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Old 11-20-2007, 07:47 PM   #91 (permalink)
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I'll give him credit for coming up with the idea of having made the first 'made for MTV' album.

Whether you think this is a good thing or not is entirely up to you.

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Old 11-20-2007, 10:28 PM   #92 (permalink)
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^^^ Finally some credit...
MJ put the M in MTV back in the day. It was a good thing because it opened doors for other black artists to get played on MTV because MTV wasn't playing any blacks, MJ was the first. It took off and MJ pratically ran MTV with his hits and tight music vids.
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Old 11-21-2007, 06:00 AM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Aleksandroz View Post
Does enybody still listen to Michael Jackson? I have been listening to him since I was 10 years old
**** son, you coulda got backstage passez an **** til u turned 13.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:01 AM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mjscarousal View Post
^^^ Finally some credit...
MJ put the M in MTV back in the day. It was a good thing because it opened doors for other black artists to get played on MTV because MTV wasn't playing any blacks, MJ was the first. It took off and MJ pratically ran MTV with his hits and tight music vids.
Just because i'm giving him credit for it doesn't mean I think it's a good thing.
Thriller started off a trend that made some of the most superficial music in history where as long as you had a good expensive video with MTV to back it up even the most talentless & blandest of bands could have a hit.

It was the worst thing that could ever happen to music , if you want to celebrate that & dazzle me with flashy sales figures go ahead.

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Old 11-21-2007, 04:50 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Lol at most of the comments here. No wonder I don't post here often anymore, with such immature comments like "he rapes kids LMAO" instead of anything even remotely relevant to Jacksons music.

I also don't get the Prince comparisons, since they musically don't have anything in common and unlike Prince, Jackson actually makes good music. I could care less how many instruments Prince plays. I play 8 different instruments, does this make me more talented than Neil Young? Writing your own songs dosen't make you a better artist either, thats like saying Fred Dirst is better than Elvis.

Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
It's perfectly understandable to say someone is better because they play their instruments better, in fact thats a commonly accepted reason.
Not when the person you're comparing him to dosen't play instruments.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 11-21-2007 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 11-21-2007, 06:33 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Lol at most of the comments here. No wonder I don't post here often anymore, with such immature comments like "he rapes kids LMAO" instead of anything even remotely relevant to Jacksons music.

I also don't get the Prince comparisons, since they musically don't have anything in common and unlike Prince, Jackson actually makes good music. I could care less how many instruments Prince plays. I play 8 different instruments, does this make me more talented than Neil Young? Writing your own songs dosen't make you a better artist either, thats like saying Fred Dirst is better than Elvis.

Not when the person you're comparing him to dosen't play instruments.
Quite possibly the worst comment i have ever heard. You know Fúck all about music don't you?

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Old 11-21-2007, 07:12 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post

I also don't get the Prince comparisons, since they musically don't have anything in common and unlike Prince,Jackson actually makes good music.
Really , I could have sworn both men made pop music with R&B & Soul influences

Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
I could care less how many instruments Prince plays. I play 8 different instruments, does this make me more talented than Neil Young? Writing your own songs dosen't make you a better artist either, thats like saying Fred Dirst is better than Elvis.
Never said it did. All I was saying that Prince deserves credit for doing practically everything himself from the writing , to the arranging to virtually all the music. If it was awful then you'd have a point but it isn't. Without Quincy Jones Jackson could never have made Thriller , Prince could have made Purple Rain regardless of who he was with. Fair play to Jackson for finding a man who could make it work , but like I said Prince didn't need to.

Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Not when the person you're comparing him to dosen't play instruments.
Nobody was

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Old 11-21-2007, 07:33 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Just because i'm giving him credit for it doesn't mean I think it's a good thing.
Thriller started off a trend that made some of the most superficial music in history where as long as you had a good expensive video with MTV to back it up even the most talentless & blandest of bands could have a hit.

It was the worst thing that could ever happen to music , if you want to celebrate that & dazzle me with flashy sales figures go ahead.
Are u talking about now or during that time? The Thriller vid of course was a tight vid, it was expesive and became a legend in it's self. It was the first "short film" because people wasn't making videos like that. The Thriller album was really good every track was perfect. It was equal with the vid. What in the world does that have to do with music now? The fact that its acceptable to have a so called good vid and a crappy song is no trend Thriller started. Why that is?

The music and the music vids are crap now because the music industry don't care about good music anymore. MTV will play anybody. If the vids are flashy and have some chick shaking there behind or somebody throwing money in the screen its the best vid ever. Thats what they want because thats sell. It has become acceptable to make vids like that now even if its crap and the music does no justice. If ur the hypest thing at the moment and u come out with an expensive vid, the media will praise it because ur the big talk now even when ur music is crap. Most of the artists out now are just hype and they don't live up to it. Anyway when has the last time MTV played a music video? The same with the rest of the music channels. It seems like if they say ur name three times in a row ur already a legend. Its about what sells and the look. We know this already and to be honest I guess people don't care about good music anymore because they buy the crap.

