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Old 04-30-2013, 09:27 AM   #1311 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
What exactly is boring music? I agree that there is such a thing but just want to know your definition of it and can you give an example.
I already defined it for you. People who find most(Not all) chart music safe & boring.

Your right.


I think this case is mostly for the music industry TODAY.

The music industry over the last 10 years is alot different then how it was during the6 0s, 70s, 80s and when Michael Jackson was dominating. During Michaels prime he was competing with the likes of Al Green, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Ritchie, Gap Band, Prince, etc I personally dont think these artists are the lowest of the demoniator when they are some of the greatest artists of their time. Alot of there hits (radio hits) are also classics that are not generic.

Nope, I can remember the chart being crap in the 90s, the 80s. I can look back at charts from the 70s & 60s and you'll see it filled up with tons of novelty & corporate crap.It's so easy to look back with rose tinted glasses & think everything in the past was better but the fact is you have only listed 6 artists from over a 40 year period.

Why do you think people look out the charts & look for other things in the first place? without that you'd have no metal, no punk, no hip hop, no dance music, no electronica, no nothing.
You should be thanking people who want something new to listen to, not criticising them.

Are you honestly implying songs like Billie Jean, Lets Stay Together, Sign O Times, If Really Love Me are generic songs? Just because they were popular during their time doesnt mean they are generic.
No, you are.
You're the one that said people just hate mainstream music. I didn't.
Did you not read where I said most people with any real appreciation of music will give artists credit?

Fast forward 30 something years later... 2013 pop industry is a sham and most of the Top 20 artists dont have a spec of the talent most of the above artists have. There also is not alot of competition as far as talent and variety. The quality of music is very different as well but that is because the music industry today is not about music and is a business out to make money. It has always been about making money but its very structured differently today.

I just dont think its fair to say the past eras of the industry is the same as how it is now because they are completely different.
Your opinion only
Manufactured pop acts have been around since the dawn of the charts. And every single major record company started for the sole intention of finding the next big seller and making money, whether that hit was actually musically worth anything substantial was just a bonus.

There isnt a problem.

I just dont think its fair to argue that ALL pop music has always been garbage just because the current pop scene is garbage.
Nobody is saying this other than you. The reason I replied to you in the first place was to refute this claim you made.

I agree.

So would you agree that Michael Jackson was talented? (Whether you are a fan or not)
I think he had it initially but he became so far away removed from any kind of reality to the point where he was just making crowd pleasing music that made money because that's what the record company expected of him.
When you sell truck loads of albums record companies expect the same thing from the next one. They don't want you taking risks.
And that's how we get back to boring music, music made to make money with no risks involved.
Do you see now?

I have not mentioned any awards Michael Jackson has won or discussed any of his achievements. A poster questioned his involvement in his music making process which I disagreed with. I just argued that he was involved in making his music with writing his music and even produced some of his songs. There are even demos on youtube where he created alot of the songs on Thriller, OTW, Bad at his house with instruments prior to Quincy even receving the songs.

He did not release 7 singles on each of his albums and singles does not represent an artists entire catalogue especially if someone is arguing an artist was not experimental by relying on JUST their "singles" to generalize their entire catalogue.
You're missing the point here totally.
I was asking how you could claim someone hasn't heard him properly when he's releasing around 7 singles an album.
Like I said, in the UK he released 9 singles off an album that had 11 songs.
I don't understand how you can say that someone hasn't heard something when 9 songs off an 11 song album are regularly getting airplay & TV time.
Are the other 2 songs off the album really that amazing to change someone's opinion when they've heard the other 9 songs?

I just don't get how you can claim Jackson is one of the biggest pop artists ever in one breath & then claim that people have not heard him in another. It makes no sense, I hear the guy on the radio practically every day without wanting to hear him.

I don't see how anybody can look at Michael Jackson and say to someone 'You've just not listened to him properly yet'.

