Music Banter

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CalebG 10-29-2007 11:36 PM

Am I the only person that realizes that Prince's last album "Planet Earth" has not even passed the 300,000 sales mark in the States?

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-09-2007 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by CalebG (Post 410742)
Not a good comparison at all. Because in the music industry, record and concert ticket sales are everything.

Which is one of the main reasons I have as little as I possibly can to do with the music industry.
Ever heard the expression 'quality not quantity' ?


Originally Posted by CalebG (Post 410743)
Am I the only person that realizes that Prince's last album "Planet Earth" has not even passed the 300,000 sales mark in the States?

You are probably the only person who cares.

redelfshotthepotion 11-09-2007 11:14 AM

I listen to him every day! I also have a MJ doll that has a red leather jacket and white glove.

CalebG 11-10-2007 04:20 PM


You are probably the only person who cares.
You are probably right. But it is ironic how when MJ's "Millenium" sold 2,100,000 copies in the U.S., people were sounding alarms that his career was over yet Prince sells 300,000 copies and he is on top of the world? Give me a break.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-10-2007 04:43 PM

You don't sell out 21 dates in London being over the hill.

And didn't I say both men are no longer as good as they are in the 80s. At least Prince has new material to release. Unlike Jackson who releases a new compilation album everytime he feels like going on a shopping trip.

If you want to judge quality on record sales go ahead. You must be a marketing mans dream.

icebox 11-11-2007 11:40 PM

i do

Originally Posted by Aleksandroz (Post 408283)
Does enybody still listen to Michael Jackson? I have been listening to him since I was 10 years old and I will continue to!

I still listen to MJ's music. He's really been quiet for a very long time and I missed him performing.

mjscarousal 11-12-2007 02:08 PM

lol Your talkin to the biggest Michael Jackson fan on here, I'm in love with MJ his the best! Peeps need to leave him alone and get a grip. On his music the man is a genius he broke alot of barriers for black artists to be played on MTV and he made the modern video era and he did so much for the music industry. I can run my mouth all day about MJ but I love him and his music. His suppose to be back out next year 08" with an album.

mjscarousal 11-12-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 409395)
Well lets have a look at the difference shall we.

Neither man is anywhere near as popular as they were in the 80s , however ...

Prince - Always recording , writing , producing , always wanting to do his own thing , even against his record companies wishes. Last couple of albums have been a huge improvement over anything he's done over the last 10/15 years. Recently sold out 21 shows in London alone.

Jackson - Sh*ts out another greatest hits compilation because he's skint.

Prince- for prince your just about right

MJ- the reason for that is because he breaking away from sony and since his contract had not aspire they just released compilation discs because MJ was threw with sony. MJ writes, produces, records and does the whole 9 yards don't make the compilation discs an excuse because its not.

joyboyo53 11-12-2007 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 413728)
lol Your talkin to the biggest Michael Jackson fan on here, I'm in love with MJ his the best! Peeps need to leave him alone and get a grip. On his music the man is a genius he broke alot of barriers for black artists to be played on MTV and he made the modern video era and he did so much for the music industry. I can run my mouth all day about MJ but I love him and his music. His suppose to be back out next year 08" with an album.

I have heard about this. Read about it in RS. is suppose to be working with him and Whitney Houston.... yikes.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-12-2007 02:32 PM

It must suck when everybody knows Quincy Jones is responsible for your best material.

mjscarousal 11-12-2007 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 413734)
It must suck when everybody knows Quincy Jones is responsible for your best material.

Don't stop till you get enough written by Michael Jackson
Wanna be startin somethin '' '' by Michael Jackson
Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
Beat It by Michael Jackson
Thriller by Michael Jackson
The girl is mine by Michael Jackson
Bad by Michael Jackson
The way you make me feel by Michael Jackson
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
Another Part of Me by Michael Jackson
Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson
Leave Me Alone by Michael Jackson
I can go on and on, MJ wrote and composed majority of all his hits

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-12-2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 413758)
Don't stop till you get enough written by Michael Jackson
Wanna be startin somethin '' '' by Michael Jackson
Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
Beat It by Michael Jackson
Thriller by Michael Jackson
The girl is mine by Michael Jackson
Bad by Michael Jackson
The way you make me feel by Michael Jackson
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
Another Part of Me by Michael Jackson
Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson
Leave Me Alone by Michael Jackson
I can go on and on, MJ wrote and composed majority of all his hits