So Thriller didn't start no trend for the bad it made it for the better because after thriller people started seriously choregraphing their music videos but that was around that era BUT now it just has to do with marketing and what sells, nothin to do with Thriller bro. Just give the man credit and stop down grading him. I can see if we were talking about an artist thats out now but were talkin about MJ, it really should be no question or disscussion of his accomplishments and achievements because at the in of the day he'll always be a legend no matter what you or anybody thinks.
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Old 11-21-2007, 07:49 PM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Really , I could have sworn both men made pop music with R&B & Soul influences

Mmmm are u serious? Prince didn't have no genre that man made his own genre. He mixed funk, jazz, soul, r&b , everything Prince was never really categorized in one genre because his music was so diverse. I'm surprised u even said that. With MJ, MJ went through transitions. Originally he song r&b, then he did pop and he did some rock songs. MJ and Prince music are totally different. The only thing they have in common is the fact James Brown influenced both

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Never said it did. All I was saying that Prince deserves credit for doing practically everything himself from the writing , to the arranging to virtually all the music. If it was awful then you'd have a point but it isn't. Without Quincy Jones Jackson could never have made Thriller , Prince could have made Purple Rain regardless of who he was with. Fair play to Jackson for finding a man who could make it work , but like I said Prince didn't need to.

Just because Quincy produced Thriller with MJ doesn't mean his less talented. With MJ as I told you before he wrote all the songs on Thriller if not all most of them. The man has been performing since he was 5 so by the time Thriller rolled around I think MJ could have arranged and produced Thriller all by his self as you say but he wanted to work with Quincy. It was a excellent pair. You keep mentioning Thriller when MJ has in fact written, arranged and produced other albums by his self so whats ur point?Jackson is just as talented as Prince.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Nobody was
Yes, somebody was like its acceptable to say a artist is better because they play instruments? what kinda bull is that? Its ridiculous because MJ doesn't play instruments like that. He does though but not alot like Prince. His a tru musician. It would be appropiate to make that comment if they BOTH played instruments but they don't thats why its not fair to say

Last edited by mjscarousal; 11-21-2007 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 11-21-2007, 08:07 PM   #100 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mjscarousal View Post
Are u talking about now or during that time?

The Thriller vid of course was a tight vid, it was expesive and became a legend in it's self. It was the first "short film" because people wasn't making videos like that. The Thriller album was really good every track was perfect. It was equal with the vid. What in the world does that have to do with music now? The fact that its acceptable to have a so called good vid and a crappy song is no trend Thriller started. Why that is?
Pay attention I already told you this. It was the first 'film' aimed exclusively for MTV. Don't you find it a coincidence that as soon as a music television channel launches Jackson decides to make a film that will get maximum exposure on it? He saw the opportunity to make a killing in the market & went for it. I applaud him for that. Of course this has absolutely no reflection on the quality of the music in it. And when record companies saw the potential in music videos they invested millions trying to recapture the success of that , and they succeeded. You show me one album in the 80s that sold millions without having MTV exposure.

The music and the music vids are crap now because the music industry don't care about good music anymore. MTV will play anybody. If the vids are flashy and have some chick shaking there behind or somebody throwing money in the screen its the best vid ever. Thats what they want because thats sell. It has become acceptable to make vids like that now even if its crap and the music does no justice. If ur the hypest thing at the moment and u come out with an expensive vid, the media will praise it because ur the big talk now even when ur music is crap. Most of the artists out now are just hype and they don't live up to it.
Well done , Just change 'some chick shaking there behind' to 'Some guy dancing with zombies' and you just summed up my opinion of Thriller right there.

Anyway when has the last time MTV played a music video? The same with the rest of the music channels. It seems like if they say ur name three times in a row ur already a legend. Its about what sells and the look. We know this already and to be honest I guess people don't care about good music anymore because they buy the crap.
And Thriller started this trend

So Thriller didn't start no trend for the bad
You just said yourself things are worse now

it made it for the better because after thriller people started seriously choregraphing their music videos but that was around that era BUT now it just has to do with marketing and what sells, nothin to do with Thriller bro.
You don't think that whole Thriller film was about marketing?

Just give the man credit and stop down grading him. I can see if we were talking about an artist thats out now but were talkin about MJ, it really should be no question or disscussion of his accomplishments and achievements because at the in of the day he'll always be a legend no matter what you or anybody thinks.
Mass produced pop is mass produced pop , doesn't matter if it came out in 1983 , 1993 or 2003. Just because you hold nostalgia for the 80s doesn't make it any better. And why shouldn't there be discussion. Just because i'm not blinded by sales figures to see what makes an album good. I would have a lot more praise for Jackson had he stayed true to his R&B roots much more like he did on Off The Wall rather than the throwaway pop he came out with later. But like you say thats just my opinion , obviously people would rather have dancing zombies than soul & passion.

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