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Old 04-30-2013, 07:24 PM   #1312 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
I already defined it for you. People who find most(Not all) chart music safe & boring.
That is not a definition and you never defined it

I am asking you to define what boring music is to you

What consists of boring music? Is it bland sound or lyrics?

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Nope, I can remember the chart being crap in the 90s, the 80s. I can look back at charts from the 70s & 60s and you'll see it filled up with tons of novelty & corporate crap.
Well of course every era of music had crap in it. I dont think I implied ALL the music from the past eras were perfect and if I did that was not my intentions. I just argued the pop scene during those eras were much better than what it is now. It had more variety and competition.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
It's so easy to look back with rose tinted glasses & think everything in the past was better but the fact is you have only listed 6 artists from over a 40 year period.

Of course there were more than six artists during that period but I purposely listed those artists for a reason. They were some of the most popular artists of their time and they still manage to produce quality music. I just brought those artists up to show you that there was a time that pop music had quality and talent. I can name drop 30 more artists from those eras that are still way better than whats out now.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Why do you think people look out the charts & look for other things in the first place? without that you'd have no metal, no punk, no hip hop, no dance music, no electronica, no nothing.
You should be thanking people who want something new to listen to, not criticising them.

Where did I critize anybody for looking for other types of music besides mainstream? I actually do the same thing myself because the current mainstream music does nothing for me.

The only point I was trying to make to you was that not all mainstream is bad and there was a time that the mainstream scene was alot better than what it is now. How is that criticizing someone who chooses to listen to other types of music?

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
No, you are.
You're the one that said people just hate mainstream music. I didn't.
You insisted that popular music had the lowest of the denominator which is why I responded to your post. To me that implies that you have a negative view of mainstream music. I never disagreed that it was music geared toward mass appeal. I just simply argued that the industry use to not be like how it is today and there actually use to be quality pop music.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Did you not read where I said most people with any real appreciation of music will give artists credit?

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Your opinion only
Manufactured pop acts have been around since the dawn of the charts. And every single major record company started for the sole intention of finding the next big seller and making money, whether that hit was actually musically worth anything substantial was just a bonus.

LOL Your repeating what I already said but for some reason you seem to have a hang up over this. I dont see why the intentons of the label matters. If the artist is creative, artistic, talented and the music is good then what is the problem?

So just because their backed by a popular label that makes them bad? I just dont get that logic. And there are alot of singers that ruled the charts during their time that I wouldnt necessarily call "pop stars" like Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, etc

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Nobody is saying this other than you. The reason I replied to you in the first place was to refute this claim you made.
Then what is your hang up with pop music then?

Because that is the only reason why I replied to you to show to you than the pop industry was different in the past than what it is now. I dont particularly care for the pop music now but it wasnt always like this

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
I think he had it initially but he became so far away removed from any kind of reality to the point where he was just making crowd pleasing music that made money because that's what the record company expected of him.
When you sell truck loads of albums record companies expect the same thing from the next one. They don't want you taking risks.
And that's how we get back to boring music, music made to make money with no risks involved.
Do you see now?

Finally you define "boring music" lol I agree with your definition.


If someone has talent then they have talent, period.

The rest of the post is your opinon which you are entitled to have. I disagree with it though. Ive listened to all of Michael Jackson music from when he was with the Jackson 5, to his early solo Motown albums, from his adult group with his brothers "The Jacksons" and listened to all his adult solo albums and his catalgoue is experimental, diverse and covers a wide range of themes and genres. I would suggest you listen to his music more than just his singles if you are basing his music on just his singles. I just think to say his music was not creative is laughable. Even alot of his singles were creative and experimental. I admit not all of them but most of them were.

