Fruitonica |
01-08-2010 03:47 AM |
Originally Posted by VeggieLover
(Post 806821)
Honestly, I don't like the song. There isn't anything new about it. It's popular because it talks about the life we all pretend we wish we had, but which in reality would just suck, even if you didn't realize it right away. This kind of music makes me ashamed to be in highschool. I garuntee you this song will be played at the next dance, and i garuntee you I'll dance to it just as hard as i do to all the other trash they play at such events. But it's pop, so its barely worth discussing.
Maybe because it's actually a great song to dance to? Being shallow isn't necessarily a bad thing for music like this, when all it needs to do is totally absorb you in the moment it's not trash.
The track has pretty much been the soundtrack to my weekends this Summer. I'm starting to get over it though....