSSYYyyyyy

ShadowsScream 07-04-2010 06:02 PM

Ke$ha is good. I prefer "Blah, Blah, Blah" over "Tik Tok" though.

Landon 08-27-2010 07:51 AM

I absolutely cannot stand her apart from that "Your Love Is My Drug" song, which I secretly love.

Insane Guest 08-27-2010 09:02 PM

Her name makes me want to punch her in the face.
Her voice makes me want to kick her in the nuts.

Spike*Spiegel 08-28-2010 12:40 AM

Drunken hooker sums her up nicely. Hell, if it's really that easy to get a couple of hits in pop music, maybe I should consider reciting children's rhymes with the aid of autotune.
Oh, and that $ is a c*nty eyesore that I refuse to dignify. F*cking adolescent garbage.

TumorAttitude 08-28-2010 10:28 AM

Leave the stupid popstar alone.

Dr.Seussicide 08-28-2010 10:31 AM

Twisting and turning
Your feelings are burning
You're breaking the girl
She meant you no harm
Think you're so clever
But now you must sever
You're breaking the girl

Spike*Spiegel 08-28-2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by TumorAttitude (Post 923942)
Leave the stupid popstar alone.

She tops my most hated list, so, no.

LoathsomePete 08-28-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by TumorAttitude (Post 923942)
Leave the stupid popstar alone.

No we need to continually remind ourselves that these individuals are the bane of the music worlds existence. Without continually doing that we might forget and begin to think these people are talented.

TheBig3 08-28-2010 01:11 PM

I think you people can't see the forest through the trees.

Also, this came on the radio without a DJ converse-over. I'm pretty sure the opening tones of this song are sampled, synthed, and reused to create a meoldy from the music in the old Mike Tyson's Punch Out NES game.

Consolator 08-28-2010 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 923974)
No we need to continually remind ourselves that these individuals are the bane of the music worlds existence. Without continually doing that we might forget and begin to think these people are talented.

I think you need to chill. I like her music -- it's catchy and has grown on me. I'm completely well-aware this woman has little (if any) talent, I have watched videos of her live. Just curious, have you heard her album? I gave Animal a listen, there's a few filler tracks, but I liked most of it. By blindly boycotting music you're only limiting yourself. :P It's fun, shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music. It by any means isn't all I listen to, my ipod has all sorts of different genres on it. In fact, most of the music on my ipod is ambient / post-rock stuff.

My point is, I think you're better of listening to the album before making judgment.

LoathsomePete 08-28-2010 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 923976)
I think you need to chill. I like her music -- it's catchy and has grown on me. I'm completely well-aware this woman has little (if any) talent, I have watched videos of her live. Just curious, have you heard her album? I gave Animal a listen, there's a few filler tracks, but I liked most of it. By blindly boycotting music you're only limiting yourself. :P It's fun, shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music. It by any means isn't all I listen to, my ipod has all sorts of different genres on it. In fact, most of the music on my ipod is ambient / post-rock stuff.

My point is, I think you're better of listening to the album before making judgment.

I have 197 gigabytes of music ranging from country to hip hop to jazz to every type of metal imaginable to indie rock and to electronic. I do not think I am missing anything terribly important from the "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music" that is pop radio. You know how many insanely talented bands I hear who have no voice in the mainstream market? You know how infuriating it is when a musician comes out with something beneficial for humanity yet the only thing you hear when you turn on the radio is that "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music"?

Consolator 08-28-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 923978)
I have 197 gigabytes of music ranging from country to hip hop to jazz to every type of metal imaginable to indie rock and to electronic. I do not think I am missing anything terribly important from the "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed music" that is pop radio.

You did not answer my question. Your ignorance is stifling, the phrase "to each their own comes to mind."

Edit: I think you should be blaming America (assuming that's where you live), not the shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed "musicians." This is a pop culture issue more than anything else, imo. Also, "beneficial to humanity" ? This is music we're talking about, not a cure for cancer. There's simply too much music out there to possibly get out to everybody. I get what you're saying, but unless the current music industry undergoes some changes (which I hope it does, this system is prehistoric) then it will remain how it is. Also, nobody is putting a gun to your head saying "Listen to this or die!" There are plenty of other radio stations to listen to, especially online and with services like Sirius. I can understand if you're forced to listen to pop radio because of friends / co-workers, but still. Things could be worse. :p

LoathsomePete 08-28-2010 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 923982)
You did not answer my question. Your ignorance is stifling, the phrase "to each their own comes to mind."