From your posts it just seems like anything that is "popular or has mass appeal" is not creative and that is not necessarily true. It is also quite narrow minded.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
You're missing the point here totally.
I was asking how you could claim someone hasn't heard him properly when he's releasing around 7 singles an album.
Like I said, in the UK he released 9 singles off an album that had 11 songs.
I don't understand how you can say that someone hasn't heard something when 9 songs off an 11 song album are regularly getting airplay & TV time.
Are the other 2 songs off the album really that amazing to change someone's opinion when they've heard the other 9 songs?
Your talking about the BAD album and I agree if someone was basing their opinion on JUST the BAD album 2 songs wouldnt necessarily change their opinion but the rest of MJs albums he didnt release the the same amount of singles. BAD is actually a pretty good pop album with alot of strong singles. In Michaels case, I dont think its fair to judge all his albums the same because all his albums dont sound the same. Off The Wall doesnt sound like Thriller. Thriller doesnt sound like BAD. BAD doesnt sound like Dangerous and so forth.
I could see you making this arguement if he contiuned to use the same formula but his music was very diverse and different on all his albums.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
I just don't get how you can claim Jackson is one of the biggest pop artists ever in one breath & then claim that people have not heard him in another. It makes no sense, I hear the guy on the radio practically every day without wanting to hear him.

I did not imply that at all.

I just simply said that you might would be interested in hearing his lesser known songs that are experimental if you dont care for his well known songs. Just because he is popular doesnt mean he doesnt have lesser known songs.

Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
I don't see how anybody can look at Michael Jackson and say to someone 'You've just not listened to him properly yet'.

Most of his music with Quincy gets more credit than his later works which I find to be more experimenal and risk taking not to mention he does more producing and songwriting. Once again, just because he is popular doesnt mean he doesnt have lesser known songs.
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Old 05-01-2013, 12:11 PM   #1313 (permalink)
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When I was younger, I had that attitude about pop. Only rock was worth listening to. As I age however I appreciate pop more. Michael Jackson was one of the most talented performers ever.
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Old 07-26-2013, 09:48 PM   #1314 (permalink)
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Gotta respect him aswell as Selena. Rip.
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Old 07-28-2013, 05:28 AM   #1315 (permalink)
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I never was a fan of him. He has some cool good songs, but I never cared to listen to his songs somehow.

It's still a damn pity that he isn't at this world anymore.
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Old 08-04-2013, 08:03 PM   #1316 (permalink)
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My #1 musical love forever. I became a fan a few months after he passed away and I haven't looked at music the same ever since.

HIStory is my favorite album technically although if Blood On the Dance Floor had been an EP without those mediocre remixes, I'd call it my favorite. I think his 90s stuff was him releasing more of his artistic self while his QJ albums were polished pop that is too frikkin' good for me personally to hate even though I did have a phase of being a bit of a hipster-b!tch and that hipster-b!tch imp in me never seems to go away. Anyone a fan of his 90s stuff over his 80s?
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Old 08-05-2013, 08:30 AM   #1317 (permalink)
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Michael Jackson is my favorite artist of all time. I love this man so much. He is my musical hero and he was such a sweet person. I love his entire catalogue. I even love his catalogue with his brothers especially "The Jacksons" material where MJ wrote alot of their hits. He was one of the first artists I started listening to when I was little along with Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and Bob Marley.

I enjoy all of Michaels music but I probably would go with his 90s material as well because its more mysterious, dark, personal, raw and artistic. The albums with Quincy are artistic as well but with Michaels 90s album, he really showcased his talent as an "artist" beyond a entertainer standpoint. He showcased his skills as well on the Q albums but with his 90s albums he was in full control over the lyrics and production. He took more artistic control and was heavily involved with producing, arranging and writing his own music. Its ashame that his later works dont get as much credit as his material with Quincy. I think albums like Dangerous and HIStory have a edge over albums like Thriller and BAD.

Blood On The Dance Floor is another underrated album by him. He was very vunerable and personal on songs like Morphine and Is It Scary.

Most pop stars today wouldnt dare to take such a risk in talking about their addiction, insecurities or their public image, physical image and eccentricieties.

