Music Banter

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TheBig3 11-28-2010 10:00 AM

This song is ****ing killing it right now. I don't know how people don't like this ****. And also this is a litmus test for Hipsterdom because I like Ke$ha a lot more when her hot pants are down and off.

Queen Boo 11-28-2010 12:17 PM

I fucking love that song but I hate that the lyrics video is in comic sans.
I can't wait to download Cannibal. Being lame doesn't even bother me anymore.

TheBig3 11-28-2010 01:09 PM

Being lame?

And it looks like it up on iTunes currently, no?

Queen Boo 11-28-2010 01:25 PM

Liking soulless pop music is lame, no?

It is, my computer is slow today though. 1 album=3-4 hours to download.

TheBig3 11-28-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by PAVEMENT SAW (Post 961824)
Liking soulless pop music is lame, no?

It is, my computer is slow today though. 1 album=3-4 hours to download.

No. I think assuming she's soulless is misinformed. I actually think she's one of the more relevant, in-the-culture artists at the moment.

Consolator 11-28-2010 01:31 PM

I saw an interview with her where she said Cannibal would have songs similar to her song Animal. I don't hear Animal in the few songs I've heard. ._.

After hearing this, I can't help but feel like there is a lot of potential under that autotune and party-girl persona she's built for herself. I wish she would have released this as a single over, say, Tik-Tok.

FETCHER. 12-07-2010 05:38 AM

As much as I hate Kesha from the bottom of my heart, We are who we are has some good memories attached to it :).

TheBig3 12-07-2010 06:50 AM

Didn't that come out last week?

FETCHER. 12-07-2010 07:00 AM

probably :), can't a good memorymemories be made a week ago? :O

TheBig3 12-07-2010 07:10 AM

I don't know if its a memory at that point ;)

Dirty 12-07-2010 07:35 AM

I think most of her songs sound pretty much the same. She can't sing at all, no lyrics, basically no talent whatsoever. Basically just talking over a party beat. She even looks retarded. I'll still throw on Tik Tok sometimes at a party just go get the girls jumpin, but damn Ke$ha is so talentless

TheBig3 12-07-2010 08:20 AM

Who's your favorite artist?

Dirty 12-07-2010 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 966318)
Who's your favorite artist?


For pop music though I'd go with Katy Perry.

TheBig3 12-07-2010 09:43 AM

How well does Nas sing?

If you went to a Ke$ha album looking for a Sinead O'Connor record, thats your fault. But to address your slander...

Ke$ha's operating on a cultural movement, she's not trying to be sung 100 years from now around a camp fire. She's not aiming for the Great American Songbook. What you should get is a captured moment in time. Few artists sum up the now like she does. Maybe thats not for you, and thats fine, but you can't blame her for not being Ani DeFranco.

We all look for something in music, maybe yours is longevity but you barked up the wrong tree here. I don't know how these same attacks aren't levied against techno artist, or how Nas is hoping to stand the test of time with lyrics. Is the state of the ghetto in 1994 relevant 16 years on?

Dirty 12-07-2010 09:56 AM

Nas doesn't sing, he's a rapper. And the album he made in 1994 is pretty widely regarded as the best rap album ever so....

I know what Kesha is trying to do. I just don't think she is talented whatsoever. Like I said, she can't sing or write good lyrics... All she can really do is talk over a party beat and have a dirty girl image that looks like she threw her outfits together with a $10 budget trip to Walmart. She just has no talent at all, just some nice beats thrown behind her crappy talk-rap or whatever you wanna call her vocals

TheBig3 12-07-2010 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 966353)
Nas doesn't sing, he's a rapper. And the album he made in 1994 is pretty widely regarded as the best rap album ever so....

I know what Kesha is trying to do. I just don't think she is talented whatsoever. Like I said, she can't sing or write good lyrics... All she can really do is talk over a party beat and have a dirty girl image that looks like she threw her outfits together with a $10 budget trip to Walmart. She just has no talent at all, just some nice beats thrown behind her crappy talk-rap or whatever you wanna call her vocals

I'll try this once more...

I don't know whether she can sing or not. My point is, she's not trying to be American Idol. Maybe where you come from everyone believes polished performances are the best kind, and we should all strive for that. I don't.

If she sang those songs they would suck. Seeing as they don't suck currently, I don't think we should fault her for achieving the height of the piece. Do you think she'd be better if she dressed well? If she used real instruments?

Of course she wouldn't. What you're trying to do to Ke$ha is equivalent to admonishing Picasso for the brush he used. The art is achieved in certain ways, some better than others. She made a decision to do what she does and quite frankly I think it was the correct one.