Ignorant to still harbor resentment to genre of music which has failed to convince me otherwise that it isn't just "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed" in 22 years? 18 of those years in which I was musically aware? I'm sorry but if radio pop couldn't sway me 18 years ago what chance do you think it has now? I'll admit I can't name one Ke$ha single and am incredibly proud of that fact. I am proud of the fact that I have evolved beyond the radio telling me what's good, proud that despite not listening to the radio in years I can still find new music. I'll admit I'm biased but you know what, I don't care. That's why I stay out of this forum for the most part. However when I see that someone else shares my resentment to someone I largely remain quiet about, yeah I'll pitch in my two cents. You don't like that, don't read my posts.

Consolator 08-28-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 923984)
Ignorant to still harbor resentment to genre of music which has failed to convince me otherwise that it isn't just "shallow, manufactured, sex-crazed" in 22 years? 18 of those years in which I was musically aware? I'm sorry but if radio pop couldn't sway me 18 years ago what chance do you think it has now? I'll admit I can't name one Ke$ha single and am incredibly proud of that fact. I am proud of the fact that I have evolved beyond the radio telling me what's good, proud that despite not listening to the radio in years I can still find new music. I'll admit I'm biased but you know what, I don't care. That's why I stay out of this forum for the most part. However when I see that someone else shares my resentment to someone I largely remain quiet about, yeah I'll pitch in my two cents. You don't like that, don't read my posts.

Could your ego be any larger? I'm hoping that not everyone on this forum shares your snobby music elitist mindset. If it makes you feel good, listen to it. If you like it, listen to it. I will give you that it does get on my nerves when people claim Britney (or any other popstar) is the most talented thing to come into existence since, well, forever. But you know, they really enjoy her music, and just because I'm not that fond of her doesn't mean I'm going to put them down.

Spike*Spiegel 08-28-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 923988)
Could your ego be any larger? I'm hoping that not everyone on this forum shares your snobby music elitist mindset.

I do, but I wouldn't call it elitist. We're simply expressing our distaste for what we believe to be trashy music. Don't forget, you are on a message board where others will post opinions different from your own.

Consolator 08-28-2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Spike*Spiegel (Post 923996)
I do, but I wouldn't call it elitist. We're simply expressing our distaste for what we believe to be trashy music. Don't forget, you are on a message board where others will post opinions different from your own.

I think there's a pretty fine line between not liking someone's music and being a jerk about it. To me, at least, he was bordering onto the latter. I called him elitist because of the whole "I've evolved above the radio" banter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone has to like Ke$ha (or any artist for that matter.) It's the whole paragraphs of slamming when they haven't even taken the time to listen to the album as a whole before commenting. You could argue that her album material is probably the same as the radio singles (which isn't completely far off, genre-wise the album is completely the same through and through) but there is more to artists than the radio presents. In the case for Ke$ha, the songs on the radio (apart from Your Love Is My Drug) annoy me because she paints herself to be an emotionless, alcoholic/drug-addicted party girl. On her album, there are ballads (albeit very electronic ones) where we finally see she isn't some sort of machine.

To be completely clear, I don't think pop radio is by any means a very good way to find thought-provoking, inspiring music. I see some merit in it -- sometimes I want fast, upbeat, catchy dance pop music. The radio happens to play lots of that. There's so much more to music though than the radio, I agree. For someone to purely listen to pop radio, I'd deep down think they're stupid. I'd probably try to show them other stuff. If they don't like it, oh well. It's their thing.

LoathsomePete 08-28-2010 03:23 PM

If I wanted to be a jerk about it I'd be in here day in and day out expressing my disdain towards pop music, as it stands this is probably my 6th post in this forum over all, a post to accompany someone else who shared my viewpoint. I'm sorry you took it so personally.

Consolator 08-28-2010 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 924006)
If I wanted to be a jerk about it I'd be in here day in and day out expressing my disdain towards pop music, as it stands this is probably my 6th post in this forum over all, a post to accompany someone else who shared my viewpoint. I'm sorry you took it so personally.

Frequency is irrelevant. I suppose you could say that music elitists are just doing their own thing as well, so I'll drop it. :p:

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-28-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 923976)

My point is, I think you're better of listening to the album before making judgment.


