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Old 11-21-2007, 08:13 PM   #101 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Lol at most of the comments here. No wonder I don't post here often anymore, with such immature comments like "he rapes kids LMAO" instead of anything even remotely relevant to Jacksons music.

I know I just shake my head at it. Some of these folks cannot have a mature convo because they keeping bringing up irrelevant issues. Were here to talk about what MJ does best, HIS MUSIC. All the other stuff should be no mention thats not what were here for. Its about the music. I wish people would focus on his music and not his private life because we all have never meant the man. We don't know him. I'm sick and tired of people judging him base on garbage the media feeds to us everyday. Until you have been performing since the age of 5, had a f-ed up child hood, been backstabbed and ridicule and have a negative complex about ur appearance you can never call him JACKO or a Freak. His different because of how is life went and how he grew up. Our view is different because we didn't call though the same things he went through. Don't let ur mind be polluted by bullish, open up ur heart to the musical talent of MJ. If people would focus on the music and talent part of MJ they would respect him more because his extremly talented. Stop trying to figure out facts thats none of ur business and thats not tru anyway.
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Old 11-21-2007, 08:15 PM   #102 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mjscarousal View Post
I know I just shake my head at it. Some of these folks cannot have a mature convo because they keeping bringing up irrelevant issues. Were here to talk about what MJ does best, HIS MUSIC. All the other stuff should be no mention thats not what were here for. Its about the music. I wish people would focus on his music and not his private life because we all have never meant the man. We don't know him. I'm sick and tired of people judging him base on garbage the media feeds to us everyday. Until you have been performing since the age of 5, had a f-ed up child hood, been backstabbed and ridicule and have a negative complex about ur appearance you can never call him JACKO or a Freak. His different because of how is life went and how he grew up. Our view is different because we didn't call though the same things he went through. Don't let ur mind be polluted by bullish, open up ur heart to the musical talent of MJ. If people would focus on the music and talent part of MJ they would respect him more because his extremly talented. Stop trying to figure out facts thats none of ur business and thats not tru anyway.
Why has the majority of your argument been over record sales then?
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Old 11-21-2007, 08:22 PM   #103 (permalink)
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i only listen to his old school, aka pre-thriller. i don't know what to say about the "man." lol
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Old 11-21-2007, 08:53 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Nobody was
So he just magically crept into this argument then?

They're both pop artists, well whoopedy do. Their sound is very different, and their approach is different. Really the only thing I could really see you comparing them over is that they're both androgynous black men.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 11-21-2007 at 08:59 PM.
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Old 11-21-2007, 09:14 PM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Don't you find it a coincidence that as soon as a music television channel launches Jackson decides to make a film that will get maximum exposure on it?
No because MJ had vids that had maxium exposure before Thriller, Billie Jean and Beat It. MTV was already in full motion he was just the first black artist to get on MTV it just so happens the guy was talented to they fell in love with him. I will say this, MJ and the director, John Landis wanted to push boundaries as far as the art of music videos goes. Thats why MJ put so much time in it and money, of course the sells and publicity would come with it(I mean Michael Jackson was real hot during the 80's, his the man of the 80's) but that wasn't the whole point. MJ puts alot into his music and in what he does, all that exposure came because he was talented not because it was planned.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
He saw the opportunity to make a killing in the market & went for it. I applaud him for that. Of course this has absolutely no reflection on the quality of the music in it. And when record companies saw the potential in music videos they invested millions trying to recapture the success of that , and they succeeded. You show me one album in the 80s that sold millions without having MTV exposure.
Yes, yes I agree with all of that because its tru. Thriller did start that during that era but before u were saying they did that as to compensate the crap music in place of an expensive vid which is not tru. All the vids during the 80's weren't expensive, all of them weren't all good, and all of them didn't get alot of exposure but what u was saying before that does go with out a doubt for the music out now. Thriller is not the blame now.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Well done , Just change 'some chick shaking there behind' to 'Some guy dancing with zombies' and you just summed up my opinion of Thriller right there.
And Thriller started this trend
You just said yourself things are worse now
LOL are u foreal? People were trippin off of Thriller because that was something that had not been done. It was innovative, Nowadays you can turn on MTV and see about 7 vids trying to recycle something that has already been done if MTV is still even playing vids. I said Thriller started it during that era when people were exactly making good music and didn't rely so much on their videos and when people exactly cared about good music.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
You don't think that whole Thriller film was about marketing?
I think it did but not in how u see it. I think Thriller was about making something that had not been done which it hadn't. Yea and also like u said what sells and being marketable but Thriller got all of that because it was innovative and not been done not because it was some black guy dancing with zombies... no Thriller was a tight vid thats why people loved it.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Mass produced pop is mass produced pop , doesn't matter if it came out in 1983 , 1993 or 2003. Just because you hold nostalgia for the 80s doesn't make it any better. And why shouldn't there be discussion. Just because i'm not blinded by sales figures to see what makes an album good. I would have a lot more praise for Jackson had he stayed true to his R&B roots much more like he did on Off The Wall rather than the throwaway pop he came out with later. But like you say thats just my opinion , obviously people would rather have dancing zombies than soul & passion.
Plse man you don't have to skool me on this I know this already but even though thats true it doesn't mean ALL popular music sucks because not all does. I love Thriller and all of MJ's music because its GOOD music. Sales or how much publicity it got has nothing to do with how I feel about his music or music vids. If that be the case I would be bumpin this crap they have out now if sales and how many awards u have had to do with the quality of the music. I'm throwing the achievements out there because u actin brand new like MJ is some artist off the street. MJ had all the sales, the awards etc because he deserved it but MJ is a great artist and he makes good music. He worked hard to get to where his at. Thriller was a entertaining video and whether you want to admit this to urself or not we both can agree that vid is wayyyyy better than the vids out now. MJ is also a video artist, he put time and effort in his videos. He always made a story line, he always had random celebs in there lol, and his a tight dancer. So obviously people appreciate a good entertainer who can entertain them with music and music videos as well.
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Old 11-21-2007, 09:16 PM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
Why has the majority of your argument been over record sales then?
Record sales is associated with music and I have not talked about that the entire time I said that originally and listed them to prove a point.
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Old 11-21-2007, 09:17 PM   #107 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
So he just magically crept into this argument then?
No you bought it up. I said I thought that Prince deserves credit because he did everything virtually single handedly. I didn't say that was why I like him best , I didn't even say that was a reason why I prefer his music , you were however the one that came in and assumed my opinion was Prince >>>>>> Jackson because he plays an instrument.

Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
They're both pop artists, well whoopedy do. Their sound is very different, and their approach is different. Really the only thing I could really see you comparing them over is that they're both androgynous black men.
Well I didn't make the comparison in the first place , I just commented on what was being discussed at the time. I just commented that they shared a couple of influences. If you don't think there's any room for comparison between the two then why comment on it?

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Old 11-21-2007, 09:33 PM   #108 (permalink)
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People were trippin off of Thriller because that was something that had not been done. It was innovative, Nowadays you can turn on MTV and see about 7 vids trying to recycle something that has already been done if MTV is still even playing vids. I said Thriller started it during that era when people were exactly making good music and didn't rely so much on their videos and when people exactly cared about good music.
Do you not see the contradiction in what you are saying?

One minute you are saying that Jackson was bold & innovative for making an MTV based movie (Which i've never disagreed with) , then you are saying that music isn't as good as it used to be because people are trying to copy it.

And then you are saying that none of this is down to Thriller.

Well yes it is & that is exactly what I am saying , that Thriller started off the worst trend in music ever to happen.

And you have just backed up my opinion on that twice now.

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Old 11-22-2007, 05:03 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Do you not see the contradiction in what you are saying?

One minute you are saying that Jackson was bold & innovative for making an MTV based movie (Which i've never disagreed with) , then you are saying that music isn't as good as it used to be because people are trying to copy it.

And then you are saying that none of this is down to Thriller.

Well yes it is & that is exactly what I am saying , that Thriller started off the worst trend in music ever to happen.

And you have just backed up my opinion on that twice now.

When I meant "something" I meant that could be anything. Mostly all the old acts and what they did in general . Alot of artists definitly rip off MJ and his choregraphy alot in the music videos but they do that with other artists to. My point is in this generation of music nobody is orginal and really have foreal talent. You can make one hit record and your the hypest thing in the world, so yea they make crappy videos to attract people in place of a no quality song, yes because their is no real talent there but my thing is what does that have to do with Thriller? I think no doubt people really try to copy MJ and that superstar quality. I just think to say Thriller is the fault in all of this is a scapegoat and its silly. I do agree with u, I do but I don't think its why music videos is the popular thing over the song "now" because even though artists do try to make quailty vids in place of a song, the vid still doesn't get the maxium exposure no where near Thriller did don't care how many times the vid goes to number one. Thriller and all MJ videos were broadcast on all music channels, not just BET or MTV like these artists out now and anyway the songs sometimes get the most exposure over the video.

If you play a crappy song 50 million times in a row for some people it exactly begins to grow on them but this is done purposely. Which leads me to my next point all the songs are played out. Some songs come out before the vid and vice versa thats why I think the Thriller trend things ur saying is stupid. Once again I think every artist would like to capture the esssence of Thriller but why people put more into their crappy videos then exactly sitting down and writing quality songs is just the product of how bad the music industry have fallen due to masses etc because its not just the video thing that attracts audiences away from real talent, there is alot more such as image, hype, how you look all of that comes in play. Artists nowadays don't nearly put alot of money into their video even though it may look like it. MJ spent millions out his own pocket on his videos, most artists don't do that now. Name some artists out now that will spend 7 million on just one video? So once again I agree yea during that era it was an influence but now I think it influences artists, dance and music of course but not the make flashy vid in place of a song.
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Old 11-23-2007, 09:28 PM   #110 (permalink)
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