So in other words everything Quincy Jones produced & arranged then.

mjscarousal 11-12-2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 413769)
So in other words everything Quincy Jones produced & arranged then.

lol Damn can we give MJ some credit here? Yea Quincy produced some of those tracks but he didn't produced ALL of them and MJ helped to.MJ produced most of those hits from the BAD album. My point is MJ is a good producer by his self he doesn't have to work with people, he chooses to. Even when he works with people he still does most of the producing but I will agree Quincy and MJ was a pair made in heaven and they created alot of timeless influential material.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-12-2007 06:59 PM

And Prince is a better one.

Which was my original point.

sleepy jack 11-12-2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 413814)
lol Damn can we give MJ some credit here? Yea Quincy produced some of those tracks but he didn't produced ALL of them and MJ helped to.MJ produced most of those hits from the BAD album. My point is MJ is a good producer by his self he doesn't have to work with people, he chooses to. Even when he works with people he still does most of the producing but I will agree Quincy and MJ was a pair made in heaven and they created alot of timeless influential material.

Slutty pop stars and talentless trash aside who did Michael Jackson influence?

mjscarousal 11-13-2007 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 413845)
Slutty pop stars and talentless trash aside who did Michael Jackson influence?

Yes I have to agree with you. Most of the peeps that are out "today" that have been influence by him are talentless simply because they copy him. The artists do that regardless even if their not influence by MJ because they can't be innovative. They don't take it to the next level(thats why music sucks now) but you have alot of others that are really good that MJ influenced. Real talk if you was to look at all the bio 's to artists out now MJ is if not the main influence definitly one of them. His music and dance has influence alot musicians even people you wouldn't expect rock bands, rappers, singers of course etc.

sleepy jack 11-13-2007 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414146)
Yes I have to agree with you. Most of the peeps that are out "today" that have been influence by him are talentless simply because they copy him. The artists do that regardless even if their not influence by MJ because they can't be innovative. They don't take it to the next level(thats why music sucks now) but you have alot of others that are really good that MJ influenced. Real talk if you was to look at all the bio 's to artists out now MJ is if not the main influence definitly one of them. His music and dance has influence alot musicians even people you wouldn't expect rock bands, rappers, singers of course etc.

Yeah okay now list those great artists hes influenced.

mjscarousal 11-13-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 413841)
And Prince is a better one.

Which was my original point.

Thats ur opinion. I'm not going to lie, Prince is the man, I like him to. His a great musician but that being said, alot of people think just because Prince plays instruments his better? ..... so... I'm not knockin prince but how does that make him better? Thats not even a fair comparision because Prince and MJ are two totally different artists. I dunno why peeps compare but anyway I prefer MJ because he had more of impact, he was innovative, he did alot for the music industry not only for blacks, he broke alot of records, he gave birth to the modern video age, all his music videos were good, his dancing was just genius, and he was a awesome song-writer. Prince is a legend to and had an impact on the industry. His genre style is very unique.

Joshee 11-13-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 413845)
Slutty pop stars and talentless trash aside who did Michael Jackson influence?

I think that was who he was reffering to.

sleepy jack 11-13-2007 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414149)
Thats ur opinion. I'm not going to lie, Prince is the man, I like him to. His a great musician but that being said, alot of people think just because Prince plays instruments his better? ..... so... I'm not knockin prince but how does that make him better? Thats not even a fair comparision because Prince and MJ are two totally different artists. I dunno why peeps compare but anyway I prefer MJ because he had more of impact, he was innovative, he did alot for the music industry not only for blacks, he broke alot of records, he gave birth to the modern video age, all his music videos were good, his dancing was just genius, and he was a awesome song-writer. Prince is a legend to and had an impact on the industry. His genre style is very unique.

It's perfectly understandable to say someone is better because they play their instruments better, in fact thats a commonly accepted reason.

You need to actually back up your posts with information. How was he innovative, what was his impact? What did he do to the music industry? How did he give birth to the modern video age? And maybe you should say more about him then genius dancing and awesome songwriting. Also what the hell is breaking alot of records?

mjscarousal 11-13-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 414156)
It's perfectly understandable to say someone is better because they play their instruments better, in fact thats a commonly accepted reason.