And I'm aware Nas is a rapper, that was my point. And Illmatic sucks.

FETCHER. 12-07-2010 10:13 AM

Anything I remember is classed as a memory...

Dirty 12-07-2010 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 966357)
I'll try this once more...

I don't know whether she can sing or not. My point is, she's not trying to be American Idol. Maybe where you come from everyone believes polished performances are the best kind, and we should all strive for that. I don't.

If she sang those songs they would suck. Seeing as they don't suck currently, I don't think we should fault her for achieving the height of the piece. Do you think she'd be better if she dressed well? If she used real instruments?

Of course she wouldn't. What you're trying to do to Ke$ha is equivalent to admonishing Picasso for the brush he used. The art is achieved in certain ways, some better than others. She made a decision to do what she does and quite frankly I think it was the correct one.

And I'm aware Nas is a rapper, that was my point. And Illmatic sucks.

Had a good laugh at the bolded part. :rofl: But I respect your opinion, even though it differs from mostly everyone who listens to a lot of hip hop.

You can stop acting like I'm not 'getting it' though. I understand what you are saying. She isn't trying to be the world's greatest singer. And she has certainly succeeded in that aspect. I understand she is making music that's appealing in this pop culture... I just don't respect her talent. Well, lack thereof. Nothing she does impresses me. Just crappy talking over a party beat with a lethal dosage of autotune and a dirty party girl image. She's selling albums, good for her. But she just doesn't have any real skill. I think pop stars like Rhianna and Katy Perry are a million times more talented and I respect their music much more.

lieasleep 12-07-2010 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 966370)
Had a good laugh at the bolded part. :rofl: But I respect your opinion, even though it differs from mostly everyone who listens to a lot of hip hop.

You can stop acting like I'm not 'getting it' though. I understand what you are saying. She isn't trying to be the world's greatest singer. And she has certainly succeeded in that aspect. I understand she is making music that's appealing in this pop culture... I just don't respect her talent. Well, lack thereof. Nothing she does impresses me. Just crappy talking over a party beat with a lethal dosage of autotune and a dirty party girl image. She's selling albums, good for her. But she just doesn't have any real skill. I think pop stars like Rhianna and Katy Perry are a million times more talented and I respect their music much more.

They are all pretty talentless. I have a friend who had an internship at electric ladyland. Rihanna and kanye came in to cut some track. She started her song. She was off key, missing notes, not awful but nothing special. They stopped her mid track and said "sorry. forgot to turn the auto-tune on." turned it on and off they went again.

I always have arguments with my friends because I dis-like beyonce. "She has an AMAZING voice," they always tell me and I always say "yeah, she does, but I haven't heard her sing a song that I liked, apart from maybe a cover or two and her songs in dreamgirls.

Pop divas always get judged by their voices and not their music for some stupid freaking reason. Good voices, even phenomenal voices, are not that hard to come by. We don't see them that often because they need to be part of either a very attractive package (beyonce) or a very ugly one (susan boyle). It's bull if you ask me.

Rihanna and ke$ha make music that I like but would not call good music. Katy perry makes music, I guess. There is so much bull in the politics of popular music today anyways that it is pointless to argue. There is no "good" only "who has the most money?"



Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 966353)
Nas doesn't sing, he's a rapper. And the album he made in 1994 is pretty widely regarded as the best rap album ever so....

I know what Kesha is trying to do. I just don't think she is talented whatsoever. Like I said, she can't sing or write good lyrics... All she can really do is talk over a party beat and have a dirty girl image that looks like she threw her outfits together with a $10 budget trip to Walmart. She just has no talent at all, just some nice beats thrown behind her crappy talk-rap or whatever you wanna call her vocals

What's wrong with that? Who ever said that she was "good" or "talented"? I hit bars and clubs a lot and love the ke$ha singles when they come on, don't they need to make music for that scene? Did she try to write "good" lyrics? and what are "good" lyrics? I think the lyrics to tik tok are great, the song is not good but I love it. I think people need to stop getting so pissed about the artists and start getting angry at people. But people haven't changed. Even oscar wilde in an essay titled "The soul of man (under socialism)" says that "the arts that have escaped best are the arts in which the public take no interest" And later "Any attempt to extend the subject-matter of art is extremely distasteful to the public; and yet the vitality and progress of art depend in a large measure on the continual extension of subject matter... Art is Individualism, and Individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force." My point is, don't be pissed at the ****ty art. It is pointless, be pissed at the moronic masses that allow such art to be.

