Soulflower |
04-09-2009 04:18 PM |
Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit
(Post 633661)
being a fan is one thing... denying the obvious and pretending all is fine and dandy in never never land is another. He does need to make a come back because his last album was a flop and his reputation is tarnished... for the King of Pop, this is unacceptable. His ability to be the artist he once was is questionable, so no... he doesn't just need to show up and perform, he needs to make "a comeback". I like his music... I just find the rose tinted blinders some people have on amusing, that's all.
Of course but that goes for ANY artist who has hardcore fans. They probably would not be like that if people would stop wearing blinders when it comes to "Michael Jackson as the artist". So it really can go both ways. Most of what is already obvious you mention in your post. People know his reputation is tarnish and people know even though his concerts sales are a success it will never equal to his peak. Thats true and people KNOW that already. Its a fact, the same with older artists such as Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney and Prince. So to keep mentioning it as an excuse to downplay his success with the concerts is ignorant.
His last album was not a flop but since the media loves to put Michael Jackson on a pedestal with his older material they said that.
Invincible sold about 2 million in the United States(1 million sold in a America equals platinum) and well over 8 million worldwide. Now in a industry that is poor on record sales thats good. Also he was competing with current artists. Not to mention Invincible only had one music video and 2 singles. It sold pretty damn well if you ask me for the circumstances it was in. Its not as nearly a success as his older works but it still sold pretty good.
Also, the recent Thriller25 C.D. sold well over 2 million in the United States and worldwide. An artist like Michael Jackson is guarentee at least 2-4 million because of his fanbase and that guarentees platinum everytime. Michael has done that with every album so he really does not have to make a "comeback" Just return to making music.