You need to actually back up your posts with information. How was he innovative, what was his impact? What did he do to the music industry? How did he give birth to the modern video age? And maybe you should say more about him then genius dancing and awesome songwriting. Also what the hell is breaking alot of records?

Well it would be commonly acceptable if they both played instruments then I could see you saying yea Prince is the better musician. There two different artists always being compared when they shoudn't be. MJ is an entertainer and Prince is a musician.So MJ is better than Prince just because he dances better than him? It just depends how you look at it. Out of the two Prince is the better (musician) of course. I say those 2 main things lol because thats what I admire most about him but MJ is much more than that.

Biggest-selling Album Ever
The best-selling album of all time is Thriller by Michael Jackson (USA), with global sales of over 51 million copies to date since 1982. The success of the album also helped Jackson win a record eight Grammy Awards in 1984.

The Album Thriller Records

Best Selling Album worldwide
104 million copies sold internationally
54 million sold in the U.S.

Best Selling Album in Multiple Years
1983 and 1984

Weeks on Billboard
122 weeks

Weeks at NO.1
37 weeks

Top 10 singles

NO. 1 singles
2("Billie Jean", "Beat It")

Grammy awards
7 - he won 8 grammies that night but the 8th one was for the song "We Are The World"

Most Grammy Awards Won In A Year By A Person
At the 26th Annual Grammy Awards in 1984 Michael Jackson won eight Grammy awards, which included Best Male Rock Vocal Performance for "Beat It," Record Of The Year with "Beat It," and Album of The Year with Thriller. (During that time)

Most Charities Supported By a Pop Star
Michael Jackson has supported 39 charitable organizations either with monetary donations through sponsorships of their projects or the participation in their activities. The charities involved include AIDS Project L.A., American Cancer Society, BMI Foundation, Inc., Childhelp USA, United Negro College Fund, YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw, The Sickle Cell Research Fund and Volunteers of America.

Longest Music Video
Michael Jackson's part feature film, part music video, Ghosts (USA, 1996), is 35 min long and was based on an original concept by horror writer Stephen King. Jackson plays five different roles in the video, directed by Stan Winston.
Most Expensive Music Video
Directed by USA's Mark Romanek, the video for Michael and Janet Jackson's hit single "Scream" (1995) cost $7 million to make.

Most Valuable Oscar
David O Selznick's 1940 Best Film Oscar for Gone With The Wind (USA, 1939) was bought by the singer, Michael Jackson, for $1,542,000 on June 12, 1999, at Sotheby's, New York. The pop star made his bid by phone.
Most Valuable Sculpture By A Living Artist
Michael Jackson and Bubbles, a porcelain sculpture created by the artist Jeff Koons in 1988 sold for $5,616,750 at Sotheby's in New York on May 15, 2001. The piece measures 106.7 x 179.1 x 82.6 cm (42 x 70.5 x 32.5 in) and is described as a mix of pop culture and high art. The sculpture shows Michael Jackson reclining with his arm around his pet monkey.

Largest Ever Endorsement For Product Promotion
In 1986 Michael Jackson signed a $15 million deal with Pepsi - it was the largest ever endorsement for product promotion.
Youngest Vocalist to Top the US Singles Chart (aged 11, fronting The Jackson Five)
First Vocalist to Enter the US Single Chart at Number One (You Are Not Alone)
First Entertainer to Earn More Than 100 million Dollars in a Year and Highest Paid Entertainer of all Time (125 million dollars in the 1989 Forbes list).
First Entertainer to Sell More Than 100 Million Albums outside the US.
Most Weeks at the Top of the US Album Charts (non-soundtrack for Thriller)
Most Successful Music Video (Thriller).
Most successful entertainer of all time.
In 1989 alone Michael Jackson earned $125 million from single and album sales

Chart Records

Michael Jackson's Thriller remained at number one for thirty-seven weeks, the longest stay by a non-soundtrack album to date.

Michael Jackson was the first artist to have seven top-ten singles from one album (Thriller).

Michael Jackson was the first artist to simultaneously have the number-one album and number-one single on Billboard's Pop Charts and Black Charts.