"The public has always , and in every age, been badly brought up. They are continually asking Art to be popular, to please their want of taste, to flatter their absurd vanity, to tell them what they have been told before, to show them what they ought to be tired of seeing, to amuse them when they feel heavy after eating too much, and to distract their thoughts when they are wearied of their own stupidity. Now Art should never try to be popular. The public should try to make itself artistic."

TheBig3 12-07-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 966368)
Anything I remember is classed as a memory...

I'll remember that.

poppie 12-22-2010 05:03 PM

check this tune out by ke$ha called animal

YouTube - Ke$ha - Animal (Official Video, HQ) + Download link and Lyrics

maskedsuperstae3 01-08-2011 01:50 PM

I think she's a great performer. Watching her I just keep thinking "What's she going to do next??" which keeps my interest

Dr_Rez 01-08-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by maskedsuperstae3 (Post 982019)
I think she's a great performer. Watching her I just keep thinking "What's she going to do next??" which keeps my interest

I wonder how big each one of my craps are going to be. It keeps me interested in pooping.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-08-2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 982093)
I wonder how big each one of my craps are going to be. It keeps me interested in pooping.

Now you've got me interested too

RVCA 01-08-2011 04:18 PM

My friend once crapped so hard, he broke our toilet. Forever after, it would make a loud clunking noise upon flushing.

Dr_Rez 01-08-2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 982098)
My friend once crapped so hard, he broke our toilet. Forever after, it would make a loud clunking noise upon flushing.

He didnt crap in the top tank did he?

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-08-2011 04:27 PM

I did a turd once that must have been at least 12-14 inches long.

It was so impressive I didn't want to flush it.

Dr_Rez 01-08-2011 04:31 PM

That is seriously pretty damned impressive. Although if your thinking of going professional I believe they are more concerned with overall weight rather than length. Although I think the question is more if that can be flushed not will be flushed.

The standard measuring unit for human faeces.
1 Couric is approximately 2.5 lbs of excrement.

Here is an official document on the matter.


The standard unit measurement for mass weight of feces, as noted on the 2007 South Park episode "More Crap". The European Fecal Standards & Measurements Board in Zürich keeps track of the authenticity of its records. It is mentioned in the episode that "one Katie Couric is about two and a half pounds of excrement". The original record was set in 1960 at 7.5 Courics. It was revealed in October 2007 that the record excrement is in fact Bono of U2 fame, which had grown to 80 Courics. This explains why Bono seems so great, yet is still a piece of ****. That same day, American Randy Marsh set the new record at 100 Courics. The record still stands.

TockTockTock 01-09-2011 04:33 PM

Why is everyone talking about crap? I thought we would be talking about the crap that Kesha makes that some people call music?

poppie 01-09-2011 04:58 PM

my guess haters of ke$ha maybe...


Originally Posted by JackPat (Post 982704)
Why is everyone talking about crap? I thought we would be talking about the crap that Kesha makes that some people call music?

poppie 01-09-2011 05:10 PM

aside from the crap talk check this tune out

YouTube - Kesha - Take It Off (720p HD)

TockTockTock 01-10-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by poppie (Post 982716)
my guess haters of ke$ha maybe...

Nah, nobody hates her. They just hate her music (like myself).

Dr_Rez 01-11-2011 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by JackPat (Post 983345)
Nah, nobody hates her. They just hate her music (like myself).

No i definitely hate her.

RVCA 01-11-2011 01:38 PM

her mom goes to my school :bringit::(

someonecompletelyrandom 01-11-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 983790)
her mom goes to my school :bringit::(


crash_override 01-11-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 983790)
her mom goes to my school :bringit::(

Easy there Sarah Palin...

Dr_Rez 01-11-2011 02:11 PM

That was totally uncalled for, you should apologize ^

poppie 01-11-2011 05:51 PM

well i wouldn't walk out on a plank for ke$ha myself. but i'm not that crazy about her, although she does have some good stuff.

TockTockTock 01-11-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 983806)
Easy there Sarah Palin...

Can't stand Sarah Palin. There's a talentless and stupid woman that I DO hate (or dislike because "hate" is kind of a strong word).

TockTockTock 01-11-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by poppie (Post 983884)
well i wouldn't walk out on a plank for ke$ha myself. but i'm not that crazy about her, although she does have some good stuff.

And that's fine. Who are we to judge you on your musical taste? Everyone looks at music in his or her own way. If you like catchy music like pop, then that's fine. As for me, I just think she's another product released by the record industries. She's just another plastic doll who will be replaced by a different one in a few years.

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