Dangerous is another album that is very underrated from a production and lyrical standpoint. Michael put his foot in songs like In The Closet and Cant Let Her Get Away in which he did all the musical sounds with his own mouth!! lol

Michael is the greatest entertainer ever but I think he is very underrated as an artist and songwriter.

Last edited by Soulflower; 08-05-2013 at 08:38 AM.
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Old 08-05-2013, 02:00 PM   #1318 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
Michael Jackson is my favorite artist of all time. I love this man so much. He is my musical hero and he was such a sweet person. I love his entire catalogue. I even love his catalogue with his brothers especially "The Jacksons" material where MJ wrote alot of their hits. He was one of the first artists I started listening to when I was little along with Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and Bob Marley.

I enjoy all of Michael's music but I probably would go with his 90s material as well because its more mysterious, dark, personal, raw and artistic. The albums with Quincy are artistic as well but with Michael's 90s album, he really showcased his talent as an "artist" beyond a entertainer standpoint. He showcased his skills as well on the Q albums but with his 90s albums he was in full control over the lyrics and production. He took more artistic control and was heavily involved with producing, arranging and writing his own music. Its a shame that his later works don't get as much credit as his material with Quincy. I think albums like Dangerous and HIStory have a edge over albums like Thriller and BAD.

Blood On The Dance Floor is another underrated album by him. He was very vulnerable and personal on songs like Morphine and Is It Scary.

Most pop stars today wouldn't dare to take such a risk in talking about their addiction, insecurities or their public image, physical image and eccentricities.

Dangerous is another album that is very underrated from a production and lyrical standpoint. Michael put his foot in songs like In The Closet and Cant Let Her Get Away in which he did all the musical sounds with his own mouth!! lol

Michael is the greatest entertainer ever but I think he is very underrated as an artist and songwriter.
You love MJ and Janelle?! Nice! Didn't mention it in the JM thread, but she's my #2 to MJ.

Totally agree with your entire post.

To me Destiny is kind of the beginning of MJ's adult career with songs like Bless His Soul, That's What You Get For Being Polite, and Things I Do For You- I'd say Shake Your Body to the Ground was a show at his hitmaking abilities, but the latter are more what I see in MJ as an emotive songwriter. Triumph is also an interlude between OTW and Thriller with Can You Feel It being the first killer track MJ wrote. WDAN and DSTYGE were great, but there was more oomph with MJ's music starting in the 80s- I think it was the darker sound that was ultimately so him that was showed off in Triumph, hinted a lot in Thriller, diluted in Bad, but still there, and fully realized in Dangerous and continued throughout the 90s. So happy to meet an MJ fan who is appreciative of Morphine and Is It Scary. Stranger In Moscow and Morphine are tied as my favorite MJ songs.

I felt like HIStory and Blood On the Dance Floor was MJ just blurting all his feelings out, while still leaving some mystery of course, but then when it came to Invincible he kind of downgraded himself stylistically although there are still some classic songs on that album. What's your opinion on Invincible?

MJ's songwriting is another thing as his beatboxing really shows how much he was involved and how the music was in his head! I love the beatbox Beat It demo that was released on the This Is It CD. Have you seen all the other snippets of MJ beatboxing on YouTube, it rocks!
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Old 08-05-2013, 02:08 PM   #1319 (permalink)
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hey mj fans im not trollin just want to ask the question and see what 'real' mj fans think of his child molestation stuff.

heres a link to court documents revealing the stuff they found in his house


and i read recent reports he spent between 25-35 mil to cover up molestation stuff

does this taint ur image of him at all or what do you think

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Old 08-05-2013, 04:38 PM   #1320 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 216 View Post

does this taint ur image of him at all or what do you think
Nope, most MJ fans deny everything that happened and still love him regardless.

There are a few that are able to separate his music from him as a human being but yeah blind devotion for the most part.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
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The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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