Michael Jackson was the first artist in the 1980s to have two simulataneous top-five hits ("Beat It" and "Billie Jean" on April 16, 1983).

Michael Jackson was the first and, to date, only artist to have five number-one hits from one LP, Bad ("Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Man in the Mirror", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", and "Dirty Diana").

Michael Jackson had nine number ones in the 1980s, more than any other artist during the decade.

Michael Jackson has the most Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles for a male recording artist. ±

Michael Jackson was the first artist to ever have a song debut at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 ("You Are Not Alone").

Michael Jackson's album Bad remained in the top five of the Billboard 200 for thirty-eight weeks, longer than any other album to date.
Other Records
Michael Jackson's "Bad World Tour" (1987–1988) was the highest-grossing tour ever at the time, with over $125 million earned. This record was later broken by the "Dangerous World Tour" (1992-1993)and later broken again by the "HIStory World Tour" (1996-1997)

Michael Jackson holds the record for most expensive music video ("Scream" in 1995 with sister Janet Jackson) cost reportedly over seven million U.S. dollars.

Michael Jackson has the record for the two best-selling VHS music videos ever released ("Moonwalker" [1988] in first place, and "The Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller" [1984] in second place).

Michael Jackson jointly holds the record for most Grammy Awards won in a single year; he won eight awards at the 1984 ceremony. This has been equalled by Carlos Santana at the 2001 ceremony, and Norah Jones at the 2003 ceremony.

Michael Jackson jointly holds the record for most American Music Awards won in a single year, winning eight awards at the 1984 ceremony. This has only been equalled by Whitney Houston at the 1994 ceremony.

Michael Jackson holds the record for the most World Music Awards won in a single year, with five awards at the 1996 ceremony.

First Video
Michael Jackson was the first black artist to have a video aired on MTV.

Greatest Audience - Guiness Book Of World Records
The highest-ever viewership was 133.4 million viewers watching the NBC transmission of Super Bowl XXVII on June 31, 1993. Michael was spotlighted during the half-time peformance

Largest Contracts - Guiness Book Of World Records
$890 million (Sony Music) Contract, with prospective earnings of $1 billion.

Entertainer Of The Decade
With the #1 (Thriller)and #2 (Bad) ranked albums in the world Michael was the 1980's Entertainer Of The Decade

Best Selling Artists over 500 million

Country Period Genre Source
The Beatles U.K. 60s-70s Rock / Arena Rock / Pop / Psychedelic Rock [1] [2]
Bing Crosby U.S. 20s-70s Jazz / Swing / Vocal / Easy Listening / Pop [3]
Michael Jackson U.S. 60s-00s Pop / New Jack Swing / R&B / Rock / Funk / Disco / Gospel [4]
Elvis Presley U.S. 50s-70s Rock / R&B / Gospel / Blues / Rockabilly / Pop / Country [5]
Frank Sinatra U.S. 30s-90s Pop / Easy Listening / Vocal / Jazz / Swing

Michael Jackson world wide has sold over 750 million albums.

These are most of his records/ achievements but not all of them.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-13-2007 07:29 PM

And on the other hand the Velvet Underground sold next to nothing yet influenced more music than Jackson ever will.

mjscarousal 11-13-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 414147)
Yeah okay now list those great artists hes influenced.

Here are a few
Janet Jackson
John legend
Wu tang
Bone thugs
Donnell Jones
En Vogue
Boys II Men
Dru Hill
Corinne Bailey
Tevin Cambell
Celin Dion
Cold Play
Pharrell Williams
Maroon 5
Neyo- not great but his a good song writer

sleepy jack 11-13-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414168)
Here are a few
Janet Jackson
John legend
Wu tang
Bone thugs
Donnell Jones
En Vogue
Boys II Men
Dru Hill
Corinne Bailey
Tevin Cambell
Celin Dion
Cold Play
Pharrell Williams
Maroon 5
Neyo- not great but his a good song writer

Celine Dion? Madonna? Maroon 5? Boys II Men? Evanescence? His own sister? I'd say Jackson's influence was something the music could've done without.

mjscarousal 11-14-2007 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 414234)
Celine Dion? Madonna? Maroon 5? Boys II Men? Evanescence? His own sister? I'd say Jackson's influence was something the music could've done without.