Does it suddenly rival Pet Sounds once you get past the singles?

TumorAttitude 08-28-2010 06:40 PM

I like mainstream pop music and although my personal music collection isn't as big as Urban's or Loathesome's, I listen to a lot of different kinds of music too. Most of its weird or from a scene that happened before I was born.

Yeah, mainstream pop is kind of annoyingly all the same but so was the pop music of the 60s before the Beatles came along and I love that too (Shangri-Las, Zombies, Shelly Fabares). And a lot of good artists are struggling as well as a lot of genres but thats sort of always been the case. Screaming about how stupid the mainstream is and how much you dislike it isn't going to stop people too lazy or boring to check out other music from listening to it and its not going to stop people like me who actually like mainstream pop music as well as far lesser known music that you find acceptable from listening to it.

Calling Ke$ha a whore (which she is, I guess, by the most commonly reguarded definition of it but hey, I am too. Mmm, cock.) and saying that you want to murder her or whatever shows me how you feel about women too. And it freaks me out......

Sansa Stark 08-28-2010 07:13 PM


CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 08-28-2010 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by TumorAttitude (Post 924047)
and saying that you want to murder her or whatever shows me how you feel about women too. And it freaks me out......

wait who said this? did the post get deleted or something? am i missing something???

TumorAttitude 08-28-2010 08:19 PM



Originally Posted by xEMGx (Post 923816)
Her name makes me want to punch her in the face.
Her voice makes me want to kick her in the nuts.


Originally Posted by Spike*Spiegel (Post 923859)
Drunken hooker sums her up nicely. Hell, if it's really that easy to get a couple of hits in pop music, maybe I should consider reciting children's rhymes with the aid of autotune.
Oh, and that $ is a c*nty eyesore that I refuse to dignify. F*cking adolescent garbage.

I dunno, the youtube comments or whatever are worse but this is pretty agressive for musicbanter. I suppose you can write about killing all the hookers that you want but y'all are turning me into Vegangellica....

Insane Guest 08-28-2010 08:28 PM

Hey come on, take a ****ing a joke, you think if I actually had the chance to punch her in the face i'd do it... Of course not. I just say it to express my feeling of strong dislike towards her, and what I type is what goes through my mind, there is no double checking.

Consolator 08-28-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 924027)

Does it suddenly rival Pet Sounds once you get past the singles?

You're referring to the Beach Boys album, correct? I haven't listened to the album, so I'm not sure what you're getting at. Could you explain?

My point was that I'm sure you all have artists who may have released a single, and you ask yourself, "Why the hell did they release that particular song? Why didn't they release this song, or that song?" To me, that's the case with Ke$ha. I'm not fond of Tik-Tok or Take It Off, and wish she would have released, say, Hungover, or maybe the title track of her album, Animal. If I had completely written her off and ignored her at the initial release of Tik-Tok, I would have missed out on some of her other songs that I like. I guess I expected more of fellow music lovers, some of the previous comments remind me of pretentious people from my high school who are anti-anything remotely mainstream, even if they hadn't heard it. Why would you want to be like that? Why not listen to the stuff you like that's mainstream AND whatever indie/underground/obscure stuff you like. If it doesn't appeal to you, just say, "It doesn't really appeal to me." Simple as that. Also, is the generalizing against adolescents really necessary? You're being no better than morons who blindly worship the radio and shun anything obscure. Your stance is the complete opposite of theirs. If you think that you're somehow better than someone for boycotting the radio, I think you have some underlying confidence issues. Also, have you ever seen people that stop liking a band just because they went from being unknown to being popular? That's the vibe I'm getting from your posts, and I hope that I'm wrong.

Insane Guest 08-28-2010 09:37 PM

I have heard her music, strongly dilike it, does not appeal to me.

TumorAttitude 08-28-2010 10:34 PM

m8nstrm pop musik is serious businuss u guize

Insane Guest 08-28-2010 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by TumorAttitude (Post 924104)
m8nstrm pop musik is serious businuss u guize


TheBig3 08-28-2010 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 924027)

Does it suddenly rival Pet Sounds once you get past the singles?

if it sounded like that piece of ****, I'd have burned it.

Ke$ha happens to be the next Velvet Underground. You can get on the bandwagon late if ya want to.

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