Thats not really the point, greats like MJ, don't come around like that everyday. My point is whether the artists are crap or not, they respect him for what he achieved and admire his music. The people I mention to some was influence by Prince and alot of other icons. So ur saying MJ's impact is irrelevant because some of the artists his influence is crap? thats ridiculous....
So I guess the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Stevie Wonder and, Marvin's impact on the industry is irrelevant because the musicians who have been influenced by them are crap? plsee.....

sleepy jack 11-14-2007 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414296)
Thats not really the point, greats like MJ, don't come around like that everyday. My point is whether the artists are crap or not, they respect him for what he achieved and admire his music. The people I mention to some was influence by Prince and alot of other icons. So ur saying MJ's impact is irrelevant because some of the artists his influence is crap? thats ridiculous....
So I guess the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Stevie Wonder and, Marvin's impact on the industry is irrelevant because the musicians who have been influenced by them are crap? plsee.....

That logic is awful. I let it slide that you didn't give any example of them stating they were influenced by Michael Jackson (I kind of have a hard time believing he did much for Wu Tang) but with the exception Wu Tang, who are really just a good rap group but nothing special EVERYTHING you listed is garbage. I was going to go on and list by list tear these people apart but I got bored. It's all generic pop trash that is nothing special in its genre and alot of cases they're just sacred cows of their crappy spoon fed to the masses mediocre shit so no one is willing to bash them. Madonna is, was and always will be trash, she's just given her trash a new face everytime some corporate big wig thinks it'll sell records. Theres nothing clever or talented about having Warner Bros and spawns of Samhita give you a new face so everyone can make a buck, that's all her music is and thats all the music you listed is. Music made to make a dollar, a product not an art form.

mjscarousal 11-14-2007 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 414313)
That logic is awful. I let it slide that you didn't give any example of them stating they were influenced by Michael Jackson (I kind of have a hard time believing he did much for Wu Tang) but with the exception Wu Tang, who are really just a good rap group but nothing special EVERYTHING you listed is garbage. I was going to go on and list by list tear these people apart but I got bored. It's all generic pop trash that is nothing special in its genre and alot of cases they're just sacred cows of their crappy spoon fed to the masses mediocre shit so no one is willing to bash them. Madonna is, was and always will be trash, she's just given her trash a new face everytime some corporate big wig thinks it'll sell records. Theres nothing clever or talented about having Warner Bros and spawns of Samhita give you a new face so everyone can make a buck, that's all her music is and thats all the music you listed is. Music made to make a dollar, a product not an art form.

I agree with you 100% with the artists out today especially mainstream is just pure garbage. You pretty much sum everything up.The 90's folks are good that I mention and I know some people I named aren't great great. Janet Jackson is an icon. I will admit her voice isn't all that great and alot of her recent stuff has been crap but she still did what she had to do to get on top. Madonna some of her things are ok, not really into her and yea she's overrated. I would mention the comments but its alot lol and some of them I have to dig back up again. The Wu tang did mention him as an influence. The whole Jacksons family is extremely talented if you look at their old variety shows and all that. All I'm saying is just give the man credit. It seems like nobody whats to give MJ credit anymore... I know his not the greatest entertainer in the world, (to me he is) He is definitly one of them though. I could see if we were talking about some commercial product thats out now but were talkin about Michael Jackson. Just give credit where its due. His a very successful artist that achieved alot and was an influence on alot of artists and Im glad his comin back, thats my main thing. Your pretty much right with the music scene now.

sleepy jack 11-14-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414338)
I agree with you 100% with the artists out today especially mainstream is just pure garbage. You pretty much sum everything up.The 90's folks are good that I mention and I know some people I named aren't great great. Janet Jackson is an icon. I will admit her voice isn't all that great and alot of her recent stuff has been crap but she still did what she had to do to get on top. Madonna some of her things are ok, not really into her and yea she's overrated. I would mention the comments but its alot lol and some of them I have to dig back up again. The Wu tang did mention him as an influence. The whole Jacksons family is extremely talented if you look at their old variety shows and all that. All I'm saying is just give the man credit. It seems like nobody whats to give MJ credit anymore... I know his not the greatest entertainer in the world, (to me he is) He is definitly one of them though. I could see if we were talking about some commercial product thats out now but were talkin about Michael Jackson. Just give credit where its due. His a very successful artist that achieved alot and was an influence on alot of artists and Im glad his comin back, thats my main thing. Your pretty much right with the music scene now.

I wasn't talking about the music scene right now even though that could easily apply to it I was talking about his amazing influence you've been going on and on about which you can't seem to back up and even agree that the artists he influence are trash which I find funny. As I stated, his influence is something the music industry could've done without and nothing you've said have proven it otherwise.

The only thing I could find on Wu Tang being influenced by Michael Jackson was RZA saying he was influenced by Michael Jackson, thats one rapper out of the 9 that have been in Wu Tang.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-14-2007 01:56 PM

RZA also said that the Wu Tang were influenced by The Fall


The Fall's influence has even extended to rap music and hip hop, with artists such as the Wu-Tang Clan both reflecting elements of The Fall's sound and giving 'props' to the band; a noted example being a flattering radio interview by the latter's RZA, in which he says he learned the 'beauty of chaos' from them.
So with this in mind i'll expect the Wu Tang Clan to sound like Billie Jean sung by a miserable guy with a Mancunian accent who can't sing.

mjscarousal 11-14-2007 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 414376)
I wasn't talking about the music scene right now even though that could easily apply to it I was talking about his amazing influence you've been going on and on about which you can't seem to back up and even agree that the artists he influence are trash which I find funny. As I stated, his influence is something the music industry could've done without and nothing you've said have proven it otherwise.
The only thing I could find on Wu Tang being influenced by Michael Jackson was RZA saying he was influenced by Michael Jackson, thats one rapper out of the 9 that have been in Wu Tang.

Not all the people I said were trash I said some of them were real good, mostly the 90's folks that I mention. It doesn't matter if its just one rapper its still an influence and a good one at that. People can have their opinions, doesn't make it fact.Thats ur opinion if u feel that way. I agree and disagree. Some of the artists that have been influence by him are good and some are crap, and that can apply to ANY artist who has been inspired to get in the music biz by another artist and you haven't really proven ur point either.

mjscarousal 11-14-2007 04:21 PM

YouTube - Michael Jackson Best Moves

anticipation 11-14-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414164)
Michael Jackson world wide has sold over 750 million albums.

record sales = talent.

even though, the average person is no more intelligent than a house plant when it comes to music.

icebox 11-15-2007 08:45 AM

Relive the Thriller Album
there's a remake of the Thriller album as for the celebration of its 25th anniversay. just made a post about it. check it out @ WikiMusicGuide Blog entitled "Relive the Thrill"


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 414164)
Well it would be commonly acceptable if they both played instruments then I could see you saying yea Prince is the better musician. There two different artists always being compared when they shoudn't be. MJ is an entertainer and Prince is a musician.So MJ is better than Prince just because he dances better than him? It just depends how you look at it. Out of the two Prince is the better (musician) of course. I say those 2 main things lol because thats what I admire most about him but MJ is much more than that.

Biggest-selling Album Ever
The best-selling album of all time is Thriller by Michael Jackson (USA), with global sales of over 51 million copies to date since 1982. The success of the album also helped Jackson win a record eight Grammy Awards in 1984.

Frances 11-15-2007 09:15 PM

Ok, here goes.........

Why on earth would MJ like 28 year olds?



..........Because there's 20 of them!!!!

sleepy jack 11-15-2007 09:23 PM

I have a new car stereo and when you shout out what you want to hear it plays it. Like if you shout out FOLK it plays Bob Dylan, INDIE it plays Belle and Sebastian one day I was driving and some kid ran infront of my car and I shouted FUCKING KIDS and it played Michael Jackson.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 11-15-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 414812)
I have a new car stereo and when you shout out what you want to hear it plays it. Like if you shout out FOLK it plays Bob Dylan, INDIE it plays Belle and Sebastian one day I was driving and some kid ran infront of my car and I shout FUCKING KIDS and it played Michael Jackson.


sleepy jack 11-15-2007 10:16 PM


mjscarousal 11-16-2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by The-Starving-Artless (Post 414823)

nuff said

mjscarousal 11-16-2007 06:25 PM

Get it Mike

holdyoualways 11-16-2007 06:36 PM

does anybody have an answer to why he constantly grabs his crotch & utters random "wee hee woos" in his songs?

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